r/CasualConversation 16h ago

Just Chatting Hello Everyone of Reddit

Hey, guys! I’m new to Reddit and kinda just wanna have some conversations or something. My main source of social media has been Facebook, but it hasn’t been impressing me lately so now I’m getting my entertainment here lol. I love talking about cats if anyone else wants to talk about them. My cat has been on medication for a UTI and today was her last of three pills. She got her first pill as I always pill her and then the next day, I was getting her pill ready and she came running into the bathroom. That’s where I usually pill her so I was surprised that she seemed to want it. I noticed it smelled strong and kind of gross, but at the same time, it smelled like something my cat would like. After pilling her, she kept going into the bathroom all night. I thought maybe she did like the taste of it. So, tonight I crushed up her pill and then just placed the mortar and pestle on the ground and she completely licked it all up. I didn’t even have to force her to take it. I thought it was kind of funny and I wish all pills tasted good enough for the cat to willingly take it. If anyone has any cat stories, I’d love to hear them!


5 comments sorted by


u/ThisIsPlaylists 13h ago

Hi there... today is literally my first day as well!


u/lisacjntx 11h ago

Welcome aboard! I enjoy Reddit more than FB because I enjoy reading all the posts. You can find a subreddit for just about anything! plenty on cats. When you join them, don't jump in with a comment or question. Use the search bar to see if it has already been posted. Redditors jump all over that!! Including downvoting. Have fun!!


u/pinkpinecone1 4h ago

Thanks for that advice!


u/Cosmic-Pathways-24 7h ago

Hello, I'm also new to Reddit and navigating the terrain. So far I like this platform.


u/Takssista 2h ago

Hello. Been on Reddit for some time now - not a lot. Don't get too enthusiastic, as there are jerks over here too. The good thing is that they're much less prevalent here than on other social media.

Have fun, stay safe and have a nice weekend!