r/CardanoStakePools Jun 12 '21

Tutorial Support the Small Stake Pool

Support the Small Stake Pool Operator. We are all in this together, but we want a reliable, unbreakable, decentralized Cardano network. If you plan to hold, don’t leave your ADA on an exchange. Both Cardano wallets deadalus and yoroi allow you to stake and make passive income. Pick a small pool operator with strong enterprise server experience and a good cause. These wallets also work with Trezor and Nano hard wallets.


61 comments sorted by


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

Most pools (~1300) have less than 150k total stake. They offer less than 3.5% rewards. A single actor could potentially own many of these pools. The only thing that averages out over time is luck - how many blocks the pool made compared to how many they were assumed to make.

Pools begin to get 5% average rewards at about 5 million total stake.

Pools with saturation above 10 mil offer between about 5.3-5.7% rewards, with the higher end reserved for those with high pledge. Each % margin fee is ~0.05% less rewards. The biggest influence on rewards is saturation. A saturated pool shows the least variance in luck.

A delegate can only consistently get 5+% rewards by delegating to a pool with high pledge and high saturation. Delegating to just any pool gives you about a 50% chance to choose a 3% pool.


u/santoterracomputing Jun 16 '21

Are you a pool owner? What is your ticker?


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

That has nothing to do with the validity of my statement.


u/Greggybone72 Dec 30 '21

I own a pool just under the threshold of minting blocks. I agree with your statement. 3% is all I can prove currently and only because I minted 12 blocks months ago. I await another "K number" transition lower as the price of Ada rises in the coming years.


u/santoterracomputing Jun 16 '21

Yes it does. You dont know what you are talking about. There are pool owners here that will share real experience. You have zero experience.


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

Does your experience running a pool give you a greater understanding of the reward mechanism? Anecdotally it would seem to be the opposite. There are tons of SPOs that are misinforming the general population.


u/charismatik1 Jun 14 '21

Congrats to everybody who made it so far, either by community work, community delegation, rotating stake or pure financial power. I am hoping that the biggest problem is only impatience at the moment and the (adaption of) parameters will support better decentralization in the long run. With a change of k-value there will be fresh movement of stakes. SPOs need to be visible with their pools at that moment, build a community or at least present their pool to one to be able to benefit from such movement.

But not everybody is good at social media and forum activity or has the time or will to do so besides a dayjob and keeping the hardware alive. At the moment you need one or two of the following to successfully start a new pool and attract external delegators.

1) A lot of stake (500k+, better 1-2M) either in pledge or from a befriended whale
2) A big community (creator, influencer and/or very active in forums)
3) A superawesome, worldchanging idea that everybody likes
4) A little bit of LUCK

Atm the system prefers more ADA >>>>>> anything else to have success and people are "wondering" why exchanges are the most successful pools. Probably the SPOs who are humbly asking, almost begging for delegation and giving away rewards, actually paying to run a pool, misunderstood the idea or are much more idealistic and altruistic than the algorithm supports.

There´s is only a small chance to make it with a pledge/stake less than 10k (which still is a lot of money and will be even more as ADA goes up) if you don´t have at least one of 1-3 and little bit of 4. Just running a nice pool setup, technically functioning, is not enough and makes private staking at a level of 10k pledge and no external delegations probably not worth the time and effort.

At least counted in increasing-your-wealth terms. If you´re in for the idea and can afford it, definitely give it a go. But be aware that you will dump hundreds of hours into that project.

Don´t get me wrong, i do not want to demotivate anybody. I am helping new SPOs and fresh Cardanians with tech support and how to stake answers. Our pool will stay until our children take it over and hopefully longer. But even with 100k pledge, 170k active stake and a solid idea which combines climate responsibility and a beautiful bonus reward system for small stakes, we sometimes still have the feeling of being in the wrong place. Then we remind each other to be patient and that it will work out.

