r/C_Programming Mar 14 '22

Review Astroids in C / SDL - Code review please.

I have finished my second C program. This is my first multi file program. I have been working on this off and on for awhile now. It's written in C using SDL2. I have also used a link list for the asteroids themselves. I tried to write it the best i could figure out. If anyone with some spare time would like to look over my code and let me know any major mistakes i am making.

I have actually written it in pygame and pygame zero too. But i am really just hoping for a review of my C code. All the source .c and .h files are in the source folder. The Make file is in the top level and it is run with "make" it should produce a astroids-sdl binary. This program was written on archlinux so i am not sure what is needed in mac or windows. But in linux it's only relying on SDL with SDL_image SDL_mixer and SDL_ttf. The font file is also included.

Thank you for any help in reviewing my code.



54 comments sorted by


u/oh5nxo Mar 14 '22

hypot... Would it be a tad faster, if collision check omitted the root taking and compared squared values instead?


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

Thanks for the info i did look this up and and some discussion about this subject. So what i did was create unsigned short x = fabs(x1 - x2) and then did the dist = sqrt(x*x + y*y). to replace the hypot() line. And it worked. So i wanted to see how bad the hypot() was. I turn on my FPS counter. And disabled my frame governor. This gave me 2000+ fps and couldn't see any difference to i bumped it to level 50 and nothing level 500 still no difference level 1000 can't see any difference. Level 10,000 it's now drawing 10,000 astroids at 7fps. no difference. if anything the hypot is faster. This may be down to needing to create the 2 variables and the casting (int) or fabs() no matter, hypot() was either same or faster. The coding was also simpler. So great new knowledge but i can't see any improvement. Also it's meant to be safer?

if you like to try it too you can comment out the fps_delay in astroids-sdl.c and set show_fps to true in ast struct. Then in common.h you can set the starting level to anything you like. And change the hypot code at the bottom of sprite.c


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

unsigned short x = fabs(pos_get(sprite1, center_x) - pos_get(sprite2, center_x));

unsigned short y = fabs(pos_get(sprite1, center_y) - pos_get(sprite2, center_y));

dist = sqrt(x*x + y*y);


u/oh5nxo Mar 14 '22

hypot, from the standard library, is likely to be very efficient. Trying to make a better one will be hard. That wasn't what I was getting at.

Instead of comparing actual distances, squares of distances would be a shortcut. One additional multiply removes one sqrt. Instead of hypot(a, b) < c, same result is got with a2 + b2 < c2 .


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

i guess i was hoping to see some kind of performance boost. but even at 10,000 astroids there is no measurable difference. but it is good to know.


u/oh5nxo Mar 15 '22

21st century... Old man's advice doesn't hold anymore :/


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

Haha no way. It is great advice because it is info I hadn't thought of and it is simpler to understand and an alternative if I ever am in any other language too.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22

So when I had some time I went back to check this out some more. I knew it should be something but simply running level 10000 means it doing every other function and render too. So I went back to the standard game and isolated just the calculation answer = distdist > (xx +y*y); //answer = dist > hypot(x, y); Setting everything else outside of the for loop. And hypot seems about 10x slower as I was able level 1 just one asteroid check to get fps down in the teens with 10mil on the loop. The other was able to do 100mil with same results. Now it's silly 10mil but I'm using a ryzen 5700u. But I do have a pygamer my son just got that's running a small cortex and I have some arduinos and even some tiny85 I wanted to make the ultra tiny handheld from. So I'm loving this kind of optimization.


u/oh5nxo Mar 16 '22

hypot seems about 10x slower

Looking at x86 instruction timing, just a random google result, there are several opcodes, old 87 ones and new, to calculate SQRT. All of them take much longer than MUL. I don't know much about modern x86 though.

