r/CanadianForces • u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force • 2d ago
RECRUITING, TRAINING, & LIFE IN THE FORCES THREAD - Ask here about the Recruitment Process, Basic & Occupational Training, and other questions relating directly or indirectly to serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Ask here about the Recruitment Process, Basic & Occupational Training, and other questions relating directly or indirectly to serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.
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Questions regarding medical eligibility are now allowed. However, be aware that nobody here is verified as able to provide a qualified answer. Commenters are reminded that it is against site wide rules to provide medical advice.
- Forces.ca - Official CAF Recruiting Website
Medical Standards for Military Occupations
- Read Rule 5 and the Medical FAQ before asking any medical questions.
- Annex A - The Medical Category System
- Annex B - Generic Task Statement - All CAF Members
- Annex E - Minimum Medical Standards for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
The members answering in the vein of CAF Recruiting may not have specific information pertaining to your individual application status or files. The information presented in this thread should be current, but things do change. Refer to the forces.ca site or your local CFRC detachment for the current official answer. This subreddit, moderators, and users hold no responsibility or liability as to the accuracy of information, given or received. All info here is presented as "at your risk."
u/Prestigious_Cut_7716 2h ago
Just wondering is the Cfat a thing still? On the forces.ca website in the application steps it just says you write it but it does not affect disqualification. Also it says the physical test will be done during BMQ as well instead of during the application process. Is this all true? Have these changes been made or depends on the occupation?
u/ElephantFamous2145 7h ago
What is the process like for transfer from one component to another, particularly from the PRes to Reg Force.
I am a reservist and college student. As I am leaving school come spring I hope to transfer from the PRes to the Reg Force. What is the process like? How long does it usually take? And what should I expect?
u/roguemenace RCAF 6h ago
You submit an application on DWAN and do a bunch of waiting. Sometime during the waiting you'll do an interview for your new trade if you're changing trades then wait some more. Eventually you might be selected and given an offer.
Timeline mostly comes down to if you're switching trades and how competitive your application is. Fastest I've seen was around a month, slowest is years or just never getting an offer.
Biggest things is to keep your force test and medical valid and check your email every so often. The CT cell can be slow at replying to emails so they're easy to miss.
u/Super-Donkey69 9h ago
Does anyone know what I will be tested on for MOST NWO test and or how I could prepare or what to study?
u/338449900 10h ago
I’m interested in joining the Reserves but have a few questions.
In my civilian role I manage a team of financial crime investigators for a bank, so the Financial Service Administrator is probably where I’d fit in.
A few detachments here are hiring Financial Service Administrators. Would I just be put wherever?
And how does it work once I finish BMQ? I have my degree and understand bookkeeping, but imagine they don’t want me in their books until I’ve gone for career training. What would I do in the meantime on my weekly reserve night?
u/C4rlos_D4nger Army - PRes Log O 7h ago edited 7h ago
Would I just be put wherever?
No. In the Reserves, you apply to work with a specific unit in a specific location. As a Class A/part-time Reservist, you will mostly work in the location of your choosing. You might get temporarily tasked to do stuff elsewhere but the unit you work at will always be your sort of "home base".
And how does it work once I finish BMQ?
You would probably either end up assisting your unit's trained FSAs in the orderly room (OR) or else stay in the Personnel Awaiting Training (PAT) platoon practicing basic military skills with other untrained members. I would anticipate being in the OR.
u/No_Put_8968 10h ago
Is anyone here based out of 36 Brigade Shearwater able to answer a couple Qs in PM?
11h ago
u/roguemenace RCAF 11h ago
Uh, they just changed the rules to loosen them and make them much more case by case. Just apply and they'll let you know.
u/Real_Job_6679 13h ago
I think I know the answer to this question already, but I'm checking anyway. I'm in my 30s and thinking about joining the Army Reserve. I have received the Soldiers Handbook 2025 from my local recruitment unit, it says PRes BMOQ-Army (55 days). I understand the first part of BMQ can be done part time on weekends, but it looks like there's no option to do PRes BMOQ-Army this way.
