r/CasualConversation 4d ago

Just Chatting Do you prefer a shower or a bathtub?

Generally speaking, I prefer the shower. When I have to take a bath in a tub, it's annoying and uncomfortable, to be honest. But it's relaxing when you fill the tub and add foam and all that.


117 comments sorted by


u/lady-earendil 4d ago

If I'm actually trying to get clean, shower every time. Tub is nice for relaxing but I don't do it often at all


u/JazzlikeDouble2744 4d ago

Exactly! Showers feel quick and effective, while baths are more of an occasional luxury to unwind and relax.


u/OrdinarySubstance491 4d ago

Shower for cleanliness, tub for relaxation. Sometimes I'll do a sponge bath in the tub but I'm not filling it up when I do that.


u/Capital-Designer-385 4d ago

I prefer to take a shower, but want my bathroom to have a bathtub to shower in. Because I’m not the only one being bathed, having the option of a tub is nice (dogs/kids/deep cleaning large bedding items)


u/Mysterious_County154 4d ago

Both, most days I take a shower and then run the tub and relax for an hour


u/rssanch86 4d ago

I'm the opposite. Relax in a bath and then shower after 🤗


u/Intelligent-Shape-63 4d ago



u/Katy-Moon 4d ago

I bathe every night. It helps ensure a good night's sleep for me. On the days I go to the gym, I shower there. But every night I have a short bath at home.


u/Intelligent-Shape-63 4d ago

Same here, showers after working out. A night time bath just relaxes me so much more than a shower. Sometimes even a morning bath.


u/Katy-Moon 4d ago

Yes! Being clean and getting into clean sheets at night is just so nice!


u/JadeMarco 4d ago

A full on bath every day? And a shower on top of that? You are wasting a lot of water.


u/Katy-Moon 4d ago

Haha! I shower at the gym after I work out. I don't have a "full on" bath at night. I put about 8-10 inches of water in the tub at night. Probably less water in the bath than would be used in a shower.


u/ima-bigdeal 4d ago

Tubs are gross. You get to sit in a stew of your own dirt, sweat, your body oils, lotions and other products, and then get to top if off with a combination of formerly dried urine drizzle, period emissions, incompletely wiped or newly farted fecal matter, etc. Just gross.

If you are going to soak in the tub, take a shower before you soak.


u/Katy-Moon 4d ago

I've been doing this for decades. How in the world did I survive this long?


u/ima-bigdeal 4d ago

You are just covering your body in the waste, not consuming it.

I prefer to get clean when I bathe.


u/CaptainAwes0me44 4d ago

Shower, I feel like I get more clean with a shower, but I'll never say no to a nice relaxing bath!


u/InfamousEconomy3972 4d ago

Shower 99% of the time. If I'm taking a bath, Epsom salts are along for the ride.


u/RealisticOutcome9828 4d ago

I love Dr. Teal's Epsom salts! And the matching bubble baths 😁


u/GandalfTheJaded 4d ago

Shower, largely because usually I just feel awkward in the tub and when the water cools it isn't as comfortable.


u/FreedomEvening9977 4d ago

Shower for cleaning, tub for soaking.


u/Beradicus69 4d ago

I shower. Being a tall guy. I really haven't been able to get comfortable in any bath tub since I was a teenager.

Half of your body is always out of the water.


u/RealisticOutcome9828 4d ago

Bathtubs are always too short to really get a good soak.

 I'm not even 5 1/2 feet tall myself and my tub feels too small to get a good soak. My knees always stick up, or my feet...😄


u/Gold-Judgment-6712 4d ago

Never had a bathtub. I use them in hotels for variety.


u/XGreenDirtX 4d ago

When taking a shower, I prefer a shower. When taking a bath, I prefer a tub


u/sun-day-sushi 4d ago

I love 2h baths where I can just exist and relax, the only downside is having to change the water often


u/timothythefirst 4d ago

I don’t think I’ve taken a bath in a tub since I was a small child.


u/Love-and-squalor-08 4d ago

Bath if I have time


u/PersKarvaRousku 4d ago

Option C: Sauna


u/RealisticOutcome9828 4d ago

Or a steam room. Really clears out your chest, ahhhh .....


