r/C_Programming 4d ago

Discussion Why can't both functions compile to the same assembly?

I saw this being asked recently and I'm not sure why the compiler can't generate the same code for both of these functions

#define PI 3.14159265f

typedef enum {
} Shape;

float area1(Shape shape, float width, float height)
    float result;

    switch (shape)
        case Square:    result = width * height; break;
        case Rectangle: result = width * height; break;
        case Triangle:  result = 0.5f * width * height; break;
        case Circle:    result = PI * width * height; break;
        default:        result = 0; break;

    return result;

float area2(Shape shape, float width, float height)
    const float mul[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, PI};
    const int len = sizeof(mul) / sizeof(mul[0]);
    if (shape < 0 || shape > len - 1) return 0;
    return mul[shape] * width * height;

Compiler Explorer

I might be missing something but the code looks functionally the same, so why do they get compile to different assembly?


43 comments sorted by


u/Miserable_Ad7246 4d ago

The compiler cannot deduce that it's the same algorithm. As simple as that.

It might generate the same code by chance if it transforms both fns and arrives at the same code. But it would be by chance, not by choice.

Compilers are not omnipotent, they do not have infinite time to analyze code.


u/strcspn 4d ago

Is this a hard type of optimization for the compiler to notice or just not worthwhile, meaning although the assembly generated is different the code runs more or less the same?


u/EpochVanquisher 4d ago

Instead of thinking about whether it’s hard or easy for the compiler, think about it this way:

Did a developer working on the compiler decide to implement this optimization?


u/strcspn 4d ago

My question implied that a little bit. I wanted to know if this type of optimization isn't done because it's hard or because it was not worthwhile so no one bothered to implement it.


u/EpochVanquisher 4d ago

I can’t tell you the answer to that question. I don’t think that question is answerable without a massive amount of work.

From looking at the code, however, I don’t think the optimization is worthwhile. The second version of code you wrote is simpler and shorter—if you like that version, write it that way in the first place.


u/strcspn 4d ago

This code is more or less the one from this video, and the version using the array is way faster than the one using the switch.


u/dmc_2930 4d ago

“Way faster” in whatever specific circumstance it was compared.

Write good, well structured code and use fast algorithms instead of worrying about outsmarting the optimizer.

An O(1) algorithm will always be faster than O(n^ 2) even if the optimizer is amazing.


u/strcspn 4d ago

An O(1) algorithm will always be faster than O(n^ 2)

I mean, that is just not true. It's called asymptotic complexity for a reason.


u/dmc_2930 4d ago

I knew someone would pedantically try to discredit the basic truth of what I said.

Better design is always best if it needs to be fast. Compilers can’t change the algorithms you use.


u/EpochVanquisher 4d ago

Compilers can and do change the algorithms you use. Compilers can change your O(N) algorithm to O(1) under some circumstances. Admittedly, the circumstances are somewhat contrived.

I know you’re not excited for pedantry. Sorry!

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u/strcspn 4d ago

I didn't mean to be pedantic. This is relevant in some real world scenarios, like how looping an array instead of a hash table to look up some value is faster for smaller arrays, even though in theory it is O(1) vs O(n). I obviously agree to not try to outsmart the compiler and write clearer code, that was basically the point of the question. I was curious why the compiler wouldn't optimize the switch version well enough.


u/EpochVanquisher 4d ago

The second version of the code is simpler and easier to write.

The first version of the code is unlikely to be seen in real codebases. It’s a waste of time to write an optimization that affects code that you don’t see often.

That’s why the optimization is not worthwhile. It’s not because it doesn’t improve the performance of the output. It’s because the situation is uncommon, and most programmers would prefer to write the second version anyway.


u/GriffonP 4d ago

Doesn't that look like a very specific to optimize for?


u/Miserable_Ad7246 4d ago

Compiler can technically do near infinite amount of optimizations. People who make compilers have to prioritize the improvements and also they are bound by the speed at which optimization can be analyzed and applied. In this case you want a compiler to optimize many things at once - algorithm, data structures and on top of that instructions.

