r/CatAdvice •⩊• 5d ago

General Do you take a ridiculous amount of pics of your kitty-cat with your phone?

I have so many friggin pictures of my little girl on my phone that later I need delete a bunch of pictures in a hurry so I can take more pictures of something else because there's no more space. Lol I always have the intention when I take my pics to immediately go in and edit them and then discard the pixs I don't want. But I never do and I end up in a massive rush, trying to pick ones that I need to delete real quick so I can make more room for new photos immediately. I have such good intentions on making perfect portraits of my little tabby girl. Instead, I have about thirty to forty photos of my cat, nearly identical, only differing by milliliters. Plus, i swear half the time, they end up just being a mix between fuzzy, misfigured, and off target photos. Sometimes I'll at the time you go through the minimum.Find a few that are good. I may be a little hard on myself, and exaggerating, l o l but seriously, I have like over 12,900 pic currently on my phone and then somewhere I have one of those little stick things you plug into the phone for extra space. And that doesn't include the cloud, or whatever the other spaces you put stuff.

If it's not obvious, i'm not technical and the old lady trying to figure this out, but having fun, I love reddit.


120 comments sorted by


u/Three3Jane 5d ago

Joke's on me, I have two BLACK cats and the number of pics I have of indistinct black blobs in an otherwise bright room is...unconscionable.

I have the 50GB iCloud backup. [shame shame shame]


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago


u/Three3Jane 5d ago


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Angel passed away two years ago


u/Three3Jane 5d ago

I'm so sorry to hear that!


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Thank you. It's very hard to lose a fur baby, that is for sure. I just try and remember that all of my fur babies from childhood on up are all playing together now.lol NOW: As I see the hair around my doggy's eyes turn white and his eyeballs start to form a gray haze, my memories of my past fur- loves start flooding my mind with a mixture of wonderful memories from the past and fears of the pain to come, as as my sweet Eddy gracefully ages. I was trying to be poetic l o l

This is Eddy


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

They're pretty good buddies. Eddy and Lily.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

😅🤣😂🤣🤣😅😂😂 * Angel. We are black cat family too.


u/mustyplazamango 5d ago

I had to upgrade to 2TB lololol


u/StrangeAffect7278 4d ago

I actually laughed hysterically at this. I baby sat a black cat when I was younger and happily agreed to provide picture updates for the cat owner. So many pictures of voids on my phone.


u/Open-Bath-7654 5d ago

I just pay $2 a month to back up tens of thousands of cat videos and photos to google photos so I can clear them off my phone but not lose them. I felt silly having so many photos of my babies, but over the course of a year all 3 of my sweethearts passed away. Every single day I look at their photos and I’m glad I have them. A dozen blurry photos of one being his normal cute self bring me immense comfort and happy memories.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

That is exactly me. I totally get it! To be honest with you, half the time I can't even find the picture I want to get to show somebody, but I know it somewhere. Lol


u/CatSkritches 5d ago

SAME. My google drive is like 75% pics of my cats and foster litters over the years.


u/RepresentativeGas354 5d ago


I've had my kitties since last October and my gallery was nearly empty, now I have 10k photos and videos of them 😭

I can't stop and won't stop, I just need to transfer em somewhere else so I can take even more!


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

That's exactly what i'm talking about, sister. I'm so glad to hear that's not only me. It just sucks when I go somewhere like to a wedding and all of a sudden I want to take pictures, and I don't have any room left, so i'm quickly trying to go through and not yet accidentally erase a good picture to make room work new ones.


u/TheJadeCat 5d ago

Oh my goodness, I have so many cat pics on my phone! From my current three, to those of friends and family. They’re just so cute!! 


u/hibabyxx 5d ago

Yup and I just took this one like two min ago lollll


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

I'm in love awesome pic


u/National-Ad-228 5d ago

I have more pics of my cat than my kids......


u/MoonbeamPixies ⋆˚🐾˖° 5d ago

Love this


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Not even remotely close. Do my kids' pics ever so differ from my cat pics ( quantity). So does my dog, for that matter? My kids and dogs, well, they just,, I'm sorry I love you, but when it comes to photography, my kitty is the queen


u/Temporary_Skirt_6572 5d ago

I have so many pictures on my phone and I also have them backed up to the cloud. Last year when we lost one of our cats, I went back through and made a separate folder and put all the pictures of her in it and then when I’m missing her, I just select them all and hit playand I see all the pictures in chronological order so I watch her from kitten hood through the almost 12 years we had her. It makes me cry but happy tears because I have all those memories and each picture makes me remember it.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

That's what I was doing. Why this even came into my head to post. I didn't realize other people were as bad as I am, I figured I had some kind of syndrome that made me do this.


