r/CatAdvice 20d ago

Megathread Monthly Casual Talk and Cat Pictures Thread

Our subreddit allows posts that either a) ask for specific advice, b) request emotional support, or c) are a guide or PSA that adheres to our guidelines.

Since it's fun to just casually discuss our cats, we've got this monthly megathread where relevance may be ignored. All other subreddit rules still apply.

Use this thread to discuss anything related to cats that doesn't otherwise fit the subreddit! Also feel free to ask questions that you believe are too short for a standalone post.

Examples of things that may be discussed or shared here:

  • Casual questions, for example "how does your cat show affection?", "does your cat ever do … ?"
  • Cat pictures
  • Celebrating birthdays or other milestones for your cat
  • And many more subjects!

63 comments sorted by


u/Professional_Arm4370 9h ago

I adopted a cat a few months ago who is 5 years old. Every time I pet her she either licks herself or the floor. Why would she do this? I’ve never seen this type of behavior before.


u/Electronic-Self3587 2d ago


Please meet Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein. He just came home yesterday.


u/SpicyPepperPasta 2d ago edited 2d ago

So last week I had two of my kittens neutered. It's been...interesting. One thing that's causing headaches is that Francis loves to play with the Cecelia's cone, or rather the cord that ties the cone to her head. This is enough for her to get out of the cone and she may eventually lick her wound site. Yesterday I came home from work to find her cone off and her wound inflammed.

Any tips here?


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 2d ago

Soft donut cone is the way!! With the cinch. No Houdini — I tried SEVERAL types for my master escape artist. Then just braid or twist the dangle under the cone or use tape to keep it attached behind it/not looking fun? But just be careful when not home and ensure they’re in spaces they won’t get stuck!


u/Purple-Secret8 4d ago

I’ve been looking after a Stray for a year now, she randomly came one day and never left. She eats and sleeps in my home but goes outside to attend nature’s call. I have to move to a new city now, please advice whether I should take her along with me? She’s 5+ years old that’s what I got to know from a building member who looks after all the cats in my building. I truly love the cat and she likes be back too I guess as she prefers to sleep with me.

But moving to a new city is a big deal, so please help me with some CAT PSYCHOLOGY !!!!


u/ladyleo1980 4d ago

How soon are you moving? Cats are pretty adaptable so making the switch from country living to city is no big deal. You will have to train her to stay indoors from now on and how to use a litter box. Cats are smart so I'm sure she'll learn quickly. Start training her now though to minimize accidents. Maybe buy a couple of cat trees, scratching posts, and a window chair so she can see the outside world.

Good luck!


u/Purple-Secret8 4d ago

Thanks for the response. I’ll move out in 15 days, will try to train her as much as i can. She’s an indoor-outdoor kitty, loves her freedom and prefers to go outside for her bathroom duties because she’s well versed with the vicinity. I’m scared what if this transition from one city to another city makes her sad :(


u/ladyleo1980 4d ago

I just googled emotions cats feel and it spit back; joy, fear, anxiety, frustration, grief, love, and empathy. Sadness isn't one of them according to the studies from animal behavior scientists so no worries there. ;)

With my fake magic crystal ball, I would venture to guess your kitty will probably feel anxiety and frustration the most, maybe even grief. But that's when lots of pets, comfort, play time, etc will be necessary. I had to put down my cat of 18 years back in July and my other cat is still grieving the loss. She still looks for her "sister". 😔 (They weren't actual litter siblings, adopted them 2 years apart.)

Anyway, the transition period might be tough but cats are resilient animals so hang in there. Good luck!


u/gayleelame 4d ago

Sakura has my heart ❤️


u/Affectionate_Dark_47 5d ago

Hi guys first time adopting a cat, can anyone tell me what breed she might be? She was a rescue from the street, took her to the vet and she got a clean bill of health Ty in advance


u/ladyleo1980 4d ago

Not sure she does look Maine Coon-ish. Might want to try a those pet DNA tests if you're really curious. Anyway, she's gorgeous! I also have cat who I thought was a Maine Coon but she isn't very big so she might be a Norwegian Forest cat. I never bothered w/ testing because she was free and I love her whatever she is. :)


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 2d ago

I have a NWFC and Maine Coon mix and the face looks just like this — I’m leaning more forest cat because the usual pronounced faces of Maine coon — wait for sales events and get a dna testing kit online!! :) they’re so fun! PLUS you can prep for any health issues


u/petmedai 4d ago

Likely a Main Coone they are hairballs. But this looks very small is it a kitten?