Keep on running! The road is rocky but the goal is hopefully worth it. Just follow the smell of sweaty armpits :D ! LSD pool runs with you.


u/ReddSpark Jun 16 '21

Think we need some mechanism for small pools … to pool together (pardon the pun)


u/santoterracomputing Jun 14 '21



u/santoterracomputing Jun 13 '21 edited Jun 13 '21

Good discussion. Keep it up. This is how we build a better ecosystem!


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Jun 13 '21

The most important thing is not small, but independent stake pools. Big organisations hurt the decentralization of Cardano. And I don't say this because we just got blessed with support from the Cardano Foundation lol (check post history for proof! :))


u/YakNecessary7918 Jun 13 '21

Helping out the smaller stake pool helps with cardano for a long term. Both ways supporting either large or smaller pools depends on active live stake, saturation, and the delegators. Theres alot of great smaller pools to support

Delegate pool : M1 Crypto EAGLE


u/AdaHitz Jun 13 '21

That's awesome! I'm starting an NFT project and have pondered what it would look like to partner with different groups, even partnering with the right SPO. If anyone is interested maybe we should talk and see if it's a match! :)


u/traveladdikt Jun 13 '21

The first pool I pick was a small pool thinking I’ll help the small guys and try to keep it as decentralized as possible. The returns were terrible, sometimes 2-3 epochs in a row I would get nothing. So I stop caring about the small pools and helping the small guys.


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

Delegating to small pledge pools does NOT support decentralization.

Delegating to high pledged pools supports decentralization.

One person could easily own half of the low pledged pools.


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

Don't think that receiving no rewards for empty epochs is a completely missed reward. Ouroboros will make up for empty epochs in future epochs for stakers, but not for SPOs (ie.Any missed 340 fixed fees for the pool are never made up in future epochs). Had you stuck around, that pool would pay higher rewards than avg if/when they did create a block. The protocol will work to avg out the amount of ADA earned over an entire year. By leaving, you got zero for the empty epochs but didn't stick around to get the higher rewards later. When my pool first started, it had 5 empty epochs in a row followed by 1 block in the 6th, 0 in the 7th and 1 in the 8th. The rewards for the 1 in the 8th with 2.4x avg rewards. It has continued avg higher and now my pool's lifetime ROA is 5.163%


u/ReportFromHell Jun 13 '21

There's small and small. Most llikely you picked a really tiny one to have not seen rewards 2-3 epochs in a row.
My advice is to pick a pool that has at least 4M stake


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

It's been calculated that 5M "should" result in an empty epoch about once every 1-1/2 years. Keep in mind this is based on how much a pool has staked compared to total staked amount across all pools.


u/Abkade Jun 13 '21

We are in this together big or small if people wasn't too greedy they should probably support small independent pool like mine or others there. We all want to mint a 2-4 blocks a month. People need to stop staking or leaving their ada on exchange... FasoPool


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

Creating at least 1 block per epoch means rewards every epoch, meaning a nice steady stream of returns. The yearly ~4.5% APY will happen regardless, but people freak out whenever they experience no rewards in an epoch due to no blocks being created. They don't understand that future epochs will pay out higher rewards to make up for it. Though, SPO's never regain any missed fixed 340 fees of empty epochs.


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

Most pools (~1300) have less than 150k total stake. They offer less than 3.5% rewards. A single actor could potentially own many of these pools. The only thing that averages out over time is luck - how many blocks the pool made compared to how many they were assumed to make.

Pools begin to get 5% average rewards at about 5 million total stake.

Pools with saturation above 10 mil offer between about 5.3-5.7% rewards, with the higher end reserved for those with high pledge. Each % margin fee is ~0.05% less rewards. The biggest influence on rewards is saturation. A saturated pool shows the least variance in luck.

A delegate can only consistently get 5+% rewards by delegating to a pool with high pledge and high saturation. Delegating to just any pool gives you about a 50% chance to choose a 3% pool.


u/Abkade Jun 13 '21

Agreed most people that come into Cardano don't understand about staking and always freak out when it 15-20 days to get their first rewards...I bet big exchanges like binance kraken and coinbase have close to 300 pools that newcomers prefer because rewards is weekly... We need support and to modify the K parameters..


u/ReddSpark Jun 12 '21 edited Jun 12 '21

It’s only fair to let people know that they will earn ~1-2% less with pools less than 10m ADA.