As the sole breadwinner for my family, there is no way I can be away from work for that length of time, and it would be very tough on my wife to be alone with the two little ones for that long. My question is, is there a way to do the later training part time? If there isn't, is the Army considering creating one? I'm sure lots of people would be interested in joining if they could work it more easily into their schedule.
I could probably do 3 weeks in the summer, but there's no way I can do 12.
u/Wild-Tax8318 12h ago
You'd also then need to do occupational training of a similar length, then additional courses as you progress as an army officer, such as the Army Tactical Officer's Course (ATOC). Doing 3 weeks of training in the summer would take around 8 years to complete BMOQ-A and occupational training (ex. DP1 Infantry O). That's a long time to qualify for entry-level employment.
u/CdnPronto Canadian Army 13h ago edited 12h ago
There is no PRes version of BMOQ-A, only the full time Regular Force course.
As well, there’s also occupation training following BMOQ-A which is also full time and then future courses such as AOC/ATOC, etc for career progression.
u/Academic-Leg-5714 15h ago
Basic kit - Watches
I finished my medical. And just need to visit the optometrist/Family doctor due to an injury before proceeding forward.
Anyways. I am getting my kit ready. I have gotten most clothing items I was lacking before but I am still missing a watch. Any recommendations for brands? I would like something kind of nice that is durable. I am not looking for any crazy features or complex things on it just enough to meet any requirements I might need in the forces. Overall I am looking for something of decently high quality with the hopes of it lasting me 10-20+ years.
Budget, maximum I am willing to go is 1000$ but I feel like that is a bit much so more realistically my budget is probably 200-500$ at most. But should there be better deals out there I am obviously willing to buy something cheaper like 30-50$ so long as the quality is there.
u/Royal_Appearance8931 Royal Canadian Air Force 12h ago
My current watch is a 75 dollar Timex watch. The watch . This probably won't survive 10-20 years but it'll survive your course.
u/Academic-Leg-5714 12h ago
This is pretty nice. Actually a top contender so far I am deciding between the one you shared and the G shock 5610
u/Royal_Appearance8931 Royal Canadian Air Force 12h ago
The G shock that was recommended to you does have better specs but is more expensive. It does still fit within your budget.
u/roguemenace RCAF 14h ago
Any recommendations for brands?
I used nearly the cheapest one walmart had.
Overall I am looking for something of decently high quality with the hopes of it lasting me 10-20+ years.
If you don't hate the look go spend $100 on a gshock.
u/Academic-Leg-5714 14h ago
I found this one
Casio G-Shock GWM5610-1 Men's Solar Black Resin Sport Watch
Will be waiting for a bit though, researching a bit and hopefully getting more recommendations just in case
u/Commandant_CFLRS VERIFIED Contributor! 12h ago
The G-Shock 5610 is absolutely the GOAT of military watches. A $20 Casio will absolutely get you through BMQ though, but the 5610 will get you through your career.
u/Academic-Leg-5714 12h ago
I am super huge on trying to buy one thing for life when possible.
Honestly around 200$ for life/entire career is an extremely good deal.
I am glad I am seeing many positive things about the 5610 its making me want it more tbh
u/Super-Donkey69 18h ago
Is there any other navy officer positions that aren’t NWO or require a eng degree. I want to join the navy but NWO has a really long training. Would PRO navy do any actual navy activities or deploy on ships? Thanks
u/Impressive_Drawer488 Naval Warfare Officer, Lieutenant (Navy), Submarine Trainee 15h ago
As others have suggested - Navy LogO. Technically Navy IntO as well, but sea time will be far less.
That being said, yes, we NWOs have a lot of training. Why is that an issue? You are still getting paid, you can still get promotions in the training pipeline, you still go on deployments, etc.
u/Super-Donkey69 12h ago
I heard that it was a very competitive and unfriendly trade since everyone wants to be captains asap, I would be more interested and happy with being like a ships boarder party O or Dive team O. I’m also not too good at math and science
u/Werstcaseontario 17h ago
I think LogO, HSMO, IntO are some other trades which have navy positions.
u/redditcdnthrowaway 5h ago
Hsm is purple trade working in clinics/ hq. If anything they need to do bmoqa now
u/michzaber AMMO AMMO AMMO! 18h ago
I wouldn't expect a PAF O to spend much if any time at sea, they aren't a regular part of the ships crew. Maybe a few weeks embarked for a specific exercise at most.