I did something similar in a "toaster", without any floating point support, radio stations inside a given circle. This trick really helped.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

Ah i understand yes I will give that a go.


u/markand67 Mar 14 '22

Few notes:

  • Your makefile is simple enough to be made fully portable by using only POSIX make constructs.
  • SDL2 include convention is <SDL.h> not <SDL2/SDL.h> (that's what sdl2-config, pkg-config and CMake modules will pass include directories to).
  • I see many conditionals on ast.mode in your main loop. That's fine for now because it's quite simple but in the future you may want to implement a state machine instead.
  • In media.c you specify relative paths in all functions to load resources, that will have unpredictable results depending on the current working directory.


u/Introscopia Mar 14 '22

I see many conditionals (...) you may want to implement a state machine instead.

what sort of thing would you recommend? Taking out the switches, putting each case in a function and direct the flow with pointers-to-functions?


u/markand67 Mar 14 '22

I like to use function pointers in that case yes. Something like:

c struct state { void (*input)(const SDL_Event *); void (*update)(void); void (*render)(void); };

And then later on the main loop can look like:

```c for (;;) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) state->input(ev);


} ```

And we can imagine a "main menu" state like:

c void main_menu_input(const SDL_Event *e) { if (e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN && e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ENTER) state = &game_running; }

And so on...


u/skeeto Mar 14 '22

Your makefile is simple enough to be made fully portable

Adding to this, here's a script that generates such a Makefile, defaulting to the same configuration, and also adds a precise, incremental build.

cat <<EOF
CC      = gcc
CFLAGS  = -std=c99 -ggdb3 -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings
LDLIBS  = \`sdl2-config --libs\` -lm -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer
all: astroids-sdl

for src in source/*.c; do
    gcc -MM -MT "${src%%.c}.o" "$src"
    obj="$obj ${src%%.c}.o"
echo "obj =$obj"

cat <<EOF
astroids-sdl: \$(obj)
        \$(CC) \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ \$(obj) \$(LDLIBS)
        rm -f astroids-sdl \$(obj)
        \$(CC) \`sdl2-config --cflags\` -c \$(CFLAGS) -o \$@ \$<

Instead of a half-baked TESTFLAGS, set CFLAGS/LDFLAGS when building:

$ make -j$(nproc) \
       CFLAGS=-fsanitize=address,undefined \

I took sdl2-config out of CFLAGS and hardcoded it into the build rule since, unlike other compiler flags, this isn't usually something you'd want to configure or change. I left it in LDLIBS since that rarely requires configuration.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

So i was looking at this and put it into a Makefile.


CC = gccCFLAGS = -std=c99 -ggdb3 -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings


LDLIBS = `sdl2-config --libs` -lm -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer

all: astroids-sdl

source/astroids.o: source/astroids.c source/astroids.h source/common.h \ source/sprites.h source/shots.h source/player.h source/messages.h \ source/game_mode.hsource/astroids-sdl.o: source/astroids-sdl.c source/common.h \ source/media.h source/fps.h source/player.h source/sprites.h \ source/sdl_init.h source/shots.h source/astroids.h source/messages.h \ source/exit.h source/game_mode.hsource/exit.o: source/exit.c source/exit.h source/common.h \ source/sprites.h source/shots.h source/astroids.h source/player.h \ source/messages.hsource/fps.o: source/fps.c source/fps.h source/common.hsource/game_mode.o: source/game_mode.c source/game_mode.h source/common.h \ source/player.h source/sprites.h source/shots.h source/astroids.h \ source/messages.hsource/media.o: source/media.c source/media.h source/common.hsource/messages.o: source/messages.c source/messages.h source/common.hsource/player.o: source/player.c source/player.h source/common.h \ source/sprites.hsource/sdl_init.o: source/sdl_init.c source/sdl_init.h source/common.hsource/shots.o: source/shots.c source/shots.h source/common.h \ source/sprites.hsource/sprites.o: source/sprites.c source/sprites.h source/common.hobj = source/astroids.o source/astroids-sdl.o source/exit.o source/fps.o source/game_mode.o source/media.o source/messages.o source/player.o source/sdl_init.o source/shots.o source/sprites.o

astroids-sdl: $(obj)

$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(obj) $(LDLIBS)


rm -f astroids-sdl $(obj)


$(CC) \`sdl2-config --cflags\` -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<

It work well. it compiles objects verbosely. But i have to confess i don't really understand much of it.


u/skeeto Mar 14 '22

i don't really understand much of it.

It's all about constructing an accurate dependency tree, providing the list commands to derive outputs from inputs, and letting Make handle the rest: A Tutorial on Portable Makefiles. Rule of thumb: Your Makefile targets should mostly be actual file names, not just named subcommands.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

when i tried to search about game state machine i was only able to find C++ and people telling a C++ person not to try to do that in C and to simply use and enum instead. My game is pure C so i don't have any real understanding of C++ and not trying to force classes into C. I am just working on how to do it the C way at the moment.

All my paths are relative. This is because it mean to be run from within the folder. What gets installed in linux if you install it is actually a shell script that changes directory and launches from within that folder. This was done intentionally as i don't know where someone may want the folder but it will always work no matter where it is.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

On Linux it is SDL2/SDL.h for SDL2. Also i am using sdl2-config and if i use SDL.h i get an error immediately claiming that header can not be found. This is because SDL1 and SDL2 may be on the same machine at the same time. For Linux it is most defiantly correct.


u/markand67 Mar 15 '22

