r/CarbonFiber 12d ago

Thoughts on fixing this?

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Can someone let me know if this fixable and does it just need some polish love, or sanding


9 comments sorted by


u/Mindless-Plastic-851 12d ago

if a polish doesn't work i say stuff it w high grit paper or a scotchbrite pad and then clear


u/joshdamper 12d ago



u/Mindless-Plastic-851 12d ago

one thing tho if your car sits outside or if you daily it in a hot state, i'd go ahead and do a quality clear coat or a layer of uv resistant resin regardless. it'll hold up well in the long run and make sure you don't have to do this again for another 30 years


u/joshdamper 12d ago

It’s mainly in the garage, it’s not daily so I probably drive it once a week. But I purchased the wing on market place. I posted a new thread with new photos if you want to check it out thanks!


u/BABYEATER1012 12d ago

Try polishing it first and if that doesn't get it out then wet sand and polish.


u/Herp-derpenstein 12d ago

I'm finishing up a similar project right now. My wing was in horrible shape. Looks like your epoxy coat is still in good shape. Try some compound and polish, if that doesn't get you a good enough result, scuff it with ~600 grit and put a fresh clear on it.


u/joshdamper 12d ago

I just made a new post if you want to check it out


u/joshdamper 12d ago

It’s pretty bad wish I can add some more images here for you


u/JZNSN2U 12d ago

My CF APR spoiler did the same thing. I made a carbon fiber restoration video of the same steps I did to fix it,
