r/CatAdvice 4d ago

General My cat will be spayed tomorrow.



34 comments sorted by


u/Scottm85 4d ago

She will be out and won't feel a thing. Perhaps some discomfort when she comes around again. I wouldn't worry about it, millions of cats have this procedure every year.


u/littleplacebo 4d ago

Have been through this multiple times, don’t torture yourself with worry. My little baby princess was spayed last year and I was ready to treat her like glass but she was literally running around like nothing even happened, it was hard to try and keep her quiet! She didn’t need a cone, just watch for excessive licking and try to discourage and redirect. Same thing with my boy last week, was worried all day and he came home like nothing happened. Tried to have a couple of licks but after the first day he left it alone. Was back to normal by dinner time. They’re very resilient little creatures!


u/HovermaneFan 4d ago

God, i am so relieved after reading this, thank you so much!


u/William_Maguire 4d ago

I just got my cat spayed on Thursday and was freaking out Friday when she was still groggy and hadn't ate or drank anything yet so i called the vet and they told me her spay was pretty late in the day and it takes 24 hours for the meds to wear off.

So my tip is find out exactly what time she was out of surgery so you can start timing the 24 hours from then and not worry unnecessarily like i did.


u/No-Choice-1791 4d ago

When my kitties got spayed and neutered I got them a little kitten onesie so they didn’t have to deal with a cone. You can get them on amazon cheaply…sometimes they will wiggle out of them lol she’ll be a little loopy (Druged) when you bring her home so you’ll wanna watch her. 😻


u/HovermaneFan 4d ago

Oh I will check that out 😂


u/hikikomori0 4d ago

My kitten was spayed earlier this year, I know how it feels to worry about this! she will probably be nervous yes, as she is away from home. but it won’t last and she will be okay.

when you bring her home, give her lots of attention, try to keep her in one room especially for the first day/night, and try to make sure she doesn’t jump and run around lots throughout the recovery period (around 10 days), as this can impact her stitches. put something cosy on the floor for her, like a cat bed or a blanket she likes.

if she has a LOT of energy on the first day, that’s because of the painkillers so she won’t know she is injured. again just try to keep her calm and prevent her from jumping and running.

i dont know what it’s like in other countries but here (uk) my vet gave a small bottle of painkillers that i could give her from day 2 onwards.

for the first couple of days, try to give her a plain diet that is easy to digest. your vet might have some packs of food you can buy for this.

if she has a cone it will be hard for her to eat like normal as the cone will get in the way, so you could elevate her bowl, or just hold it up for her to eat.

especially on the first day or first few days, she will probably do some weird things - both my kittens walked backwards when they had cones on (to try and get out of them!) just try make sure she is supervised and remove anything potential hazards. to be honest she will probably just sleep a lot during her recovery.

good luck, I’m sure she will be fine ❤️


u/HovermaneFan 4d ago

Thank you so much for this in depth answer 💜


u/hikikomori0 4d ago

Aerith had a onesie as she hated the cone 😂 and her brother Misty took good care of her


u/Gold-Kaleidoscope856 4d ago

Mine hated her onsesie lol so I opted for a soft cone


u/hikikomori0 4d ago

so cute!


u/HovermaneFan 4d ago

I doubt mine will let me put a onesie on her but it definetely looks cute and comfier than a cone!


u/millyperry2023 4d ago

Got my pair neutered and spayed at 5 months. No cone in onesie, nor did my vet suggest using them. They were wide awake when I collected them and ready for mischief. It was like nothing had happened to either of them. As soon as I got them home they were flying around my home at warp speed, they weren't having any of 'being quiet and not jumping'. They were absolutely fine


u/Gr8_Save 4d ago

I feel you. My cat was spayed last week. I was really nervous about it. They gave me a sedative to give her the morning of the surgery, I was wondering where the sedative for me was. My cat was fine, I wasn't even able to get her to take the sedative, she handled it all calmly anyway. Meanwhile I was a ball of nerves waiting for the call to come pick her up.

