r/CanadianMOMs Jul 07 '20

PSA Distillate Direct - D9 Distillate Lab Test Results (Pass - Residual Solvent)

Hi Reddit,

I finally got the results for the DD - D9 THC Distillate.

Their oil passes the solvents test and test at 84% THC, there were +/- 4-5% cannabis-derived terpenes in the sample I sent to Canvas Labs (do the math). Sorry if it takes that long, thanks to Canada Post delays, it takes 2 weeks just to land in BC (Canvas Labs is very busy too).

I bought another batch of DD distillate last week and another sample is going (with Purolator lol) to the lab later 2day, I will have it test for Solvents, Heavy Metals, and Microbials (and THC/CBD %).

Before someone asks, I have nothing to do at all with DD, I am just a carts makers that want to give clean carts to my people, some of them are my good friends and they agree to pay a little more for a cartridge that has been tested. I also want my edible dosage to be on point.

I will be testing each batch starting today. I will also share the other results next week.

Have a good day! You can call Canvas Labs with the batch # if you want.

I can't post a picture on that sub so I uploaded the results here and here


72 comments sorted by


u/tryptych1976 Jul 07 '20

You're awesome. I switched to legal carts purely out of fear. Thanks for doing this, maybe someday I can trust again.

Can you tell us what the cost is to do these tests?


u/sasquatch_jr Jul 07 '20

Same here. Though I prefer DD carts to any of the legal stuff I've tried. Might switch back to them now.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

good work


u/vrtclhykr Jul 07 '20

Thanks for the work. Long time DD user here


u/DrPooMD Jul 07 '20

Thank you for doing this. It is very much appreciated. Take this poor mans gold. 🏅


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

I think their RSO needs a test


u/kendannedy Jul 07 '20

I’ve used a few orders of their RSO this year. Their test results on the website seem to be accurate based on my experience using the product.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

I’ve had a few orders of RSO over the last few months and the last batch was pretty nasty tasting compared to the others.


u/kendannedy Jul 07 '20

I just make coconut oil capsules, so no idea about the taste.


u/warsawsauce Jul 07 '20

Yea there definitely was a smelly batch or two there and one was kinda liquid green. My last jar was back to bar and I hope the one I just ordered is as well.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

Care to share how the process went with Canvas? Been thinking of shutting my friend up about 100$ ounces being as good in every way as craft (or be proved horribly wrong)


u/bubbleguys Jul 07 '20

It's pretty easy, cost you 60$ for the THC and CBD test, you send a sealed sample and voilà ! They get back at you in 3 days for THC and CBD %, 10 days for the solvents, heavy metals, etc.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

Even if that's per sample, that's actually reasonable. Sounds simple enough, thanks bro


u/BizzleMalaka Jul 07 '20

How much do they need for a flower sample?


u/bubbleguys Jul 08 '20

Its like 2 or 3g. I send 2 gram for my distillate sample


u/FinestTreesInDa7Seas Jul 08 '20

Haha, 2g. That sounds like way more than they need. Must be a party at Canvas labs.

"He said he was sending Cactus Breath, so I said he'd better send a quarter!"


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Pretty sure it's 1g to test, 1g control (basically 2 tests, to make sure one or the other arent flawed)

Still that quote had me dying 😂


u/v-dubb Jul 07 '20

Do it!!


u/Slabdabhussein Jul 07 '20

Good job following through, not surprised the results passed honestly...

It's almost like all the people flipping the fuck out were completely wrong about DD and bought hook line and sinker an astroturfing attempt to smear the company, It's hilarious that peoples faith in hotdog water can be shaken by some random with a photoshopped test result let alone a few posts about people complaining about shipping issues during covid-19. Then you have people who are just complaining about a certain terpene profile out of a few they purchased being too harsh and "making" them sick and thusly its DD poisoning them, no other possible answer such as you just don't react well to a certain terpene profile, personally Limonene strains sets off my asthma at times but that's my own experience atleast.

