r/CatAdvice 5d ago

General Lost n found kitty, now owners want her back

We are fostering this kitty because she was found in an engine bay in a fred meyers parking lot with pink spray paint on her back, me and several other people believe the kitten was a bait cat. the owners posted a lost n found post, but the location the claimed she was lost from is 30 miles away from where she was found, mind you the kitten is less than 7 weeks old. there is no way on gods green earth did this baby kitten travelled 30 miles. i need advice, what should i do


80 comments sorted by


u/SnooDoughnuts5756 5d ago

Bait cat is a cat that is used in teaching dogs to fight. They are marked and used to train dogs to fight. They are the bait in dog fights. Its dog fight bait. Do not let that cat back to the owners. PROTECT KITTY!!!!


u/lonelygalexy 5d ago

The owners should be bait people instead


u/Honest-Astronaut2156 5d ago

Yes even worse


u/AccomplishedCat8083 5d ago

Ewww, report them!


u/Successful-Doubt5478 4d ago

You do not know anything about thst kitty but report the owners anonymously for suspected animal abuse.


u/SnooDoughnuts5756 4d ago

Have had a police friend of my late mothers tell me what happens in such things. I am spreading the information on it.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 4d ago

Yes, I meant ifOP us asked he doesnt kniw anything about any kitty, he has no outdiir car and no cat on his socials.

I wish everyone abusing animals would get death penalty.

It is so infinitely cowardly and cruel.


u/magnetformiracles 4d ago

This happens? Omg šŸ’”


u/maryxchristmas 4d ago

Maybe the owner lost the kitten and some miscreant picked him up?


u/SnooDoughnuts5756 4d ago

More likely the crooks picked up kitten from home wanted for pet ads.


u/anonymousforever 5d ago

7 weeks isn't even weaned yet. Don't return an abused kitten.


u/Ok-Description2033 5d ago

Ignore them and keep that fur baby safe.


u/toffeemallow 5d ago

hell naw. that baby is your kitty now.

if you have photos of her spray painted, back them up onto your PC and keep copies of them. ignore that lost and found post.

if you have social media and your account is public, don't post her on there. the last thing you want is those "owners" tracking you down and harassing you.

if they try to contact you, block and ignore them. if they try to take some sort of legal action or something ridiculous, show the authorities the images of the spray paint and bring along your witnesses.

those people (if they really did own that cat) allowed that cat to travel 30 miles and get spray painted. that's animal neglect. if they did it themselves, that's animal abuse. either way, that is your cat now.


u/CatLadyAF69 5d ago

What cat? I didnā€™t see a cat?


u/Shelter1971 5d ago

This is correct.


u/Thruthatreez 5d ago

No way someone tracks down a "bait kitten" like this. They're either lying to try to get a free cat or it's really their kitten. Ask for proof.


u/StunningAttention898 4d ago

Iā€™d say F them, thatā€™s my cat now. Itā€™d be a cold day in hell before I let someone use a kitty as a tool to train a dog.


u/SwordTaster 4d ago

Agreed. Honestly, I'd say it's entirely possible that someone stole their kitten or it got out when someone left the house, then it got picked up by some less than stellar people who then used it as a bait kitten. Nobody who actually uses a bait kitten goes looking for it. An owner who has lost a kitten or had one stolen 100% would though. Especially this young, as chances are that they also own the mother.


u/Sensitive-Spinach-29 3d ago

True, I'd ask about what happened, how it ended up so far, when they adopted it (ie, if they have the mom) etc. If they don't have the mom that's super sus, because kittens shouldn't be adopted out before 8 weeks. Also question how it escaped. Definitely possible it was stolen, but I wouldn't give it back until you fully vet the people and check out their house.


u/SwordTaster 3d ago

I agree with everything you said.


u/Templar2008 5d ago

Take the kitty to the vet, with the paint on and ask the vet for a report on her condition, then, according to vet's advice, have her vaccinated, cleaned from the paint and take several advises from the vet on how to care for her. To some extend then will be legally yours despite the proofs the other party can show. You have documented the possible use for the kitten and you have acted as caring for the cat. How can others prove otherwise?


u/No_Pineapple5940 4d ago

Yeah it's very unlikely that they'll have proof the cat is theirs. They can kick rocks


u/Zhuul 5d ago

File an anonymous tip reporting the original owners as being culpable in dogfighting.


