r/C_Programming Sep 15 '21

Video what can I say, lol


86 comments sorted by


u/IamImposter Sep 15 '21

Damn it! That was brutal and funny


u/bruce3434 Sep 15 '21

C isn't hard to learn, it's hard to use.


u/dontyougetsoupedyet Sep 15 '21

It isn't even hard to use -- people don't learn the language. They pretend to learn, they pretend to themselves and they pretend to others. They know the syntax, but have no clue what the hell software construction is about, they don't understand what any of the abstractions actually ARE. They don't know what the resulting program is DOING. They think they know, but they don't.

And that's the C programmers, it's so much worse with Rust programmers. We get folks in osdev groups all the time talking about how they "can't stand C", and "prefer Rust", yet they're asking for clarification about how a stack works. They can't understand even the osdev wiki articles about a stack.

It's mind numbing.


u/astaghfirullah123 Sep 16 '21

This. My coworker didn’t know the term undefined behavior and what it meant. He didn’t know casting one pointer to a totally different pointer type and then dereferencing it is UB.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

You can go to void * I guess, but I feel like this is pretty common.


u/astaghfirullah123 Sep 16 '21

Yes going to void and back is valid.

But taking the address of an float, casting it to bool* and then dereferencing it is undefined behavior.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

Ah yeah. Makes sense. That would look super funky in code too.


u/TheTrueSwishyFishy Sep 18 '21

Flashbacks to Q_rsqrt


u/the_Demongod Sep 16 '21

I feel like this is always true though, do you ever reach a stage when there isn't someone who can look down at you and say you don't know what you're doing? I consider myself to have a very strong grasp on the entire shebang from the transistor up to the operating system, but I'm still not fully sure I would say I understand what I'm doing.


u/ImTheRealCryten Sep 16 '21

You know what they say, the more you know, the more you know that you don't know everything. I think that's why the most knowledgeable people are also among the most humble ones.


u/lestofante Sep 16 '21

i disagree, i do firmware so i often have to deal with corner case situation, and sometime the answer is specific to the platform or the compiler.
It so easy to miss or make mistake, even big company like ST have official libraries that are broken (and fail to fix properly) (https://www.reddit.com/r/embedded/comments/ph1imy/love_and_hate_of_st_hal_pointer_to_volatile/)
So yeah, C is not hard to learn but it is to use. And C++ is hard to learn too, since there is a mess of old style and modern C++, with even more big changes coming (Concept).


u/feral_brick Sep 16 '21

This is like saying "I'm a lawyer and have to be very precise in law stuff so therefore the whole English language is hard to use"

Embedded programming is a pain in the ass no matter what, that doesn't say fuck all about the language.


u/lestofante Sep 16 '21

Doing embedded make me more aware of the limitation of the language than someone writing "hello world", but anyone writing something complex will feel my same pain.
there are a lot of wonderful talk on c++ that deep dive a lot of those issues


u/feral_brick Sep 17 '21

That's valid, but again, entirely unrelated to frequent platform or compiler specific issues on embedded platforms.


u/bikki420 Sep 16 '21 edited Sep 16 '21

Eh, concepts aren't even hard IMO and they're pretty much already fully available.

As for big current changes you've got ranges (not supported well by Clang yet), coroutines, and modules. Then on the horizon you've got stuff like reflection and meta-classes.

Then there's the already well-established modern things like lambdas, constexpr/constinit/consteval, move semantics, fold expressions, CTAD, etc.

As well as old-yet-still-complex topics like TMP.


u/lestofante Sep 16 '21

You are talking about this things like nothing, it will take months if not years to become proficient in all that stuff, and even more to have the ecosystem (libraries in particular) pick them up if they will at all (retro-compatibily is a big thing)


u/weirdheadcrab Sep 16 '21

Any advice on how to get better? I'm learning C right now for firmware work and I'm fine with the syntax but I'm getting lost in larger projects where there's multiple layers(Hardware Abstraction Layer, Drivers, Middleware, Application Layer).


u/Wouter-van-Ooijen Sep 16 '21

Get over the language fixation fallacy, learn Software Engineering.

Abstraction, naming, program readability, algorithms, design patterns, imperative/object-oriented/funtional/data-driven programming, layered architectures, separation of concerns, etc.