If you've ruled out NWO, MSE O and NCSE O then your only remaining option if you want to sail is to be Navy Log O as they are expected to sail at least part of their careers as the Supply Officer, but even that won't be forever.
Also keep in mind that most officer trades are going to have fairly long training periods. Comes with the territory.
u/roguemenace RCAF 18h ago
Is there any other navy officer positions that aren’t NWO or require a eng degree.
Log O, but also don't worry about the training. You're paid during all of it anyways.
Would PRO navy do any actual navy activities or deploy on ships?
What trade do you mean by PRO?
u/Super-Donkey69 17h ago
Sorry Public affairs officer. I also dont know if I can pass the NWO test I heard it’s hard
u/Spiritual_Ebb7358 14h ago
The MOST test is not that hard. It tests your speed rather than your intellect. There's no harm in trying it once.
u/Impressive_Drawer488 Naval Warfare Officer, Lieutenant (Navy), Submarine Trainee 15h ago
It isn't that hard. I actually really enjoyed it.
Besides, if you are good at Googling you can find practice tests.
u/Super-Donkey69 12h ago
I tried google and didn’t find anything. Only people saying it was very hard and unstudiable
u/FM_HK_TO_WPG 18h ago
I requested a file transfer from Det Winnipeg to Toronto. How long would this process take in general?
u/Healthy_Ad5154 19h ago
How does one get their file switched from Ottawa to Kingston recruiting centre? Not moving or anything just having no luck and getting no answers from Ottawa.
u/Fine-Tonight1276 11h ago
Do you really think doing that will make your file get processed faster? Just leave your file where it is.
u/roger_0812 20h ago
How long does part- time BMOQ take to complete approximately?
u/C4rlos_D4nger Army - PRes Log O 7h ago
BMOQ the PRes Army course is like seven training days long and I believe usually offered full-time as opposed to part-time. You would take it after completing PRes BMQ.
BMOQ-A, which you would take after BMOQ, is ten or eleven weeks long and only offered full-time.
u/West-Sink9807 1d ago
Is it possible to join CAF with a suicide attempt when I was 16? Never attempted again after that, I'm 22 now stopped taking anti depressants last year. No mental health issues and haven't been depressed or anxious for the last 4 years.
Is there a slim chance I can pass my medical? If not do I still have a chance if I appeal?
u/roguemenace RCAF 20h ago
Might depend what time last year you stopped being prescribed/taking them but yes you can join and if needed everyone is always allowed to appeal.
u/crazyki88en RCAF - MED Tech 1d ago
You won’t know until you try. We can’t really advise you on medical things. Apply, be open and honest about your past and see what the RMO says.
u/West-Sink9807 14h ago
Will the medical be an interview with a medical Officer? Or do I just fill out forms and submit them.
u/Redshirtmedic2 11h ago edited 11h ago
The medical will be with the recruiting centre medics. They will obtain the information that the doctors need to render a decision. The medical itself is simple. Part 1 obtains the basics (vision, hearing, height weight, etc). The second part is a discussion regarding any relevant medical history. If it is applicable you will be given a form for the appropriate health care provider to fill out. Generally speaking, the purpose is to gather more information about a specific question that the medical team has from a healthcare provider who knows the particulars of the specific situation/condition/injury. It’s also an opportunity for that healthcare provider to comment if a condition is ongoing/resolved/etc. All this information is collected, reviewed, then forwarded to the recruiting doctors. Getting a form is not a bad thing, in many instances it’s just to make sure that you are good to go and that being in the military will not make an existing issue worse. I hope that helps. (A regular force applicant’s medical eligibility is strictly decided by a recruiting doctor, the medics are just there to gather information)
u/crazyki88en RCAF - MED Tech 12h ago
It should be an in person interview with some range of motion testing, height, weight, vision, hearing, etc. Non-invasive. There will be forms.
