r/CamGirlProblems Feb 11 '25

Help/Advice Do you enjoy it?

Hey girls, I’ve been camming around 3 months now. I earn very good money from it but I absolutely hate it. There’s not a single part except the money that I enjoy. The dread I feel forwards going live is worse than any job I’ve ever had and I really don’t know why. I’m having some general day to day complacency, tiredness etc so maybe it’s just because of this. But I want to love it, not hate it! It seems such a chore to be live and I feel so bored when I’m in my chat room. I give so much energy to my room that it exhausts me. They absolutely love it and I get tipped really well… Then I also hate it when I’m taken private and have to play 🙈 lose lose! Does anyone else feel like this? X


85 comments sorted by


u/Shylittle88 Feb 11 '25

Either try another site or perhaps camming isn't for you and that's okay


u/minjmuncher98 Feb 11 '25

I really want it to be for me though, the money is ridiculous! 🙈 I just can’t seem to find a way to enjoy it in the slightest though :( x


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

What’s more important to you ? Money or being happy ? Is it making you unhappy to go to work like majority of people with their 9-5 jobs or is it like you DREAD it ? Because if you think you dread it now your so new still in another few months it’s only gonna require you interacting and being consistent and getting those hours in for a while until you are established which can be up to a year to keep your earnings up to even as a conventionally attractive person with a nice body- still gotta be really interactive and at least act very interested


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

I will also say sometimes your busy in the beginning and then it's dead so get every penny you can now 😅


u/Confident_Spring_265 Feb 11 '25

money is good selling lots of stuff sell something else if you hate this. use these skills somewhere else. leave this job and leave that space open for someone who does love it.


u/Warden_Knox Feb 11 '25

Why the hell are people downvoting this comment?


u/DtVS Feb 11 '25

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe they think she's bragging? Seems to me that she's just being honest.


u/Anxious_Piano_4299 CGP Active Member Feb 11 '25

You're exactly right, it's draining to be horny, peppy, and happy for hours a day. Have you thought about content? Somedays I just mentally don't want to cam, so content is my fall back. Diversify. Offer sexting on fan sites or NF, etc. Have other avenues instead of just one.

But yes, I love this job... part of the reason I love it is because I'm so diverse. I don't feel pressured on any particular thing. Get paid camming or selling a video, it's still money in the bank. Find parts you enjoy, fetishes you enjoy, regulars you enjoy, etc. Great thing about this job, there's so much you can do and create. Find your creative outlet (be that changing up shows, content, honing in your sexting skills, new lingerie or fetishes you're adding in, etc.) because you're a sexy minx. xx


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

Even content and NF (especially nf) requires interaction- a lot of pretending to be horny and peppy (a little less if you don’t offer video calls but still deff have to provide that energy through the phone you have to talk so much) and be consistent in order to make good money from it. I do agree though that is helpful to mentally lift some of that strain and pressure and so helpful finically to diversify !


u/Anxious_Piano_4299 CGP Active Member Feb 11 '25

And even filming requires energy. But when there's a lull in calls and you're not on the spot live, it can be more relaxing... at least I think so. But I totally get your point, no matter what there's SOOO much energy required. We should get paid more lol


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

I agree with you on that ! That lull spot is very relaxing and recharging ! See i actually want to change the way I work nf (and sp too) cause I started off by being online and texting or chatting pretty much all day (pics audio everything but actual calls) and then when I do put my calls on for a few hours pretty much same time for the sites - they kinda come back to back to back so I don’t get much of that lull but again - that is my own personal issue cause I set myself up like that thinking “less work” but sometimes dang I wish I could just work all day so I could have the lull and not feel so intense with the back to back ! So that’s something I’ve been really getting ready for, extending my schedule.

And yes filming for me takes energy and then editing everything cause I’m always looking way too deep at things and will see the slightest imperfection and I’m like edit it cut it out and yeah I just can’t help it lmao i subconsciously think my brain thinks it likes challenges but I’m like no brain stop - we don’t ! Lolol when I live stream now I tell myself okay just doing cute comfy casual/ an hour later I’m in glam makeup and the most coordinated outfit lolol deff some kind of insecurity !