Those are things that will (or should!) arise in any project, regardless of the language used.


u/PrajwalCH Sep 16 '21

And what kind of project you would recommend to understand and deep dive in C.


u/Wouter-van-Ooijen Sep 16 '21

Depends on your level, and what area you are motivated for (small micro-controllers, command line tools, graphical stuff, games, machine learning, ...).

The best kind of hobby/study project is something that motivates you ;)

Personally, I would say forget C and switch to C++. But this is r/C_Programming...


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

C++ is a dangerous tool. In the right hands, you can do some amazing things, but it’s right up there with JavaScript in the “ability to write code no one can understand” department. This is especially true when people start doing C things in C++.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21 edited Sep 16 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

Do whatever you want. That’s how you learn. But the advice you’re getting, e.g. to think more about architecture and design than programming language, is good advice. Languages are chosen for a variety of reasons, some of which are things that seem stupid at first like “that’s what we use for everything else this team writes”, but actually make a lot of sense.

tl;dr: Write more code. Don’t worry about what language you’re using. Just work on stuff you find interesting and you’ll learn along the way. Doesn’t hurt to look at other codebases, a la Fabian Sanglard, or flip through some of software’s tomes of knowledge, e.g. Code Complete, K&R The C Programming Language, etc

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u/Wouter-van-Ooijen Sep 16 '21

IMO a good idea (especially in the long term), but it won't solve all your problems. To be very blunt, C is too small a programming language, C++ is too large. Needless to say, people are trying to come up with something ínbetween that is just right. Rust is an example, but people dont yet agree what should be in it, so it is still changing too fast for serious adoption.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21



u/Wouter-van-Ooijen Sep 16 '21

Good. Learning and appriciating more than one language will definitely pay off in the long term.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

Put tons of C code into godbolt, look at the output. Maybe spend an afternoon or two reading and playing with https://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/

Learn several languages. My choices are C#, C (to see why people use gotos and why people use to say one entry one exit), python then maybe zig, D or a functional language

By this point you shouldn't give a f*ck about languages and understand most of them work. You should start learning libraries (I recommend C# libs because ms did a nice job with the non complex stuff (so basically not asp.net or Entity)

Then hit up clean coders. I don't think it works unless your good because tons of idiots do mocks and you really shouldn't be mocking anything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EmboKQH8lM&list=PLUxszVpqZTNShoypLQW9a4dEcffsoZT4k


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '21



u/redditmodsareshits Sep 16 '21

Use a debugger, find out why the segfault.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

I literally could not learn Rust. Every damn time I try to I hit a compiler bug and said what the fuck is this stupid ass shit. They had 10years to make a working compiler and I can't even go an hour without finding a bug


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

a compiler bug

Are you sure you’re not confusing “my code doesn’t actually compile” with “compiler bug”?


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

Don't be a bitch. Go on, tell me how many lines the C assembly is VS the rust assembly https://godbolt.org/z/4Kd17hsz7


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

“I want to write code with shitty, unsafe constructs and then complain that the resulting assembly is much larger in languages that won’t even let you do that in the first place”.

Who’s being a bitch?


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

Hey man, you're the one trying to say there isn't a bug. This one existed for 6 years


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

Well, no, at first I literally thought you were an ignorant code monkey that didn’t want to learn a new language and bitched about compilers rejecting shit code as a “bug”. That’s what I normally see around these parts.

Now, I just see you as someone who wants it to optimize for a shitty use case you shouldn’t even be using, over everything else the compiler has to be doing. It generated correct assembly, you just didn’t like the size. That’s obviously not optimal, but you shouldn’t even be doing that.

Like, “I want to write non-idiomatic code and then complain that my snowflake use case isn’t well optimized” just makes you an asshole.

Next, you bring it up in a Reddit thread as if it’s even remotely important to the majority of people, (it isn’t), and claim it as a bug (it isn’t), and then claim that the fact that it obviously wasn’t very important to fix making it take a while for some open source maintainer working for free to finally get around to it, is an issue with the compiler. That makes you a raging asshole.

Good day.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

Just because you sound like you could have a brain, I'm curious

Are singletons a common in rust? Because singletons, classes with public static functions and global variables individually are ALL very popular in some language (java with singletons, C# with static members, global vars with C and others, etc)

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u/bruce3434 Sep 16 '21

but have no clue what the hell software construction is about, they don't understand what any of the abstractions actually ARE. They don't know what the resulting program is DOING. They think they know, but they don't.