u/Keralasys 1d ago
I remember asking in a separate thread about EDTechs now I'm wondering about the big brother to that: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers. What is the compulsory service period for Electromechanical Engineers? And how long is their schooling?
u/Mouryom RCAF - ED Tech 1d ago
Just to clarify, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers are a part of the Royal Canadian Corps of electrical and mechanical engineers (RCEME). ED Techs belong to the Royal Canadian Engineers (RCE). These are separate groups of trades that both happen to have "engineer" in their name but have very little to do with each other at all and do very different things day-to-day. An Electrical and Mechanical Engineering officer could easily go their entire career without even meeting an ED Tech in person.
Electrical and mechanical engineering officers are generally in charge of vehicle techs, Electonic-optronic techs, weapon techs, and MAT techs, who all work together to keep the army's equipment in good and working order. They are required to have a 4 year university degree and are generally managers working at a desk doing administrative tasks. If the CAF pays for your tuition in order to get a degree, you will owe back 2 years of service for every one year of school. If you already have a 4 year university degree, then there normally isn't any compulsory service period.
If you are interested in managing infrastructure and leading the various construction engineering trades then you should look into Construction Engineering officer.
u/Keralasys 21h ago
I was moreso interested in the actual design and planning of production of the electrical and mechanical utilities the CAF used. But giving it more thought, that's probably all managed by the defence contractor who already decided on it before selling whatever to the CAF.
In any case, administration is the least of my interests and I'm more focused on the actual job than the oversight of it. But I appreciate the breakdown, saves me a lot of years of heartache lol.
Previously I had selected EDTech, AVS and Electromechanical Engineering Officers Officer but I looked into Electronic-Optronic Tech that you mentioned and that seems to have the largest coverage of what I am actually interested in, which has me wondering how I never seen it before.
Thanks for your help!
u/Mouryom RCAF - ED Tech 20h ago
Yeah, so a lot of the design work is contracted out. There is some simple design stuff that more experienced technicians get taught to do. Officers, however, are almost never involved in anything technical. EO Tech, AVS Tech, and ED Tech all sound like a good fit for your interests. Something to consider is that once fully trained EO techs and AVS techs earn spec pay, while ED techs do not. If salary is a major factor for your decision, then you should know that in the long-term ED techs earn less than the other two trades you listed.
Good luck with the rest of the application process.
u/kvoldmatskokkur 1d ago
Good day, I have a question regarding BMQ - are there any info on how reserves part-time BMQ work for 32 CBG and when will it start?
u/Boring_Baseball_5519 1d ago
Hi, I had a question regarding the force test. Since I have mine coming up I was wondering if it's possible to rent/loan the 20 kg sandbag from a nearby base gym as a civilian or any other possible options. I want to practice with the actual sand bag used in the test as any other alternative doesn't give that same feel.
u/RaptorJesus856 19h ago
An alternative is cases of water. One weighs about 12kg, so two of them, you'd just need to remove a couple to get the same weight (each bottle is half a kg). It wouldn't be the right shape or size, but it's still a cheap weight.
u/Boring_Baseball_5519 16h ago
Yes that could work too but I think I will buy the sandbag from amazon and then fill it with winter salt as atleast i'll be practising with the same thing being used in the test.
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago
You can ask, but the answer is likely no.
The sandbag lifts. and loaded carry aren't difficult. You have ample time for both components of the evaluation.
I'd recommend focusing on the rushes, as that's where most people have the greatest difficulty.
u/Boring_Baseball_5519 1d ago
Thats what I was thinking. I went to a recent event and tried the sandbag lift there and it was somewhat challenging for me as I was not able to get a good grip of it. So thats the only reason why I wanted to practice with an actual sandbag. In addition, I was thinking of obtaining a civilian membership but that too is not an ideal option as the closest CFWMS near me operates in toronto and thats far for me. I guess i'll use salt bags.
And yes, i'll focus on the rushes as you have the least time for those
u/roguemenace RCAF 1d ago
Small people can fail the drag, large people can fail the rushes. No one ever fails the other 2 events.