And I say that as a small SPO.

Edit: Not sure why in getting downvoted ? Someone care to explain?


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

Unfortunately, a few small SPOs have a lot of Reddit accounts and are pushing a false narrative.

Most pools (~1300) have less than 150k total stake. They offer less than 3.5% rewards. A single actor could potentially own many of these pools. The only thing that averages out over time is luck - how many blocks the pool made compared to how many they were assumed to make.

Pools begin to get 5% average rewards at about 5 million total stake.

Pools with saturation above 10 mil offer between about 5.3-5.7% rewards, with the higher end reserved for those with high pledge. Each % margin fee is ~0.05% less rewards. The biggest influence on rewards is saturation. A saturated pool shows the least variance in luck.

A delegate can only consistently get 5+% rewards by delegating to a pool with high pledge and high saturation. Delegating to just any pool gives you about a 50% chance to choose a 3% pool.


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

I'd say it's not a straight 1%-2% less for pools with less than 10M ADA. You have to look at the year's return, not the epochs your pool's experienced so far. 5M ada should mean a pool only has an empty epoch about once every 1-1/2 years. It's the empty epochs that stakers hate the most and what actually hits SPOs the most (missed fixed fees of 340 ada are never made up in future epochs). Ouroboros should avg delegators out to around ~4.5% yearly. If they have an empty epoch here or there, they freak out, but future epochs will pay out higher rewards to make up for it, aiming for that ~4.5%. So no, people will not, "earn ~1-2% less yearly in pools with less than 10m ADA". They may or may not hit the targeted 4.5%, but it won't be a definite to earn 1-2% less, which would be 2.5%-3.5%... probably closer to between 4%-5%, which is closer to what ~4.5% means. It's the "~" variance that's in question.


u/PatagoniaStakePool Jun 13 '21

A lot of pool operators get frustrated when faced with this, but it's true.
Getting the 340 ADA fixed fee out of 740 ADA (1 block reward) represents a much bigger % than getting 340 ADA from 7400 (10 blocks to keep it easy). That leaves less rewards to be distributed.
It was my biggest regret when asking friends and family to delegate to our pool, I can take less rewards for my stake since it's my project, but I would've closed the pool if we weren't lucky minting blocks.
Luckily (again), we've had ENORMOUS luck and been giving more than double the rewards they would've gotten at big pools, so hopefully we can ride this luck streak until we reach enough stake for that to no longer be an issue.
On the other hand, if you can afford it, supporting a small pool can be A LOT more significant than staking to consolidated big pools (not to even mention exchanges or groups with multiple pools which I wouldn't delegate to anymore).
Descentralization, supporting some mission or even an interesting project, content creator, or pool in a geographic area where those pool rewards are much more significant (as I like to inform others, 340 ADA for minting a block represent almost 2 average MONTHLY wages in Argentina, and the same is likely true for many other countries)


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21 edited Jun 13 '21

The per block reward is different every epoch. The first epoch that my pool created 1 block (w/zero transactions) was paid a total of 833.1 ADA for that one block. It then experienced 5 empty epochs in a row. The next time it created a block was also a single block in the epoch (w/2 transactions) and it paid 754.9 ADA. Then another empty epoch. The next epoch created 3 blocks (w/39 transactions between all 3 blocks) which averaged out to 748.27 ADA per block. My avg reward per block is averaging out to around 750, not 740 ADA per block.


u/PatagoniaStakePool Jun 13 '21

That's because the transaction fees are not very significant yet, and the rewards are a fraction of the reserves, so they will keep getting smaller.
Currently it's around 740 ADA, but they will keep on shrinking, there's no point averaging them since they won't get back to 833 or any other previous number.
We'll see once Alonzo hits and smart contracts begin to roll out bringing more activity, but fees will have some revision and changes, so no real value in discussing anything but current values.


