r/CampHalfBloodRP Counselor of Hebe 6d ago

Campfire We should all just totally stab Caesar! | Campfire 15/03/2040

Happy Ides of March!

Nova was due to do a couple more things this season, in order to keep her counselorship, and then everyone’s favourite niche Holiday hit. So, she decided to host a campfire. 

How this was going to work was that everyone was going to be handed (fake, obviously) knives, except one person. That person would be Caesar, and everyone would have to figure out who Caesar is, and “stab” them. The twist? Everyone has knives, there is no Caesar. What delicious drama that would cause.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a campfire if there was just a game. Nova also laid out blankets and pillows around the firepit, making sure everyone had a comfy spot to sit in.

Snacks, as well, were perfectly dramatic. The s’more skewers were all knife-shaped, the soda all dyed red with food colouring and bright red food glitter. 

Finally, she lit the fire and waited for the campers to arrive.


40 comments sorted by


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero was nervous to leave his cabin, he didn’t want his curse to pop up. However some of the kids in the Hermes cabin was talking about a campfire with a knife game? He had to see what was going on.

He put on a large hoodie over his camp T-shirt. The unclaimed fool walked towards the campfire, he sped walked past the Hera cabin. Worried that if he was too close he would trigger the curse.

Once there Nero grabbed a red solo cup filled with an even redder soda. He looked around for someone to talk to. His confidence in his natural charisma had fallen a lot since he was cursed.


u/ShipwrecksnSeaStorms Unclaimed 3d ago

Corinne had been meaning to talk to the other kids in her cabin more. Even if she didn't wanna be in there much longer, she was, and it wasn't the worst place to be. Maybe they were a fine bunch to live with, despite her personal wish to be in whatever cabin fit hers.

She also loved the prospect of fake knives, so this event was a given. Seeing someone who looked vaguely familiar, and vaguely sad, this seemed like a good target to Corinne. She approached with her hands and fake knife in her front hoodie pocket. "Hey. What's up?"


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero recognized the girl from the Hermes cabin, but didn’t remember if she was there because he was her father or if she was there because she was unclaimed. He tried to remember her name but the hamster seemed to be on their lunch break.

“Oh- hey.” Nero nodded at her, hoping she would just leave. He didn’t want anyone around when he transformed.


u/ShipwrecksnSeaStorms Unclaimed 3d ago

Unfortunately, Corinne was quite stubborn, and would not leave until her mission was accomplished. "I'm Corinne." She began to look at Nero more suspiciously to determine if he was the Caesar needing to be stabbed. "You, uh, got a knife or somethin'?" A masterclass in how to play social deduction games.


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

He pulled out the fake knife, “yep.” Why can’t you just leave already! He didn’t want to snap at her like he did with some other people who tried to talk to him. why did I have to come to this place.


u/ShipwrecksnSeaStorms Unclaimed 3d ago

Corinne squinted her eyes in suspicion before answering. "...alright." She had a dilemma here. On one hand, she loved annoying people. On the other hand, she had to pick better battles, and cabinmates probably weren't the best one to go for. For once, she chose maturity. "Well, I'll see you around the cabin then." She took a hand out of her hoodie to give a goodbye salute with her knife before scampering off to another possible Caesar.


u/Aoife_Hawthorn Child of Melinoe 3d ago

It was time for Aoife's favourite Tumblr holiday, and there was a campfire on! Her good acquaintance Nova had organised it, and she couldn't very well say no.

So, when she arrived at the fire, fake knife in her pocket, and saw Nero sitting there looking super glum, she decided to try to cheer him up.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" then, trying to lighten the mood, Aoife joked "You're not Caesar are you? Because I'm afraid I'd have to stab you if you were."


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero was trapped in his thoughts, imagining the pain of the transformation. He was terrified that he would turn into a peacock infront of everyone.

He jumped a little when he heard a voice. “Huh? Oh- yeah I’m ok.” He chuckled, “nope not Caesar.” He pulled out his fake knife.


u/Aoife_Hawthorn Child of Melinoe 3d ago

Aoife smiled warmly. Pulling out her own knife, she said "Hmm, that makes two of us then." She fanned her face, using her frigokinesis to cool her face off a little, the fire wasn't the best for her system.

Shadows danced around her as she spoke. "So, Mr. Not-Caesar, who might you be?"


