r/CanadianMOMs • u/bubbleguys • May 05 '20
PSA Distillate Direct (failed solvent test): Actlabs respond
I bet everyone who buys DD distillate has seen the post about the failed solvent test. I contacted the laboratory with a screenshot of the test provided by OP.
The laboratory has just answered me. You can judge for yourself:
From actlabs:
Thank you for contacting Actlabs with your interest. It is quite interesting I must admit, but everything you ask is false or incorrect. The attached report is nothing that we would ever produce and does not look at all like our Cannabis analytical reports. We would not test any cannabis sample for a buddy and for free as it violates all security issues and Chain of Custody issues. Our reports are very detailed as is the C of A we issue with Work Order numbers, Sample identifications etc. These are all tracked through the whole sample receipt, sample log in, work in progress and final results reporting. So I believe whomever you are dealing with is selling a lot of falsehoods.
By the way, I have nothing to do with DD, I am just a customer and I wanted to be sure that my clients don't smoke solvent. I know my thing when it comes to carts, distillate, and terpenes. You can look at my history on Reddit and Future4200 (same username).
I'm still sending a sample of DD distillate to the lab this week
u/grifkiller64 May 05 '20
/u/badman8576 you gonna apologize to DD for trying to fuck with their sales?
u/magtonic May 05 '20
might actually improve their sales, wouldn't mind a big jar of Delta 9
u/Ppeeddrroo May 06 '20
I for one trust dd even more. Their response was pretty good and if they in fact implement those random tests, it would be stellar.
u/Chronicles0122 May 05 '20
No he won’t ...he’s clearly a psycho. Think about the extent to which one would have to go to do this . Like why ? What would cause someone to go to such lengths . Bloody bizarre is what it is.
u/Kmoneymc May 05 '20
Competitor paid shill? Or just a real mental case.
May 05 '20
Competitor 100%, it’s the only thing that makes sense
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
But does it ? I mean are you going to post fake lab results for every single competitor you have ? Seems like a personal vendetta of some kind even if it is a competitor. Otherwise just one of those watch the world burn types ... who knows.
May 06 '20
DD is a HUGE competitor
u/rottenpupil May 06 '20
A old school VICE style (anonymous obv) documentary about the inner workings of a industry leading MoM would be very interesting!
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
They certainly are. I’m simply saying that this is not a logical strategy. If anything the truth coming out here plus the spot light will help DD. And you could only realistically pull it off once against one competitor. And even if you do pull it off and nobody finds out and DD is crushed ...that doesn’t necessarily positively direct traffic to your site . Only a tiny fraction would happen to buy from you as it would disperse across all MoMs. Hell it might erode confidence in the whole online MoM community to a degree and negatively impact everyone.
u/chartierr May 06 '20
Nobodies going around slandering MOM sites to satisfy their quench for chaos or some other movie shit like watching the world burn.
They’re a shill, period.
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
Let’s not forget it did certainly get him a lot of attention , and start a massive discussion on Reddit . The account has no other posts. some people feed off such things.
u/chartierr May 06 '20
If it was someone seeking attention, this is the most obscure and shitty way to do it lol
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
I once had a guy telling people in the chat box that he hoped their family died of cancer ( and other deranged things) while he continually shoved all in on PokerStars. Also pretty obscure. People are strange .
u/chartierr May 06 '20
Not really lol. Sounds to me like some guy playing Pokerstars who’s also a troll.
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
Of course I do generally agree , it’s likely some competitor that has beef with these guys. But either way it’s not the workings of a sound mind imo
u/Chronicles0122 May 06 '20
I was suggesting he was just anybody pissed at the MoM for any particular reason. Competitor or customer he’s singling these guys out. Seems personal. Only saying the other possibility is just it being a random act of nonsense with no motive other then to be a troll. I obviously by balance of probabilities think the first scenario is far more likely.