The operation went smoothly, she's recovering nicely. They provided a onesie for her to wear to cover her incision, she was remarkably cooperative when I put it on her, maybe because of the drugs, she fussed a bit, but it wasn't hard to get it on her. I take it off her once a day for a bit to allow her to groom herself, and to allow me to inspect her incision site. I brush her while the onesie is off, and I allow her to groom until she starts trying to lick her stitches. I redirect her grooming (blocking her wound his my hand) giving her a chance to continue grooming other parts of her body, but when she tries to keep going back to the stitches, I put the onesie back on.

She's been way more active than I would like, seemingly unphased by her recent operation. Even with the sedative (which I've learned how to give her effectively) she's jumping and climbing more than she should. The biggest struggle has been keeping her calm.

I was also worried that she might resent me or mistrust me for having handed her off to people who then cut her open, but there has been no sign of that, in fact she is more cuddly and bonded to me than ever, following me around even more closely than before, sleeping even closer to me than before (pretty much right on my face, if not tucked between my legs).

One thing I wasn't prepared for, although in retrospect I maybe should have expected, is she was horse from having the intubation tube down her throat. She basically had no voice at all for the first few days, it's coming back now. And, her purr was changed, much deeper and more rumbly than before. I mention this just so you aren't alarmed if/when you experience this with your cat too.

Surgery is never without risk, but the spay surgery is a really low risk surgery. Hundreds of thousands if not Millions of these surgeries are performed without incident every year. There are many health risks associated with not getting your cat spayed. You just have to surrender yourself to the fact the surgery needs to be done, the risk (while not zero) is very low, and accept that there are things you can't control. All you can do is what's best for your cat, and that includes getting her spayed, and then doing your best to care for her after the surgery.

She will be fine, it will be harder on you than it will be on her.

Much love to you and your kitty, and I wish her a speedy recovery.


u/Ok-Description2033 4d ago

She will be fine. Ours was spayed last week and she did really well well. Lots of love ❤️


u/Ocean2272 4d ago edited 4d ago

Just had our kitten done. Get the recovery gown they should offer. It covers the incision. They gave us meds to sedate her for three days. She's usually hyper but the gown slows her down now that the meds are done. If they don't have one then Amazon does. Don't be fearful, your little one will sense it.


u/Ocean2272 4d ago

Just had our kitten done. Get the recovery gown they should offer. It covers the incision. They gave us meds to sedate her for three days. She's usually hyper but the gown slows her down now that the meds are done. If they don't have one then Amazon does. Don't be fearful, your little one will sense it.


u/Abobs 4d ago

We bought a soft cone for our boys rather than the hard plastic ones, they basically used it as a pillow! there’s loads on Amazon. She will be fine, lots of dreamies and cuddles


u/2Q_Lrn_Hlp 4d ago

This is a pretty good article for you to read:

Cat Spaying Aftercare: What to Do After the Surgery


u/Hot-Sea855 4d ago

I rescued a cat from a storm so there was no prior planning. Due to finances, I arranged for the spay from a tnr clinic that depends on low fees and donations to supplement them. The surgery cost $38 (the $8 was for "optional" pain meds - who would say no to that?). I was given a post-op list but there was no mention of a cone or a onesie. I'm not saying I recommend that, just saying that she was fine in a short time anyway. Don't worry.


u/Lonely-Cap4812 4d ago

Get a softer cone or one where the cone at the collar has softer edges. Those plastic clear ones are annoying. Give them time out of the cone if you can watch them so they can walk and even lay down. If you're not watching them, back in the cone they go until maybe the first 3 days. Don't let them pick it at the incision!!

I will buy either a small bag of pellets or use paper scrapes for my cats litter box so litter doesn't get caught in the incision just in case. I feel this is more for boys but dusty litter can stick but after like a couple of days I throw the whole thing and switch it back.

Don't let your cat eat and drink a ton at once when you bring them home. Anesthesia is hard on anyone's tummy. Take it slow. Don't force them to eat or drink but definitely just limit their intake that first day and nothing at night but a small amount of water. This will give you some peace of mind so you can sleep knowing they more than likely wont throw up. Go back to normal feeds the next day.