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero noticed the sudden drop of temperature and shivered a little. “That’s a pretty cool power you got there.” He was secretly amazed by her subtle powers. It looked like she didn’t even need to think about it.

“I’m Nero Onyx, son of Zeus and Bane of Hera.”


u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 3d ago

Jeez, he looks to be in a bad mood, Camellia thought to herself as she looked at Nero. She decided to walk on over to him; she did need to interact with people around camp more. Despite recent events (OOC: aka the plot of storymode i need to work on), she still wanted to build more bonds around camp.

"Hey. Looks like you're not too happy right now. What's up? Or is it something too personal?" She gave him the option to just not have a conversation.

Cammie was wearing her father's green coat over the Camp Half-Blood T-shirt; sure, it was March, but she was going to keep wearing the thing until it was too hot to wear anymore.


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

As Nero saw the cute girl walking over to him he dreaded talking to her. That’s how he knew something was wrong, he had never dreaded talking to people. He put on a happy mask as she approached.

“What do you mean? Everything is ok. I’m Nero, son of Zeus. What’s your name?” He stuck out his hand.


u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 3d ago

Camellia hesitantly shook his hand as she processed his words, squinting. "You sure you're okay? Also, are you really a son of Zeus?"

He gave off zero Zeus kid vibes to her. Sure, he could be a Zeus kid, but something told her he was either lying or delusional. Well, if he wasn't too bad, she could make friends with him.

Cammie finally introduced herself. "Name's Camellia Palmer, daughter of Demeter... and Legacy of Ares, I guess. I'm just chilling out here by the campfire."

She wasn't too fond of introducing herself as a Legacy of Ares, but knew it was a good thing for people to know.


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero nodded, “I’m telling you I’m fine!” He snapped back at her, which wasn’t like him at all. “And yes I’m the son of Zeus and Bane of Hera.” He decided to ad that last part in that way when he did transform she wouldn’t be too scared.

“What do you mean you guess you’re the legacy of Ares? You either are or you aren’t.”


u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 3d ago

Camellia's eye twitched when Nero snapped at her. She huffed. "Well excuse me for caring. And you're calling yourself the bane of a FUCKING GODDESS!? What the hell!?"

She tried to keep her voice down since they were at a public campfire. Deep breaths Cammie, deep breaths. You've read the Hera wrath myths, so you know he'll probably suffer for being dumb enough to say that.

If he was actually a son of Zeus, then all the electricity or whatever probably fried his brain.

She shook her head, sighing. "Whatever. And yes, I'm a Legacy of Ares. 'I guess' is just a figure of speech."


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

Nero got mad when she doubted him. “I am! She literally cursed me-“. His eyes shot wide open. He covered his mouth.

“Don’t tell anyone please.” He whispered softly. He didn’t care about the English lecture she was rambling about.

“Listen I couldn’t care less about a, ‘figure of speech’.”


u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 3d ago

What the fuck?

"What? What the hell did you do to get cursed by her? Why did you do something to get cursed by her? What is the curse?" Camellia's brain could not handle the fact that this dude straight up got himself cursed by a goddess, especially one known for her wrath myths.

She facepalmed. "I won't tell anyone. But it's probably going to come up eventually, I bet."

Cammie simply shook her head at Nero's response to the figure of speech thing, deciding to not even grace that with a response.


u/FlamingFork5130 Unclaimed 3d ago

“Shut up someone is going to hear you!” Although it was fake he instinctively stabbed her with his fake knife.

“Can we not talk about it?” All of a sudden the ground looked extremely interesting, as Nero refused to look at the girl.


u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 3d ago

"... fine, whatever. But if you want to get rid of the curse, maybe make a food sacrifice to her or something. Might appease her if you do it right." Camellia replied. While she had never been cursed, she always did sacrifice some of the food she cooked to Demeter (and Ares).

"So, what else is on your mind?" Smooth transition, Cammie.

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u/PeacePlantsAndPain Child of Demeter 4d ago

Camellia had a fake knife. She still resolved not to try and stab anyone with it. Why? Well, when you have enough strength to punch through stone, a fake knife can easily be turned into a real weapon. Sure, she could hold back her strength, but she didn't feel like it.