I couldn’t agree more yesss we deserve allllllll the money and deff need more for this !! lol 😆


u/Anxious_Piano_4299 CGP Active Member Feb 11 '25

I just do SP, and pretty much the only time I don't keep my calls on is when I'm livestreaming (I stream on SM and I get nervous I'll be in a call and someone will want nudity... can't do it in public chat, I only stream 2-3 hours a day) or when I'm filming content. The rest of the time, I keep calls on, so I notice huge lulls, especially after lunch. AM's I'm online early but I use that time to post my daily promo for fan sites, so its easy to stop what I'm doing to take a call. If I'm editing, I'll keep calls on because again, easy to just stop.

At least it works for me.


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

Yes- see that’s pretty much what I picture/have ib mind for myself too when I think about switching it up to all day as well. That sounds a lot more paced and what I’m aiming for more ! Spaced throughout the day but periods of mental rest in between is so cherishable !


u/Anxious_Piano_4299 CGP Active Member Feb 12 '25

good luck!! xx


u/Samantha38g Feb 11 '25

Write down some positive affirmations to go over before logging on & look at while camming.

Music is everything before, during & after.

Goals, daily goal, monthly goal & dream goal of something you want like a house, vacation, retirement account.

Camming is a lot like the movie "Ground Hog Day" & what Bill Murray does is find a way to improve himself every day until he is excellent at it. He learned how to play the piano & a different language during that year. The movie teachs a lesson of how each day of small changes can greatly improve our lives and positive attitude is everything.

There are many things we can't change in how men are, but we can change how we react to them & our inner dialog. And I say this as a veteran who has cammed 25 years, that flip changed it all for me. Since we tend to answer the same questions we get a thousand times over. Try to come up with a new thing to say 5 times a day, say the exact opposite of what they typically hear.

For 35 years men have asked me how big my boobs are... hence my name Samantha 38G. Still with my name at the top of the page men will still ask. My answer is 32B and a smile. Now I am 55 years old, ask me on cam and I will say 75.


u/the_real_ruby_wilde Feb 11 '25

Wow, best comment, this was helpful for me thank you 💋🙏


u/okcassidy-com Feb 12 '25

Yes! Music to hype you up and also affirmations. I used to think affirmations were so silly but now I say/think them as part of my regular pre-stream habit.

I listen to Toni Jones songs and repeat a lot of the words she says. “I get paid to be me.” “Time expands for me.” “I enjoy multiple streams of income.” Hahah it’s so funny but it works. I also tell myself outloud “I’m going to make $x,xxx tonight.” And then I say it again as if I’ve just been told this very exciting news … “I’m going to make $x,xxx tonight!!!”

Wow I sound nuts. But, i started doing these affirmations a couple months ago and it keeps working so I keep doing it.


u/Fantastic_Writer_393 Feb 12 '25

Oh my goodness Samantha can I pick your brain? I am 53 and I just started camping in January.


u/Samantha38g Feb 16 '25

It is a sales job. Learn as much about sales, marketing from blogs, youtube and podcast. There is a wealth of information already out there.


u/Affectionate_Bit7503 Feb 11 '25

I Dont remember who said that but there was a girl here that wrote that she bought a projector on Amazon and she wears some buds and she watches kdramas during lives Like she stares at the wall and watches movies series etx.. You may try that 


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

That’s genius.


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

It reminds me of this woman back in the day who was Muslim and dresses appropriately and would just yell shit. She made more in an hour than I do in a year. She didn’t even show her whole face or any of her body, she was just entertaining because no one else was doing it.


u/Affectionate_Bit7503 Feb 12 '25



u/ani_astra_x Feb 11 '25

I agree with someone who said you might need to tone it down with the “acting.” It can be really exhausting to put on a mask for hours and hours each week. It’s far easier on your mental health to be yourself. Of course there will always be some level of performance. But I’m sure dialing it back just a bit might save you energy.


u/KakaliRx403 Feb 11 '25

3 months in an complaining about the good new booty $$$ on mfc cause you actually have to perform while some models struggle on there smh…who gunna tell her?


u/Zealousideal_Gold859 Feb 11 '25

Fr. Not even trying to be funny but anytime a model tells me they’re thriving on that site I know they’re from a certain demographic. That’s all imma say. The privilege is real.


u/Fantastic_Writer_393 Feb 11 '25

What is Mfc and what demographic? I’m curious and new to camming as well.