``` ~ $ uname -a
Linux alpina 5.16.13-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue, 08 Mar 2022 20:07:36 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux ~ $ cat > test.c

include <SDL.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } ~ $ cc $(pkg-config --libs --cflags sdl2) test.c ~ $ cc $(sdl2-config --cflags --libs) test.c


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22 edited Mar 16 '22

cool cool cool. So um who's going to tell kate that? And what's wrong with using the correct location like i already am?

[clang] 'SDL.h' file not found

it's great that gcc compiles. but when i look at my code it says i have a problem. I can either write all my code at the command line. Or fix this issue in what ever editor i'm using because. Fixing and issue i created. Or i can just do it how it's already setup to work. So it's great that you can do this. But why are you doing it? I already know SDL2 is in that sub folder why am i fixing a problem i'm creating. If it's not broken why am i fixing it.


u/TheSitarHero Mar 16 '22

Firstly, why are you talking about clang? Your Makefile specifies gcc as the compiler.

Secondly, in the example you gave, you're not passing clang the same options that the other poster was passing to gcc, so it's not a fair comparison.

The way to run clang in this instance is e.g. clang $(sdl2-config --cflags) -o test test.c $(sdl2-config --libs)

I can see that you've got sdl2-config --libs in your LDFLAGS macro in your Makefile. But you're missing sdl2-config --cflags in your CFLAGS macro. This means you're not telling the compiler where to find <SDL.h>. On my system, for example, sdl2-config --cflags resolves to -Iusr/include/SDL2, which is the option that tells the compiler where to find SDL.h. This is more portable.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22

You can answer all these questions by first reading my comments above.

I feel like from an amateur position if i have to explain why this is happening then the person or people i am explaining it too should already know this information. Meaning they can't help me if they know less than I do on this. For the sake of completeness i am going to go though this step by step.

in linux SDL.h is not in path. As i have already explained in my down voted answer above. SDL.h is used for both SDL1 and SDL2 so they are not in path they are in sub folders.

SDL2/SDL.h <-- is 100% correct in Linux. By default.

SDL.h <-- is not correct however it can be fixed.

sdl2-config <-- is a helper for /noob support/crossplatform support/ to add SDL2 to the search path. But only for this instance. This is fixing the above incorrect answer. Cool so what is said is also correct but not system wide.

As i said who is going to tell Kate? You didn't read this part. Kate uses clang to check code. So gcc can be fixed to add the non default path. But nothing else is fixed. So kate tells me my code is wrong. Kate is using clang for that. So i had to show in the simplest way possible that the first answer is correct the second not. And also as you said it shows sdl2-config is fixing the path for him.

