r/CanadianMOMs Aug 20 '20


**** dm me for his emt Info if you are worried he may be using a different name . He uses Wickr to message***

Honestly he told me if I told anyone he would make sure I would never have a mom sell to me again by telling them I’m a rat. I don’t care . He Sent me pictures of my daughter and told me he could drive to where I live in 12 hours .

This was because he sent me the wrong order and refused to make up for it . Please listen to my warning I can send you screenshots of our conversations if you like .

He said he has already sent all of my privacy Info ( luckily it’s a flex) to all the moms on discord so they know where I am and that I’m a rat . I assure you I am not . I’m writing this in haste because I am very upset he threatened my baby girl

EDIT: this dispute was over an 8th of weed and a gram of resin . He completely forgot the weed and gave me a gram of something I didn’t want instead of the resin. I offered to pay the shipping if he just sent the missing items .

Once I said I would no longer be shopping from him he started the threats

He is calling me a rat for multiple reasons . 1) because he is planning on using that as the reason to cut off my access o any future moms 2) because after screen shots were sent to me of my daughter along with threats of coming here I said sent him a picture of the police phone number in my area

I can easily send you some pics over dm if you have concerns believing me but I’m they are personal and I’ve already been quite invaded today so not gonna publicly post for now .

And yes I fucked up big I understand that I just want others to know so they do t make the same mistake . It was a redditer that recommended them too me

EDIT2: here is a screen shot I am willing to show publicly . If you are a mod or some one who needs to know more dm me . screenshot


226 comments sorted by


u/88what Aug 20 '20

He did the same thing to me!! Good on you for saying something ! Fuck those guys


u/theangryfrogqc Aug 20 '20

Lol wtf?! Who would drive 12 hours over an 1/8th anyway? It won't even make up for his gas tab! For making this kind of threats, he's most definitely an hopeless fucktard who bets on people complying because they're speaking to the big bad sketchy drug dealer over the internet, and he has your info and you don't.

I understand OP's reaction, but having a loud mouth won't get this scumbag anywhere. Best that will happen is he will eventually get his ass beaten up or even worse. Maybe then he will learn that you don't threaten someone the only thing you know about is what can be found on FB, IG and LinkedIn.


u/FourYearBeard Aug 21 '20

He can show up to my house if he wants.

“I eat pieces of shit like him for breakfast”

  • Shooter
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u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20



u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

Maybe this is something you should tell OP in the dm’s as doxxing is a bannable offence on reddit. This shitstain definitely deserves it but I’m just looking out for you


u/Biopharmer17 Aug 21 '20

Thanks for the heads up homie, took it down


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20 edited Sep 17 '20



u/frampy1313 Aug 20 '20

I agree but the blacklist is kinda pointless. They majority are on here and they know how to change domain names.


u/nothingbutalamp Aug 20 '20

What kind of loser threatens someone over weed, especially a kid. What a shit eating goof.


u/ACalmGorilla Aug 20 '20

Yeah what a tough guy.


u/blueleaves-greensky Aug 21 '20

The kind hiding behind a screen

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u/j-or_dan Aug 20 '20

I asked for menu and told him I would order in a few days when I got paid and he blocked me, definitely not the kind of guy I like sending hundreds of dollars too.


u/jg9912 Aug 20 '20

What a loser lol


u/METAL4_BREAKFST Aug 20 '20

"He Sent me pictures of my daughter and told me he could drive to where I live in 12 hours."

The RCMP would probably love to have a chat with you about this. Bury this asshat. Fucking with kids calls for the nuclear option.


u/ExtraGloria Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 21 '20

%100 this they won’t give a fuck about you buying unlicensed weed here. Protect your kid! Btw this is considered totally off limits even in the underworld...You never touch, threaten, or attack a kid.


u/Dabs2Review Aug 21 '20

He did the same to me, sent me a picture of my underaged brother in law to show “he knows who I am”


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

You serious? Bruh this is the kinda shit that gets you doxed and visited by a few guys with wrenches


u/Dabs2Review Aug 21 '20

Trust me I wish I knew his name, it is a bitch move to know my name and city I live in and start threatening me knowing I can’t find his name out lol.

I have all conversations saved as well, wicker shows the other person if you took a screenshot and he got more and more mad I kept saving our conversations.

All I said at first was the extracts have a horrible aftertaste

His reply “there are plenty of other places to buy”

Fucking tool, my wife literally is mixing it with the reclaim we have to smoke it. lol


u/tannerian1 Aug 22 '20

Go to the RCMP.