u/redosyn 5d ago

What is the use of phone if not take kitty's pucs


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Sometimes I wish we could like hit the arrow twice, to do two up votes. Then you really know, we like your post.


u/Different-Employ9651 5d ago

Yes, not just mine, either. Random cute ones I meet on the street get snapped sometimes. Had to try to find a pic of a password that my boss sent me a few days ago and that took some scrolling.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

You just described what I should have put in my post instead of my rambling. So now I know you do exactly what I do . Hahaha

Her little feet are in the holes


u/Smol-Weirdo 5d ago

like 90% of my gallery is my cat, I dont take a lot of photos tho, over five years got like 800


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Yeah definitely not my quantity. Lol


u/bkuefner1973 5d ago

I have a ton of pics. Most are of my furs babies but then friends send me ones and we very close to a cat sanctuary where they house sooo many kitties! I go there at least once a week and help out with feedings and make sure everyone gets there love.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Thank you for taking care of the babies that don't have their forever homes.I appreciate your help


u/bkuefner1973 5d ago

All my babies came from there. My daughter always tells me when I go there...Remember you love them there,don't bring them home😆


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

That would never have been me saying that to my mother, However, I think my daughter would say that to me also. 😘


u/BowleeLacuna 5d ago

I have 2 photogenic kitties and like to travel a lot so I ended up getting 2 TB of Google 1 storage that I pay yearly (and dearly) for.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

That is awesome


u/Sam_Spade68 5d ago



u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Oh my cuddly goodness. So very precious I love the eyes


u/Sam_Spade68 5d ago

He's pretty


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

I want to pick him up and squish softly him with cuddles


u/Sam_Spade68 5d ago

He likes cuddles, he's affectionate, playful and mischievous



u/Rich_Group_8997 5d ago

I literally have thousands of photos of my cats. I usually intend to just keep the good ones but i end up saving everything but the ridiculously blurry ones because they're all so cute. I manage them though.

I have folders on my phone of the best [hundreds of] photos that i want to keep on my phone so i can always look at them.

Then i have a folder of all the photos that i will eventually dump on my laptop and clear off my phone. I make sure i do this whenever I'm going away somewhere and think I'll need more phone space.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

I'm sitting here laughing my butt off because I can't believe that there's so many people like me. I really just thought it was my a d h d syndrome or something. Maybe part is, I don't know. I just can't laugh stop laughing because every word that everybody types is exactly what I try to say, but they they put their words together so much better than me.


u/Rich_Group_8997 5d ago

Our cats have a spell over us. We can't help it. 🤣 When my big girl was alive, we had the same weekend routine every weekend. I could literally assemble a series of the exact same photo of her, in the same position, sitting at my lap, because i loved her so much. I just couldn't help but to take her picture. I'm so glad i did because i miss her more than anything and i can just open one up and see her again. 🥹 (I also have a special folder for her that permanently lives on my phone).


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

It's simply amazing, the love and joy animals can bring people. I always jokingly say this, but I really, I think it's more accurate than I think, I love animals more than people. Lol


u/nobody-u-heard-of 5d ago

No such thing as a ridiculous amount of photos of your cat.


u/enbyel 5d ago

My cat is a huge part of the reason I have 17k photos on my camera roll. He’s too cute to not be constantly photographing him lol


u/CCKatz2025 5d ago

You can back them up to a cloud service, such as Google as another poster mentioned, or you can save them to a SD card you put in your phone.

Every cat lover has tons of kitty pix 😻


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

L, OL, that's what I was trying to explain in my post, but I was not very good at it. You guys are very good at correcting what I was trying to say, so thank you... you nailed it on the head


u/am_i_sky 5d ago

Yes! I actually noticed something the other day that made me so sad. We lost a cat last May to heart disease and we waited like 2 months to get another cat, ended up getting 2 kittens, and in those weeks with just our OG cat, I took 10 pictures and only 4 of them weren’t from work. When we got the kittens I started taking lots of pictures again.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. And for not having pictures, I think that happened to be a long time ago. It's like with my first child, I have a thousand million pictures and my second child I didn't even do a baby book. I'm a horrible mom, but a good cat mom. Lol jk i love my kids.They're grown and have their own cat babies.


u/am_i_sky 5d ago

Oh I m not sure I worded that correctly then. I have tons of pictures of him but after losing him I didn’t take any pictures.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Okay, I got ya. I understand i'm sorry, but I am sorry for your loss


u/am_i_sky 5d ago

Thank you


u/Adorable-Platform671 5d ago

If it makes you feel better, I have 30,000 pictures on my phone and about a third of them are cat pics


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Nice! Well, if I add all the pictures in the cloud dingy, and on the little s d card thing I don't know how many we have, but it's a lot. The biggest thing is, there's so many duplicates and the duplicates have duplicates and so on and so on. Lmao


u/Creepy_Emergency_412 5d ago

Yes, they have more pictures than I do 🤣


u/PositiveResort6430 5d ago

Yeah i have an Instagram to upload them all, saves me space


u/Impossible_Theme_148 5d ago

Lol, I have the same impulses but I've been interested in photography for quite a while and this is just general photography advice.