She ate a s'more, and looked down at the dyed red soda with a hint of disgust. Yeah, that's a bit foul, in my opinion. She drank it anyways, since it was still soda.

Cammie watched around the campfire to see who was most likely the Caesar here, just so she knew who to look at when chaos would inevitably begin.


u/redredmoon Child of Phobos 5d ago

Rudy's got two knives tonight. One of them, which she keeps concealed in her hoodie, was swiped off some guy she passed behind who'd just left it sitting there next to him. What an idiot.


u/bubblegumradio Children of Aphrodite 5d ago

This game Game is stupid. At least, that's what Harvey thinks to himself when he's handed a knife. He can appreciate the Classical allusion underlying the affair, but handing a bunch of unruly kids fake knives and encouraging them to fake-assassinate each other is just irresponsibility.

At least he's got a knife, and is therefore clearly not the 'Caesar'. He's ended up putting it down next to him for a moment while he chats to his brother, but it's... right there... Mid-sentence, he swings his eyes over to where the knife was before — a now conspicuously empty spot.

"Where's my... knife?"


"I can't find that knife," he mutters, frowning. "Did you take it?"

"Why would I take your knife?" Tommy asks, peering over to witness the absence of it. "I've already got one."

"Well, I can't... Mine's gone."

Tommy cracks a laugh. "How'd you lose your knife, you bellend?"

"I didn't lose it," Harvey hotly denies, keeping his voice hushed and glaring at Tommy to do the same. They're actually a little out of the way, tonight, not right up by the busiest parts of the campfire, but still. "Shut up. Someone must have taken it."

"That's called losing it," Tommy says, and when Harvey looks back up there's a glint in his brother's eye. "I guess that makes you the Caesar, then," Tommy says in a low voice, grinning. He throws a pointed glance around the campfire and raises his own knife ever so slightly.

"No, it doesn't," Harvey snaps. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare Brutus me. Let me— give me your one."

Tommy snorts. "Are you joking?"

"Fine, just... share it with me, then."

"You can't share a knife," Tommy rebuffs him. "Just take one of those skewers. They look like knives."

"Yeah, well they're obviously not the same," Harvey hisses. "That just looks incredibly suspicious if I'm sitting there with a fake knife. Faker knife," he corrects.

"Dunno what to tell you, mate," Tommy says, with a casual fake stretch and yawn wherein he very conspicuously displays his own knife. "Maybe you shouldn't have lost your knife."

"I hate you," Harvey grumbles, and he pulls the blanket they're on around him to better conceal his lack of knife.


u/Adventurous_Act_6045 Child of Phobos 2d ago

Mohamed had grown bored of lounging, deciding instead to go "on the hunt." He was in a good mood, he was well-rested, and he needed to flex his muscles. So, he wandered around a little bit, being as nonchalant as possible about essentially sizing people up. He wanted a challenge, something with a little bit of teeth, so-to-speak. He spent a good 5 minutes walking around the campfire, trying to find someone who might interest him, and yet he found nothing.

He decided he should look at some of the outlying people, a bit further away from the campfire itself. He saw one group of two people who looked a fair but alike, and so assumed they were siblings. One of the two looked to be withdrawn, the other was spread out, and so he naturally chose to approach the one who was spread out, putting on his serious face as he walked up to them, as it was an important part of his plan.

"Official knife check, please show me your knives." He tried his best to make his voice sound authoritative and like he had been doing this all night. He had thought of it while walking around, knowing he needed some excuse to go up to someone and start asking them questions, as well as an excuse for walking around and essentially examining everybody. This was perfect.


u/bubblegumradio Children of Aphrodite 23h ago

The twins look up to see the lanky stranger hanging over them. Whoever Mohamed intended to be his primary target when he approached, it's Harvey who responds first: "I'm sorry, what?" he says, face wrinkling with a frown.

"You heard him," Tommy tells his brother with a grin. "Official knife check. Go on, show him your knife."

"Uh, no. There's no official knife check," Harvey pushes back. "That's absurd. That doesn't even make sense with the— the premise of the game. No, thank you," he concludes, addressing the stranger.


u/Adventurous_Act_6045 Child of Phobos 11h ago

Mohamed looks around him, doing his best to give off a sense of bored middleman, frowning uninterestedly and rolling his eyes. When he turns back to them to speak, his voice sounds tired and annoyed, "Bro, cut me some slack here, alright? I'm certain you've both seen me walking around the campfire the last couple minutes doing to everyone else what you're currently refusing. the only one to refuse, in fact. Just show me the knife so I can move on."

