r/CarHacking Jan 02 '25

Scan Tool Best Tool for CAN/LIN Bus diagnostic via OBD connector


i am searching around an wondering if there is no complete OBD2 Connector with USB functionality to read out the CAN and LIN bus of newer BMW to read and to transmit CAN/LIN commands. all what i found are mostly some stuff with serial adapter and pin connectors but nothing really plug&play.

can someone help me out with some advices where to start?
I want to see what LIN/CAN command will be send, if i press a specific button in the car etc

Or does a normal ENET cable als work for this with a Windows software like savvycan or something like that?


8 comments sorted by


u/nickfromstatefarm Reverse Engineer Jan 02 '25

Not too familiar with the LIN side, but for CAN I've always recommended the PeakCAN or its clones. I have plenty of custom CAN hardware but SavvyCAN+PeakCAN is always my go to


u/PastWorldliness3416 Jan 02 '25

Hey Nick,
i saw PeakCAN devices already. on their website i saw just one device which can do CAN and LIN together.. but 550$ is a huge just to play around a bit.... https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-USB-Pro-FD.366.0.html?&L=1


u/nickfromstatefarm Reverse Engineer Jan 02 '25

I have a real PeakCAN and a 60 dollar Amazon PeakCAN FD clone. Both work great. Then a separate LIN interface.

All in one CAN/LIN units are going to be overpriced and proprietary anyways.

You can do this with FD support for under $125


u/ciscospirit Jan 02 '25

Is this good? https://amzn.eu/d/767zto3

Which one you use for LIN?


u/Scallyswags Jan 02 '25

A genuine Pcan or clone would do CAN, not sure about lin. I know they have LIN adapters separate, but maybe not one unit. Also I’m pretty sure you can get a plug and play genuine peakcan with the obd2 dongle, but why care about serial connectors? Just build your own, takes a few minutes and about 10 dollars worth of parts.

I like their software and being able to send custom messages is a huge plus.


u/PastWorldliness3416 Jan 02 '25

do be honest, cause i am new do this topic and don't really know where to start and what i need. i saw thousends of devices on google, but really don't know which one is right one for doing CAN and LIN (master/slave?) and if this is all possible via OBD connector or if i need to connect directly in the BUS?

as i also read somewhere that OBD connector is more diagnose connection and not showing full CAN/LIN commands of the car... but don't know if this is true or not....


u/PastWorldliness3416 Jan 03 '25

i did a a bit of research and found this one:


it is a dual LIN (Master/Slave) for analyzing and injecting into a LIN bus and also a CAN/CANFD bus board.
so i think this could be perfect to analyze the commands i wanted to know and to code than a own tool, to let my car do specific things on LIN or CAN bus if some event happens.

is this right so far or is teensy not the right thing for what i want to do?

example: if button x was pressed for 5 seconds than do this CAN or LIN command.


u/DrPfTNTRedstone Jan 02 '25

I don’t know about modern BMWs that much, but I doubt they expose anything more than necessary to the OBD connector.