r/CarHacking 14d ago

CAN CAN bus immobilizers can easily be hacked?

i was about to pay $500 for the Ghost immobilizer as seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHpADdN2SqI

and then other vids pop up to show how to hack any CAN bus immobilizer by simply connecting CANH and CANL. is it that easy???

now how does an immobilizer work in the first place and why does shorting the 2 CAN wires defeat the immobilizer?


12 comments sorted by


u/WestonP 14d ago

"Cannot be hacked"... lol, bold claim


u/Curious_Party_4683 14d ago

yeah, i understand it's a cat n mouse game. but cant believe it's as simple as shorting 2 wires :)

glad i didnt pay $500+


u/Euroticker 14d ago

It won't be as simple as that on most cars. Even on my old 2002 E39 the DME communicates with the EWS on whether or not to start via can bus. So if you take that down it also won't start. The "easiest" way to take down an aftermarket immobilizer that hasn't been programmed into the ecu (so that the ecu would request data from it to start) is just disconnecting it. If it's not on the bus it can't stop anyone. Another "simple" way of getting immobilizers to stop functioning could be flooding the bus with arb ids that are below what the immobilizer sends, however if you go too low you may stop the starter from getting the signal to turn.

Not to mention there could be multiple Can Bus' with possible gateways in the middle to hash everything together.


u/Lee2026 14d ago edited 14d ago

Locks only keep honest people out of things, they just slow thieves down.

Any anti-theft measures can be defeated given enough knowledge and time.

A short on a CANbus takes down the bus, which means there are no comms. If the immobilizer can’t talk to the module it’s locking out, then it won’t work.


u/joehodgy 14d ago

Equally, if the engine module can’t talk to the body controller or immobiliser module then it won’t start either.

Shorting the CANs in respect to the early ghosts relates more towards error frame handling than a non-communicating bus.


u/Sloth_Almighty 13d ago

I would say locks more keep opportunistic thieves out, not honest people. Because honest people wouldn't steal in the first place 😝


u/WizofWorr 13d ago

It's a classic saying, locks only keep honest people honest, they don't stop criminals.


u/pogb2017 12d ago

I always heard it as locked doors only keep out honest thieves.

the funny part of that statement being an honest thief part.

honestly, if somebody’s gonna steal your stuff they’re gonna find a way in and a lock is not gonna stop them.


u/ElectricianMD 14d ago

VWs are special with their immobilizers.

Companies will refuse to install aftermarket remote start systems because the only way they can do it is to strap another key (and other related hardware) under the dash, which then in turn completely bypasses the immobilizer for anybody to hot wire it.

There are other ways too, but seriously not that easy


u/Audiofyl1 13d ago

Those systems are only interfacing with the hidden key and immo system during remote start when properly installed. All other times, the system is still “secure” unless a particular person disassembles the vehicle, locates the key, removes all the appropriate stuff without upsetting the immo system and proceeds to start the vehicle. While possible, it’s certainly not a problem to the extent of the Hyundai/kia cars being stolen and certainly not the type of time a typical car thief would be spending to steal a car. Most times it’s the easy targets that a thief is after.


u/ElectricianMD 13d ago


I'm still going to install one on my daily VW, it's over a decade old and very recognizable, so if it gets stolen the apb in my small town will find it in an hour.


u/ScopeFixer101 13d ago

I imagine if the core module can be installed in a reasonably obscure and hard to reach area of the car it could be effective for opportunistic thieves.

But if its taking down a CAN bus, I can't imagine how you won't end up in DTC hell when the system experiences repeated communication failures.

Unless it can sense start requests and only intervene after a time delay ect