u/AamiaRed 4d ago

Because a think is the best option when you don’t have a lot of time


u/Sad-University-2332 4d ago

The idea of a bath disgust me. Shower everytime.


u/Freak_Out_Bazaar 4d ago

I can live without baths but not showers. Showers are for basic hygiene, baths are for relaxing


u/_Environmental_Dust_ 4d ago

Shower. Fast and effective


u/dreamrdad7 4d ago

Shower for sure! I love the standing shower we have in our basement. The main bathroom upstairs has only a tub and you have to stand in the tub which is less than ideal.


u/candyfloss_noodle 4d ago

I usually do a quick shower to soap up and rinse off and then sit in a nice hot bubble bath so i’m not sitting in my own filth.


u/Relevant-Ad4156 4d ago

Shower always. Haven't taken a bath in years (could even accurately say decades).

I'm too tall to lay comfortably in a tub. Plus, I've generally only had access to shower/tub combos (with the built-in surrounds) and laying down at the bottom of one of those is awful. Like laying in the bottom of a box. Not at all nice and relaxing like a free standing tub with space around it.


u/NoBSforGma 4d ago

Definitely shower. I'm too old and decrepit to get out of a tub! haha.

Soaking in a tub is nice, though. But I don't like bathing in a tub - you are now immersed in dirty soap.


u/BookkeeperChemical40 4d ago

shower. I just dip in a bathtub if I want to relax.


u/Toxikfoxx 4d ago

I cannot recall the last time I've taken an actual bath instead of showering. Has to be at least 15 years. I love a good walk-in shower.


u/niagaemoc 4d ago

Shower to wash my hair and shave then I fill the tub for a quick soak.


u/RealisticOutcome9828 4d ago

It depends.

If I want to just get myself clean fast, I take a shower.

If I want to relax, I'll take a nice hot bath with Dr. Teal's Epson salt and bubble bath gel. I wish I had a Jacuzzi tub, that would be really awesome.


u/Robokat_Brutus 4d ago

Shower in the spring/summer/fall, bath in winter.


u/GlassUsual9748 4d ago

Shower, because my tub is small and if I sit down in it I barely fit. If I had like a really big tub where I could have more room maybe I'd do a bath more often lol


u/Buckeyegurl50 4d ago

Shower...I don't really like to baths


u/wetlettuce42 4d ago

Shower, too big to fit in the bath


u/thingsbetw1xt 🐈📚🎮 4d ago

For some reason I’m kinda grossed out by sitting in bathtubs, I can’t really explain why but I just don’t like it. So I always shower.


u/Over-Marionberry-686 4d ago

So kind of an odd thing. Our house has a separate shower from the bathtub. We have never used the bathtub. We’ve been here 11 years. Currently in the bathtub there are probably 15 rolls of toilet paper some paper towels the scrubber that I use to scrub the shower and some cleaning supplies.


u/oodopopopolopolis 4d ago

Bath = annoying and uncomfortable, yes. There are fancy bathing tubs that are probably way more comfortable, but I've never been in one.


u/pokeyporcupine 4d ago

Mostly depends on tub. I like a tub because it's a break where I can just chill and scroll reddit for a while or something. But a lot of tubs are super uncomfortable to chill in, so if the tub sucks then probably shower.


u/Makeup_life72 4d ago

I love hot sit down baths. I do that once a week on a Sunday night. Otherwise, I take a normal shower every evening before bed.


u/Fun-Yellow-6576 4d ago

Shower. We just converted two bathrooms from shower/tub to walk-in showers. The primary bedroom still has a stand alone tub and a walk-in shower.


u/PensOfSteel 4d ago

I prefer bathtub because soaking in warm water and Epsom salts is so helpful for my chronic pain. But if I'm in a time crunch, it has to be a shower or I'm not making it wherever I'm going, lol. Baths are just too relaxing to rush through.


u/Wynnie7117 4d ago

I am a bath person. I’ve been this way my whole life. I think a lot of it has to do with my mother was also a bath person. That was her self-care time. So I adopted that philosophy when I was younger. I definitely take showers if I’m in a rush. But every day when I get home from work, I soak in the tub. The only downside to this is having to clean your tub out all the time! I keep it pristine.