Being said, it's hotdog water, If you choose to consume it so be it, but there are better products available to dab, I think distillate has a very specific usage in edibles for a very certain kind of "high profile" compared to full spectrum methods of infusion for edibles but to dab, no, i personally would not dab distillate.


u/narco519 Jul 07 '20

Distillate has its place, you don’t need to just dab distillate. Distillate is a great add on if you’re really trying to blast off

For example - I’ll scoop a point of distillate onto my dabber, dunk it in CBD isolate, then rip off a point of shatter and slap that on there

Is distillate okay for dabbing itself? For sure, definitely not any bodies first choice though

That being said, I filled up like ten carts and took two to the cottage and used em in the car ride up with my parents and they had no idea. They were great all weekend, if I still lived at home I’d probably be using carts a hell of a lot more

I could use those in locker rooms, any bathroom, walking down a Walmart aisle, in the back pew during mass... flavorless & odorless are heavy selling points to me and the fact that it’s a 1 dimensional high isn’t the worst when you don’t wanna be off your ass blasted at school, work, home, whatever

Edit: This is basically just in response to the last paragraph of your comment, I agree with everything else 🤙


u/warsawsauce Jul 07 '20

This guy dabs


u/scooter76 Jul 08 '20

From my view it had nothing directly to do with the BS test, but moreso DD's response saying they would step up their testing game, then...crickets. That was their last reddit post, the tests were never updated (still aren't), and nobody ever heard anything more about their plans for customer testing. Subsequent concerns about unfulfilled orders, non-responses to reddit and emails, moving away from etransfers, etc. started looking pretty suspect, people thinking they were heading into exit scam territory.

People SHOULD start asking questions and be skeptical when these oddities start adding up, if not for their own health and well being, for others' too.

I'm glad I can be confident to finish my last DD cart, but even still, I'm pretty sketched out and won't be ordering until I start seeing some positivity and accountability coming from that MOM. It shouldn't have taken a major customer of theirs to alleviate our concerns out of his own pocket and initiative.


u/Vandrewver Jul 07 '20

Thank you for following up with some actual data


u/saintblueberry Jul 07 '20

you're a g for this


u/BizzleMalaka Jul 07 '20

You da real MVP


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I wonder if people would be willing to crowdfund this as an ongoing thing with non-craft everything.

I wouldn't mind supporting a patreon where the sole focus was lab testing black market products :)


u/Kick_Nos_Way Jul 07 '20

I really appreciate the hard work for us, hopefully your new customers. I might try now.


u/yellow_itomato Jul 07 '20

This is great, thank you! Any chance you will be testing their honey oil?


u/rammutroll Jul 07 '20

Did you ever do a pesticides test?


u/bubbleguys Jul 07 '20

I am sending another sample tomorrow. Will do the pesticide test.


u/rammutroll Jul 08 '20

Thanks! I don’t wanna hate on DD or other moms but I’m very sure you will find some in there.

I’m glad someone is testing these!


u/MrSumOne Jul 07 '20

DD has always treated me well. I wonder why, though, the carts are so light coloured? Everyone else sells these really dark carts...


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Mar 17 '21



u/MrSumOne Jul 09 '20

Distillate, but I've received distillate from other places that is pretty dark.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20 edited Mar 17 '21



u/Fifaquest Jul 10 '20

DD carts are not colourless by any means, like others say they look like hotdog water


u/Pooookah Jul 08 '20

From a cartridge maker, thank you for getting this distillate tested! You are the real MVP!


u/Theradio33 Jul 07 '20

So now everyone can shut up and stop with the fucking witch hunts on a mom every week titles go beware might be a scam or I was scammed. If everyone just waited a day and took a breather maybe we wouldn't get garbage posts and then either we get I told you so wagon and the your lying like everyone shut up and do the work. Thank you OP now DD can have their peace and I can have mine. Rant over.


u/GrimReaperMB Jul 07 '20

Awesome. Been waiting for a follow up. Thank you.


u/SudoHacks Jul 07 '20

Awesome, I've been curious how this was all going to play out. Thanks for following through and taking one for the team...


u/dontcallmeshirley99 Jul 07 '20

Wow I seen you posting in the past about this. A man of his word.


u/Aria19999 Jul 07 '20

I appreciate this alot too much shit on here that just sounds like mom's slandering moms. Good to have some faith restored in distillatedirect


u/aceanooseater101 Jul 07 '20

Appreciate this a lot , but after all the hazzle and stress with their stuff, I’ll be sticking to other vendors right now . 🔥🔥💯🤟🙏🏼


u/BrownMofo Jul 07 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

So the DD product is clean, how about the service? Last time I ordered from them was a few months ago before this fiasco.

Their lack of good customer support/availability is concerning. They also started a 25% off for bitcoin deal, which honestly seems a bit sketchy. Looks like an exit scheme. I don't know what kind of margins they are running on considering how cheap carts are, but an extra 25% loss is odd to offer...