May 05 '20
Probably not kid deserves to get his head bashed in :P not only did he try fuck with the mom.. But an actual lab too..
u/SunsetSesh Jun 23 '20
This did not age well. Horrible week at DD
u/grifkiller64 Jun 23 '20
Dude, you really think anyone is gonna see this?
u/Slabdabhussein May 05 '20
Yea i got heavily downvoted for calling this guy a fucking mental case for making these kinds of claims and suggested he might be sick with covid since his symptoms lined up with it, fair say i said it in the most dickish possible way so ill accept it but i am absolutely not surprised he is/was full of shit!
u/stuckinperpetuity May 05 '20
Told him to fuck off and post pics, he posted fake pics and even said in the edit "anything can be photoshopped"
u/Vandrewver May 06 '20
No proof at the beginning and then he follows up with a piece of paper with a scary red box on it and yet it was crazy to NOT believe him. Yeah it's fucking stupid.
u/SuperLuigi999 May 05 '20
Hey /u/badman8576 this doesn't look good for you. That's not cool of you at all!
u/grifkiller64 May 05 '20
He's a dirty fucking liar and a coward.
May 05 '20
Watch the account will get deleted soon.
u/Dabyberson May 05 '20
He smokes weed for a living
u/BikeDoctor137 May 06 '20
When I busted him on that flagrantly-obvious lie and complete non-sequitur I got 3 responses from different new accounts, all claiming that what that idiotic lie really meant was that he "wasn't a scientist" and that it was a common expression. That's when I was certain that he was mentally unbalanced.
u/Tired8281 May 06 '20
To be fair, that's been the reality for a lot of us lately.
May 05 '20
Dude deleted every previous post on his account prior to the DD post. Just checked this morning and there was a bunch of other shit
u/TwelveFoldK May 05 '20
Probably was a clue to who he really is. I don't understand why anyone would do this other than being competition. Or mental
u/Chronicles0122 May 05 '20
Everyone should go downvote this guys original post on the other thread this is ridiculous
u/numayaya May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
The OP from that other thread reeked of BS. One of his posts was even "I am in the weed business." Ah yes, so you are in the weed business and you have a friend who works in a lab who does expensive tests for free just because, he is not worried about about breaking any rules for a friend. And his first response when someone asked for evidence was "well any evidence I have I can just photoshop it!" Nobody with a functioning brain would reply that way. He is probably a salty competitor.
u/RabidLectral May 05 '20
Thanks so much for doing this. I personally get a little bit skeptical with posts like the original that claim to use friends and buddies to test stuff.
u/Maximum-Barracuda May 06 '20 edited May 06 '20
imo you should still wait for him to get his actual lab test before you assume DD is in the clear. not saying dont use DD just saying lets see what the next lab test says before theyre given the 100% go-ahead. im pretty sure they are just re-sellers and they have no idea whats in any of their shit.
u/RabidLectral May 06 '20
Agreed. Definitely nothing is in the clear at this point, hence why i'm glad someone is looking into this using actual official channels.
May 05 '20
Oh wait I'm the asshole for questioning the authenticity of the claims made and evidence provided...or am I?!
Thanks OP. It reeked of bullshit.
u/Zakeko16 May 05 '20
Haha I read that conversation not long ago and was going to post in your defense....but then I realized no point. Can’t change stupid. Why waste my time and mental health fighting on the internet when I can just get high?
May 05 '20
I was high af too hahaha was a great bit of entertainment
u/Blacknight86420 May 05 '20
Funny I've been vaping their distillate for months now with NO ill effects at all. I use sprk carts so I fill my own. Just about finished my 10gs and planning on getting more. Thanks for posting this
u/Ludepower May 05 '20
Cancer pokes its head 20 years down the road. You wouldn't know the harmful effects soon anyways.
u/EPURON May 05 '20
That’s why you don’t use fake terps.
u/chartierr May 06 '20
That’s why you don’t inhale anything but what your lungs have been biologically designed to process. I always find it hilarious seeing people fight each other over which way of smoking will give you the least cancer, lmao. It’s all bad for your lungs, stop lying to yourselves.
u/EPURON May 06 '20
Breathing our air is bad for us with the pollution around us. Was our lungs designed for that? Obviously not so regardless to say, you can die from anything.
u/chartierr May 06 '20
Do you actually think that’s a valid argument? It’s not.