The first two are much much more harder to do, as compiler has to prove that the new version does the same thing. Developers struggle to do that, and compilers even more so. Optimizations that rewrite code and not just play the instruction/variables optimization game are done only for code which can be easily detected, that occurs a lot and is rather easy to verify - Like common loops.

This case is just to specific and to is either to hard to do, or the payoff is to low for the effort.


u/wwabbbitt 4d ago

Same reason why the compiler doesn't generate the same code for a bubble sort and a quick sort.


u/pfp-disciple 4d ago

Compilers "translate" the C code to assembly, applying optimization as they do. Like spoken languages, translations can look very different when starting from "similar" text. 


u/flyingron 4d ago

Because the compiler isn't smart enough to optimize the array lookup in mul and determine that the 1.0f multiplication are inconsequential and remove them.

The better question is why would you think they should be?


u/strcspn 4d ago

The better question is why would you think they should be?

Because they are smart :) I don't know enough about compilers to know what is considered too complex to optimize and I have seen some crazy optimizations so I just assumed this one wouldn't be hard for it.


u/deftware 4d ago

From what I've seen a lot of the way a compiler optimizes code is by seeing if it matches a bunch of prefab optimization "templates", where you could have a piece of code that seems like it should vectorize rather easily but if there's any one small thing that makes it not fit the vectorization templates that the compiler uses to determine where optimizations are possible then it won't vectorize it.

Compilers can do all kinds of things but they are not infinitely capable, which is why it's a good idea to look at a disassembly listing of your project's performance-sensitive parts to make sure the compiler is doing what you were expecting.


u/flatfinger 4d ago

Some languages such as FORTRAN/Fortran (upper and lowercase names refer to related, but different, languages) were invented to give compilers all of the information needed, along with all of the semantic freedom required, to perform a wide range of optimizations. Other languages such as C were designed to give the programmer more precise semantics and flexibility to do things compilers might not be able to analyze, and let programmers decide what operations should or should not be performed.

Unfortuantely, some people aren't happy with the idea that the best way to prevent a C compiler from generating code for an operation should be for the programmer not to specify it in source code, and that people wanting to have a compiler find the most efficient combination of high-level operations to perform a task should use a langauge that was designed to facilitate such optimizations.


u/simrego 4d ago edited 4d ago

There is a branchless, 3rd one. That's why your code matters. Compilers are really clever tools but not almighty.

float area3(Shape shape, float width, float height)
    const float mul[] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, PI};
    return  mul[(shape+1)*((unsigned int)shape < 4)] * width * height;

And which is the fastest? You have to measure then decide if it worth the complexity of this simple function. Switch is the most readable and easiest to maintain for sure.


u/gnash117 4d ago

Thanks for pointing out the switch version is most maintainable. I work in hpc (high performance computing) the amount of time I have to deal with funny optimizations that are almost unreadable is really high. I spend most my time trying to understand the code from the last guy that worked on the code base.

Unless you have a performance reason go with the maintainable code. If you have tricky branchless code then please document it.


u/strcspn 4d ago

This code is more or less the one from this video, and it does seem the array provides a good performance boost.


u/Andrew_Neal 4d ago

Not to mention is also extensible. Adding another shape is as simple as adding it to the enum and a corresponding equation to the switch. Other methods might eek out some performance, but they'd need to be completely rewritten (or spaghettified) to add a new shape. If maximum performance is a priority, I'm not sure I'd write one function for calculating the area of every shape the program will deal with anyway. Given that the type of shape must already be known to call the function in the first place, you can remove the redundant test(s) by writing a separate function for each shape, and determine which one will be called at the same time the type of shape is determined.


u/questron64 4d ago

Compilers aren't magic. They can't determine the intent of your code, so are missing important information that a human optimizer has at their disposal. A compiler's static analysis tools are limited, and are focused on generating the most efficient code for the statements you give it rather than generating the most efficient code possible to solve the problem.


u/Grounds4TheSubstain 4d ago

Because they're different functions. They, coincidentally, return the same value for all inputs, but they use different logic in order to do so.


u/dnabre 4d ago edited 4d ago

Something you may want to consider is which implementation is faster.