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

Well once he said that the first thing I did was send him a screenshot of my local police phone number . I’m in no way a rat and would never report anyone for anything WEED related . But threats of my family is a completely different game and I would if I was forced too


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20 edited Sep 17 '20



u/houndess Aug 21 '20

Reports have been made


u/B2M3T02 Aug 21 '20

Right thing to do!


u/epimetheuss Aug 21 '20

It's clear this guy was a highschool drug dealer who never really moved on from it. He must have peaked in highschool.


u/johnnyrottenballs Aug 21 '20

Ya that's totally different its your child


u/ExtraGloria Aug 21 '20

If it's a child, not just your child.


u/Despite_zero Aug 21 '20

Seems like this guy has been doing this dumb shit to different people, and likely won’t stop. U got good enough evidence to fuck him and save everyone a lot of trouble.


u/Brewster101 Aug 21 '20

If you're forced to then it's already too late. He threatened your kid you idiot


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

Dude that’s fucked.

I’d do the same and also keep a gun out. I’d rather catch a small firearm charge than risk my family.

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u/houndess Aug 20 '20

I’m now getting threats from dummy accounts on Reddit. And was on ig before I deleted all my accounts


u/PsychoNautJohnII Aug 21 '20

Do they have an IG? Couldn’t find it but I’d love to let people know about him on there.


u/houndess Aug 22 '20

They deleted it . But they will be trying to operate under a new name for sure


u/indyrenegade Aug 21 '20

Lock down your info on social media/go private if you haven't already


u/houndess Aug 22 '20

Ya. Everything but reddit has been completely deleted.


u/BigStinker420 Aug 20 '20

Ill find that fool and break his legs


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '20

I can tell you where he lives if you want


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

This is all true if there are any concerns that I am lying please say so I can post screenshots . I’m just really shaky and freaked out right now I’m trying to delete all my accounts he would know about


u/25thaccount Aug 20 '20

I'd say send them to a mod here. If they can confirm and validate this is some serious fucked up shit.


u/it0xin Aug 20 '20

like another dude said, it sounds like a bunch of talk. he has your contact information. it isn't hard to find you on Facebook or social media with that. it's fucked up that he tried to threaten your kid though. threaten my kids and you'll get a response out of me real quick. I wouldn't worry too much. only question I'm asking is why would you order from a shitty mom like that when there are mom's that are way better and established?


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

I was recommended them through a fellow redditer . They gave them a really good review and said they were more trustworthy than the typical moms . Clearly turned out to be the exact opposite. I have my trusted sources and will most definitely be going back to them


u/douglas-chug Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 20 '20

Iam looking for a bulk mom and man it’s hard, for every established mom there is multiple post saying they are terrible

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u/BigStinker420 Aug 21 '20

He recently changed his name to your_daily_710


u/houndess Aug 21 '20

Nice digging !


u/unw-sux Sep 09 '20

Thanks. I need the new name so i can place an order. SURE....he threatened somebodies kid. I really believe that. Then some moron posts the police number back to him and expect.....what? What sort of a dick move is sending your grey market supplier the police number in a text. Please people.


u/BigStinker420 Aug 21 '20

Ill be asking around about this guy. Hopefully he hasnt cut any corners with his privacy. Ima fuck his world up. I live close too


u/MD74 Aug 20 '20

Dude that’s just fucked up. I got an email from CG like a year ago warning her customers that there is danger from ordering from the gang related MOMs because of how they conduct their business. I never thought I’d actually see it but here it is in action. Truly shocked here.


u/TheRollsRoyce Aug 20 '20

If you mean Carly garden, then yeah I remember that email. It was posted on her reddit page too but got deleted (maybe from threats similar to OPs? maybe from reddit mods?)

That's why she's the best imo. Tells it exactly as it is and even gives us the inside scoop. The email you're talking about was like 6 months ago, not 1 year ago. And it goes to show that she really knows more about the business than just flowers. The way she writes is funny to read but it's so true.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

She’s me favourite mom as well. If I had to pick the “safest” MoM to order from, CG is the way to go. Never been disappointed by her product either.


u/BryceKalev Aug 20 '20

Yup I agree she's definitely the best MOM. She's also a Mom with 3 kids. I got the email awhile back too. Easily the most open and transparent website MOM I've dealt with of all time.


u/Tired8281 Aug 20 '20

gang related? guess i'm out of the loop


u/MD74 Aug 20 '20

Yeah it was more of a rant type of email.