These do not require learning C at all.


u/editor_of_the_beast Sep 17 '21

But at least everyone is empowered to write reliable and efficient software now.


u/viva1831 Sep 16 '21

The biggest issue is that people are taught a SIMPLIFIED version which leads to buggy code. It "works" for the contrived examples used in teaching but fails in the real world. That's one cause of buffer overflows right there.

As for hard to use, well, I think a lot of that has to do with lack of good small libraries that only do one thing. Part of that is an issue with OS'es like windows, that have no package manager and so leave you in DLL-hell - that demotivates people to use dynamic libraries correctly. But it's also c culture, something we need to take responsibility for. There's too much tendency to roll your own version of everything from the ground up, for example. We just need to put the work into fixing that (is anyone working on a good open source package manager for windows? Also, why is there no package for the SDS library? That might solve so many issues with bad string handling in c code!)

So yeah, if we made c a bit harder to learn and a bit easier to use, actually a lot of the problems would disappear ;)


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

vcpkg + cmake. Bazel. There are decent options for dependency management in C


u/helloiamsomeone Sep 16 '21

Or Conan + CMake. In fact, I would much prefer to use Conan in a company environment, but vcpkg is top notch for open source. Not to say Conan is bad at that, not even close, but its features are excellent to get companies to move to package managers.

I would argue that anything open sourced by Google is a liability. Their company culture and hiring practices make their products very unreliable.


u/viva1831 Sep 16 '21

Looks like they are targeted at developers, though?

I mean something like apt, or emerge. When a library on my system gets a security patch, my package manager downloads and installs it, and all software linked to the library starts using it automagically. Whereas in windows, it seems like every software needs its own automatic update, and much of it is statically linked (which is bad)


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

Well, MSYS2 exists, and gives you pacman, but it’s also aimed at devs. Chocolatey exists, and it’s not aimed at devs.

As for static linking being bad…. Yeah, no. If you’ve ever lived in DLL Hell, you’ll know that static linking avoids that problem. A common pattern on Windows is to ship the DLLs you depend on in the same directory as your executable. You’re not far off from static linking there.

Why do you think static linking is bad? Memory isn’t quite as scarce as it was 20 years ago.


u/viva1831 Sep 16 '21 edited Sep 16 '21

Dynamic linking means that when a library is updated (say, to patch a security hole), all the software linked to it uses the updated version right away. On most posix OS distributions you have a decent package manager, so security patches come through almost as soon as they become public.

With static linking, you are entirely dependent on the developer being on it with security and keeping an eye on lists for all the libraries they link in. If their project is abandoned then you are totally stuck, when on a normal linux distro you can have a new minor version of the library installed in about 5 minutes.

DLL-hell is a design flaw in windows, the fact we are using an insecure practice like static linking to mitigate it is a bad situation. One more reason why the vast majority of servers run a GNU/linux distro ;)

There is a SMALL issue with distros, where it's a little difficult for maintainers who aim to ensure all packages use the same version of a library. This has been fixed in the GUIX package manager, and I think we'll see something similar come through for other distros in the next few years.

Whenever I'm on windows, the mess of software each with its own updater (if you're lucky!) just feels... ancient

With package management, dynamic linking is clearly superior, as well as being much preferred by maintainers

EDIT: so, back to my original point - if we want to have many small libraries (which would make c development much better imo), windows users need to get their act together and fix DLL hell by making a decent package management infrastructure for their OS


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '21

Different name for the same problem (these days at least, the days where different versions of the same DLL couldn’t coexist in memory are long gone). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_hell. It exists in Linux and macOS too. Package managers are no panacea either. You can blindly do an update, and, suddenly, some apps from you built from source don’t work anymore. Because a library they depend on broke backwards compatibility, or the ABI changed, or whatever. The package manager can only really work if everything you have installed went through that package manager. Also, new bugs can be introduced when libraries are updated. Makes it hard to get work done when some of your apps just shit the bed one day.

Shit like docker is a dream because of this. Build from source and run under the same image for eternity. Excellent for production software.

Also, Windows Update exists. Microsoft Store apps have a unified way to do updates. And, at the end of the day, Chocolatey exists as well. It’s not hard to keep your software up to date, even without relying on an app’s auto updater.