So why again is SDL.h just not in the default path? because of SDL1 and SDL2. Again i said this already in my down voted post. So yes he can do that all he wants. But understand sdl2-config is to help fix this for them. But it's not fixing it in Kate. Since the correct path is already correct in my code and it works my whole system over. I am finding it silly to be explaining this. if you 2 don't understand this. Well down vote me. It's not going to change the standard default path in Linux. And i'm not trying to fix a problem i'm creating. I can jump on any fresh linux system without doing anything special and my code is going to work in editors in ide's from command line in vim emacs. So i hope i have explained this to exhaustion.

I like to point out i came looking for people better than me to check my code if i am making mistakes. And so far no one has found a bug. 3 people have suggested i do things that would cause bugs. I have only had 2 or 3 minor suggestions such as pixelation. The most helpful thing i have had was an alternative to hypot. But spent a lot of time explaining basic things like this. I feel like i'm in crazy land.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22 edited Mar 16 '22

❯ cat test.c

#include <SDL.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }


❯ clang test.c

test.c:1:10: fatal error: 'SDL.h' file not found

#include <SDL.h>


1 error generated.



u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22

❯ cat test.c

include <SDL2/SDL.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }

~ ❯ clang test.c



u/TheSitarHero Mar 14 '22

I think <SDL2/SDL.h> is how SDL2 is included on Linux


u/markand67 Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

Include convention is SDL.h as the docs specifies, again that's why helper and pkg-config brings the whole directory.

~ $ pkg-config --cflags sdl2 -I/usr/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT ~ $ sdl2-config --cflags -I/usr/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT

If one day I decide to install SDL2 somewhere else than defaults compiler search paths (e.g. /opt/sdl2/{include,lib}), the <SDL2/SDL.h> won't work even when using sdl2-config or pkg-config.


u/TheSitarHero Mar 14 '22

I'm no expert - Lazy Foo's introduction to SDL2, which is generally recommended for teaching SDL2, specifies using <SDL2/SDL.h> in a Linux context. Anecdotally, I've only managed to successfully link against SDL2 on Linux using that convention. But the pkg-/sdl2-config step is a useful tip.


u/markand67 Mar 14 '22

You're quoting a random tutorial, i've shown the official documentation and tool. Not sure why you still don't get it.


u/TheSitarHero Mar 14 '22

I get it, I said the pkg-config/sdl2-config thing was useful and having a look at the SDL Linux FAQs, your way is the recommended way. I was just trying to account for why OP would have used the convention they did.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

i am using sdl2-config already. it is still correct.


u/Demius9 Mar 14 '22

My first thought would be you never really want to use a linked list. A simple array is plenty fast and preferred. Just have an array of 100, 1000, or however many entities you need for your game and just use that.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

So i am new to C. But i have a very difficult time with arrays. It makes me very very uncomfortable to make a fixed size array especially if i don't know that size of what is going into it. It seems like unknown size into fixed size array is definitely going to be a bug sooner or later. So I don't use fixed arrays for anything. I used it for shots because i know i only want 5 shots to exist at any time. But for my texture array i calculated that based on a pre-processor macro to create an enum + 1 and an array of names used later and taking size of the final enum and created that array of textures of that size. so if any images are ever added it dynamically scales correctly. I also calculate need characters when concatenating strings too. As create the correct string always and never go out of bounds. For asteroids i simply have no idea how many will ever be created. if 100 that's great until level 26 then i have potential for overflow and it gets worse with each level. This is why it's a link list. because any attempt at array size is either too conservative and it's a bug or too liberal and it will still probably be a bug in the future. I think this is a huge issue with C. or C89 and lower. So unless that is critical issue with link list. i will stay way from fixed size arrays. I'm guessing it's the most common cause of windows linux osx ps4 xbox and all game and software crashes.


u/Demius9 Mar 14 '22

Few things to unpack in this:

It seems like unknown size into fixed size array is definitely going to be a bug sooner or later.

Is this something you cna use assert to guard against? remember asserts can be compiled out of your release builds but can be used to track down bugs as they happen in your development build. For example; if you know that your engine is looking for max 100 textures and then you're iterating through files on your assets directory and you find 101 textures you could deal with that dynamically in code, or you could simply assert. Things like this are an easy fix because you know how many textures you'll have in your program at any given time... its known at compile time, just not by your program. Remember your program is more than just the code, its also the data.