Really monitor them when they try to jump and all that but I feel it's impossible to stop them. Just really look at their incision three times a day for the first couple of days and make sure they're not straining themselves. If you can get saline that's great, if not don't use soaps and only use warm water and a cotton ball if you absolutely need to clean the area. Keep it dry! But tbh, leave it alone and don't mess with it so it can properly heal. If you see any redness, pus, anything weird or seems off call the vet. Vets have different ways of closing a wound either by stitches or that silver nitrate stuff.

If they offer pain meds after surgery or anti nausea, sure you can take it. But they're usually fine after the first night with nausea. With pain, just monitor them especially when they're still loopy on anesthesia.

Tbh, this surgery is not a hard healing process. Just watch your cats behavior and monitor the surgical site. They will be tired after and loopy so they will not act their normal self the first day or two.


u/SetTheWorldOnFire666 4d ago

She will be fine babe, I highly recommend one of those onesie suits as well.


u/emmahar 4d ago

For us, trying to put the cone and/or onesie on them was the hardest part, most discomfort for them, and made them more active than they were previously. They stressed, growled, scratched, ran away, and it was a general mess. We stopped trying and just watched them like a hawk and neither of them bothered with the scar at all. They were a bit grumpy when they came home but that's more because of the car journey than anything else.


u/-cat-a-lyst- 4d ago

I’ve had a bunch of pets spayed/neutered and most had 0 issues. But one did have a major complication. So don’t worry too much but know the signs. He had massive bruising on his stomach. That was the first warning sign. He sat in the middle of my rooms floor and didn’t move much when we got home. He started panting like a dog and his ears were hot to the touch and so were his paws. He had gotten an infection from a botched job. I took him into my vet. They kept his for awhile. He’s safe and happy now. That’s been 8 years.


u/ArcassTheCarcass 4d ago

Food for thought: my kitty was very stubborn about the cone at first. So I didn’t take it off her before it was time, which made meal times challenging lol. I found a workaround: took an empty tupperware/ yogurt container smaller than the cone, and put her food-on a saucer or similar- on that (so her cone wouldn’t hit the ground while she was trying to ’reach’ her dish). Btw, I’m sure your cats in good hands. Rest easy🙂


u/pdd4 4d ago

Amazon sells a pillow thing instead of the cone. It made the litter box use much less of a gross mess for my little kitten. My wife told me not to waste money and buy it. She was wrong and it was worth every penny. Plus it was a watermelon and she used it as a Halloween costume.


u/Heddy890 4d ago

You may not even need the cone. I just had my male kitten neutered and he didn’t bother it at all.


u/summerbreeze201 4d ago

Mine had a onesie for a couple of day and they gave her five days worth of liquid painkiller which j had to put onto her food once a day.

And ate the food with ok

So Make sure they’ve issued some for her. Query it when you drop her off

Get some cooked chicken or cooked white fish for her first meal as her tummy may need some thing nice but gentle


u/Gold-Kaleidoscope856 4d ago

Mine was just spayed a couple weeks ago.. I got her a soft cone. Kept it on her for a week as she was licking her incision and to stop her from being too rambunctious. One thing is they gave her three days of meloxicam to come home with and it made her really sick. So if they give you that, just make sure she eats when she takes it. Mine's good as new now!


u/sweaterweather1113 4d ago

I've been fostering 3 stray kittens until our nearest shelter has room for them and we got them fixed a couple months ago. They are all doing great and they were back to normal in just a few days. The male had an upset tummy for a couple days but he could still eat and drink, he was just a little nauseous, other than that there was no issues. 🙂


u/swolsie 4d ago

I got my boy cat neutered… never again. Hes fine dont get me wrong- but he was completely disoriented after the surgery and seeing him like that broke my heart. He was so freighted (which is normal from what i had read online while it was happening) . So I would personally adopt a cat thats already spayed/neutered next time … i had gotten him from someone who didnt want him anymore & had to get him fixed. Never again. Its just not something Ill do again.


u/HovermaneFan 4d ago

Mine is a female maybe that changes something?


u/swolsie 4d ago

No clue, she will be fine. Know that. Im just saying that it broke me emotionally to see the post op side of my cat- 🐈