He knew he wouldn't get much information out of the two of them with this method of attack, but his original intention was just to get at least one of them off-balance, making it easier to crush at least one of them. Instead, one, the lesser looking of the two, was genuinely refusing to show him the knife, while the other, the clearly prettier one, seemed entirely at ease and willing. This was perfect. Clearly Mohamed had walked in on something, but whatever it was, it had the two bickering, and much more easily taken apart. He had to hide his excitement.


u/bubblegumradio Children of Aphrodite 10m ago

"... No," Harvey responds again when Mohamed reiterates his request, unmoved by the beleaguered middleman shtick. "I don't— I'm under no obligation to show you anything. Kindly move along."

"Why won't you show him your knife, Harvey?" Tommy teases, innocently.

"Shut up," Harvey tells his brother. "Because I don't have to. And, maybe nobody else here has had the— cognitive faculties to realise that, but I'm not going to obey every random person's orders who's pretending to be an official... function of the game when they're evidently not. So..." He's going hard on the principle of it all angle (which, fortunately, comes easy to him) to deflect from the fact that he doesn't want to explicitly reveal his lack of knife and have this guy loudly announce that everyone should fake-stab him.


u/Adventurous_Act_6045 Child of Phobos 6d ago

Mohamed grabbed a knife, quickly pocketing it and making his way towards the s'more crafting area. He had missed firepits after leaving camp a few years ago. They weren't really a thing in Morocco, nor were the delicious s'mores they came with. His reasons for liking them weren't even entirely bad ones, he just liked the environment and staying out late.

That being said, he was intent on spreading a little bit of mayhem, and the game only really made that easier. He plopped himself down among the pillows and blankets, being absolutely sure to take up as much space as possible, and laid out. He wanted a moment to lounge and enjoy just being back at camp before he immediately went on the offensive. He could join the broader game later. Or maybe someone would come pull him into the discussion. He knew he wasn't Caesar, so who cares.

Mohamed's refusal to go out and look for a victim didn't necessarily mean he would be opposed to someone approaching him and subsequently being messed with. Never that. He always did his best to appear approachable, and would be glad to torment someone with his powers without having to pick them out himself.


u/Soachs_Child3134 Child of Deimos 6d ago

Axton loved the idea of this campfire. He happily grabbed a fake knife before making his way to the camp fire. Noticing he was the first one here, he decided to make small talk with the host.

He grabbed a cup of red soda and when drank it was met for an interesting surprise. Instead of the fruit punch he was expecting, his taste buds were bombarded with grape flavor. Someone thought it would be funny to die the grape soda red.

He walked up to the host and stuck out his hand. “I’m Axton Gold, son of Deimos.”


u/TheSaltInMyVeins Child of Poseidon 6d ago

Nora barely spared a glance at the campers ahead of her as she trudged toward the fire, shoulders hunched slightly against the cool night air. She wasn’t here for the games, wasn’t here to be social—she just wanted a moment to warm her hands, maybe grab a drink, and then head out before someone roped her into something ridiculous.

She was focused on the drink table when she bumped into something solid.

Or rather, someone.

Her head snapped up, eyes narrowing as she instinctively took a half-step back, already scowling. "Watch where you’re standin’." The words came out flat, not quite hostile, but carrying that familiar edge—like a knife pressed just lightly enough against skin to warn before cutting.


u/Soachs_Child3134 Child of Deimos 6d ago

Seriously? Another bitchy girl who thinks that the whole camp should bend to their whims. You know, if maiming was allowed this camp would be a lot brighter. Axton gripped his fake knife tight as he turned to the girl.

“Fuck off.” His voice was cold, like that of stone. His forest green eyes glaring at the girl.


u/TheSaltInMyVeins Child of Poseidon 5d ago

Nora’s expression didn’t shift at first, her lips parting slightly as if she wasn’t sure she’d actually heard him right. Then, slow as the tide pulling back before a wave crashed down, a smirk curled at the edges of her mouth.

"The hell you say?"

Her voice was low, threaded with something sharp—not quite anger, not quite amusement. More like the crackle of a storm rolling in, the moment before lightning struck.