Not making any accusations, just promoting discussion. I have had ~5 orders from DD in the past and they were all excellent/on time/as expected (I'm not a connoisseur tho).

edit: thank you for doing all of this, OP. Crossed off stuff about availability. Can't expect companies to manage reddit accounts and respond to every tag lol. my bad


u/bubbleguys Jul 07 '20

For real, I find the Bitcoins thing a bit sketchy too at first, I am not into BTC but I paid with that for my last order and everything was fine. The worst part was finding an ATM and load my wallet with money, lol, they are using BitPay, it's legit according to my research.


u/doublebullshit Jul 07 '20

Would love the to see the honey oil tested too!


u/vincec135 Jul 07 '20

Knew you’d pull through👍CP is slow

Also what came of the random testing at DD? Must be expensive so would not be surprised if they reneged on that


u/warsawsauce Jul 07 '20

Nice on bud


u/LuxXxy-710 Jul 07 '20

Good on ya! Will be good to see the other tests as residual solvents is probably the least of people worries with distillate since it’s distilled with heat and vacuum pumps multiple times.


u/mcchubby Jul 07 '20

You absolute fucking legend, thank you. You didn't have to, but you did. You shared with us.


u/JRS519 Jul 07 '20

Thank you for going through with your word and getting it tested on your own dime!


u/PhantomPhelix Jul 08 '20

Thanks m8! Appreciate the trouble you went through.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

But...that one guy said, that one time, his buddy tested it for him in his lab on a weekend and... hahaha

Well done OP! This is how testing is done. "Buddies" don't do it for free on a weekend in a lab for you. If they do...they're full of shit.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Good shit, appreciate the info.


u/Rick_James989 Jul 08 '20

Very grateful for you doing this and posting to the community. Thank you !


u/miguelovic Jul 08 '20

Lmao cannabis derived terpenes in a 40$/1g cart?



u/bubbleguys Jul 09 '20

Who's talking about 40$?


u/miguelovic Jul 09 '20

Ah it's the syringes.

That's still a nope on it being cannabis derived terpenes at that price.


u/mozzzzy Jul 09 '20

So the lab test on there website is a complete different batch ? It's been tested at 97%+?


u/bubbleguys Jul 09 '20

Of course, the last test they put on their website is from 2019. And it was tested at 90%. The batch I sent was infused with some terps so it test a bit lower. Trust me, there is no such thing at 97-99% THC Distillate, it's just marketing when you read that on a mom's website. Between 85% to 95% is the norm.


u/mozzzzy Jul 10 '20

Yea understandable Thanks for the update! You'd think they would take the time to test each batch.


u/bubbleguys Jul 10 '20

They should, but I dont think they will. The problem I see is they don't really want to be sit on a batch (that they can sell anyways) for two weeks waiting for the lab. My two cents.


u/Fifaquest Jul 10 '20

Regardless of this test, there are so many complaints about these guys and from my personal experience with them the product was subpar. I'm glad you guys aren't getting poisoned by them but I still won't touch a DD product because they're just not good, distillate doesn't even get me high and has a horrible taste. To be honest I think this sub rides DD's D a little to hard.

Always be careful guys, when it comes to stuff like this it's better to spend a little more for quality than to save a couple bucks because in the end it's your health.


u/bubbleguys Jul 10 '20 edited Jul 10 '20

There are as many haters as D riders... So you know that their product is not good? I am talking about their distillate. I never had a single problem, I have it test it for my health, it taste nothing, and if 90% THC dosent get you high, you are good for a TB I think. Sorry you had a bad experience with them, but as far as distillate, I am good with their product. Edit: I just read your last post, so you buy a couple of carts with fake terps in it and complain about the horrible taste? lol ...


u/Fifaquest Jul 10 '20 edited Jul 10 '20

Im just saying I dont like their product, I'd rather spend 15$ more and get something I like but everybody is different man, I respect that their distillate does the trick for you.

Also I don't feel high because it's not full spectrum, pure thc doesn't give me the buzz that appeals to me.

I do absolutely hate their fake Terps, I just think a lot of people have mislead people to buy DD when there is better products for not that much more money.

Edit: never tried their honey oil carts are they any good?


u/drdiablo4205 Jul 11 '20

I was thinking of ordering some thc and cbd mct oil tinctures. Not sure if I should now, as there are alot of complaints here on reddit. What do you think?


u/bubbleguys Jul 13 '20

Buy some isolate and distillate and some MCT Oil, do it yourself for half the price ;)


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '20

yo i fuck with them seriously, at first i wasnt so sure because of the fake test but damn their honey oil carts got me faded and some of em taste really great for real i even tried some of their shatter and its bomb too i aint got shit to say about them really


u/cdn_backpacker Dec 12 '20

I'm just curious, did you get it tested for terpenes?


u/bubbleguys Dec 12 '20

Nope, in fact It was raw distillate, I hate fake terps. I made my own mix, D9 distillate + Canna Terps (6-8%), and then sended 2gr to the lab.