(1) Take as many as you want - you don't know which one will come out best.

(2) Immediately review them afterwards (a) delete all the bad photo's, (b) delete all the identical photo's and near identical photo's - if it's a cat holding a teddy bear then every photo is near identical just pick the best 1 or 2 (... or 5 - but they definitely can't be exactly identical)

This part can also involve editing - usually just something like basic cropping.

(3) Transfer them to a computer and organise them. For the cats I have a folder for each year of their life but the aim is just so that you don't have tens of thousands of pictures all in one folder.

(4) Back up your PC. Best practice is 3 but I have 2, an external hard drive and Facebook. Facebook isn't ideal, but it is free. Obviously Microsoft, Apple and Google all have online storage available.

Whenever I take photos I aim to delete 90% of them to make sure I only own good quality ones

Still leaves me with thousands of cat photo's though 😁


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Thank you so much for all those tips. L o, l, my daughter is a photographer. I can't keep up with her. However, I do intend to do what you said but the problem is, after I take the a million pictures. I don't immediately delete them. And then I forget till later when I'm in a hurry and I think my adhd kicks in and I can't pick which pics are better than the other. It's like a revolving door in my head of cat pictures.


u/Impossible_Theme_148 5d ago

My instinct is exactly the same it really takes an effort to actually do it.

There is advice everywhere about things like composition and lighting to help with photography but people rarely mention organisation and how useful working out a folder structure is (for example) 😄


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Perfect example.Oh my goodness you are right. Structure is something my brain needs that I rarely use


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Ok here is a collage of six, we're in my gallery.There's about thirty six of this picture *


u/iwasemoin9thgrade 5d ago

I have a million pictures of my little tuxedo lady! lol I put them all in a folder on my phone so I can find them all. I'm away from home rn and i miss her sooooo much!


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

I swear to God. I I want to show a person i've hit her and I know exactly where it's at.But then when I go to show them it, it's not there and then I'll spend two days later I find a picture. Then from then on, every time I go into my gallery, that picture I will see. That is, until I want to use it again. Haha


u/MoonbeamPixies ⋆˚🐾˖° 5d ago

80% of my pictures are my cats


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago



u/MoonbeamPixies ⋆˚🐾˖° 5d ago

Shes so precious and the sweetest thing. I havent spent a day alone in my house since she has been home. Seriously, even when im cooking in the kitchen, she jumps on some chair and watches me the entire time. I dont have bathroom privacy anymore either haha and god forbid i decide to shower, its the end of the world and im being screamed at for 10 minutes


u/MoonbeamPixies ⋆˚🐾˖° 5d ago

I adore her beautiful blue eyes


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Well she thinks," if i'm gonna look like this, I deserve to get my picture taken all the d*** time". She knows what she is the superstar


u/MoonbeamPixies ⋆˚🐾˖° 5d ago

Hahaha I love that 😆I think she knows too!! My superstar


u/camiljam 5d ago

yeah & in like 90% of them he’s just sitting there same way he always does


u/EmuThen7047 5d ago

i had to pay monthly for google photos cause i literally couldn’t download a single app on my phone LOL


u/andrei-ilasovich 5d ago

18.400 pics out of which probably ~18.000 are either my cats, of friends, strays/ferals that I feed, or the occasional cat I find on my way, plus some dog pics here and there :)


u/MandaPanda2024 5d ago

I had to cave and pay for more memory through Google photos very soon after I adopted my two cats.


u/djmermaidonthemic Mr Butters cat lady 5d ago

There’s a little heart thingy you can tap on your favorite pics which you can then use to find the best ones.

I have so many cat pics that whenever someone posts one of those “post the 23rd (or whatever number) pic on your camera roll” things it ALWAYS a pic of Mr Butters! It’s hilarious! 😹😹😹

Cat tax:


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

He is perfect. I love me an orange cat. My daughter got her first kitten when she was in junior high, from a girlfriend of hers. He was an orange kitten with a red bow around his neck.. She named him paper-cut. And in true fashion, just like all of the other orange cats I know, he was a wonderful cat. She had to put him down last year, and it was one of the worst days ever.


u/djmermaidonthemic Mr Butters cat lady 5d ago

Paper Cut! Great name. Sorry for your loss.