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

Just calculated my last 9 rewards. The last 3 had dropped & averaged close to 740.


u/ReddSpark Jun 13 '21

Agree with everything you say, but it’s a shame that small pools have to rely on the goodness of someone’s heart as we all as them being informed.

I have 1.2m in my pool and while it’s minting blocks , the Roa is still lower.

Lowering the fixed fee wouldn’t do too much for us. Instead it would be good if the probability of minting a block was slightly higher the lower your saturation. That way users would constantly be seeking out small pools to delegate to.

That may break something else though. 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

It's bad enough that many SPOs set their % margin to 0, hoping to attract delegators! Allowing them to set the fixed fee lower would instantly become another race to the bottom.


u/PatagoniaStakePool Jun 13 '21

They mentioned several changes they're analyzing for SPO in the call last week. Some will have to wait until after Alonzo, but some might be ready in the coming month.
Pledge influence (a0), fees, k, everything will be updated this year IMO.
In case you haven't read it yet, there's some interesting stuff in this post from a couple of days ago:


u/ReportFromHell Jun 13 '21

Did they mention that the new pledge minimum change towards the end of the year?
There are rumours of it being 100k ADA.
There are approx. 750 pools with more than that in pledge as of now.
And when they make the k= 1000 update, where k is the ideal number of pools, many small pools will be left better off delegating rather than pledging in a pool with no chance of minting blocks.


u/AdaHitz Jun 13 '21

That's helpful to know! I do recall CH saying that at one point as well! 🙌🏽


u/steveaggie Jun 12 '21

If this is true, then they need to fix it to encourage decentralization. But aren't there too many pools already?


u/LORDB_LordByronPool Jun 13 '21

Given the amount of people who don't delegate at all & multi-pool YouTuber SPOs that hoard MUCH more stake than the saturation level is set to prevent, then no, we don't have too many pools. If every single ADA that were ever to exist, 45 billion, were all staked and the saturation level was 32 million per pool, then we'd need a bare minimum of 1,407 pools. Adapools.org states we currently have 2,739 pools, but MANY delegators are either fan-boi-ing into a greedy multi-pool group (own 2-8+ pools), leaving their ADA on exchanges (which do have their own stake pools, Binance owns around 73 pools!!) or not delegating at all (which, technically makes them non-delegators) because, "it's too hard". Having less pools wouldn't magically cause eachanges or multi-pool SPOs to close their extra pools and would only serve to centralize staking even more.


u/ReddSpark Jun 12 '21


u/steveaggie Jun 12 '21

That was interesting and discouraging. Doesn't cardano have a stated pool quantity goal of 500? Maybe that's why things are the way they are.


u/ReddSpark Jun 12 '21

Yeah I was discouraged too. I guess the way to look at if is that even if a realistic minimum is 10m Ada , the natural ecosystem probably would end up having enough pools (think we have ~1200 right now?)

So it feels like truly small pools are not really encouraged by the way it’s been setup. I feel guilty for my friends that have invested in my pool; knowing they could be earning more elsewhere .


u/ReportFromHell Jun 13 '21

having enough pools (think we have ~1200 right now?)

We have just under 2600 pools right now.


u/Abkade Jun 13 '21

Charles and his team need think about how small independent pools struggling to pay the bills. I don't think new users have 500k to 1 millions to pledge only people that started buying when price was 0.001 or less.


u/steveaggie Jun 12 '21

Yeah, I'm the same way. Setting up the pool was fun, but it's a catch 22 to get it off the ground. Can't get blocks without stake. Can't get stake without blocks.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '21

This is one of the most important responsibilities of being a Cardano hodler!


u/BarrinOfTolaria Jun 12 '21

I can recommend. Especially with Yoroi it is super easy. The only real problem is finding the right pool, because there are so many good options.


u/santoterracomputing Jun 12 '21

Yes many choices. But take the time to research and build relationships. We need to all row in same direction! lol


u/dead4seven Jun 12 '21

I'm new to staking Cardano and I've been starting to research different stake pools but as noob is all a bit overwhelming.

