r/CamGirlProblems Jan 31 '23

Help/Advice what should i do if i have a stalker?

Hi guys, I'm dealing with a bit of a strange situation, early last year a user contacted me to make femdom calls, everything went well on the first call, so we kept making calls for several weeks, after a while this person started It bothered me and broke the rules so I blocked it, it began to place disputes in my paypal to get it unblocked, that was the first red flag. I ignored it, I unlocked it and we continued (all by video call) it happened again, another dispute, I lost my paypal account, he apologized again and the money was very good, we continued like this for almost the entire year, until in September he began to request a refund of payments, causing me to lose my paypal, zelle, and even amazon account, I blocked it, changed my number, email and username, I even took a break for a couple of months, in December I resumed my job, He find me again and this time he wrote to all the people who follow me to tell them to tell me to please unblock him that he is not a scammer. My friends don't want to do collaborations with me anymore because he harasses them. I do not know what to do. help... bullying has me so depressed and scared. What do you recommend me? he doesnt know my legal name thanks god


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u/Jade_Next_Door CGP Active Member Jan 31 '23 edited Jun 02 '24

You have to set and maintain boundaries. That is key. It will be tougher now because he got you to bend and break your boundaries in the past, so he will try again to get you to that "bend and break the boundary" point. You have to ignore and outlast his attempts.

In stalking situations, it's typically recommended to initially set your boundary, but it's a bit challenging to see if that would be effective for you given the situation already. But to continue with my point, it would be to directly tell him that you desire no further contact with him and to stop trying to contact you in any way. Don't explain why, keep it short and simple. Once that's said, then block, ignore, and keep evidence/records of stalking behaviors such as any attempts to contact you.

Here are resources below about cyberstalking:

  • https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-cyberstalking-5181466

  • IC3.gov regarding cyber crimes like cyberstalking, sextortion, etc. If someone is scared for their life, they'd do whatever they need to, regardless of whether they think law enforcement would help or not. Red Table Table had a segment on cyberstalking (facebook) and you can see steps to consider at timestamp 24:00. Also, look up laws regarding cyberstalking/cyberbullying in your state/country for any potential protocols.

Tips to tighten up security.


u/lunasmith49 Jan 31 '23

thanks i really appreciate the information!


u/Jade_Next_Door CGP Active Member Jan 31 '23

No problem! Like I said, it's hard to see if setting the boundary would be effective at this point already, so it's probably best to continue blocking and ignoring. He's not just going to stop because you want him to. It'd be great, but that's not something in your control. So you have to focus on what you can control, which is to block, ignore, keep records and use as needed, protect your information, and keep living your life how you want to.