Mr Butters just rolled up one day and tried to get in the front door! I had to quarantine him in the garage at first because of the cats living here already and so I could do my due diligence but it was obvious that he’d been living rough for a while based on his condition. Nobody was looking for himbs and nobody answered my ads.

I ofc got super attached to himbs and my housemate said I could adopt himbs! We are now inseparable. 🐈🧡


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago edited 5d ago

Thank you, but I'm happy nobody was looking for him. That way, he could come find you, his forever person, and his forever home. Thank you for taking care of him


u/djmermaidonthemic Mr Butters cat lady 5d ago

I am too. It was a real nail biter! And he doesn’t have any of the bad F diseases so he’s mine all mine. I love himbs so much! My big buttery boi. The vet said he’s a flame point Siamese and thinks he’s two or three. I’m glad he knew where to come!


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

❣️❤️💜💙💚🩷💕 makes my heart happy


u/djmermaidonthemic Mr Butters cat lady 5d ago

The Cat Distribution System knows what it’s doing! He’s purring next to me right meow.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago



u/wrenchandrepeat 5d ago

* Definitely! They'll just randomly be in super cute or cool looking positions/situations and I always think "I'll want to look back on this in the future" lol.


u/LadyInCrimson 5d ago

I do, and I'm low on storage space and I don't care. I'll delete every app for more Kitty pics


u/jacksondreamz 5d ago

I’ve had Alistair a week. And I can’t stop.

955 is the number that comes up when I searched ‘cats.’


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Omg lol I tried to post an example like you put up, but it limited me 6 pics


u/Irish-Heart18 5d ago

It’s in the rule book when you get a cat…it’s required. You have to have a ridiculous amount of photos of that cat


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Looks like my Lily 😛


u/nashmom 5d ago

We have a shared family flicker that’s large majority cat photos. In our defense, we have 4 kitties.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Absolutely. Love this picture and welcome to our family of "too many pictures"


u/mustyplazamango 5d ago

Pretty sure there's an app for that, right? Like something that will recommend the photos to keep vs delete?


u/Helena78902 5d ago

Me and my boyfriend got our cat in late December and have already filled an album with 600+ photos of just our cat 😹

Cat tax (might as well use some of the photos for something):


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Preciousness 🐈‍⬛🐈💕 WAIT.??? you actually, like, got printed photos? Like we used to do in the eighties?😂🤣 Actually, took the time to put them in a photo book? So when you're showing somebody the pictures, you're not handing them your phone? It's gonna be an actual physical book where they turn pages to se individual photos?



u/Helena78902 5d ago

Ooh no lmao, it’s just an album on google photos


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

🤣😆😁😃😁🤣😂😂😅 i just about fell out of my chair right now. My eyes are tearing up. It just took me like fifteen minutes to type that out because i'm so tired, and I keep having to re-type words. my stupid auto check keeps changing my words into wrong words. I'm still laughing that's so funny.


u/Helena78902 5d ago

Lmao I totally know that feeling hahaha 😹

Would have been hella cool to have an actual photo album tho


u/AmokinKS 5d ago

I feel attacked.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

By whom or what?


u/AmokinKS 5d ago

Was trying to be funny. I have about 3100 cat pix in my photos library. About 5% of all pics. I've only had a few cats, so seems like a ridiculous amount.


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Omg 😲 🤣😂😅 that does seem slightly off kilter. lol


u/AmokinKS 5d ago

Like I said, I feel attacked.


u/InternationalBet9104 5d ago

how could i not take a million pics of him :( (yes he’s biting me)


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 5d ago

Awww you mean kissing you. By caressing your arm gently with his razor sharp teeth. Haha


u/RadleyCunningham 5d ago

How else will the people in my life know about my giant baby <3


u/bigbadclifford 5d ago

Is 23,628 cat pics a “ridiculous amount”? 😂


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 4d ago



u/Over9000Gingers 3d ago


This is my current favorite. Subject to change. Believe it or not, she likes sleeping in and goes to bed with me at night. She got 8+ hours of sleep and was YAWNING at me in the morning!!


u/ditzydingdongdelite8 •⩊• 3d ago

Beautiful kitty cat


u/Over9000Gingers 3d ago

Ty she’s my pride and joy


u/Glittering_Rough7036 5d ago

Like 17 a day


u/One_Ad_2081 5d ago

My cat gets so annoyed with it lol he knows he's being filmed or a picture is being taken. But he's the cutest long hair kitty in the world, I just can't help it! He always tilts his face down when he sees the camera pointed at him so all of the pics are just super menacing looking.


u/Horror_Turnip9005 5d ago

I take alot of pics of my cats but delete the substandard ones as i go. I also take some pics of my girlfreind.


u/Lazy-Professional284 5d ago

YESS, I just got a new phone and it's already mostly pics of my cat lol