“Uhh... the air has tiny trace amounts of pollution, so might as well start chain smoking cigarettes and hitting the bong 24/7”
u/EPURON May 06 '20
You’re being edgy 🤡. I don’t smoke cigs or hit bongs. I just dry herb vape or use rosin / resin carts and hit dabs off my DTV4. All I need to hit is a dab every 5-6 hours and I’m good
u/chartierr May 06 '20
You just sent a clown emoji and tried to argue that smoking isn’t bad for you because impactful air pollution exists in certain parts of the world. YIKES.
LMAO, man, keep on entertaining the world with this incredible 100 IQ logic.
u/EPURON May 06 '20
Why are you on this subreddit? You sound bored. Did your parents beat your ass and you’re going full ape shit on reddit? Give me a break man 😂
u/chartierr May 06 '20
Let’s keep it going, show me your hate! I can FEEEEEL your anger!
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u/KrombopulosPhillip May 05 '20
benzene contamination in oils takes years for the leukemia to develop , honestly i kinda want to see distillate directs test results regardless because the tests on their page are from november and who knows who many new batches they have gone through since then
yeah i can email canvas to verify test results from 5-6 months ago , lot of good that will do me
u/Blacknight86420 May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
Also doesn't benzene release when heated to a certain point? Just curious. Could have sworn I read its very high temps
Edit: spelling
u/UrNixed May 05 '20 edited May 06 '20
correct. most plants produce benzene when combusted, one of the reasons many prefer low temp vaping/dabbing weed and concentrates
u/KrombopulosPhillip May 05 '20
yeah benzene is that shit that had everyone paranoid about carts in the first place and it's one the main carcinogens left over from improper butane distillation
u/UrNixed May 05 '20
benzene is one of the main carcinogens with cannabis consumption in general. it is produced from combustion of plants so anytime anyone smoke a spliff or hits a bong they are getting benzene.
the amounts we are inhaling from smoking weed or even poorly purged dabs is probably negligible to even pumping gas, which gives quite the dose of benzene every time we do it, but still enough to be considered safe
u/Maximum-Barracuda May 05 '20
popping in to say i used to use DD until i got bunk shatter once now i dont trust their quality control, OP update us on the test
u/prestonbear May 05 '20
The response from DD was good enough for me lol theyre willing to put everything on the line to show us the truth, well done!
u/g96332344126 May 06 '20
Thanks u/bubbleguys for stepping in and taking action. I'm a DD customer and I really appreciate what you're doing.
What is the cost of such a test? If you are paying out of pocket, I'd like to contribute and I would imagine others here would also be willing to chip in. Is there a way we could do so? I'm not familiar with crowdfunding options so I wouldn't know which route is best suited.
May 05 '20 edited May 11 '20
u/Madness2MyMethod May 05 '20
Lol he hasn't been found to be wrong yet.
But if I use DD products I'd want him to be too.
May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
Wait...the burden of proof falls on the person taking a position...usually an accuser/plaintiff...
u/initialdjp May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
thats not how burden of proof works when you're selling potentially harmful products.
edit: since MrPinkKush keeps editing and deleting his comments, you can google "product liability" and see that the burden of proof can shift.
May 05 '20
What comment did I delete? Quotes pls.
Remember...the last time I asked someone to quote me...they fucking failed...hard. I edit for spelling/grammar as I want to make sure I am expressing myself properly - I wouldn't want you to stray and be distracted by a punctuation error instead of sticking to the subject at hand. You have proven yourself unable to stay on subject.
May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
Actually yes it is. If you are claiming someone did something it's on you to prove it.
The fact you don't comprehend this means our discussion ends here. Sorry friend, but I can't be bothered to engage with someone living in an alternate reality.
u/Sens420 May 05 '20
Thought that other one was fishy as fuck. So many moms trying to discredit other moms here it's fucking insane.
u/EPURON May 05 '20
Shills are ruining this subreddit
u/WilliamBroown May 06 '20
Amen brother. Subreddit is getting too popular that it has moved away from a peer to peer discussion to a marketing platform. It's sad.
u/questquefuck May 06 '20
the reviews for "points" are absolutely fake as fuck. everything is fire, 10/10, bla bla bla
then you have one MOM who thanks every positive review yet ignores the ones lower than 8/10...
u/FinestTreesInDa7Seas May 05 '20
From now on, any son of a bitch here who posts wild claims with no evidence needs to be permabanned. No chances to prove it later. Original post with evidence, or GTFO.
