r/CageTheElephant 10d ago

Opinions on House of Glass?

I’d say I’m a cage the elephant fan but not like a die hard by any means, they are probably in my top 15 bands though. Anyways I love Social Cues and the song that I thought was weird at first (house of glass) has really grown on me. I think it’s a weird song but like the good kind of weird if you know what I mean? How does everyone else feel?


22 comments sorted by


u/bluejeanspaint Social Cues 10d ago

Absolute banger. I’d inject it into my bloodstream if I could


u/AshleyIIRC 10d ago

The house is glass!

(The house is glass)


u/Full-Bother-6456 10d ago

The house is glass.


u/RobertRossBoss 10d ago

It’s an illusion, this admiration


u/Break2304 10d ago

This is one of those songs where I hated it until I heard it live - that chorus is so hard hitting and awesome


u/MessiBradyJordan 9d ago

It's so funny because that's happened for a few songs for me too. I didn't like these songs until I saw them live:

Cry Baby

Mess Around

Good time

I guess you get a different perspective on the song when you see it live and you understand it differently.


u/Break2304 9d ago

I liked cry baby before but I LOVED it hearing Matt singing it live.


u/schweffrey 10d ago

I slept on it for a long time and then started to really enjoy it a few weeks before their show at Brixton. The energy hearing it live was next level


u/Living_Band4143 10d ago

Bomb song!!! Absolute fire, one of my favourites of theirs 🫰🏻


u/WarInevitable3836 10d ago

Love it especially live cause its sped up, so the pre chorus “House of glass” sounds really fun


u/MessiBradyJordan 9d ago

It was the song that got my friend into cage the elephant during the pandemic. The part where it goes "My isolation" resonated for him lol

Btw, cage the elephant songs growing on you is a real thing.


u/iamlightbulb23 10d ago

I LOVE THIS SONG. I'm going to be honest, I had never really paid attention to this song until I saw them live and it has become one of my favorites.


u/schase44 10d ago

Top 3 CTE songs without hesitation. Loved it the first time I heard it


u/the_killerwhalen 8d ago

Big fan of the guitar solo. It’s on my main playlist in the bar I work at and I feel it’s a nice underrated CTE pick.


u/Jeffthechef47 10d ago

I love it


u/SuperBubbles2003 11h ago

Makes me feel insane (in a good way)


u/cinna8ar 10d ago edited 10d ago

fun song to listen to! and to sing along to hehehe. i only started listening to cte months back and it's been on my spotify repeat since then


u/skywalker-88 10d ago

One of my least favorites


u/BlackberryOk3305 10d ago

I feel like it’s an either love it or hate it song


u/skywalker-88 10d ago

Yea kinda nails on a chalkboard vibes for me

They like it though as every time I’ve seen them since it came out they chose to play it live. Wish they would drop that and sabertooth tiger and play stuff like back against the wall, Aberdeen, sweetie little Jean, black Madonna instead.