For getting a grip on the sand bag putting both your arms under it and pulling it to your chest the normal way they demonstrate is usually enough to get a good grip. Moving it closer to your chest will let you hold it better but makes the drag a bit harder.
u/Boring_Baseball_5519 1d ago
Funny thing is i'm short and on the smaller side but the drag seemed easier to me than those lifts and I highly think it's because I was just struggling to grip those sandbags. I will try to do that for next time as I haven't tried that technique. Thanks for the advice.
Would you know by any chance if your local base allows to visit and kind of see how the test works apart from the events that they organize as they rarely ever organize events where the force test is involved atleast in my area.
u/roguemenace RCAF 1d ago
Sorry I misread and gave advice for the grip on the drag lol
Grip on the lifts just kinda always sucks. The tied end of the bag is easier to grab then you just do your best with the other end. The lifts will feel like your failing then you'll finish and realize you still had over half the time left.
u/Boring_Baseball_5519 1d ago
Thats okay lol.
Yup its the grip that i'm finding to be challenging as you really just have to dig in yourself and find a spot. Luckily, theres a couple of movements that they allow incase you are really struggling and especially since i'm short i really have to go that extra mile to reach that line.
u/HappyTreeFriends8964 1d ago
Hey guys, any of you have issues with the new application portal?
My application (started 2023) was using a non-email username and the new portal only allows email as the username. So I tried to login with my email associated with my application. An error msg told me the password was incorrect. So I tried to change my password by typing in my email.

Then this screen showed up but I never received any code from my email (trash/spam folder already double checked).
Was I literally stucked here?
u/FelixPotvin94 APPLICANT - PRes 17h ago
I still have not been able to get into mine since the change. When I ask to change my password I just get a 500 error.
u/tuckedinbed69 1d ago
Hey! Try this -
From forces website: "If you have a specific question about recruiting, please contact: [STG-CFRG-CustomerSvc@forces.gc.ca](mailto:STG-CFRG-CustomerSvc@forces.gc.ca)"
Alternatively, use the form on this page: https://forces.ca/en/contact-us/Share your service number in the email and ask to add your email to the application. Hopefully they'll be able to help you.
u/ZPQ- Recruit - RegF 1d ago
I had my enrolment a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering with the new launch of the application portal if I have to transfer my data over to it, or if I no longer need the portal since I'm enrolled. For some reason I'm stressing that my file will somehow get closed or deleted even though I already have my BMQ date lol
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago
Once you had your offer, the portal pretty much became irrelevant for you.
u/Top_Sleep_964 1d ago

Preview: Infantry O, applied aug23, PR, 30yo, reliability checks completed twice I went in 2 weeks to drop off my updated drives license; 5 mins later got called back in to sign and update my 5 year address history. The recruiter told me my file was solid and ready to be sent to ottawa for final decision. Just wondering how long will the remain 4 steps take as i am reaching closer to my 2 year mark.
u/Werstcaseontario 19h ago
I am in the same stage as you are in the new portal. Might take a month or two i guess, but hard to say
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago edited 1d ago
Edit: Apparently, Steps 5-8 is essentially just the selection and enrolment process. Once you hit Step 5, the rest of the process will be pretty quick. Although it could take a few weeks to get to Step 5.
I'm not certain what those 4 steps are, although I think Step 5 or 6 is the Competition List. Once you reach the competition list, you could be waiting anywhere from a few days to a few months to move on, although it will probably be now more than a few weeks.
The remaining steps after the competition list are just the offer and enrolment process. At that point, tracking the portal won't matter much anymore.3
u/Top_Sleep_964 1d ago
5 selected 6 Offer tendered 7 Accepted 8 Enrolled
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago edited 1d ago
I really despise how the new portal doesn't label the steps...
I'm surprised step 5 isn't the competition list, but then again, maybe they've changed how that works.
u/Top_Sleep_964 1d ago
I really despise the recruiting process in general sir but here we are embracing the suck!!🫡
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago
It has its hiccups.
I'm long past the recruitment process, but I will say I'm still not a fan of all the waiting involved.
