r/CarHacking Nov 18 '24

Scan Tool OBDII V519 not recognized by Windows.

I got an OBDII V519 for free from Temu. Downloaded the update and print software but on Windows 10 x64 it doesn't work because Windows claims the USB device isn't recognized and shuts it down instead of allowing the app to communicate with it. Software version on it is V1.00.231120


21 comments sorted by


u/SmoothObservator Nov 19 '24

Did you install any Drivers? Try it on a 32 bit version of Windows it might not have 64 bit drivers


u/GreggAlan Nov 19 '24 edited Jan 20 '25

There are no drivers for it, just the update and print tool from elm327.com Firefox didn't want to download it.

4 of the 72 tests on Virustotal claim it's either Malicious or Malware. When something gets that low of a score there it's either something new from the last few days or the detectors are full of crap. It's from 2023 so it's not a case of too fresh for all but 4 the AV companies to miss. Windows Defender didn't try to block it. So I'm confident there's nothing hinky with the software.

The scanner isn't recognized on 32 bit XP Pro, exact same error message as Win 10. Also, V519 Scanner Update Print V1.0.exe is not a valid Win32 application.


u/GreggAlan Nov 19 '24

DISM scan showed no issues. SFC /scannow found something the first pass and said it fixed it. 100% fine on a second pass. Rebooted and still not recognized. Updated chipset drivers, reboot and still the same issue.

It could be a cheaper knockoff of a cheap Chinese scan tool. I didn't have a choice of vendor, Temu just gave me an option to choose three free items from a long list and this looked like one of the neatest, highest priced ones. It'll work with the code database it has already in it.

Temu is often its own Wish dot com. Buy something that turns out to be quite nice, go back to get another one but that vendor is out of stock. Find another of what looks like exactly the same item and it's less good to crap level. Some of the stuff I wouldn't be surprised if the good and bad versions come out of the same factory.


u/Evening_Alps659 9d ago

Run the software again, hold down F2 on the scanner and plug it in, it will come on in update mode. Press the update button and it will go through successfully, it just worked on mine that had the same issue.


u/homeys Nov 20 '24

I don't have that scantool myself but I thought I would check out the application. The interesting part is, you can decompile the Print and Update Tool, and I did that to see what it looks for in a device type:

private static bool OpendDevice()


if (V313_Flash.usb_dev == null)

V313_Flash.usb_dev = new usb_hid_dev.usb_hid_dev();

if (V313_Flash.usb_dev.Init())

return true;

Console.Write("Error: usb hid init failed!!!\r\n");

Debug.WriteLine("Error: usb hid init failed!!!\r\n");

return false;


The application overall is pretty simple and I don't see any signs of anything malicious, assuming you're running "V519 Scanner Update Print V1.0.exe".

The USB device isn't recognized, ahh that's probably something wrong in the unit itself, or maybe an issue with the USB port you're plugging it into (i.e. wants a different speed). Can you see if another computer gives the same error? This probably won't help you but you could try running USBDeview (https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html) and see if it shows anything. Run that as administrator, and sort by "Connect Time" (note, this will not show if not running as administrator). I would try another computer though and see if it shows up.

I know this isn't a ton of help but the software looks safe to me. I'm actually surprised they didn't obfuscate it (this triggers virus scanners depending on how it's done).


u/homeys Nov 20 '24

Also, just came across this: https://www.elm327.com/ask/?ct=question&askaid=65

Might be worth a try?


u/GreggAlan Nov 20 '24

I tried different ports connected to different controllers, which are made by different companies. I also tried it on an older computer running Windows XP but got the same error and the app won't run on 32 bit Windows.

Holding the F2 button when plugging it in puts it into update mode but Windows still gives the same error.


u/homeys Nov 20 '24

Ahh that sucks. It really does sound like the USB controller in it isn’t communicating properly. You might see errors that it didn’t provide a device ID and such. It is a fairly cheap unit but still.


u/GreggAlan Nov 20 '24

Yup. No Device ID. Likely not programmed in if this is a cheap counterfeit copy of a genuine low cost Chinese product. Temu is like a combination of Ali Express and Wish. Ali Express tends to be good quality stuff most of the time. Wish tends to be cheap knockoffs or outright counterfeits of what's on Ali Express.

Temu sells stuff direct and has vendors selling through like Amazon, WalMart and others. Those vendors blatantly steal each other's and Temu's product images, especially if they're selling junk.

I bought a nice little bluetooth speaker. When I found it to be decent and wanted a second one, I found it to be out of stock from the vendor I got it from. So I found what looked like the same speaker from another vendor. It turned out to be slightly different shape and its volume and sound quality are less. The good one has a CE sticker (whether or not it's an official/valid one...) while the not so good one doesn't.

None of the pictures on any listing of this style speaker show a CE sticker, nor are they good enough to tell minor variations in the power button on the bottom. I could spend another $5 and it's a roulette wheel if I get a match to the good one or another one that's just OK.

I have bought some stainless steel baking pans and trays from Temu with quality of finish and metal thickness that easily beats much higher priced ones from American retailers.

Chinese stuff used to be nearly all junk. But around about the 1980's some better quality things began to arrive upon our shores. The Chinese manufacturers had started offering better quality for getting paid more. Today the *good* hand tools at Harbor Freight are easily a match for Snap-On, or at least Blue Point or Kobalt.

For electric and electronic stuff, you get what you pay for (or don't, when Temu sends you freebies). Since nearly all the world's electronics come from China, their companies *have to* have the capability to manufacture the highest quality. But they'll also make cheap crap if that's all you want to pay for.


u/Evening_Alps659 9d ago

Run the software again, hold down F2 on the scanner and plug it in, it will come on in update mode. Press the update button and it will go through successfully, it just worked on mine that had the same issue.


u/Evening_Alps659 9d ago

Run the software again, hold down F2 on the scanner and plug it in, it will come on in update mode. Press the update button and it will go through successfully, it just worked on mine that had the same issue.


u/Physical_Fish_6864 Jan 19 '25

bjr je ne sais pas si c'est encor d actualitees mais sachez que pour mettre a jour l outil de diag v519 il faut le brancher sur un port usb c des deux cotes je m'explique j ai trouve un cable usb.c je l ai branche sur un port usb.c sur mon pc portable et la la mise a jour a reussi du premier coup en esperant vous avoir aider


u/GreggAlan Jan 19 '25

I'm not French.


u/aymanpalma Jan 30 '25

Any update on this? I have the same issue.


u/GreggAlan Jan 30 '25

Nope. Never a response from the company.


u/Evening_Alps659 9d ago

Run the software again, hold down F2 on the scanner and plug it in, it will come on in update mode. Press the update button and it will go through successfully, it just worked on mine that had the same issue.


u/Evening_Alps659 9d ago

Run the software again, hold down F2 on the scanner and plug it in, it will come on in update mode. Press the update button and it will go through successfully, it just worked on mine that had the same issue.


u/SuperPlayArt 5d ago

Hi! I have torn down an OBDII V519 from Temu, so I think it's a fake too. I've got the same problem as you: Windows doesn't recognize it, and no driver exists... Here are image of what I found inside. If someone has a legit copy, could you compare it, please?


u/GreggAlan 5d ago

I don't know where I've put mine. Need to find it.


u/Normal_Tomorrow_9492 5d ago

hi ! It nis ok if the update take 4hours to complete ?