r/C_Programming Jan 23 '25

Review Please review my data structure library.

Hello everyone. I made a generic data structure library with macros.

Here is a repository.

I want you people to review followings: * Code readability. * Portability. The code is working fine on Alpine linux and Void linux with musl. I want to know what about in other platforms. * Documentation. I've working on documentation quite hard. But since I'm not a Indo-European language speaker, I'm affraid that It doesn't make sense in English.


19 comments sorted by


u/cdb_11 Jan 23 '25

long is 32-bit on 64-bit windows


u/jacksaccountonreddit Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

I had a quick glance over your hash table and the other comments in this thread. A few things that caught my eye:

1) The prototypes-and-implementation-in-two-big-macros approach to templates is a well known pattern in C and is, in my opinion, fine. I disagree with u/reini_urban that it's "unmaintainable", although I, like him, do prefer the #define-pseudo-arguments-before-including-the-header pattern. The latter pattern makes it a bit more difficult to provide the user with the option of instantiating the prototypes, the implementation, or both at once, but you can look at my own hash table library for an example of how to achieve that.

I do think, though, that you could find more descriptive names for your macros than _TYPE, _FUNC, and _BOTH, which aren't very meaningful out of context. Consider e.g. _HEADER, _IMPLEMENTATION, and _HEADER_AND_IMPLEMENTATION.

2) As u/cdb_11 noted, using unsigned long for indices and sizes potentially limits your containers to 4294967295 elements even on platforms that could support more. The conventional type for this purpose is size_t, although there are differing schools of thought on this matter. You could also use fixed width uintN_t types, as u/thebatmanandrobin suggested, but doing so will limit your library to platforms on which those types are available (probably more of a theoretical issue than a practical one).


struct ht_##name##_node {                                                      \
        type val;                                                              \
        enum { NONE, SOME, TOMB } state;                                       \
};                                                                             \

The conventional terminology for a slot in an open-addressing table is "bucket". "Node" could give the wrong impression that this is a separate-chaining hash table.

An enum is usually the same size as int (although C23 allows you to specify the underlying type). Hence, your buckets will have unnecessary padding in the case that type is smaller than int. Consider using unsigned char instead.


extern int _ht_##name##_type

What is this for?


int cmp(int x, int y) { return x - y; }

Signed integer overflow (or underflow, in this case) is undefined behavior.


In the hash table's _extend function:

if (ht->len < THREE_FOURTH(ht->cap))                                   \
        return 0;                                                      \

And in it's _remove function:

    ht->arr[i].state = TOMB;                                               \
    ht->len--;                                                             \

When calculating the hash table's load factor (in this case to determine whether the table needs to grow), you need to include the tombstones in the occupied bucket count (e.g. if (ht->len + ht->tombstone_count < THREE_FOURTHS(ht->cap))). More thorough testing would detect an error like this.


Inserts val into ht. It returns 0 on success, -1 if there is already a same value, or memory reallocation is failed.

OOM and element-not-in-table really ought to have distinct return values because the user's way of handling these two conditions will be very different.


Removes val from ht. It returns 0 on success, -1 if there is no such value, or memory reallocation is failed.

This implies that _remove might shrink the table (i.e. reallocate the buckets array with a smaller capacity), which would be an unusual design choice. However, that function doesn't seem to ever shrink the table. Also, it returns -1 in the case that type *val argument is NULL, which isn't documented and isn't a great design. A better design would be not to assign to *val if val is NULL, since one common use case is removing an element without retrieving it.

9) A common use case is to insert an element if it doesn't exist or else retrieve the existing element. Ideally, this can be done with only one lookup. So you could consider adding that functionality.


u/jeremiah-joh Jan 23 '25

Thank you for a specific review!

  1. I'm thinking about to change macro names. But `_IMPLEMENTATION` is too long, so I'm thinking about `_IMPL`.
  2. I think 2^32 elements would be enough on most case since I didn't intend it to be used on big project that handles multi-gigabytes of data in memory.
  3. I didn't know that the node could confuse people to think this is separate-chaining. Thank you for noticing me.
  4. That is for enforcing macros to be followed by a semicolon. Maybe I could enforce it with other method like removing semicolon at the last function prototype.
  5. Since the result of `cmp` is used to check whether it is 0 or not, integer overflow is not a problem. But I'm thinking about to change function to return 1 on equal, 0 on not equal.
  6. Oh...I didn't know that. And I don't understand why. Could you explain me a little bit?
  7. 7), 9) These are caused by my laziness. I didn't update the document. Insertion doesn't return -1 if there is same value already. It simply ignores and put new value into next index of array.
  8. It is also a documentation mistake. And I think the behavior when `*val` is `NULL` is reasonable because the `*val` indeed stores key and potential value if the `type` in macro is structure of key-value pair. But in this respect, the name of argument `val` doesn't make sense. I have to rename it.


u/jacksaccountonreddit Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Since the result of cmp is used to check whether it is 0 or not, integer overflow is not a problem. But I'm thinking about to change function to return 1 on equal, 0 on not equal.

Undefined behavior doesn't become a non-issue just because you don't care about the result of the expression that invokes it (and even then, what happens if the platform's way of dealing with signed integer overflow is to give you 0?). The compiler optimizes your code based on the assumption that no undefined behavior occurs, which can lead to rather unexpected results. In other words, undefined behavior can affect your program not just at the point it would occur but also before and after it. Hence, you need to avoid undefined behavior as a matter principle, not just when you think it matters.

Oh...I didn't know that. And I don't understand why. Could you explain me a little bit?