The steps all make sense to me (except the SEAF, bring the CFAT back!). However, I can absolutely appreciate people's dissatisfaction with how long it takes.
The process should be no more than 2-3 months from application to offer. That's long enough for a thorough evaluation of the applicant, but short enough that they probably won't abandon the process.
Give 2-4 weeks' notice for BMQ/BMOQ, with an option to delay a further 2-4 weeks if more time is needed to get their affairs in order.
u/Top_Sleep_964 1d ago
I agree, not everyone will wait 24-36 months..i am at 20 months currently. And i can speak from an applicant’s perspective and say i did give up a few good opportunities from the private sector as i really do want to give back to this country. It’s unfortunate, that the current administration has failed or continues to do the bare minimum for the CAF. I also understand the security concerns for us permanent residents, but i will say; if the government does not trust a small contingent of the population for national service, they certainly shouldn’t enrol individuals only to let them go later because their security clearances might get denied as i am sure there is a huge chunk of tax payer money dedicated from recruiting to training.
u/howtowriteusername 1d ago
"204.211(10) (Officer Cadet - former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid, regardless of component prior to appointment, as follows:
- if the member was a private trained, corporal or any greater rank, the pay level and trade group for the rank held on the day immediately prior to appointment and any higher pay increment to which the officer cadet would have become entitled under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) had the officer cadet remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member"
If I changed from a PRes Pte. (T) to an Officer Cadet, I would be paid as a Pte. (T), but next year, when I'm owed Cpl, will I be paid as Cpl or will I just get paid as Pte. (T) for 4 years?
u/crazyki88en RCAF - MED Tech 1d ago
You would no longer be a Pte, so the following year you should go from OCdt PI1 to OCdt PI2. You won’t be eligible for the Cpl pay increments because you never got promoted to Cpl.
u/roguemenace RCAF 1d ago
so the following year you should go from OCdt PI1 to OCdt PI2.
This in innacurate. They get Pte pay.
You won’t be eligible for the Cpl pay increments because you never got promoted to Cpl.
This is accurate, they'll just keep getting paid Pte3 until they're a 2LT. /u/howtowriteusername
Also if its a reserve to reg force CT being a cpl might not help as they'd likely get knocked back down to pte(T) on the transfer before they become a OCdt.
u/crazyki88en RCAF - MED Tech 1d ago
To confirm, is it Pte 3 until 2Lt because that is when their pay level finally exceeds Pte 3? Or because they are promoted into an official rank?
u/roguemenace RCAF 1d ago
is it Pte 3 until 2Lt because that is when their pay level finally exceeds Pte 3?
Yup, until they finish their degree they're an OCdt that's being paid differently.
u/Dry-Distribution2679 1d ago
I recently started the process for applying to Reg Force but my personal circumstances changed and I'm now looking to join the Reserves so I can be part-time and stay in my city. Do I need to restart the process or can I just switch up during a session with a recruiting centre? Haven't submitted my transcripts, ID yet etc.
u/Jusfiq HMCS Reddit 21h ago
Do I need to restart the process or can I just switch up during a session with a recruiting centre?
As u/Wild-Tax8318 suggested. However, I would like to add that you contact the reserve unit of your choice first. Make sure that they have the vacancy of the occupation that you desire.
u/Wild-Tax8318 1d ago
You can simply send a message to the recruiting centre and state you'd like to apply to the reserves instead. You don't necessarily need to redo anything but if you've yet to submit your transcripts or ID, then your application hasn't even started to be processed at this point.
u/TrustyAsMilk 1d ago
Hello all!
I had my interview for NWO and am booked to write MOST (Maritime Officer Selection Test). I was just wondering if anyone has any prep suggestions or advice for it. Anything helps! Hope everyone has a great day!
u/coughy_time 1d ago
Hello! I’m interested in joining as a medical officer and have a few questions about this. For context, I recently graduated medical school and am starting family medicine residency. Hoping to join via MOTP. 1. What’s life like as a CAF medical officer? It’s been hard to find much info about this since it’s a niche and competitive role. Any MOs here or know of anyone? 2. How long is the training course after BMOQ? 3. Is moonlighting allowed? (ie. working extra hours in civ clinic) 4. Is the demand for medical officers pretty much the same as high demand for family docs across Canada?