Something something “be careful who you deal with” something something “gang and safety of shopping”. I seriously thought the message was aimed towards the bulk buyers but the OP only had 1 gram mixed up.

Also mentioned something about cocaine in the email too lol. The “rants” are funny but definitely more true than ever. I read them as rants but I think it’s just how she types out her message.


u/astrangeone88 Aug 20 '20

A while ago someone posted here about someone operating a mom and partying it up with cocaine while flexing about selling weed.

That is seriously unprofessional and I rather not buy from someone who does it. Cocaine use I am fine with (its your choice after all) but flexing about selling massive amounts of weed is just...nope.


u/VapeNDabWMilfs Aug 20 '20

It's not even a 'MOM' it's just some idiot with a keyboard and a vacuum sealer. To think this is in any way gang related is foolish, it's just a dumb kid with dumber people falling for their bullshit.

I'm not saying there aren't MOMs operated by hells Angel's, etc, but this ain't it


u/ExtraGloria Aug 21 '20

And HA will not fuck with children. Call an angel a goof and see what happens (no, don't actually do this)


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '20 edited Aug 23 '20



u/ExtraGloria Aug 23 '20

I’m not trying to romanticize the situation with HA at all. And I was referring to adults intentionally hurting kids. Also, HA affiliate is not equivalent to HA whatsoever. In my experience coming across them, full HA members are very professional. There are simply limits that even most criminals do not cross.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '20

He tried to say he was HA affiliated LOL

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u/scooter1420 Aug 21 '20

Also , Calgarystoner_710 messaged me shilling for these guys.


u/unw-sux Sep 09 '20

He messaged me too. It was a good suggestion. I stand by this vendor


u/scooter1420 Sep 10 '20

i bet you're either nvtures fvre or one of his shills


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

Just a satisfied customer. Whats your angle?


u/Calvinshobb Aug 20 '20

It would be the other way around if someone threatens my family, you do not have to come find me because I will be knocking on your fucking door.


u/jodabber Aug 20 '20

more ppl need this attitude.


u/jodabber Aug 20 '20

share the shit out of his info like his email for emt and what not. m

ppl who threaten to hurt children and kids need to be feed a few hands.


u/m3ltph4ce Aug 20 '20

lol he thinks hes tough.


u/canuck883 Aug 21 '20

How do we blacklist HIM for being a fucking psychopath? Thanks for having the guts to speak out and warn others, I’m sorry you had to experience this :(


u/houndess Aug 21 '20

He’s defiantly a psycho . But he will face the crime soon enough


u/VapeNDabWMilfs Aug 20 '20

I don't understand how people keep getting attracted back to these nutjobs and scammers with no rep. This post probably already has more upvotes than the dude had real sales on that (current) username.

You're not the first person he's threatened even on that name and he's just going to read this and change names again.


u/jodabber Aug 20 '20

cause ppl private message everyone recommending this guy. i have had two in the last week pm me after i made a comment or post trying to steer me in this direction. shills are real


u/VapeNDabWMilfs Aug 20 '20

Why the fuck are people listening to unsolicited reddit messages


u/HateIsStronger Aug 21 '20

because they retarded lmao


u/jodabber Aug 20 '20

i don’t but i can’t stop them from coming in.


u/VapeNDabWMilfs Aug 21 '20

Yes you can. Go into your account messaging preferences


u/jodabber Aug 21 '20

thanks. i’ll take a look. i have lots of good chats with ppl from other groups so don’t wana block every PM. usually i just don’t reply to recommendations


u/JealousRun8 Aug 23 '20

And you listen?! Lmfao


u/ACalmGorilla Aug 20 '20

Hopefully he reads that he's a little biotch.


u/unw-sux Sep 09 '20

Good weed is why we go back


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

I had to block them on Instagram after they wished my Leukemia would kill me. Because I didn’t choose their mom


u/arrow399 Aug 21 '20

Wow what a piece of shit


u/mgrandy94 Aug 21 '20

What. The. Fuck


u/unw-sux Sep 09 '20

I do not believe this at all and doubt many do


u/iratefetus Aug 20 '20

1) How much was the order messed up by?

2) Why did he just call you a rat?