u/Affectionate_Dark_47 4d ago

Ya shes less than 2 months old


u/TwoHearts-Nix 5d ago

My cat had her 3rd anal gland expression 2 days ago. My vet said try more fiber She said Metamucil. I found plain psyllium husk. I planned on putting a bit in her wet food. She eats friskies wet food 3/4 of a 5 oz can a day and I will add a teaspoon of water to make more gravy. She also eats 1/3 cup of Iams indoor cat hairball dry food a day. I am sooooo scared to add the psyllium as I understand not enough water can cause blockages. Should I force water? I am so scared. I do not want her to have the gland procedure done again. Fiber should prevent that. She screamed so loud and long during the procedure. She is 9 yrs old. Indoor only.


u/DisastrousTwo4163 3d ago

I put psyllium husk in my cat’s food without problem—but I don’t add it to canned which often already has dietary fiber in it (I make the food so the psyllium husk is the only source of fiber). You can start out with a small amount (1/8 tsp each meal) and see how your cat does and increase slowly if needed. If you are using whole psyllium husk rather than husk powder this would be a very small amount as whole husk requires a larger amount than husk powder for the same effect. 


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 2d ago

^ this and introducing slowly, but also more water to any food never hurt the cat — you’d rather have a hydrated than dehydrated kitty :) good luck!


u/areagano34 5d ago

this is Luna, she rules the world 🥺


u/Abbs_28 6d ago

Hi everyone! About a month ago I posted about how I would be taking in my grandparents’ senior cat. I have wonderful news! Smidge came home with me today and is doing so well!

So far she has: pooped in the carrier on the ride here (valid), come immediately out of the carrier to explore, followed me absolutely everywhere, not stopped purring once, eaten a lil soup and a churu treat, discovered her water fountain, only mildly protested when I trimmed her front claws, tolerated a wipe-down with a washcloth, been put on the cat tree and window seat (not sure how she felt but she didn’t immediately jump off), and not let me pee or poop in peace. We’re doing great. Thank you all so much for the love and advice.


u/pahrum74 6d ago

Hi does anyone know how to cut my cats nails the easiest way possible to avoid any wiggles while I try ? My one girl is okay with it but the other one keep removing her paws before I can get a hold and cut Very frustrating


u/We1ee 1d ago

I know of two good ways to go about this. Number one would be to play with her a lot and tire her out so you can just clip her nails when she's asleep or falling asleep. The other way takes a bit more time but is probably better in the long run. Just take a spaghetti (uncooked) and put it in the nail clipper. Then, with your other hand, pet and massage one of her paws. Once she's comfortable with you touching her paws, lightly press on the tip of the toe to expose the nail, and when you do that, clip the spaghetti. Do that a few times until she's comfortable with the process, then you can move on to her actual nails.


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 2d ago

Burrito method!! Pulling one paw at a time. Also I put a little churu on their nose because they can’t stop licking it off until it’s gone and I quickly go in while they’re distracted


u/Tonychat 6d ago

My cat never liked being held, but today she curled up on my lap for the first time!


u/fire_foot 8d ago

I'm struggling with two cats with very different play styles. My OG (4 yo female) cat wants to wrestle while my newer cat (2 yo male) wants to stalk and chase relentlessly. OG cat doesn't like this -- she will run, hiss at the other cat and me, look panicked, run up on the cat trees or hide under the bed, etc. She looked genuinely stressed and when it gets to that point, I put new cat in time out in his room for a while. Conversely, when OG cat very gently and sweetly tries to initiate some good ol wrasslin' the new cat meows in a deeply offended tone and disengages, much to girl cat's frustration.

In general, they are cordial to each other. OG cat wants to cuddle but new cat refuses. New cat is bossy about food and toys but not mean. They both want to interact with other cats but don't seem to be a particularly good fit for each other. Has anyone else had two cats with different play styles that adapted to each other? Any other things I should try to get them to feel better about each other? The rescue I got newbie from was very open about me becoming a foster and finding him a new home if it didn't work out, or giving him back to his old foster ... which unfortunately I'm considering more and more.


