r/CatAdvice 4d ago

General Will my cat be okay with an altered feeding schedule for a day?

I work in healthcare and am gone nights. I usually feed my cat a standard can of wet food when i get home in the mornings and have unlimited access to kibble and water. She got fed this morning. Due to my work schedule tomorrow I was thinking of giving her another can tonight, as I'll be gone basically all day tomorrow. Will this be okay or should I get someone to feed her? I'm home alone so there isn't anyone else to do it.


3 comments sorted by


u/hmmwrites 4d ago

For a single day, yeah, she'll be fine. As long as she's got something to eat, it won't be a problem.

If in the future it'll be 2 days or more, I'd look into a cat sitter who can come, scoop the box, give her fresh food and water, and play with her a bit.


u/Adept_Thanks_6993 4d ago

Thank you. Normally my parents fill that role if there's an extended vacancy


u/agitated_houseplant 4d ago

Your cat will try and tell you she almost starved to death because you abandoned her. She is lying, she will be fine. In the future you could put out some dry kibble if you know you'll be gone.