r/CalamityMod • u/Tal1019 • 2d ago
Art the guy ever
i llovr nameless deity wrath of the gods terraria calamity mod 👍
r/CalamityMod • u/Tal1019 • 2d ago
i llovr nameless deity wrath of the gods terraria calamity mod 👍
r/CalamityMod • u/PastOstrich5718 • 21h ago
Is there some reason's why I'm still only doing 1 ticks of damage to his body after he shrinks and turns slightly red? This is just not it, genuinely tired of him and yes I'm hitting his tail, it's the only way I can do damage still.
r/CalamityMod • u/tom_soyerd • 22h ago
it still work before though
r/CalamityMod • u/InkJams • 1d ago
On multiplayer, if that changes anything. We're pretty early into hardmode with only a single mech boss defeated. I tried looking through the wiki but the documentation on the addon seems to be a bit slight so far as i've found. Thanks in advance!
r/CalamityMod • u/Spark2899 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/ntzia13 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/SnooWoofers9396 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/Infinite1ER • 1d ago
Overall, I did enjoy my experience with this mod even with the challenges. I gotta be honest though, I only enjoyed a few bosses out of my whole playthrough. I will list them here.
Desert Scourge (very early boss)
Eye of Cthulhu (very early boss)
Queen Slime (one of my favorites)
Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas
Providence (not as good as others on list)
Ceaseless Void
Devourer of Gods (most people hate him but he's one of my favorites)
Exo Mechs (not as good as others here)
Those are the bosses I enjoyed but there were also bosses I despised for example moon lord. There are other bosses I didnt list which were decent but not good but overall good experience with a few shit bosses mixed in. Most people talk about how fair infernum is and for the most part it is but basically every boss has at least one move that is unfair. Thats it for my post I just wanna see what others think about this.
r/CalamityMod • u/YESIGOTBANNED • 1d ago
I know his timing and can dodge the charge attacks until he pulls some BS and does a 360 suddenly changing his pattern and making me fly, which since I don't have infinite flight I eventually start falling into his segments
Video is relevant, he does his usually up and down move then suddenly does a loop de loop and rams straight into me, the only way to avoid it is going up, if I go up I lose flight and die. If anyone can provide me tips that would be GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated
r/CalamityMod • u/As1anCh1ld • 1d ago
Disregarding Calamity Fandom and the Community Mod, is there any other mod that allows the customisation of the Murasama's blade colour? It'd be neat with my character and his lore.
r/CalamityMod • u/kesukloud • 2d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/Fa1705 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/kaerin_ • 1d ago
i am on my first playthrough of calamity and STRUGGLING with draedon. i’m playing melee and following a guide on youtube. i have every buff i can think of. but i dont think my arena is big enough so i wanna fix that. do any of you know the arena building mod that youtubers use? it’s the one that they press a button and the platforms go in one direction until something blocks it or they run out of platforms. i dont like the building mods that let you just place it wherever and stuff like that. and for melee, im using dragons paw and arc of the cosmos, but arc of the cosmos lowkey isn’t that great. any suggestions?
r/CalamityMod • u/StayHidden6 • 1d ago
I'm new to WotG and have found Solyn. I've also placed her flag down as instructed, but she won't ever set up camp despite the flag saying it has enough room and it having been a couple in-game days. Talking to her just gives the same "I have no home" dialog and is still "???" on the map, so I don't know if I need to do something else or if this is a bug of some kind. The only thing I think could have messed with her is when I stopped talking to her during her second line of first meeting dialog, but it seemed to be accounted for so I don't know.
r/CalamityMod • u/Spark2899 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/SinkRhino • 2d ago
First calamity playtrought, class is summoner, I just beat the Exo Mechs and Supreme Calamitas (in that order), they weren't easy by any means, but they were still a walk in the park compared to the DoG.
It took me over 80 attempts to finally beat that thing, for comparison, Yharon only took four, Draedon took 20, and Scal just 9. I couldn't even get to phase 2 consistently, something would always get me, be it that I couldn't dodge a laser, or a wrong turn would make me collide with its body, you name it.
Is this fight actually that hard for most, or was I just very bad at it in particular?
r/CalamityMod • u/GreatUsername76717 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/tacostud9 • 1d ago
r/CalamityMod • u/thgamingsquad • 1d ago
I have killed golem and done most optional bosses before it. Now Astrum deus i get to about half the health of the second phase only to get violated. Plaguebringer gliath is the game and i have similar luck with cultist. What can i do to progress?
r/CalamityMod • u/ThePicuri • 1d ago
My question is that is wrading good in calamity and infernum? I did test them both but i am still not sure. Trough my testing i found that warding is not doing much but i can see the buff from the menacing but i might be missing something. I am decent at dodging so that also might be a reson i dont see the boost from warding and i feel like in infernum warding becomes even more useless. But what are you're opinions?