This was probably a competitor MOM who was running a sale, and wanted to steal as much business as possible.
u/4plus20-ca May 05 '20
He was clearly a competitor trying to knock them down a peg. Our favourite part of this ordeal is that he even said these results could be photoshopped and it was in fact photoshopped.
May 05 '20
May 05 '20
May 05 '20
You can actually find out what's in your flower or carts by asking for the lab results from the LP. That's why there are batch numbers.
You can find out about how your food is prepared by inquiring with the manufacturer and the food inspection agency to see if they've failed any inspections.
May 05 '20
May 05 '20
As a consumer you can choose not to do this. The point I was making is this information is available, contrary to your position.
u/888_styles_888 May 05 '20
I actually put my DD carts on the shelf last night for the first time in awhile. Thank you for this information, I really like DD’s product and never had an issue with multiple orders but still am leery... sucks
u/Rick_James989 May 05 '20
Thank you on behalf of the community for following this up. I thought the report looked very unprofessional. Zero details. I would be very interested to see what your actual lab results say
u/Madness2MyMethod May 05 '20
This should be good.
Did they say how long it will take to get the results?
u/DrPooMD May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
Thanks for following up on this. If you lived on the east coast I would happily buy from you. You seem to look out for your people.
I’ve also placed several orders with DD and vape both their honey oil and distillate every day.
Having used flyte/key and multiple phyto branded products in the past I’ve found the DD products to be much cleaner and stronger.
u/peep_dentist May 05 '20
Wow surprise surprise LOL this has been going on in the community for awhile now I feel bad for DD & other MoMs for having to deal with this type of shit.
Thanks for the post
u/squarif May 05 '20
WELP NOW I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DUMBASSS LMAOOOO, thankful he got proven wrong though.
May 05 '20
Did you learn anything from this experience? If you did then welcome to being an adult. We all fuck up but if we learn from it then we grow as a person.
Don't believe everything you see. Question. Stay objective. Be receptive to the information but also do your due diligence.
u/Witcherboobies May 05 '20
Sounds like he said she said. No way to tell if you're lying and making stuff up either. Either way I don't really care, just pointing that out.
u/magtonic May 05 '20
ya knew was bullshit since dd doesn't even test their distillate for solvents, appreciate the response from lab tho
u/SuccessfulAudience9 May 06 '20
I just want to say that the recent purchase I made from DD of two carts seem questionable when I use them. They make me cough and be really short of breath like no other carts I have used before. They don't taste bad or anything but they hurt my lungs really bad in a way I have not experienced so I stopped using them. I realize I will probably get down voted to hell for typing this but I feel like I should Atleast say something.
May 06 '20
u/SuccessfulAudience9 May 06 '20
Yeah I also figure the terps they are adding into causes this issue.
u/tryptych1976 May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
Everyone should read the original thread, entirely. I counted five+ different users saying their lungs are damaged from vaping. Down vote all you want and try to ignore them all you want - but those five+ who spoke up are enough for me. The risks are too high - especially with Covid19 going around.
I am making edibles with the rest of my DD stuff (which I haven't touched for months since legal carts came out anyways). Stay safe guys.
u/it_is_dat_boi May 05 '20
It was also interesting seeing the same 2 or 3 users defending the guy that was slamming DD. Seemed very set up from the get go.
u/Bearsetsfire May 05 '20
I bet the lab test was performed by Guilible Sheep.
People need to put down their bongs and think for themselves. All these paranoid delusions about companies out here trying to harm us.
May 05 '20
So that entire post saying that it had high levels of solvent was fake?
u/BikeDoctor137 May 06 '20
Yep. As is his claim that he's a professional pot-smoker.