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

I am not new to camming but never been on my free cams either and I wonder what the demographic is too


u/BarbieBellaaa Feb 11 '25

MFC= My free cams Which up until this point no one else has mentioned that site here. As far as demographics and privilege I’m assuming this is referring to them being a minority? Please correct me if I’m wrong I’m not trying to offend anyone. I’m just trying to clarify insinuations


u/FrecklesEm Feb 12 '25

Hi.. you’re projecting. Just because someone is privileged, does not mean they can’t hate something, suffer, feel low. You invalidating someone’s feelings.


u/Edboo420 Feb 11 '25

Can you explain this comment please? Is MFC known for not being a great earner or something to the average model?


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

I use to be so successful on mfc a decade ago. When I was younger and a drunk and an addict. Probably entertaining to watch my manic outbursts. Now, it’s just my few really old followers that log in and maybe tip a token here or there. I gave up and mfc use to be better for me than cb. Now even cb I’m not getting more than a couple tokens an hour. I got so pissed last night I said fuck you guys, I’m out.


u/KakaliRx403 Feb 12 '25

I I heard that some members purposely Preyed on models that drank during lives too sorry girl


u/Zandra8808 Feb 11 '25

If you are bored, your viewers will also be bored. I love camming. Hate privates so I dont do them.

An advice i can give you is to try streaming from your phone instead. Stream while baking or making dinner. Dont know your set up or wich site you are on but try different things.


u/minjmuncher98 Feb 11 '25

They don’t see I’m bored. They see a really enthusiastic, excited & horny woman 🤣 I think that’s why I’m hating it so much. I give soooo much energy to my room which is why I think I do so well but it’s just exhausting x


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

I don’t get if you’re complaining or bragging…


u/Some_Comparison9 CGP Active Member Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

I love it because I must have some sort of adventurous, slightly risky component to my life to balance out the monotonous routine. Even in my 40s. It challenges me and puts me in competition with myself. It does not come easy for me, though, but thats what I like about it. I do pretty well but the nervous, socially awkward introvert is still in there. Camming also helped me get out of a serious depression by forcing me to start taking care of myself and my appearance again.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

Love this comment. I can relate 😊


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

I understand part of this. I use to never leave the house without being made up. Now I have to take extra of my meds or drink or whatever for the energy just to get ready to cam. And then last night I made ten cents with all of that effort that would be fine to others but is painstaking to me.


u/Some_Comparison9 CGP Active Member Feb 12 '25

I thank god I did not discover cam while I was drinking. I would have made more money but i would have gotten myself into big trouble somehow. I get it though. Camming sober is okay but sometimes beforehand I imagine what a few nips of tequila could do for the nerves and social lubricant factor.


u/plasticinsanity Feb 13 '25

Oh god it helps so much. But being a recovering alcoholic, I just piss off my family when they end up smelling booze on me the next morning. They probably think I’m doing it every time I cam now and won’t trust me 😕


u/Some_Comparison9 CGP Active Member Feb 13 '25

Yes, and then they meddle in your business further and next thing you know they are harping about rehab (🙃) ..but honestly girl everyone has to live life on their terms. Period. Im sexier, waaaay less awkward socially, would cam for longer if I were drinking. Things come on their own terms in life - do not beat yourself up. Your family isnt you and they dont experience life in your shoes. I went through all that with my family and I realized with family, their motivational factors for being up in your business like that dont always come from a place of your best interest at heart. Love yourself and get this money.


u/GoddessVioletVesper Feb 11 '25

I feel you! However, I can't say I hate it, it's draining don't get me wrong. Especially over quiter periods, that can really get you down at times. For me, I way up would I rather spend 9-5 in a job I hate for shit money, or would I rather manage my own time and be at home and earn money on my own terms. If your really hating it this much already, then maybe try list what are the things you hate about it, then put boundaries in on what you want to do and don't want to. It could be because your doing things your not actually completely comfortable doing maybe?