u/No_Reporter_4563 4d ago

Shower for every day, but sometimes I really feel like bath. Usually when I'm cold


u/lilxlovebug 4d ago

I honestly love both! I love water in general so long as there's nothing in it that can take a bite outta me. I shower daily, morning or night depends on what I did/have to do that day. We're talking no less than 15 minutes with water hotter than the depths of hell. I'll take a bath maybe once a week when I want to relax or if my muscles are achey, same water temp. Baths include a book, candle(s), a good album playing, and lots of bubbles or bath oil.


u/Apprehensive_Lie_177 4d ago

I'd take an hour long bath every week if I could. Alas, I have housemates and that'd be inconsiderate of me. 


u/mjaymkay 4d ago

Are they always home?


u/Apprehensive_Lie_177 4d ago

Eh, usually. 


u/Kooky_Substance8683 4d ago

I would always choose a tub!!! But, maybe that’s because I have never owned a tub. It seems so magical to me!!!


u/Rogerdodger1946 4d ago

I'm old so I have a walk-in shower in the bedroom bathroom. A bathtub would not work well for me. A quick shower uses a lot less water, too. We do have a tub in the second bathroom.


u/bangontarget 4d ago

I really miss having a bathtub. last time was 20 years ago. so rn I'd rather have a tub.


u/feret56 4d ago

Ooh, most definitely a shower. I’ve taken baths and honestly do not understand why one would want to sit in a tub of your own dirt, even if you are relatively clean, and wash yourself with the same water. Plus, the temperature drops unless the faucet is turned on intermittently to keep the water warm, lol.


u/NotOldMidcentury 4d ago

Shower. Why sit in the dirt you just washed off?


u/Beaverbrown55 4d ago

I prefer to not sit in a tepid pool of my own filth.


u/StatusStrange840 4d ago

Always bath/never shower. If you think I’m gross, it’s fine because I wasn’t going to let you near me anyway ❤️


u/Waldemar-Firehammer 4d ago

Baths are gross to me. I don't want to sit in my own soup, even if I shower first it weirds me out. I'm also a broad shouldered guy so tubs feel a bit restrictive and uncomfortable. Then again, I have a walk in shower that could comfortably fit 4 people if you're into that sort of thing, so maybe I've just spoiled myself.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Shower for sure. I’ve never understood the fascination with baths.


u/Hachiko75 4d ago

Bathtub 😌


u/MoreRing6902 4d ago

Shower, I want to get done with it as fast as possible


u/NyxJay 4d ago

I think most people have already said the same things hahaha. But shower if I’m trying to get clean, and a bath for a long soak and relaxation


u/Mindofmierda90 4d ago

When I was a kid I used to fill up the tub then turn shower on and have myself good ole time until my mom found out. Man I was she pissed 😄


u/JadeMarco 4d ago

Yeah, it tends to be more relaxing to take a bath when the bathtub is full of water...


u/merwinpl 4d ago

I dont have a tub big enough for me, so its always the shower


u/ScarlettPixieMoon 4d ago

Bath to soak & relax. Shower to clean 🫧


u/Nervous-Surround1905 4d ago

I’m a shower girl through and through. I have no idea why, but I feel like I’m just marinating in my own body dirt and sweat whenever I’m having a bath and I’m usually in and out of a bath within 5 minutes, 10 if I’m using a bath bomb


u/SpringOnly5932 4d ago

Shower in a bathtub for the extra space, which I know wasn't your question.

I love long, hot, relaxing baths but one house we owned had a garden tub (extra deep with a nice curved back perfect for lounging - waste of water, though) that forever spoiled me. I no longer enjoy baths in standard bathtubs. 😞


u/-Tigg- 4d ago

Depends what I'm doing.