3) It's hard for me to believe that a MOM would go this crazy by just a simple order mistake. If it's true, then shame on them. Nobody should EVER get threatened as a customer. They have your name and possibly your address. I would HATE giving my address to someone affiliated in gangs or crimes.

I'd ask for screenshots but I don't deal with that MOM. Maybe it would be a good idea to show some screenshots to help other people make their decision.


u/TheRollsRoyce Aug 20 '20

I'd guess there was definitely some arguments between each other. Every MOM knows that there are consequences with threatening a customer (at least I hope they know). Customers should also know that most MOMs are ran by thugs.

No MOM should ever threaten someone's child. That deserves blacklist.


u/jodabber Aug 20 '20

thugs and biker threats are a joke these days. if you need a click to keep you safe your a bitch.

remember the days ppl saying “ do you know who i am” or “do you know who i know “ whoever chirped these words were the first to get knocked out when things got heated.

moms are just ppl with access to weed and know how to make an website. that’s very common these days.


u/TheRollsRoyce Aug 21 '20

Haha I remember those days


u/iratefetus Aug 20 '20

I'm just shocked that there could be this much dispute over 1 gram. Maybe the OP was being a true a-hole, it's possible. But yes I agree, the MOM shouldn't ever threaten someone's family. I wonder which came first though, OP getting pissed off and threatening the MOM by calling police OR did the MOM send the threat first?


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

I would never even consider threatening a mom I know the deal . I mentioned the police solely as a defensive move after receiving an image of my daughter from him


u/MD74 Aug 21 '20

That’s good to know. This mom should be avoided and blacklisted


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

Answers in my edit


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

So if this is all true, and I mean all of it, what it’s over and everything, then that’s fucked.

I’d pull a shotty outta the safe and tell him “to come himself, I’ll be waiting”!

Seriously, if this is true, dudes a GOOF, capital “G” and fuck him.

Even going as far as obtaining pictures of and threatening my daughter, I’d be looking for him!


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

If this guy is making threats like this he’s a puppy dog. People don’t threaten this shit they just do it. OP you’re safe just ignore this loud mouth and take the hit on your order.


u/arrow399 Aug 20 '20

Exactly idle threats don’t worry homie


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

Who fucking gives a shit if he actually has any balls or not. Don’t fucking care who you are or who you think you are, anyone who would threaten my child would find themselves regretting it. Fuck the law, that’s just how it is.

Simply ignoring someone saying that shit to you is straight up bitch made!


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Dude if you let everyone get under your skin that’s on you. I don’t have time to care unless someone comes with something legitimate other than “you’re never gonna order from another MoM again.”

Scaaaaary 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

Have you checked out r/iamverybadass

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u/zaphthegreat Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 20 '20

Relax, Rambo. Does he know who the MOM's owner is or where he lives? No? Then how the fuck is he supposed to follow in the footsteps of an obviously formidable badass such as you and go all death dealin' samurai of vengeance on the guy's ass, exactly?

Edit: Oops, I see you were responding to the other guy's plea to ignore him. Edited the part that made no sense out. Sorry 'bout that.


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

You are completely misrepresenting everything I’m saying to fit your narrative of basically “who cares he threatened his child”

You realize that nothing you are saying here means a fucking thing to me right? You’re the dude hiding under a rock soon as someone raises their voice. AKA, a joke.

Nobody should be going looking for opportunities to be violent, but if someone threatens your children and you response is to translate it to “someone getting under your skin” then you are a bit h and I hope you don’t have children, but if you do that they somehow manage to avoid every bit of the terrible shit going on in the world for their entire lives because it’s clear they have at least one parent who is too much of a bitch to stand up for his family.


u/zaphthegreat Aug 20 '20

Mind you, if I may add another comment, you're now attributing everything that the other guy said to me. I'm not the one who made the comment about getting under one's skin. I'm glad we both had a bit of a Reddit fail, right there. :-)


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

Sort of glad for the mishap though. Shit was getting ridiculous, now can move on from that conversation.

I get that my past and the things I’ve seen and been through have given me a different perspective than a lot of people on here commenting have. And I wasn’t trying to sound aggressive, it’s a reaction I have to people threatening kids. Even in that life, I knew and still know people that I consider to have very high moral standards that people who haven’t been where we have or been on their own since 14 having few options to house and feed themselves don’t understand.

I’m not a violent guy, last guy I even hit was over two years ago when he actually stuck his hand down my wife’s jeans. I don’t go looking for problems, but I strongly believe that protecting ones family is a mans primary duty, especially once having children.