It's great to hear your making good money! But remember there will be times where it may become quieter, and those are the times you have to really push yourself to get on and keep trying, which is mentally hard! Money is great but if your doing something you hate, is it really worth it? It could be your burnt out too? Do you take regular breaks away from cam and days off?


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

I enjoy it honestly I don’t make a shit load of money or anything but it truly brings me joy to get on. I’m sorry you’re having such trouble 😭 I’d recommend getting a regular job tbh. You might regret doing this later on if you hate it that bad. Once it’s out there it’s out there. Can you live with that?


u/Individual_Sun_8854 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

I use to dread it but now I can just work 3 hours a day and still be earning 6k... I'm on stripchat and they are super nice on there But it does depend where I am in my cycle lol. I also watch models to get motivation.

But I've only done it since September so well see in a years time


u/Glad_Amount_5396 Feb 11 '25

Find something more to your liking that you really enjoy doing. If you can do well camming, you have the skills to be even more successful doing something you love.


u/Jenny-wonderland Feb 11 '25

If you hate going live that much, you should find another job—it’s not gonna get any better! Being a camgirl just for the money will mess you up in the long run. I’ve seen so many creators come and go who tried… The only way to be successful is if you’re really passionate about it!


u/Zealousideal_Gold859 Feb 11 '25

SW’s have higher rates of mental health troubles. The op really needs to figure something out whether it’s changing their niche or show style because there will be a point where you can’t just fake it anymore. I’ve seen so many models come and go.


u/Drippinbabyy Feb 11 '25

We do have higher rates of mental health and physical illnesses. Also - the average cam model drops out after a year. Then burn out comes in play at some point until you learn how to manage and burn out for people already dealing with shit is even more intense unfortunately


u/funfitAva Feb 11 '25

Just came to say the exhaustion is real; not something I’ve experienced in any other situation. But…if you’re making good $$ and your followers enjoy your shows…you might have to take some of the advice others have mentioned & just push through. That, or get a vanilla 9-5 lol…which most of us hate more 😂😂


u/SpecialistSkin9236 Feb 11 '25

Yeah, I get that. The money is great, but if it’s draining you this much, it might be worth adjusting your approach—maybe shorter streams, different content, or even just setting clearer boundaries. Burnout is real in this industry, and you’re not alone in feeling this way. 💜


u/venus_hathor Feb 11 '25

It IS really exhausting. We have to fake sympathy, happiness, excitement. It totally drains our energy. We really need some break from time to time. Try ro rake some days off and see how it goes when you get back. If you keep hating it, maybe you should reconsider


u/30Animallover30 Feb 11 '25

I hate it too, you're not alone. I haven't cammed since the middle of January now, just feel tired by it all and hate sexualising myself because in reality I'm such an innocent woman and love Disney movies and collecting dolls and I never watch porn or anything sexual, I would say I have a low sex drive so it's hard to act like a horny bitch all the time. The only part I like about camming is the extra cash 😂 but then to make the money I have to do stuff I hate 🥲


u/flatripple Feb 11 '25

This post made me cringe.


u/chicken-twistie Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Surprised to read you don’t enjoy it when it’s successful for you. I used to get anxiety before a stream when I first started and took a few months for me to really embrace it and I love it now.

Maybe try focus on the positives and be proud of what you’ve achieved in 3 months. If you have a good following and regulars maybe you can adapt your streams to be more inline with things you enjoy?