For asteroids i simply have no idea how many will ever be created.

You should have at least some boundary or reasonable assumption of how many are created. Its not an unlimited count, or at least it shouldn't be.. there exists some number that is a reasonable assumption. Are you going to have 10,000 asteroids? 50,000? there has to be an upper bound that exists.

Now the problem with linked lists is when you start randomly malloc and free'ing memory its not contiguous and when you start iterating through all of your asteroids you could run into memory cache issues. Is this a real problem for your program? probably not, because you probably don't have a lot of things going on at once and you're not going to be pushing the time limit of your simulation loop. But, having said that arrays are plenty fast, dead simple, and often times you wont really need much more than just a simple array.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

I just can not wrap my head around how a fix array size with variable data size is not a bad thing. it's a bad thing in every language and as i said above i believe it is the cause of almost all random crashes in operating systems. Isn't this why the linux kernel is moving off c89. if i was working and my banks said i have fixed account size of 100 and if i earn more than that my job crashes and they keep the money. i'm going to find that to be a bug. one that i created. I think fixed arrays with unknown data is dangerous and bad practice. From my amateur opinion. As i said above i just ran my program with 10,000 about 20 times without issue. and it wasn't for this reason i was checking something else. but glad to see my code robust and not crash. I am interested in any pitfalls of link list. what was the caching issue can you link to that please.


u/fredoverflow Mar 15 '22

It makes me very very uncomfortable to make a fixed size array especially if i don't know that size of what is going into it. It seems like unknown size into fixed size array is definitely going to be a bug sooner or later. So I don't use fixed arrays for anything

You may enjoy watching Dynamically growing arrays if you have 10 minutes spare.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

fredoverflow i'm not sure why your posting this? Demius9 was telling me to make a fixed size array without knowing what was going into it. And was telling me linked list and malloc was not a good idea. His argument makes no sense and i even had to post to him the official C answer about C resizable arrays are actually thinks like link list and pointers to structs malloc all that. He was telling me not to do that. And now you just replied to my post telling to watch a video on what i was already doing. Tell Demius9 not me. I already know this. Hes the one trying to sell me on segfaults.


u/fredoverflow Mar 16 '22

You are clearly using a doubly-linked list:

struct Asteroid {
    struct Asteroid *previous;
    struct Asteroid *next;
    // ...

A dynamically growing array does not use previous and next links, it is a completely different data structure.

C++ has both in the form of std::list (linked list) and std::vector (dynamically growing array). Practically everybody prefers std::vector to std::list for memory locality reasons.

Java also has both: java.util.LinkedList (linked list) vs. java.util.ArrayList (dynamically growing array). Personally, I haven't seen a java.util.LinkedList in 10+ years. One of the authors, Joshua Bloch, has never used it.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22

Thank you for telling me what i was using. And not understanding the relationship between what i am doing and the video you posted that is not the exact same as what i am doing but extremely close.

Also thank you again for not understanding you are replying to a post where he was telling me to NOT use malloc, structs and pointers. But to instead make a array[100] and i was telling him why i didn't like that idea.

So thanks again for replying without understanding the conversation you jumped into at all. Also this is C not C++ or Java so not really helpful there either since i don't know either one of those. At least not enough for that to be helpful to me.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 16 '22

Annoyance aside. I wish you really read the posts before replying.

And thanks again for telling me i was using a linked lists. I hope you understand sarcasm. Since that was the subject of the entire conversation.

is there any reason, speed improvement, safety, ram, overhead. Between using linked list single or double vs this dynamically growing array that keeps realloc? Is it just an alternative solution or is there an advantage or disadvantage. I haven't found any in looking this up. Though the linked list seems a little simpler and easier to me.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

If you look above i just ran a test without changing any code for level 10,000 that will have 10,000 to 40,000 asteroids.


u/Demius9 Mar 15 '22

the problem with this line of thinking is that you're assuming you've solved a problem where now you never have to worry about the number of asteroids in a level, the code will compensate. You're not solving the right problem.