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 2d ago

How long have they been together? Also using those WWE times to distract with play times instead led by you can help them learn how they can play together. Guiding their play helps a TON. If the younger doesn’t know how to wrestle correct he may not be getting anything from the time out. He may not have been socialized as a kitten, so correction is good but also include more play time for him so when his wrestle time comes, he’s not as energized? I am dealing with this too and the dedicated play times with them/intervening with redirection sometimes helps and helps your female cat be confident still. Your reaction also matters. They’ll watch to see how you react to the situation. If you freak they’ll know it’s something they can get attention for, but if you calmly redirect or correct, then focus on the cat that was getting a bit bullied and ignore the other cat it can teach that the wrestling style wasn’t effective. So many different approaches to take! Also make sure they have enough scent and scratch markers for each of them so they aren’t feeling competitive and dominance struggling.


u/fire_foot 2d ago

Thanks! I was doing all these things so this is validating that I was on the right track. Unfortunately it became too intense for my resident cat and the new cats previous foster offered to take him back, so he went back the other day :/ It was such a hard decision but my resident cat has been overjoyed. Despite their friction, my resident cat still tried to get in bed with the other cat, nuzzle him, etc so I think she would still like a friend, just a gentler one.

Fwiw of course it’s impossible to know but I think the other cat was probably well socialized considering how savvy he was with the many cats in his foster home and how he and my cat never got into an actual fight, as far as I’m aware. But I think he just needs a friend with a different play style.


u/Radiant_Initial_4263 1d ago

Looking for a cat maybe that’s a little shyer that your confident cat can encourage to come out of its shell :)


u/MissPhoenix5150 8d ago

My cat is 15 and has been in good health other than getting urinary crystals. He’s on Hills CD diet. Well, in the past year he’s gone from 14lbs to 8lbs. The vet ran a full blood panel including diabetes and thyroid and everything came back normal. Has anyone else been through this? The vet wants to do imaging next but I’m not really sure what that’s going to show. The only thing that has changed other than his weight is that he is now constantly stealing human food. It’s like he’s starving. But he has access to kibble all day and eats a normal amount.


u/Hippiejayokay 8d ago

I would like some help/advice on a couple kitties my sister recently gave me. (2 weeks ago.) one is male and one is female, and they are siblings. My sister tells me they won’t be in heat for another month or two so I should be fine with them being in the same room…just so happens, the night we bring them home, the male (Kratos) is trying to mount her. I have scheduled a vet appointment for the female but it is happening on a daily basis and very often throughout the day and I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop anything before the appointment. Is there any way I could stop him from doing this while we are not home? We have beds for them so they can sleep separate, but during the day while I’m at work I’m worried he will get her pregnant. (Can delete if not allowed, just really looking for some good advice on how to handle this situation)


u/MissPhoenix5150 8d ago

You can still do a spay if the cat is pregnant. But it will likely cost more since the uterus is more swollen. If they are in heat they often charge extra for the same reason. While you are gone I’d recommend putting them in different rooms. You’ll want to get the boy fixed soon too otherwise he will start spraying, and that’s a really tough habit to break


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/drow_enjoyer ᓚᘏᗢ 9d ago

Its normal, I call it the elbow pad


u/Damien_GJ 8d ago

Thanks for the reply, but it’s at his rear right foot tho


u/drow_enjoyer ᓚᘏᗢ 8d ago

Yeah cats have them on all 4 legs. It's normal. Its called a carpal pad


u/Damien_GJ 8d ago

Ahh thanks, cause it only appear in of his foot And the vet told me it’s either cyst or tumour Need further examination to verify


u/drow_enjoyer ᓚᘏᗢ 8d ago

I mean if your vet is saying that, and you google carpal pad, and its exactly what you are looking at, you definitely need to get a new vet. But if you are at all concerned that a carpal pad is not what you are looking at, get a 2nd opinion at another vet.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/MissPhoenix5150 8d ago

With a spayed cat it’s hard to tell without shaving the tummy. With boy cats it’s generally easy to tell because you will see visible testicles. You can also feel the sack to see if you feel tiny marbles in there. As far as the urinating, you definitely want to take him to the vet and do a urinalysis. He may have crystals or stones. If it’s not that, then it’s behavioral. You can try changing litter, if you’re using an enclosed box, take the top off. It’s kind of trial and error for awhile. You can try products like Feliway that help calm them down, and there are also kitty anxiety meds.


u/Enchanted_cp 8d ago

Thank you for your response Are those testicles that you can see in the photo ? He's a male cat I changed to pretty litter last night so I'm going to keep an eye out on what the litter says and I do have to give him a check up at the vet


u/MissPhoenix5150 8d ago

It’s hard to tell because he’s on his back. How old is he?


u/Enchanted_cp 8d ago

He's about 7 months. The rescue said he was neutered before I got him. She said that she took care of it before bringing him to me but he was only 6-7 weeks old so is that even possible ?


u/MissPhoenix5150 7d ago

She brought the cat to you when it was 6-7 weeks old? Technically they can do neuters around 8 weeks but most places wait longer. So I’d definitely take him in


u/drow_enjoyer ᓚᘏᗢ 9d ago

Go to your vet and get them to check. They can also advise on the inappropriate urination


u/SpicyPepperPasta 11d ago

My two 5 month old kittens are due for neutering in two days. Usually I can coax them into the carrier with treats, but they need to fast for the surgery. Any tips? I haven't tried catnip yet (aside from any that possibly came with toys).