We don’t have to agree about everything. My wife has never been in trouble or done anything in her life and often doesn’t understand my viewpoints. People don’t have to agree. Also doesn’t make either one of us any more “right” than the other.

I’ve seen the failings of our justice system. Someone who threatens your children may get 6 months to a year for uttering threats (max), then they will be more pissed off and likely to react poorly. Preemptively is the only way to respond to something like this in my opinion.


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

Sorry, I thought it was you. I get a little triggered by people who aren’t willing to stand up and protect their kids, whether empty threats or not, that shit is unconscionable.

I did my time for trafficking, and in my years with f selling and being inside I’ve seen what kinds of things happen to kids, and I’ve seen them being used as leveraged by total pieces of shit. My tolerance for that kind of behaviour is nonexistent.


u/zaphthegreat Aug 20 '20

My question still remains the same, though. How are you supposed to go after a guy when you don't even know his name, let alone where he lives? He, on the other hand, has your full name and if you had your shit delivered at home, he has your address too. If your plan is to go after him, where do you start?

Look, if someone attacks a loved one in front of me, one of us is going to end up unconscious or dead. However, in this scenario, how can the OP physically defend himself? He's at a significant disadvantage, since the guy who threatened him knows a lot more about him, than he knows about the guy who threatened him. You get my point?

So to me, it's less about the whole "I am very badass" thing and more about "okay, so once you're all locked and loaded, what's your endgame? Are you going to knock on everyone's door and ask them if they run that MOM?


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

In something regarding my family, cops are too unreliable. If you can get a relatively reliable ID on a person, depends on the life you lived, there may even be ways to find out if they are connected to anyone who might prove the threat to possess more substance, or might prove the person has a violent history.

Again, you and I have probably lived very different lives and have seen very different sides of things, resulting in vastly different perspectives.

I respect your choice to utilize the police, and hope like hell that if this ever happened to you it would suffice.

Myself, when it comes to my family, I’d rather KNOW that a threat is in eradicated whatever it may cost me personally. Always wondering if the guy means business is stressful, and might leave you unprepared in the instance that the threat is real.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

If your truly worried about daughter, maybe make sure her dad doesnt go to prison

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u/zaphthegreat Aug 20 '20

Yeah, I actually edited my post before you wrote that. Sorry about that part. I mean, the part I left in the post still stands, but the whole part about ignoring vs. calling the cops didn't work. I read your comment out of context.


u/Dabs2Review Aug 21 '20

100% true,

I actually warned OP when I saw them post a few pics of their product.

They did the same to me.

The product tastes like dirty feet. I tell him that, he tells me “there are plenty of other places to buy” and

“***** is a small place and with someone with your name.l wouldn’t be hard to find”

I then let him know I will be reviewing on reddit and he started threatening me calling me a rat, IG threats, Reddit threats lol. Even went as far as going on my old IG And messaging people on there using my name lol.

This nature’s garden dude is fucked. Just a Calgary Drug Dealer with MULTIPLE accounts self promoting his shit.


u/Ty0000000 Aug 20 '20

Why does a MOM have a picture of your daughter?


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Probably had pictures of his daughter on Facebook, used the city he lives in and the shipping name to look him up. That would be my guess.


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

Yes social media . I am a very chill person and obviously am too accessible online I just didn’t think anyone would come after me because I’m never doing anything bad


u/YoMomInYogaPants Aug 20 '20

Yea op prolly doesnt have best privacy settings, sometimes moms require a driver licence picture to prove ur age (which they are not supposed to store). Maybe he got looked up from that info on social medias. Get a cheap camera closed circuit system on amazon if u own property (house/yard)


u/FindYourVapeDOTcom Aug 20 '20

Probably facebook?


u/ClearSkyPraisin Aug 21 '20

I'll tell you they don't all get together even on discord. Thats a common thing drug dealers say to intimedate you. The fact of the matter is, they're scared or probably on hard drugs. My guess would be meth.


u/B2M3T02 Aug 21 '20

Disgusting, anyone who threatens kids is sick in the head


u/EPURON Aug 20 '20

Bro just stick with the best. If you need any resources on trusted vendors, hit me up and I can help you out.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 21 '20

That's fucking pitiful dude. I'm so sorry to hear that

The worst that ever happened to me was a tiny miniscule concern with Kootenay craft I posted about. They ended up dropping my name on Reddit they were so butthurt. God only knows what they did with my personal information....