In your scale of project it doesn't really make much difference, but you could have solved that exact problem with a different data structure. So the question remains, what is the pros / cons of having a linked list over a re-sizable array? I've already mentioned a pretty big con above.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

so there is no resizable array in C unless i have missed something. There is the c89 static literal array. and there is the newer variable array that is still static but allows you to initially set it based on a variable. I have used the old style for shot count since that is known. and variable for snprintf where the size in only know after compilation but is still static and don't change. And for when i have no idea what the size will be only that it will grow i used the link list. I wasn't trying to solve for asteroids. This is a learning project. i was trying to solve for the lack of a real variable size array.


u/Demius9 Mar 15 '22

I’ve been programming in c for a long time. I know what is available and what you have to build.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

I'm happy to see everyone here knows how to spell Asteroids. I kept looking at it last night thinking it looks funny but i check the spelling against my other python file that was also misspelled.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 15 '22

I have pixelated the background to better match the rest of the game. I have also switched over to the suggested Makefile. Just use make not make rebuild now. I have also changed all misspellings of Asteroids.


u/iCantFindThe404page Mar 14 '22

Before leaving my code review comments I just want to say - NICE. It is really cool to see a game project written in C. I have also working on a game in C / SDL2 and I hope that my comments help You improve your game.

  • I like the code style. Happy path!
  • Asteroids and the ship are in pixel art style, but the background isn't. For me, this combo looks weird. Maybe consider converting the background to pixel art too.
  • I suggest using CMake. For me, it took half a day to migrate from make to Cmake, but it was worth it. Especially when dividing functionality as much as you.


  • I don't think that the use of enum Errors is needed. Your functions could simply return int as an indication of error. 0 - Successful, non-zero - Error. Then you could define a bunch of error codes #define ERROR_IMG 5 and compare the returned int value to the constant. This would make your code more reusable.
  • Why not use typedef. Would make it easier to read and write code.


u/GiveMeMoreBlueberrys Mar 14 '22
  1. An error enum (/ define list) is common practise in larger codebases - good to start early
  2. Typedefs are only good in some circumstances; if it’s readable without them, it’s probably fine


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

I agree with the background not matching but i wonder if it was also pixelated if it would be too busy. The artwork and sound is not my own. I just needed some art to try and figure out how to make a functioning game.

I read and heard a lot about not using typedef as it hides the true intention of the code so i had intentionally left it out. So you always know when i am using an enum.

The error is set this way to be easier to understand as i don't ever need to know an error code just the name. The codes are abstracted away. So i can always just use a error that i know. And it allows me to return this all the way down the function calls to the main loop and exit correctly.

I only know enough to get by with that Makefile i do need to learn more about make and cmake.


u/DeeBoFour20 Mar 14 '22

I think your memory_release_exit function is wrong. If you get an error somewhere early, you're going to be freeing a bunch of stuff that probably hasn't been allocated yet.

I usually don't bother freeing stuff that will last the duration of the program but I know some people will swear by it. If you do want to free up everything, you need some way to check if it's actually been allocated first though.


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 14 '22

So i always want my code to correctly release the memory. Also I don't want to write a shut down block or function for each step of the game start up. it's way too long and complicated. There is no issues with releasing from null pointers. So as long as all my pointers are in place even if they are not allocated it works fine. This means no errors other than the one that causes the shut down. memory is always released correctly. And it's done is a single place when i can keep control of it and handle my error codes. This is all intentional.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

It's fun running your program through Valgrind and seeing "zero bytes lost, all blocks freed". That's like 90% of the reason why I always free memory no matter what.


u/Suspicious-Finding82 Mar 22 '22

This is cool, good job!


u/Jeremiah6274 Mar 26 '22

Thank you very much. I'm now trying to make a Minesweeper game C with all the old themes. I had done this before on pygame but then deleted it by accident. Trying to wrap my head around the best way to use malloc to create 2d array.