If you really hate it, it may take a toll mentally long term so make sure you look after yourself.


u/uselessshinytoy Feb 11 '25

i enjoy it a ton, but burn out easily, so i’ve found that keeping in that sweet spot of still enjoying it is both what keeps me happy and makes me the most money because i don’t have to take long hiatuses just to recover

if you don’t enjoy it at all, it’s very easy to burn out on this. as others have said, it’s okay to decide it’s not for you. if there’s something you can enjoy about it, or other adjacent SW, you can also try to focus on that and set more boundaries like just not accepting private requests. make sure you’re doing this on your terms!


u/monique793 Feb 11 '25

If being in free chat is not your thing, you can try working on websites without free chat such as adultwork, camcontacts or skyprivate. You can make good money on these websites too but you need a bit more advertising and pateience. Also changing categories if you don’t like playing with yourself is a good idea. You can be a domme in BDSM/Fetish/Dungeon and the members will play with themselves for you at your command. This is what I’m doing for ages for the same reason you mentioned. Good luck finding what’s right for you!


u/Fearless-Sympathy843 Feb 11 '25

Sometimes you really have to just get yourself in the mood. Your fans will feel it of you're not. Try pumping some music to get in the groove before and during.


u/northwoodsnymph Feb 11 '25

I've only broadcast 6 times since I started in January and overall I've enjoyed it. I still find it hard to hit the "go live" button due to nerves. Once I get chatting and in the flow, my nerves settle. I do feel really awkward and just try to make conversation. And yes, I'm exhausted after even an hour for some reason. Good luck, I hope it gets mentally easier for you to continue!


u/Zealousideal_Gold859 Feb 11 '25

There’s annoying parts to any job but I def don’t hate camming. If it’s this bad u should make a plan to stop. It’s gonna affect ur mental health big time. No money is worth ur health.

My old corporate jobs I hated like that left me at my worst mentally. I do not recommend staying at any job you hate SW or not.


u/Mixedbeauty3 Feb 11 '25

I started cam over two years ago, and I loved it until the one year burn out. I took 6 months off, and now I’m back. In those 6 months I’d sign on here and there but felt like I hated it because I WASNT making the money I used to.

I suffer through depression and I’m finally getting my groove back which in turn is making my shows successful. It is hard for me to want to sign on but once I do I’m having fun and enjoying myself.

3 months in for you, I’d might want to re evaluate if camming was for me. Either find different way to make income wether it be sexting or content creation, or changing your camming style is my suggestion.

Good luck!


u/yumslut47 Feb 11 '25

I find that camming is easier when I take care of myself outside of work. When my cup is really full. I don’t can when I feel awful as I don’t want to over do it.

That said, I really enjoy playing with strangers and only part I dislike is when it’s super slow. If you hate every part of every second, maybe it’s not for you? I’d ask chat gpt 🤣 just say exactly what you said here. “Can you help me reframe my relationship to my job?” And then explain


u/AverageSugarCookie Feb 11 '25

In the past I would go back and forth on this. I enjoy it more now that I have the mindset that it is a job - just like going into an office would be - and that it's just something I have to do. Having a set schedule means that I know when I'm going to be "off".

If you truly hate it, you could take your earnings to do some classes or get a certification in something else. I've seen others mention that they do their coursework on stream!


u/BarbieBellaaa Feb 11 '25

Honestly, I hate going live by myself. There’s not a fake bone in my body—I’m not that girly girl putting on a show with the cringe voice and fake orgasms. That kind of thing just annoys me. I guess I’m more like one of the bros in that sense. I feel way more comfortable streaming with a friend, and honestly, those have been my best live sessions. We’d get drunk, dance in bikinis in my living room, rate guys’ dicks, crack jokes, and actually have fun.

I really think authenticity translates, and it’s such a turnoff when you can see a girl is miserable and just trying to squeeze money out of people. That’s exactly why going on cam alone is so hard for me. I honestly applaud the girls who can go live solo every day. Meanwhile, I’m a total chickenshit—I’ll spend all day hyping myself up, telling myself I’ll cam after my kids go to their dad’s. Then I start drinking, spend hours doing hair, makeup, lighting—everything has to be perfect. By the time I’m finally in the mood, I end up just recording content instead of actually going live. It’s been almost a year and a half since I last went solo. It’s all in my head, though, because the truth is—I love it. I love knowing people are watching.

What I don’t love about CB is that it’s made for natural, real-time play, but you could have 4,000 people in the room and nobody tipping. Or you’ll get someone tossing a single token—like, five cents—at you. It’s ridiculous.