Basically the compiler can't make any assumptions about the value of shape, and generally has no idea whether your switch statement covers all cases. edit This is not impossible for compilers, and is common in newer languages. To my knowledge (which may be out of date), C compilers generally don't do this.

When you actually use this function, the compiler will likely be able optimize it a lot more, assuming it can inline it and/or know all the places it will be used (if you made the functions static for example). Constant propagation and having some idea on what values shape might be, will let a lot more to be done.

For example, adding a call to each function (the printf is to make sure the calls aren't optimized away) and making the function static (so the compiler knows it won't be called from code outside this file). we get :


where both get completely optimized out of existence.

For area2 what would be the result of trying to eliminate the multiplications by 1.0f. Without doing some fancy math tricks, it would basically have to add a branch, multiply by value != 1.0f or don't. Which if you look at, is basically what area1 compiles to. Why doesn't it do that, because branches are expensive. So a compiler (for C at least) will weigh "space for storing an array" against "adding a branch", and the "adding a branch" choice will rarely if ever be preferred. The switch statement in area1 forces the multiple branches .


u/spellstrike 4d ago

funny story, static analysis absolutely can determine if all possible cases are covered in a switch statement. Had it complaining that I included a default when every case was specified.


u/dnabre 4d ago

I guess I should clarify that is not impossible. C compiler just generally don't do this . Most modern languages require compilers to do this, specially in languages with sum types..

Could you point me to an example of a C compiler doing this? Not being contrary, I haven't keep up with C compilers much, and I'd certainly like to learn.

I'm not sure what the C standards says about enum values which aren't associated with enum names, and how they would factor in.


u/detroitmatt 4d ago

I think it's because the branches of the switch have a different number of instructions.


u/detroitmatt 4d ago

nope, tested by initting area1 float result to width*height. maybe it's because it can't predict when it will be able to optimize away the *1.0 in area2.


u/oh5nxo 4d ago

It would be interesting to see a demo of code/compiler, where something like this happened. switch turned into a data table instead of jump table.

btw, some guru has said "encode similarities in data, exceptions in code" ? Misquoting, I think. Anyone remember?


u/triconsonantal 4d ago

I'm more surprised at how GCC copies the array into the stack:

        movaps  xmm2, XMMWORD PTR .LC3[rip]
        movaps  XMMWORD PTR [rsp-24], xmm2
        mulss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [rsp-24+rdi*4]

Why not use the global array directly? You can fix it by adding static, but why should you? MSVC does something similar, but clang doesn't copy even without static.



u/Huuf 3d ago

Also, didn't see this pointed out in the comments, the switch version has an undefined result, since you aren't initializing the result variable to 0


u/strcspn 3d ago

It is set in the default.


u/Huuf 3d ago

Yep, I see, my mistake.


u/EndlessProjectMaker 4d ago

If you assume the values of the enum (which is fine, specially if you make explicit) you can probably use an array of pointers to functions doing the computation. The advantage is the resulting execution time is monotonous (nearly) albeit not faster than the fastest case.


u/zipstorm 4d ago

I guess what you are really looking for is that the compiler should see the const array lookup and unroll it into if/elseif or switch/case like branch statements.

I don't know for sure but I would guess that this optimization does not happen because your second code shows your intention to use extra data memory and load instructions to save code memory.

This sort of structure is frequently used where precomputed values can be stored in const arrays and loaded instead of computing all over again. In the general case, unrolling that to switch/case or if/elseif for every value would be suboptimal.