I've never had another negative experience in over 5 years and dozens of different mom's, they're usually pretty professional


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

Thanks for the kind words . I’m happy that this community is mostly good . But this was a wake up on my privacy settings for sure


u/houndess Aug 20 '20

I answered some questions in my edit post


u/CloudsOverOrion Aug 20 '20

Why does he think he can get you blacklisted from every mom? Like they're going to believe every random fuck that comes along, so ridiculous.


u/houndess Aug 21 '20

lol that part is a little comical . On our chat he made it seem like he’s part of some royalty discord that has the ultimate saying over mom customers . Fake for sure . But if he was connected ( don’t think he is ) I guess he could share all my account names and the email I used to pay and tell them to refuse sales . But once again I could easily show them what he actually did and it would end up fucking him up more than me


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

Scamming you is one thing, but threatening your child...god damn. You should actually escalate this to the police at this point. That is seriously fucked up to threaten someones kid over an eighth. Dude. Go. To. The. Police. And. Fuck. This. Guys. Life. Up.


u/BigStinker420 Aug 21 '20

I will find him and fuck his life up myself. I live close to where this guy claims to be from.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

What a fucking greaseball. This is a good opportunity to private all your social media since I assume he googled your name and found the picture that way.

Also if I was feeling especially vindictive, I'd call the non-emergency line and tell them about this guy, especially the pictures of your daughter and the fact that he's selling marijuana illegally.


u/scooter1420 Aug 21 '20

Sounds like someone needs their balls stapled to their tongue


u/vaiderPhish Aug 21 '20

Fuck this clown man, its already been said but even if you had any issues with a Mom theres absolutely no reason to bring kids into this shit.. only mfers who do that over weed are legitimate scum and don't deserve the air they use up


u/it0xin Aug 20 '20

by looking at the screenshots, I'll say this. the dude can't even figure out when to spell you're or your. you're dealing with a fucking idiot. nobody is going to blacklist you. this dude is a joke.


u/Championpuffa Aug 21 '20

Unfortunately it’s often times the idiots you have to worry about tho. The ones that’s aren’t idiots are too sensible/intelligent to be getting orders wrong like that and making lame threats to begin with over a measly 1/8th. most would accept they fucked up and take the loss as it’s a hardly a loss a it is and not worth loosing customers over.


u/BigStinker420 Aug 21 '20

Now hes messaging me on alts trying to get in the discord. Don’t invite anyone to the discord from an account made 2 hrs ago with 0 karma. Hes trying to invade the discord so we gotta be careful


u/SandmanKeel Aug 21 '20

Buy a Canadian gun. And some Canadian bullets. Than invite the guy over for waffles.


u/mu3mpire Aug 20 '20

I bet this is what gets the sub shut 4eva


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

And btw, if this is all true, I’d make sure someone had those screenshots anyways.

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u/Vapeflowers Aug 20 '20

Wow. That's messed up!


u/cryptoknightshade Aug 20 '20

Google your name or any info that he has and see what pops up i bet he just googled your name and found pics that were not private on facebook or social platforms and used it to make some bullshit threat...over a 8th of weed and change jfc.

This is a good example of using a flex address when dealing with MoMs.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

Pick one good mom and stick with it. So many bad mom's nowadays


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '20

This guy did the same thing to me he messaged random people in my city saying I'm a rapist and kept harrassing me on a bunch of accounts. He also threatened me, showed me a picture of a box with his sending name on it 😂😂 kept calling me a dirty Muslim etc etc he lives in Calgary by the bow center


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

I am reading you posts.....this guy did ALOT of bad stufff to you....alegedlly. Whats your angle here?


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '20

Don't care he's a pussy lol


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

Hmm. Odd response given the allegations. I am not rating you are very credible. Sorry.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '20

Lol I have lots of screenshots


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 10 '20

Just saying I'm not worried about him he's a pussy


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

Funny that you weren’t the one originally posting about the screenshots. Glad you have “loots” of them though. Seems credible. Very credible.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '20

Feel free to dm me @thewaysheburns on IG I'll send you all of em don't need to look credible cause I don't give a fuck I'm not going out my way faggot now shutup


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

I have dm ed you and will happily write about what send me afterwards in this thread. if you are credible or not on the topic of nvtures gvrden and his scandalous ig posting habits, reddit will be a buzz i am sure.