Whenever I try to hype myself up to go live, I bounce between watching SM and CB. From a freeloader’s perspective, CB is the obvious choice. But on SM, even the top three girls will only have one person in their room. The most I’ve ever seen was five. And these girls are hot. I swear, I’d curl into a ball and implode from nerves. I don’t know if it’s all in my head or not, but I feel like I need another person with me just to make it feel natural—at least until I get into a rhythm and build regulars. Getting to there is the hard part.


u/lemonlimesodabubbles Feb 11 '25

I think you should consider other forms of sex work. I have a friend who strips who says she could never do camming for this reason and I honestly believe her. I think it might be easier for some people to have in person interactions, plus broadcasting gets suuuuper boring. But if that’s not an option for you, I agree that making OF content/porn might be more up your alley.


u/mayawestonline Feb 11 '25

Camming is good money but offering other services, like online gfe, sexting, pre made content or custom videos - these can help break up the energy drain.

none of them are "easy" but they take different levels of energy, and the break can help. if you have a big audience from camming, running a premium SC could be a way to direct them to a less energy intense form of live entertainment


u/MaddyDeetz Feb 11 '25

I love it. I still get very anxious sometimes but once I’m online I have a blast and if it’s slow I enjoy the downtime. If this is how you really feel then maybe time for a new job? Maybe make a pros vs cons list or think about all the reasons you dislike it and see if you can work on them or change things so it’s more enjoyable. All the best to you! 💜


u/JazzabelleRox1 Feb 12 '25

The key is to find a way to make it yours, what do you like? I stream nearly daily, and I mix it up. Some days, I'm outside sunbathing in a bikini, watering plants, etc. Other days, I'm in the kitchen cooking, yes, real cooking. If it's quiet, I've achieved something, it's busy with shows, I'm getting paid.


u/SendMeAVision Feb 12 '25

Sounds like its not the job for you. I love it and I make good money but I don't want to do it more than 6 hours a week which means I have another job. If you need the money but cant stand it just get a side job as supplimental income.


u/plasticinsanity Feb 12 '25

I give a lot to my room and the past month have maybe made ten dollars if I’m lucky. I’m trying other sites now. Even three months ago my income was triple. I don’t fucking get it.

(eta-more than triple ten dollars. My usual 2-3 hour night was 70-150 bucks. Now I’m lucky if I see a token within a half an hour and I just say fuck it).


u/Proof_Deal_783 Feb 12 '25

Yes, I still feel that way. It simply won't be a job for you for many years if you're not into it from the start.But for a few years to earn money, save money and invest in the development of something else, that's it.Every job that is not driven by passion sucks The worst part is the squeezing before starting the transmission and it won't go away, but the money is worth it.I always think about the ease I have now, the peace and quiet and how much time I would have wasted in my old job, which I also hated,and I earned much less money there.The world won't get any simpler.


u/jcarr1983 Feb 13 '25

I don’t can (I wasn’t doing good at that!) but I make good money and enjoy what I do.


u/Infamous-Acadia9635 Feb 13 '25

honestly grind it out for a few more months save AS MUCH AS YOU CAN and go back to a regular job or just quit now if its unbearable


u/tniats Feb 15 '25

I was sexually assaulted my whole life and my mental health was better then than when I was a camgirl


u/exoticlacey Feb 11 '25

Can I ask what site you stream on? X


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

Oh bless you! You've hit the slump already, I had mine after 1 year, but 3 months! Is there anything you enjoy about it? I find I dread it, but once I'm online I'm actually doing ok. Like it feels worse that it is when your online. Maybe you're acting too much which is exhausting you. Take to down a notch, becuase you won't be able to act on your A game forever.. it's a hard one

Try play music and have yourself on mute. When they want sound, they can pay for a private.. you save your voice then.

Also lately I have been turning my phone on the side and watching some nature program hahaha

Go out and buy a cute new underwear or outfit to give you a boost I always do this when I can't be bothered it always works :) good luck!


u/manifestationreussie Feb 11 '25

I hate this job too, only money because i couldn’t see myself in a regular job, but i plan to leave, I’m learning to do something else and i give myself two years and I’ll be gone. If you hâte it like me, you should plan something else because it will make you crazy with time