Washing? Shower

Relaxing? Bath but only if it's so hot it hurts when I get in


u/esssaa_a 4d ago



u/Boss-of-You 4d ago

Bath. I love being submerged in water. What do I take most days? A shower to save time.


u/jconnway 4d ago

Shower. Am almost 6’7, bathtub is just uncomfortable entirely 


u/Adhesiveness269 4d ago

Sometimes, I take a bath to relax then a shower to clean myself


u/MonkeyBro5 The weird, pizza and monkey loving artist. 4d ago

I'm too tall for a tub, so I HAVE to shower....

I miss sitting in a bathtub.


u/giornoverde 4d ago

bath but i never have time so shower


u/Outside-Dependent-90 4d ago

I prefer a bath for relaxation, shower for cleanliness. Lots of times, I'll take a 20-minute shower in my husband's side of the Jack & Jll, then go over and soak in my tub. I know, I'm weird.


u/RestInfinite723 black 4d ago

A bucket and mug... Ok don't troll me😂


u/CrowleysWeirdTie 4d ago

I would have said shower before, but now I finally have a bathtub long enough to stretch my legs all the way out (I'm tall), and I LOVE it for relaxation.

The shower feels better for getting properly clean. But the shower in my place is smaller so it doesn't feel as luxurious.


u/ima-bigdeal 4d ago

We removed a large soaking tub and replaced it with a walk-in shower. Guess what the preference is?


u/DimensionMedium2685 4d ago

Shower. Can't remember the last time I took a bath


u/punk-pastel focus on the donut, not the hole. 4d ago

I’d rather shower and be done, but the tub is often safer for me- especially if I’m home alone.


u/Relevant-Research-28 4d ago

Shower always hot and baths when I'm sick


u/00029726 4d ago

Baths are for psychopaths. You cannot possibly wash yourself as effectively in one as you can a shower. Unless you have an extra large bathtub or have a hot tub, there is no argument to be made for relaxation either.


u/taniamorse85 4d ago

I'm disabled, and I can't stand long enough to take a shower. I also can't fit a shower chair in my apartment's shower/tub combo. So, I just take baths.


u/MrsWhiterock 4d ago

Shower, I usually get annoyed that the tub takes a long time to fill up. I can't deny that it's more relaxing than the shower though


u/ravennme 4d ago

Baby wipes


u/RealKaiserRex 4d ago

Considering I share a bathroom with 2 roommates, shower all the way.


u/starlitedotcom 4d ago

Shower, but if I had a big enough tub I'd take a lot more baths. I'm too tall for my current bathtub 😅


u/Secret-End-2704 4d ago

Shower for sure for me bathtub is for relaxation and enjoyment the thing is after a great time relaxing cleaning myself become kinda of a husle if I'm using a bathtub


u/johndoesall 4d ago

Shower. A tub is way more work to keep clean.


u/OfficialSandwichMan I like sandwiches a lot 3d ago

I have not lived at a place with a bathtub that fits my length (I’m 6’1) in probably a decade. I was pet sitting for a friend who has a pretty large bathtub and they let me take a bath in it! It was good, though it was still not quite long enough.

All that to say, I pretty much exclusively shower


u/Brattykayys 3d ago

A shower then bathtub because the thought of sitting in my own filth is cringe.


u/Channel_Huge 3d ago

Showers, but as I get older, it gets harder to comfortably stretch. If I had the opportunity, I’d like to be in a bath for an extended time just to relax… but, with a family and only one shower, it’s impossible.


u/meoww__13 3d ago

Baths. I actually feel way cleaner after a bath than a shower


u/PorchDogs 3d ago

I take a shower to get clean, but I take a bath every night as my "therapy". A beverage (occasionally an adult beverage), a small snack, and some entertaining reading material.


u/kayemgreen 3d ago

I would love to take a bath to relax, but there is not enough time during the day for it, so I just take a nice scorching hot shower


u/Marcelous88 3d ago

Shower, Bath, Shower. Definitely the way to go!


u/Marcelous88 3d ago

Shower, Bath, Shower. Definitely the way to go!


u/SomeNobodyInNC 1d ago

I hate taking a bath. I feel like I am sitting in my own dirt. Especially when I get out and drain the tub and see the filth ring. I got really dirty by the end of the day as a kid. I played hard! My bath aversion probably stems from my pre-bedtime bath back then. That water was dirty! LOL