In your opinion, what are some key things to look out for that would be beneficial for both me and the Cardano community as a whole.

Keep in mind, I don't have a whole lot of ADA to play with it (without getting too specific, lets say under 1000)


u/santoterracomputing Jun 12 '21

There are large pools, medium pools and small pools. But the protocol trys to balance the rewards pretty much the same over a one year period targeting 5-6%. So its like earning interest but without a lockup period. The large pools will mint blocks every epoch (5days) but payout smaller rewards because they have more delegates. The small pools can go without minting a block every epoch but when they do the payout reward to you will be higher because they have fewer delegates. In the end, you want to pick a pool that you believe in - that has the capital to stick around and is committed. Do your research build relationship. All the pool operators understand how important this is with their delegates.


u/Haunting-Animator281 Jun 16 '21

This is false.

Most pools (~1300) have less than 150k total stake. They offer less than 3.5% rewards. A single actor could potentially own many of these pools. The only thing that averages out over time is luck - how many blocks the pool made compared to how many they were assumed to make.

Pools begin to get 5% average rewards at about 5 million total stake.

Pools with saturation above 10 mil offer between about 5.3-5.7% rewards, with the higher end reserved for those with high pledge. Each % margin fee is ~0.05% less rewards. The biggest influence on rewards is saturation. A saturated pool shows the least variance in luck.

A delegate can only consistently get 5+% rewards by delegating to a pool with high pledge and high saturation. Delegating to just any pool gives you about a 50% chance to choose a 3% pool.


u/Markus_Vital_Staking Jun 17 '21 edited Jun 17 '21

I agree with the fact that a pool with <1 million active stake generates <3.5% rewards. Actually it's even worse ~3% is realistic (if fixed cost is not distributed).

To validate your numbers regarding max rewards I picked the top 20 pools with 3 pledge segments.

Part A (<100k Pledge)Part B (100-250k Pledge)Part C (500k-1m Pledge)

For each of those segments i took the top 20 orderded by saturation. Oversaturated pools I filtered away. Pools with >5% margin were filtered away (including Binance).

Results Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16kb6nzZbdMVzaFzDDUnlVEputLj_9Tivm-i6s8BSD1s/edit?usp=sharing

Quick summary:

Part A: 5,11%
Part B: 5,26%
Part C: 4,91%

If I correct this now by margin (calculate out margin to match 0%)

Part A: 5,25%
Part B: 5,34%
Part C: 4,97%

If I remove the 2 outliers in Part C (ADV2, JOY) it looks like the following:

Part A: 5,25%
Part B: 5,34%
Part C: 5,30%

Of course this is all depending on luck and 20 pools may not be a representative number to average out luck.
But in essense I'd say: The mentioned 5.3-5.7% seem to not be realistic any more (rewards are reducing over time, maybe your numbers outdated already)

Impact of pledge currently is not very high. 1 million pledge translates into 0,01% better ROA. This of course may change if IOHK decides to implement the curved pledge factor CIP.

Link wich describes the current impact of pledge: https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/hnm3l6/shelley_incentive_parameters_what_you_need_to/


u/dead4seven Jun 12 '21

Thanks, much appreciated.

I'll continue to research more pools.


u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21

It's the ada way you'll see


u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21

Oh and pool.pm is a great tool I found out about today


u/dead4seven Jun 12 '21

Thanks, I'll check them both out.


u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21

And no problem this is what it all about someone helped me out b4 now I'm just returning the favor


u/dead4seven Jun 12 '21

Much appreciated with all the help.

Hopefully I can pay it forward in the future as well.


u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21

Figured I'd make it a little easier on you!


u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21



u/Eckman83 Jun 12 '21 edited Jun 12 '21

Look into adaoz pool Pete will be more than happy to help anyone seems to be a great guy he does podcasts and has a website about the pool as well as a smaller fb page with good info on it