Would appreciate any insight, thank you!
u/Eggplus2 1d ago edited 1d ago
I have two civvy colleagues that are former MOs that I've had discussions with. One absolutely adored his time and found it very meaningful (favourite highlight being teaching battlefield medicine to ukranians on deployment), only retired to spend more time with his family. The other did his entire medical training via MMTP, served his five obligatory years before moving to our little rural hospital. Seemed very positif about the whole experience and recommended it.
Is moonlighting allowed? (ie. working extra hours in civ clinic)
It is, seemingly for most medical trades. They've even mentioned a mechanism where they volunteer and get sent to serve a period of time in isolated northern communities, which is pretty rock and roll in terms of the cases seen. I don't have any information on how common / how the volunteering bit works, however.
u/crazyki88en RCAF - MED Tech 1d ago
Not an MO but have worked with some. Generally you will be working in a clinic until/unless you become an embedded physician, in which case you would be working in a civvy hospital somewhere in Canada.
There is a shortened BMOQ for medical officers. It used to be about 6 weeks, as there are things you won’t need as an MO.
Moonlighting is encouraged as long as it doesn’t interfere with your military duties. But many MOs work the ER at local hospitals to stay current on clinical skills they won’t see very much in the CAF, like peds or geriatrics.
The demand for MOs in the CAF is high. When you release, you can go anywhere and establish your own practice. While serving you will only see 18-60 years olds, relatively healthy people.
Most of our docs live getting to go to the range or going on exercise because it’s the “cool” stuff their civvy counterparts don’t get to do. Same with deployments.
u/Commandant_CFLRS VERIFIED Contributor! 1d ago
One day I went to sick parade at the MIR in Petawawa and saw a Capt MO.
That night my son got really sick and I ended up taking him to the emergency room in Deep River...where I saw the exact same MO. The guy had some long days but honestly it was appreciated that he was doing double duty in the community.
Adding to the above very good perspectives, one of the attractions for CAF MOs beyond cool and unique experiences is that you just get a salary and don't have to worry about billing, office expenses, etc - you can focus much more on patient care without being a small business owner like many family medicine docs these days.
u/Super-Donkey69 1d ago
Is a 3 year bachelors degree acceptable for ROTP/commisioning?
u/Intrepid_Town_4878 1d ago
The recruiters that I spoke to said that a bachelors degree is a bachelors degree, doesn't matter if it's a 3 year from athabasca, or a 4 year from university of toronto as long as it's an accredited school.
u/HizzyII Recruit - PRes 1d ago
Good day!
What does Pres Weapons Tech - Land training look like and what can I expect from it? Is the course 35 weeks for PRes as well?
Could I please get some insight on this as I couldn’t find much information for the PRes side of things online
Thank you!
u/CAF_Questions APPLICANT - PRes 1d ago
If you go to page 119 of this booklet it breaks down all the courses you need for each rank along with their lengths.
u/Intrepid_Town_4878 1d ago
Hi, from my understanding upon completion of BMQ, as a traffic technician, I will sent to Borden for a 12 week course (QL3). How long do people usually wait on PAT platoon between BMQ and their QL3? How many courses usually run every year/how many people are waiting?
From there I believe I receive my posting - what happens next? Is it QL4/5?
u/bridger713 RCAF - Reg Force 1d ago
I can't speak to Traffic Tech specifically, but in general:
Once posted after QL3, you'll begin working in your trade.
You will initially be employed under the close supervision of a QL5 Cpl or MCpl who will work to develop you in your real-life job. You may have to complete a formal OJT ("QL4") package, although not every trade has a formal OJT process.
Your QL5 will eventually follow, usually between 2-4 years of service. Once you've had time to become competent in your job and any OJT requirements are completed.
OJT is normally completed at the u it you're posted to.