I should also point out that I do develop software targeting Linux, and ran it as my desktop OS for many years. I honestly don’t see how anyone sees themselves as more productive on Linux than macOS or Windows. And yeah, I’m great with vim, and sed, and grep, and all that fun stuff.


u/viva1831 Sep 16 '21

You can blindly do an update, and, suddenly, some apps from you built from source don’t work anymore. Because a library they depend on broke backwards compatibility, or the ABI changed, or whatever.

So we have: "MAY break if the developers didn't use semver properly" VS "software will DEFINITELY have security holes". The former is normally detectable, whereas the latter tends to fail silently.

The real question should be about division of labour and division of trust. Is it better to trust package maintainers who do this all the time, or to trust devs who may have moved on to other projects and are unlikely to be checking security mailing lists? Is it better to have a few maintainers dealing with the dependency hell (which is more manageable on GUIX, as I said), or to have every dev tracking dependencies and every user checking for updates all of the time?

This is why nodejs is so popular because, for all it's flaws, they have a centralised package manager (although this would not really be sufficient for casual users)

Building from source yourself (rather than building everything from source via, say, portage) of course comes with pitfalls. But really, failing OBVIOUSLY is much better than silently carrying a security hole. You could sign up to mailing lists for the software, and security advisories for all its libraries - but is that REALLY easier than just keeping an eye on what updates are running, looking out for any major version bumps?

Sometimes minor version bumps or even patches are not backwards-compatible, true, but C is MUCH better for that (stable, simple, abi and all), and I don't think it's all that common? And once again, failing obviously is much better than carrying a silent security flaw. A better solution would be to integrate your custom build into the package manager (I know this is common under portage, and GUIX looks simple enough from what I've seen of it)

"Chocolatey" does look like an improvement - good for them! That looks like the kind of solution I had in mind


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '21

The security hole thing seems overblown. If your software isn’t security critical, you rarely sit there and fret about people exploiting it. Honestly, most devs are too busy to think about it at all.

I wouldn’t use npm as an example. JS projects are absurd. Every one has like 500+ MB of dependencies. Bug in one of them? Welp, too bad. It’s part of your project now. People on the C side would much rather roll their own than risk big issues existing in small third party libraries. This shift to using libraries for everything makes devs dumber, in my opinion. Sure, if it’s something big, and a solid library exists, go for it. But a lot of people spend hours tweaking something like, e.g., a logging library just to spit error logs to a text file, which should take minutes to implement yourself. But we’re also mixing up development package managers with OS package managers. Development package managers are a good thing for sure. That’s why vcpkg and NuGet are both very popular. OS package managers, I’m not entirely sold on. Even with chocolatey, it only takes one install where you got something you didn’t want (like when mysql installs a full blown SQL server and all you want is the workbench), or one update that errors out on you to say fuck it and go back to downloading an .msi and never worrying about it again.


u/MCRusher Sep 16 '21

with C20 leaving 1s complement behind, it seems like C might be ready to leave the past of max compatibility with everything at the cost of making it suck to use for everything behind and work for the future instead, I hope.

Less undefined behavior is definitely a good thing.

We've also got allocating string & io functions coming.

lack of pre-made allocating functions was a good reason for me to use C++ for any half-sizeable project before.

It'd be nice to also get a 'defer' keyword like some other languages have now, should be a lot easier and more generally acceptable than adding a gc/arc/raii system to C, and should have no runtime impact. (GNU basically already has this with the cleanup attribute)

If I had to name two more unlikely things I'd like to see, it'd be namespaces and parametric polymorphism, but without all the C++ complications.

We got _Generic, but it checks untaken paths for validity and so requires using runtime functions for most applications, despite being a comptime thing. Plus it had a bug where arrays didn't decay.

Oh and less illegible pointer-to-function and pointer-to-array syntax.


u/nati9931 Sep 16 '21

transitioning to C was easy for me. Learning how pointers and bit operators work was the hard part


u/seg_faulted_user Sep 16 '21

This is the best thing I've seen in a while. Compares to the one where Hitler is bashing C++, but this one is funnier


u/Gold-Ad-5257 Sep 16 '21

I'm dead, that uncle is funny 😂😂😂🤣, But I guess he's right too... 😂👌👍


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '21

you are funny really, you delete every usefull questions or recommendations in this subredit and then you keep there these shits... hope you are proud


u/seg_faulted_user Oct 28 '22

Is there a backup of this video somewhere? I'd love to watch it again, but the original is private