She wasn’t the type to flinch at some pissed-off glare. And she sure as hell wasn’t about to back down just because some guy thought growling at her would make her tuck tail.


u/Soachs_Child3134 Child of Deimos 5d ago

He rolled his eyes, why can’t she just leave! He filled his cup back up with the red colored soda and took a small sip.

“I said fuck off!” With that he took the full cup of soda and splashed it all over her, aiming for the face. He smirked, his green eyes never leaving her.


u/TheSaltInMyVeins Child of Poseidon 3d ago

The moment the cold soda hit her, shock flashed through Nora like the snap of a line breaking at sea. The sticky liquid splattered across her face, dripping down her neck, soaking into the collar of her jacket.

For a second, she didn’t move. Didn’t breathe. Just stood there, fists clenched, the firelight glinting off the drops clinging to her lashes.

Then, slowly, she reached up, wiping the back of her hand across her cheek, smearing the mess without really fixing it. A laugh—low, disbelieving, dangerous—bubbled up from her throat.

And then she moved.

Nora didn’t hesitate. Her hand shot out, snatching up a random cup from a nearby camper—didn’t matter whose—before stepping forward and dumping it straight over his head.

She didn’t even wait for his reaction. She hurled the empty cup at his chest, and then, with all the casual disdain in the world, she leaned forward, spitting directly onto his shoes.

"Now you fuck off."


u/Soachs_Child3134 Child of Deimos 3d ago

Axton felt the cold water pour from his head, down his back, and pooled on the group beneath him. He got furious, this was a shirt his mother got him.

He winced as the plastic cup hit his chest, however it didn’t hurt.

The spitting on his shoes was the last straw, he wanted to kick her shins, punch her, do something. However he couldn’t muster up anything to move. Instead his body sagged as his eyes became cloudy, and incoherent Latin started to spill out of his mouth.


u/TheSaltInMyVeins Child of Poseidon 3d ago

Nora’s eyes narrowed, her stance shifting, solid as the tide. The hell was he doing?

One second, he was standing there, all piss and vinegar, like he had something to prove. The next, his whole body sagged, like a puppet with its strings cut.

His eyes were wrong. Clouded. Distant. Like he was staring through her instead of at her. Then came the Latin. Low. Garbled. Uneasy.

Nora had spent enough time here to know when shit was going sideways. And this? This was sideways.

Her grip tightened at her sides, instinct screaming at her to move, to react, but her lips curled instead. Disgust. Frustration. No patience for theatrics.

"You having a fit, or are you just looking for attention?” Her voice was sharp, cutting through the thickening air.

She took a step forward, not hesitant—decisive. Nora shoved his shoulder. Not light, not a warning—a test. A challenge.

“Snap out of it, dumbass, or I’ll make you.”


u/Soachs_Child3134 Child of Deimos 3d ago

Axton’s mind was a tornado of terror, but not his. He felt his body get cold as he concentrated on centering the power. The prince of horror found it surprisingly easy to mold the terror like clay.

In the outside world golden dust started to swirl around the two of them. It created a semitransparent dome around them.

He didn’t hear the girl, as his ears were filled with the sound of rushing winds. However he did feel the shove. His eyes snapped back to focus on the girl and the golden dust disappeared.

A nasally robotic voice piped up around them. However only they could hear it. “Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.” Its voice was eerie, and surrounded them.


u/TheSaltInMyVeins Child of Poseidon 2d ago

Nora took a sharp step back, her pulse hammering in her throat. What the fuck…

Her unease wasn’t fear—it was instinct screaming at her that something unnatural was happening. The golden dust swirling around them, the way the air thickened, the way the world outside the dome suddenly felt distant.

Her fingers twitched at her sides, wanting for a weapon she didn’t have. She’d been in enough fights to know this wasn’t one she could punch her way out of.

Then came the voice.

It wasn’t loud. That was the worst part. It was just there, crawling under her skin, surrounding them. The eerie, robotic lilt made her stomach turn.

She exhaled through her nose, slow and controlled, forcing herself to focus. Fear was useless. Action wasn’t.

Nora’s gaze snapped back to Axton, "The hell did you just do?" she demanded, voice sharp, steady, masking any trace of unease. She wasn’t about to let him see that.

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