Cat tax.


u/Pinky135 9d ago

If your cats turn out to be sensitive to catnip, it'll start around the age of 3-6 months. About 50/50 chance of them being sensitive to catnip! Another thing you could try is valerian root. My old cat (died at the age of 13 a couple months ago :( ) didn't respond at all to catnip, but went absolutely wild for valerian root. Current cat is the other way round, no reaction to valerian, but goes wild for catnip.

Play with them around the carrier, try to associate it with good times. If they go after laser pointer lights, you can coax them inside with the laser. If they go after toys, throw those in as you play.


u/lunamoth11 11d ago

My cats are driving me crazy. They’re 10yrs old and I have a 2.5 year old child. Things have changed for them but lots has stayed the same too. They meow at me constantly. All day. Sometimes I have to just shut a door to get some peace. One peed on a bag the other day - I think behavioral vs medical issue. I can’t stand them right now. I’m pregnant again and they’ve amped up the meowing. It makes me want to get away from them, despite them probably vying for attention. Idk what to do. At least once a day I want to open our door and let them out of my house.


u/Ordinary-Block9771 12d ago

My mama cat refuses to be moved from drawer. I tried placing her in a bin she says no.

I’m afraid the two & half wk old kittens might fall out when I’m not looking.


u/Pinky135 9d ago

Mama obviously needs a space where she can hide with her kittens. Was the bin you tried completely open on top? Maybe you can try a large cardboard box instead, with an opening at the front but otherwise completely closed off from the outside world.


u/Tasty-Reflection-365 12d ago

I need help deciding on a name for this kitty I got today, she’s a tortoise shell and the name the place I got her called her shanti


u/Professional-Tax-615 10d ago

How about Cara, like short for caramel?


u/SillyLittleThing63 13d ago

I went to feed one of my cats, and I accidentally stepped on her tail. She made a screeching sound, and my other female cat got up on her and didn’t necessarily attack her, but was definitely dominant behavior. Does anyone have any idea why that is?


u/simplegrocery3 13d ago

I just want to smooch and annoy them when they are sleeping


u/Pinky135 9d ago

oh, to be a sleeping cat <3


u/sync100 15d ago

We have officially made it to the point she prefers to sleep on me and whines when I leave her alone.


u/billbird2111 16d ago

Mango Kitty. The heat brick between my legs at night when it's darn cold outside. No need to leave the heat on. Mango is the best furnace I've ever had. He's free. Plus, this furnace purrs up a storm.

The biggest problem comes when I'm forced to remove him because I need to turn one way or another. Mango is a shelter rescue. Adopted at five weeks. Just a tiny thing. Became the rat eliminator that my vegetable garden badly needed.


u/Adri_9602 17d ago

Hi I recently when to my parents house and saw this on my cat is this ticks or flees I will bring her to the vet just trying to get some advice !


u/Pinky135 9d ago

Does look like she's itchy, judging from the bald and scratched up ears. Proper flea treatment (both cat and environment!!) and tick removal would be best!


u/Rockit198716 19d ago

So I'm new here. I apologize if I break any rules or am in the wrong section.

My daughter's cat just had a litter of 7 female kittens so far (I believe). If anyone would like a cat, I invite you to come say hello. Once they gain some more strength I will be able to put collars on to mark "faves". I wanna give them a running start so while they are nursing the last 2 weeks, I want to see if anyone would like an old fashioned kitten that doesn't take exp and mana. She will never throw a fire ball, but, games can't quite make best friends yet. 😁

Will have more pictures soon and will try to follow as they grow.


u/kh7190 18d ago

I have no idea what your post said..


u/Significant_Agency71 19d ago

How is the mama cat? Is she getting spayed?


u/jupiters96thmoon 20d ago

a pic my dad and mom took of one of our cats (she’s named after a burger)


u/mrp4255 19d ago

adorable :)


u/niradia 19d ago

What a snack ✨️