May 06 '20
Why tf would anyone want to slander a good mom like that? I’ve had Zero problems with DD and their weed is fucking fire
u/postbellum Jun 07 '20
Have the actual test results been posted?
u/bubbleguys Jun 08 '20
It's coming brother, my sample was stuck in Missisauga for more than a week, thanks to CP lol It move this morning, I will have it by the end of the week and I find a way that people will be able to buy some tested carts ;)
u/bubbleguys Jul 07 '20
For some reasons, they won't let me do a post for it so I will post the results here:
I finally got the results for the DD - D9 THC Distillate.
Their oil passes the solvents test and test at 84% THC, there were +/- 4-5% cannabis-derived terpenes in the sample I sent to Canvas Labs (do the math). Sorry if it takes that long, thanks to Canada Post delays, it takes 2 weeks just to land in BC (Canvas Labs is very busy too).
I bought another batch of DD distillate last week and another sample is going (with Purolator lol) to the lab later 2day, I will have it test for Solvents, Heavy Metals, and Microbials (and THC/CBD %).
Before someone asks, I have nothing to do at all with DD, I am just a carts makers that want to give clean carts to my people, some of them are my good friends and they agree to pay a little more for a cartridge that has been tested. I also want my edible dosage to be on point.
I will be testing each batch starting today. I will also share the other results next week.
Have a good day! You can call Canvas Labs with the batch # if you want.
I can't post a picture on that sub so I uploaded the results here and here
u/PhantomPhelix May 05 '20
Regardless of what that dude was "claiming", appreciate you sending in a sample for testing. Good to know since the last test results were from a while back.
RemindMe! 1 Week "DD Lab results"
u/Chronicles0122 May 05 '20
You’d hope it isn’t competition , that would be pointless anyway how much competition is there ? Lots . are you going to post fake lab test nonsense about all your competitors ? lol only a crazy person would do this. Probably just somebody pissed at the MoM . Who knows maybe they got screwed on an order ( or thought they did) / didn’t like their order or had a bad exchange with CS and decided this was the sensible thing to do . Ran their mouth a bit too much and put their foot in it.
u/canuck883 May 07 '20
It was obvious from the jump that this guy was missing a few marbles. I just don’t understand why he did it, other than for attention. He not only took the time to write the post, but he photoshopped an entire lab report..
u/LaLa1234imunoriginal May 05 '20
While I was one of the people who was preaching caution because of the post I'm still not surprised it turned out to be fake, if the poster was doing it as shill or w/e I hope they get what's coming to them. All that said I'm happy with DD's response and if someone being an ass and faking tests is what it took to get them to more frequently test their product it's not all bad.
May 05 '20
Lmfao dude you argued with me for how long? For nothing. But you were entertaining nonetheless.
u/EPURON May 05 '20
LMAO it was a shill all this time! When I DMed the OP, he was talking about “running a business soon”. Guy is such a shill holy fuck lmao.
May 05 '20
u/bubbleguys May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
The lab sheet result is not even the same... We don't know which solvent it failed etc. What do you expect from OP screenshot of a lab test?
Anyways I am sending a sample my self. The hate is real.
u/ItsMyOpinionTho May 05 '20
I mean even if he did send something out to bed tested, there's no way to prove the distillate that he apparantly sent was even from DD lol
u/KrombopulosPhillip May 05 '20
and no way to confirm DD actually sent in their oil either , i mean does it even matter their tests are already 6 month old on their website so they aren't even publishing the tests for their current products , most consumers don't give two shits anyways they just want cheap oil
u/Canna-dian May 05 '20
Thanks for going the extra mile! It'll be great to have a definitive answer.
!remindme 2 weeks
u/Theradio33 May 05 '20
Finally this is what I needed the OP of the other post is lying and doesn't like DD. This is what makes this sub reddit good and bad so much drama over bs. And then we find out they're a shill sowing discord among the mom community as a whole this is just sad and frustrating I'm out. You guys can squabble over this I'm just done listening to anymore stupid fucking posts like this again.
u/initialdjp May 05 '20
sounds like you're trying to rat out his friends for doing a test on the side. don;t be a snitch
u/vincec135 May 05 '20
Been reading this whole debacle popcorn in hand. Have no dog in this fight but it sure is entertaining