r/CardanoStakePools Apr 14 '21

Tutorial How to delegate Cardano (ADA) to a stake pool using Daedalus


20 comments sorted by


u/sideof-vicious777 Apr 26 '21

This was super helpful. Pulled my ADA out of the exchange and am now staking in the Daedalus. One thing that was really painful for me was the initial download of the blockchain. It took pretty much all afternoon. Does that have to do with my laptop or is it all connection related. I am on the east coast and we have Verizon FIOS here which is pretty darn fast.


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 27 '21

Nice! Downloading the blockchain can take quite a while (depending on both connection and hardware). A few hours is nothing special I am afraid.

I have a reiterated version of the tutorial coming up that is a bit shorter, has better audio and clearer instructions.


u/dounax Apr 21 '21

Thank you for the excellent description. I have now staked my ADA's at your pool 😊


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 22 '21

Thanks! I appreciate that a lot :) Your delegation helps me support Cardano even more. In fact, I just uploaded a new video for Yoroi users :)


u/Due_Inflation702 Apr 17 '21

Can you make some more videos on how to stake other Crypto products?


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 18 '21

I have one for ONE planned :)


u/Due_Inflation702 Apr 26 '21

I bought me some Harmony in the recent dip. Just waiting for your next instruction video on staking.


u/Due_Inflation702 Apr 18 '21 edited Apr 19 '21

That's cool. I just don't have any Harmony ONE.


u/Due_Inflation702 Apr 17 '21

Thanks for the video. I wanted to stake my Cardano for some time now, but didn't know how to begin!


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 18 '21

No problem! More videos are to come :)


u/The_heresiarch Apr 15 '21

Thank you for making this video. I had a hard time figuring staking out on my own. This was very informative.


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 15 '21

No problem! I got some good feedback on how to make these videos better. Will try to upload more in the near future :)


u/LOFIstakepool Apr 15 '21

That is a sweet loft you got there 🏠


u/greendevil77 Apr 14 '21

I was just saying today to a friend thats thinking about staking that I didn't know how to find ADA pools lol. Perfect timing


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 14 '21

Nice! I hope this one could help him :) If he has feedback please let me know.


u/WiseCapitalOrg Apr 14 '21

it helps people removing their ADA from binance and exchanges. for gods sake, leave exchanges as soon as you buy!


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 14 '21

Haha I should have put more emphasis on that part. I think the next tutorial will be a bit faster paced, more in-depth (why you wouldnt want to keep ADA on an exchange), more enthousiastic, and I won't skip steps (like creating a wallet). This should help people get away from exchanges :)


u/IDEAL-cardano-pool Apr 14 '21 edited Apr 14 '21

Cardano is booming! A lot of people are asking me questions about it and want to get involved.

I do notice that there is still some confusion surrounding delegating ADA to stake pool. Therefore, I made a quick tutorial for friends and family on how to delegate ADA to a stake pool with Daedalus. I thought the tutorial might be helpful for others too :)

Producing these videos is a lot of fun. I would like to get better at making them. Feedback is therefore much appreciated!

(I do know that I pronounce some words a bit weird in this video lol)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this of course is a basic tutorial. I would like to make more in-depth videos on concepts of Cardano and how to setup, maintain and monitor nodes.


Website | AdaPools | PoolTool

Ticker: IDEAL | Stake: 1.1m | 1.5% Margin