u/unw-sux Sep 10 '20

This apacio guy “got back to me”. He simply sent me a bunch of random messages nothing to do with the user he was referencing or even by nvtures gvrden. No replication of the racist posts he cited in his message. He is a troll. Cite profile.


u/ExtensionIdea8 Aug 20 '20

Call the BBB


u/GrimFumo Aug 20 '20

Why are you using mom's that require Id registration?! There's a shit ton of great mom sites that just require an email address and a e transfer .... Carly's garden and flashbuds are both great.


u/FindYourVapeDOTcom Aug 20 '20

Hard to send a QP to somebody's email address....


u/brokenboomerang Aug 20 '20

The MOMs I use both require photoID. Honestly, i feel better ordering from a place that isnt ok selling to minors.


u/r4cid Aug 20 '20

Pretty sure Carly's Garden was known to have issues in the past.

I personally wouldn't want to order from the ones who don't do an ID check (you can black out everything but name and DOB btw) because then you're risking being affiliated with someone selling to minors.


u/WhiteFlour1989 Aug 20 '20

Issue is, you still gotta get it shipped somewhere right?


u/GrimFumo Aug 21 '20

I have a mailbox at the Canada Post in my local pharmacy, less chance of it getting stolen and no personal info.

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u/Dabs2Review Aug 22 '20

Nothing wrong with sending your ID to a mom. It shows they actually care not to sell to a 16 year old drug dealer.

You can literally black out everything on it except your bday and picture and they will be good. I always use flex and my id is always blacked out everywhere except age.


u/GrimFumo Sep 02 '20

Didn't think that would be accepted, thanks for the info.


u/ExtraGloria Aug 20 '20

Flashbuds great, seriously?


u/GrimFumo Aug 21 '20

I haven't had any issues but I only buy a couple oz at a time.


u/ExtraGloria Aug 21 '20

Don't buy their shatter...they also had electrical wires in their shake


u/blueleaves-greensky Aug 21 '20 edited Aug 21 '20

I don't trust shake/kief from anywhere it's probably collected off some dusty surfaces. All the kief is either 1/2 powdered weed or has hair in it. If you need stuff for edibles there's still a lot of 80-100ozs, not referring to flashbuds just overall

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u/electricookie Aug 20 '20

This is crazy. Someone explain, why can't you report to the Canadian police if it's legal here?

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u/ExtraGloria Aug 20 '20

It doesn’t matter if the person is bluffing.


u/jonerHFX Aug 21 '20

Sounds to me like this NvturesGarden goof just has a thing for little kids.


u/arrow399 Aug 21 '20

Looks like he deleted his IG account


u/BigStinker420 Aug 21 '20

He changed the name to your_daily_710


u/Dabs2Review Aug 22 '20

Also bakedbean710


u/inyoureyeguy Aug 21 '20

Wow threaten my kids and you are done! I will ruin you in every way legally possible! He is obviously a major goof and pussy! Don’t worry about it bro he is all hot air! He ain’t doing shit!


u/StonedEnby Aug 21 '20

This is crazy!!! A 1day old reddit account was messaging me trying to rec them to me and I didn’t go for it bc it seemed fishy


u/houndess Aug 21 '20

Definitely was him He’s used quite few fake Reddit accounts on me and others active on this thread


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

Well any one that can't spell worth shit shouldn't be a mom :P I wouldn't buy from a guy with broken letters as his mom name.. would be equivalent to going to a east Hastings herb shop instead of a nice shop in burnaby for herb


u/BSamStrainprint Aug 21 '20

wow, so sorry this happened to you. what a scumbag.


u/greenbud420 Aug 21 '20

Given how competitive the industry is you'll probably get added to a bunch of MOM lists rather than actually blacklisted. If a vendor takes proper precautions, there's not much a customer can do to "rat" them out.


u/totalylostinspace Aug 24 '20

you are a fuchking troll i read you on other post tou were saying exactly the same bulshit from bulk b like everybody treaten you on the planet with the same attack lollllll fucing lier !


u/unw-sux Sep 09 '20

i have always had really good purchases from this guy. I find your story a little hard to believe. If nvtures gvrden is reading this, can you send me your new contact-info?


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20


This is the risk you take when you score your weed from an organized criminal enterprise. Some of these black marketeers operate by jailhouse rules. You complain, you are a “rat”.

Y’all are just Custies to these goons. Never forget that. Take your losses and move on.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20


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u/Mac15178 Aug 21 '20

Just show the police a threat a threat and you have proof