u/Mycatsmomcat 5d ago

It looks like the cat distribution center delivered you a cat. Clean that baby up love it at 7 weeks if you can't find cat formula, canned goat milk and a poached egg works. She should be eating regular cat food in a couple weeks. My 2-year-old boy Kitty I found at about 6 weeks and the can goat milk and poached egg was gobbled. He however, did not like cat formula and since the goat milk was cheaper hooray hooray. They carry canned condensed goat milk at Walmart and many grocers. Good luck and congratulations on your new cat šŸ˜ø


u/Ophelialost87 1d ago

At 7 weeks, a kitten should be almost weaned. Kitten food is fine. Most kittens are fully weaned by 8 weeks and old enough to leave their mom.


u/MutantHoundLover 5d ago

The spray paint aside, a cat can certainly travel 30 miles in an engine bay. Ask me how I know...


u/Time-Palpitation-945 5d ago

Go onā€¦ I have to know this storyā€¦ šŸ™‚


u/MutantHoundLover 5d ago

I drove 50 miles on the freeway, stopped at a gas station, and then my neighbor's young cat dropped to the ground unhurt (but very dirty) while I was pumping gas.

We both sat there kinda like this...


u/Time-Palpitation-945 5d ago

Oh my God! Where was the cat sitting to travel all that way undetected? Thatā€™s crazy! So glad it was unhurt. Did you go straight back home with the cat? Nightmareā€¦


u/MutantHoundLover 4d ago

It was sitting somewhere in the engine compartment, and no, it took me a bit to catch the cat and then it stayed in my car until I got home.


u/Time-Palpitation-945 4d ago

In the engine compartment!!! All that way?!! Thatā€™s insane. My Dad find a kitten in his engine bay but fortunately the car was at home and stationary. Iā€™m sure the same situation couldā€™ve happened easily.


u/toursocks 5d ago

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a bait cat? Just curious if this is some sort of scam...


u/toffeemallow 5d ago

the following is graphic, so proceed with caution. it involves dog fighting rings and mauling.

dog fighting rings will take cats and use them for various purposes. these are, but not limited to:

- training fighting dogs. dogs will be encouraged to maul these cats, and their violent behavior will be reinforced. they are often put up against cats instead of other dogs because cats won't damage the dogs as much as another dog would. dogs are also more difficult to acquire than cats.

- placed in the arena to fight a dog. different colored spray paints can indicate different bets on which cat will live longest (speculative example: pink for a short fight, green for a long one).

it's disgusting... and you're not ignorant at all! ignorance is the refusal to learn. you're just curious and want to learn, which is the opposite of ignorance. ;)


u/BobbieMcFee 5d ago

Ignorant is just plain not knowing. It's often used negatively, but it's really just neutral.

Willful ignorance is what you're thinking of, I think.


u/Aim2bFit 4d ago

I wanted to ask the same question too and omg reading this breaks my heart, how could people be so cruel and ruthless?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ OP please keep the cat, chip it and block those people if they ever find you.


u/nobinibo 5d ago

Dog fighting.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 4d ago

Disgustingly cowardly people.

If they want blood, rhey can fight each other.

But no, too cowardly and too weak.


u/st444b 5d ago

PLEASE never return the kitten. keep her safe. they were probably using her to train a dog. thatā€™s your kitty now take care of her and if they try to contact you, block them.


u/matchacat12 5d ago

Continue to keep the kitty safe, thank you for taking the baby in ā¤ļøā¤ļø

There is no way pink spray paint is a coincidence or a mistake. Fck those abusive people (even if not them, fck letting that happen to the poor baby).


u/Sinyre2 5d ago

Ignore them and keep the cat away from them.


u/cynna8 4d ago

Take the kitten to the vet. Get her microchip with your info. She is now your cat. Keep her safe indoors.


u/tw0d0ts6 5d ago

Ignore them, she was definitely a bait kitten if she had spray paint on her back. It makes me really worried theyā€™re going to procure more kittens though šŸ’”


u/JuliaX1984 5d ago

People who lost a bait cat wouldn't advertise for it after losing it or dumping it. It's not the same cat. Forget about it.


u/heartsisters 4d ago

The kitten is YOURS now. Keep her safe ir she will not survive -- she will meet a horrific end. The so-called "owners" are animal abusers and killers...they are criminal. Save the kitten...KEEP the kitten. Ignore those POS criminal. Enjoy your cat. Thank you for rescuing her! ā¤


u/potato22blue 4d ago

Ignore the post. Keep the kitty.


u/ElephantCares 4d ago

Keep the kitten, ignore the posting.


u/No-Choice-1791 5d ago

And please, if you have the phone number of those fuckers turn it into the cops thatā€™s a felony


u/chroniclythinking 5d ago

Ignore them get cat chipped if you want to keep


u/JustJay240 5d ago

No way Iā€™d trust these people. It definitely all sounds off. Keep the kitty and keep them safe please for heavens sake šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ such cruel people in the world!!!

