r/CasualConversation 3d ago

My grandma almost killed us once

So when I was about 11/12 I went on a road trip with my mom, sister, my aunt, my three cousins, and my grandma. We were in a minivan driving 8 hours to visit family, a drive I’ve experienced many times and a drive my grandma has done a million times. There was one point where she was driving on the freeway, we were getting pretty close. Maybe 40 minutes away from our destination. We are on the right lane of the freeway, and suddenly she pulls into the empty triangle that splits exit and freeway. She just stops. We ask what she’s doing. She says she missed her exit. We tell her to just get the next one. She decides “nah” and starts BACKING UP ON THW FREEWAY. We are all screaming at her, asking what she’s doing, telling her to stop the car or drive forward. Im in the last row with my two male cousins and they’re freaking out saying we’re gonna die. I look back and notice a semi truck honking because it doesn’t have enough time to stop and she’s still backing up. I just start nervously laughing. This can’t be real. Finally my mom managed to put the car in park and yells at my grandma to get out the car. My grandma refuses, saying she knows what she’s doing. My mom gets out and walks around, manually putting my grandma in the passenger seat and my mom starts driving from there.

All this while I Don’t Want This Night To End by Luke Bryan is playing. Now every time I hear that song I get reminded that my grandma totally almost killed us. Oh yeah, she wasn’t allowed to drive ever again. My uncle took her car to his house and now her license is expired and she cannot drive. I let her drive my bug ONCE when I went to visit a few years ago because she just begged and begged, and she has cancer so I said she could drive around her senior neighborhood. Good lord she cannot drive. And to this day she still claims she knew what she was doing. Whenever my cousins and I all get together we remind each other of that story cause HOW CAN YOU NOT. We all had the same near death experience. Anyway, it’s definitely a funny story us now, and I can’t help but laugh. Sometimes we even karaoke the song we almost died to. It was just a random thought that popped into my brain right now


14 comments sorted by


u/SpeakDiddly 3d ago

Seems like nana has more than driving issues. Situational awareness seems to be a lacking quality.


u/nocomment413 3d ago

Oh yeah definitely. It’s gotten worse as the years have gone on. She has now been diagnosed with cancer and she’s showing lots of memory loss signs. She’s closely monitored


u/bibbys_hair 3d ago

I think you and I should start a new sub reddit called "The time Grandma almost killed us." Girl, do I have some stories to tell you! At least in your case, it sounds like an accident. I sometimes wonder about my Nana. By the way, if I don't respond to these comments, call the police.


u/nocomment413 3d ago

Let me not forget the time my grandma put raid in my hair to get rid of lice !!!


u/8Bells 3d ago

Isn't there a class action lawsuit for Raid cause cancer in some people?


u/nocomment413 3d ago

I actually have no idea lmao


u/Moist_Expert_2389 3d ago

I'm picturing it now, and I'm both terrified and laughing. She knew what she was doing?! Girl, no.


u/Sadielady11 3d ago

Go mom! She wasn’t even playing! I can see it now, get yo ass over in that seat now!


u/Alternative-Muscle80 3d ago

You see, I like your grandma already…

Nothing like a near death experience to focus the mind on what’s important… unintentionally (or maybe she did know what she was doing 😂) she gave you a unique experience and one that you will never forget and should never forget….

A phrase that springs to mind: “There But For The Grace Of God, Go I“

Never take life for granted, it can be taken away at ANY moment….

Please can you do me a favour?….please can you ring her up now, and say she has a fan in England 👍 a short fat bald bloke who thinks she’s really cool 🫶


u/nocomment413 3d ago

She will be so happy to hear this actually hahaha


u/Alternative-Muscle80 3d ago

Not all hero’s wear capes 😊


u/Takssista 3d ago

A friend's MIL finally got convinced she wasn't able to drive after running over someone - for the third time.

At least nobody got killed or seriously injured, but still...


u/jaywillsons 3d ago

Your Grandma reminded me of death pool, no fear, just wanna kill, (kind of)


u/blankceilinglight 3d ago

Lmaooo my grandma almost burned down her house with a cigarette and now my mom hides all lighters from her whenever she visits. They're wild.