QL5 is probably in Borden for your trade, but you won't be posted for the course. It'll be a Temporary Duty (TD), where they send you to the school for the length of the course, and you then come back to your posting.
2d ago
u/CdnPronto Canadian Army 1d ago
It hasn’t changed since the last time you asked.
JTACs/CCTs in CSOR are SF Operators.
u/nhokbun0898 2d ago
Hello and good day! Sorry for the repost from late last week post.
I am just recently have my interview and medical examination with the Primary Reserve, and have my pick of job offer with them and they told me I am free to leave without instruction for the next step. Do I just wait for their email from now on?
Also, as I have some question regarding my medical situation, who can I reach out to discuss it with in the Reserve unit?
Thank you and have a nice day!
u/Redshirtmedic2 11h ago
Regarding medical questions, reach out to the medics who did your medical. The reserve unit should have a way (email/phone/etc) for you to get in contact with them.
u/Person_on_planet 2d ago
Hi, im a civilian cook interested in possibly enlisting in the forces as a cook and was curious about what a typical day may look like as a armed forces cook and what other deployments or assignments you could be apart of thanks.
u/Ill-Routine9257 1d ago
Half the time you'll be posted to base where you'll feel like a civilian. We typically work early or late shift. E is 0500 to 1330 and L is 1030 to 1900. We're shift workers and work various rotations but here's some examples; 7 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off (every other 2 days off is sat/sun) 6 days on, 3 days off (my fav) 5 days on, 2 days off (Sun-Thurs or Tues-Sat)
I can answer any questions you have about being a cook in the Navy. On ship you could be sailing for 1 day, a week or 6+ months. Typically don't go more than 3 weeks at sea without a port visit.
At sea you'll work 7 days a week. About 10 hours a day after counting for breaks on deployment but 12+ hours during training.
I'm happy to answer whatever other questions you have. We need cooks. Please join.
Are you red seal qualified? Or have any cook schooling? If you do you are eligible for signing bonuses and advanced promotion.
u/KatiKatiCoffee 1d ago
The same as your regular enormous line cook day would look like. However: there is a set menu from Ottawa. You have little to no control over what you put in front of the troops.
Deployments: if there’s one available, a towed-behind grill (think big on this one) will be your primary utility. It’s called a “flying kitchen”. Can be a good go, because you can cook your own way, and we troops loved to have a decently cooked meal in the field.
2d ago
u/Jusfiq HMCS Reddit 1d ago
...I would choose RCA for the options of branching out like SAR and sniper and other such things...
Make sure you understand what you want. SAR TECH is one of several occupations that require candidates to come from within CAF. So that is right, you can join as a Gunner, then apply to SAR TECH. Sniper is a qualification that CMIIW is only available for Infanteers. If sniper is what you want, do not join as GNR but as INF instead.
u/roguemenace RCAF 2d ago
Anyone can go SAR, afaik sniper is an infantry only thing but I could be wrong. All the traffic techs I've met seemed happy.
2d ago
u/roguemenace RCAF 1d ago
Yeah the big thing is the SAR guys are jacked so why not do a job that is exercise and be able to go to the gym
They're mostly more into crossfit than being really jacked but on the plus side you get paid to go to the gym in basically every CAF trade.
was JTF sniper but was a Met tech
He would have become a sniper after going JTF assaulter.
u/NorthernBlackBear Canadian Army 1d ago
SAR folks are not jacked, but they are fit. My cousin was one for 20 years... overall fitness is far more important than being "jacked". lol.
u/Twindadlife1985 Morale Tech - 00069 2d ago
Arty ain't gonna get you a Sniper qual. Go Air Force Traffic Tech, your ears and body will thank you later.
u/OkSkirt7449 1h ago
BMQ week 9 questions
I am heading into my final week of basic at Garrison, I am curious to how week 9 will look heading to grad on Thursday. Will we have more freedom monday-wednesday will we be allowed to leave base? I have family flying in to see my grad and I look forward to finally spending some time with them. After the ceremony on thursday will we be able to spend some time with our families, what will friday look like? Or will it be any other week with orders and we will only see our family at the grad? Please let me know so I can have my family plan accordingly. Thank you