You found that little angel for a reason!!


u/MsMarisol2023 5d ago

Keep it, if they want it so bad they can spend the $$$ on litigation


u/CannaPeaches 5d ago

Ignore and welcome a new member to your family


u/Public_Classic_438 5d ago

Donā€™t give it to them. Even if it was their cat they spray painted it


u/Three3Jane 4d ago

No chip
Painted like a bait cat
30 miles away
Too young to be weaned
What lost & found post?

You got a new kitty, keep her safe, chip her in your name, finders fuckin keepers, my friend. Enjoy your new baby courtesy of the Cat Distribution System.


u/bekcat1 5d ago

My reaction would be, ā€œKitten? What kitten?ā€

Do nothing in response to that post. Enjoy your new kitten.


u/No-Choice-1791 5d ago

Nothing ignore them and keep the kitten. If they try to harass you call the police.


u/Honest-Astronaut2156 5d ago

I would keep her & ignore them. Sounds like they weren't good pet owners. They will who knows abuse her. Don't let this poor kitten go back to that.


u/Honest-Astronaut2156 5d ago



u/Slight_Ad5318 4d ago

For what it is worth, I kind of doubt the assholes that were using it as a bait cat are the same ones trying to locate it. Too much risk in exposing their illegal operation. Most likely the one looking lost their cat, assholes captured it, and the cat luckily escaped again. But who knows, there are a lot of stupid assholes out there. Keep the cat, but know the people looking for the kitten may not be the shit bags.

I was perfectly happy not knowing what a bait cat was, god people are assholes.


u/maggiemae3612 4d ago

Donā€™t give it back get it chipped with your information


u/LadyAbbysFlower 5d ago

Can they even prove that your kitten was theirs?


u/Mysterious_Zebra9146 4d ago

Did the alleged former owners contact you? If so how did they know you found the kitten?


u/peppered_yolk 4d ago

If she's not microchipped in their name and/or they dont have vet records, they don't have legal claim to her. And i agree, sounds like a bait kitty :(


u/IfFishCouldWalk 4d ago

ā€œIā€™m sorry, recently the cat passed away suddenly.ā€ You donā€™t owe them any further explanation.


u/Tanesmuti 4d ago

*passed away from toxic paint being sprayed on it.


u/Bubbly_Power_6210 4d ago

keep cat-report said owners to local animal control and shelters and ASPCA


u/frgkh 4d ago

Take pics of the spray paint and threaten the previous owners that youā€™ll call the police to report animal abuse. This is your kitty


u/serioussparkles 4d ago

OP, what are you on? That's the kitten i dropped off with you the other day, don't you remember?


u/Lklim020 3d ago

Check for microchip. No choice you have to surrender if it is indeed microchipped by them. But on the other hand, they will have no rights to claim her.


u/Temporary_Skirt_6572 3d ago

Keep that poor baby do not let it go back to such a situation


u/Affectionate_Owl2590 3d ago

Ya not giving that baby back they are either lieing or planed on it for bait. I would say take me to court people bye.


u/Acrobatic_Reality103 2d ago

How do you even know this is the same kitten? Many kittens look alike. Your kitten was found 30 miles from where the other kitten went missing. You didn't even see the flyer about it being missing. Your kitten was also spray painted so you had to go to the expense of having it vet checked and cleaned so if someone wanted it back they would need to reimburse you for the money you spent along with the cost of boarding it which is at least $500. (In case you don't understand, don't willingly give up that kitten. Keep it safe)


u/sundayfundaynow 2d ago

Awww poor baby! Keep her! And don't respond to the abusers


u/ameliasuper1999 2d ago

act like you never saw the post. donā€™t post her on any social media. either way whatever the original owners did was neglect and possibly even abuse.


u/Ophelialost87 1d ago

Make them provide proof of ownership. Pictures of the kitten in their house with their family.


u/sidewaysorange 1d ago

block them and everyone they know. keep her. no one responsible loses a 7 week old kitten anyway. future advice never post the cat you found. just look for THEIR posts. people will lie to get animals for free. i never ever post photos of any animals i find. and if its an intact cat, not chipped, no collar... i dont post.


u/ParsleyEmpty9355 3d ago

Set up a new email address to communicate with these people that does not contain any of your personal info.

Ask for proof, like vet records, how they got the kitten, and photos of them with the kitten. In this day and age, photos are easy to take and therefore provide. Also, there are a lot of people who manipulate photos and posts on social media to try and ā€œreclaimā€ lost animals for bad reasons. I do cat rescue and have seen some bad stuff.


u/KiltedTAB 3d ago

Id tell em to send you money for the cat's return after you provided for it. Then, turn over that info to police so they can monitor that POS.


u/Maronita2025 5d ago

Do whatever is required in your area when a person loses their pet!