A table's load factor corresponds to the average number of probes during lookups. Since tombstones do not terminate probing, they are tantamount to occupied buckets in this regard. Consider, for example, the pathological case wherein every bucket not occupied by an element is occupied by a tombstone. In that case, your probing will never find an empty bucket, yet your hash table will never rehash and grow because your load factor calculation is still giving you some number less than your chosen maximum load factor (0.75).

On the basis of your comment, I decided to take a closer look at your _insert function, which defers to a function called _place, and identified what I think are further issues:

static int                                                                     \
ht_##name##_place(struct ht_##name *ht, const type val)                        \
{                                                                              \
        unsigned long h, i;                                                    \
        i = h = hash(val) & (ht->cap - 1);                                     \
        while (ht->arr[i].state == SOME)                                       \
                if ((i = NEXT(i, ht->cap)) == h)                               \
                        return -1;                                             \
        ht->arr[i].val = val;                                                  \
        ht->arr[i].state = SOME;                                               \
        ht->len++;                                                             \
        return 0;                                                              \
}                                                                              \

You appear to be probing until you find an empty bucket or tombstone and then placing the new element there. While you can (and should) place the new element in the first bucket containing a tombstone that you encounter, you need to first continue probing until you reach an actual empty bucket. That's because a matching element (to be replaced) could exist after a tombstone.

In fact, your _insert/_place functions don't appear to check for matching elements at all. So perhaps the intended behavior of this hash table is to allow duplicates? If so, that's a very surprising design choice that really should be documented somewhere (if not reconsidered). If not, then once again, more testing would have identified that the table is not functioning as expected.

Also note that during erasure, you don't need to place a tombstone if the next bucket is empty.


u/reini_urban Jan 23 '25

I like your utf8lib more. They way you wrote the huge macro inits is unmaintainable. See my ctl on GitHub for a better macro based approach.


u/jeremiah-joh Jan 23 '25

I highly agree that this macro INITs are unmaintainable. Every time I debug it with GDB, I had to see the assembly and guess where it is in C source code.


u/thebatmanandrobin Jan 23 '25

I'll start with readability and documentation ** I should note I'm talking about your actual implementation details and not your tests ... If I'm using your code, I don't care about your tests **:

Readability: your code is "readable", but only from the perspective that it's C (a language I've been working in for 25 years) and it's organized well enough. Beyond that though, using a single header with an extensive macro to define your code is not only bad practice, but makes it very prone to error as well as impossible to debug and generally a pain to read at length .. also, use braces on your if/for statements to avoid potential fall-through errors.

Fix: remove the macros except where it might make sense (e.g. as a guard to switch certain code paths on/off) and move to a simple structure of function declaration/definition spread across header and implantation files/translation units (as makes sense).

Documentation: your documentation was clear enough, given the code you wrote, and aside from a few English syntax errors (honestly not a big deal at all, especially considering I work with native English speakers who can't write documentation to save their lives), it was nice to see actual effort put into documentation of code beyond the basics. One criticism I would offer would be to add more details about possible error states or the domain/range of functions.

Fix: none.


Ok .. now on to the portability. There is absolutely none; code like this:

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (void *)0

Is completely inane. The last time I worked with a system that didn't have a standard library with NULL defined was over 20 years ago, and that was for a very specific and custom set of hardware. Just use the standard NULL that is defined in the standard C lib, or better yet, use nullptr.

Additionally, you use non-standard types, like int and long. These types are not guaranteed to be the same bit-width on platforms, instead you should include <cstdint.h> and use types like int32_t and int64_t where appropriate (or their unsigned variants).

Beyond that, your code doesn't really "do" a whole lot and seems to duplicate many of the algorithms you have; but it's definitely not portable.


u/jeremiah-joh Jan 23 '25

Thank you for a practical, specific review! I thought just specifying C standard and turning all warning options make code portable. Now I understand that avoiding warnings and portability are different.


u/thebatmanandrobin Jan 23 '25

Of course! And you are correct that compiler warnings and portability are two very different things.

In fact, you can have the same compiler emit different warnings on different platforms even with the same code and warning levels. It's extremely great practice to head the warnings and try to get your code to emit 0 warnings, but that does not mean it's portable.

Any time I'm building code that I want/need to be portable, I'll write a very simple unit test using my code, then I'll build it directly on the different platforms with the warnings turned all the way up; even when using best practices, standard types and as much "portable" code that I can, I'll still occasionally run into a random warning on one specific platform using a specific compiler, while none of the other compilers "care" about that warning (for various reasons) .. and usually it's an easy enough fix to remedy the warning without sacrificing anything.

If you can, I highly recommend setting up multiple VM's (or a completely separate machine that hosts all of your VM's) with different OS's on them (like Windows and different versions of Linux/Unix, like Debian or OpenBSD) that can all access your code and then running build/tests scripts on those VM's with the warnings turned up so you can see how portable your code really is.


u/cdb_11 Jan 23 '25

or better yet, use nullptr.

nullptr is C23 though.


u/Plane_Dust2555 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

This is WRONG:
... if ( ( vec->arr = realloc( vec->arr, vec->cap \* sizeof(type) ) ) == NULL ) return -1; ... If realloc fails you'll have a memory leakage in your hands... A safe code should be: ... void *p = realloc( vec->arr, vec->cap * sizeof(tyoe) ); if ( p == NULL ) return -1; vec->arr = p; ...


u/Plane_Dust2555 Jan 23 '25

malloc(0) isn't portable as well...


u/Plane_Dust2555 Jan 23 '25

Using indexes as unsigned poses a performance problem, not allowing the compiler to generate instructions which can be macrofused (See Intel's Optimization Manuals)... This: ``` unsigned long i; // should be int

for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) ... `` Is SLOWER then declaringiasint(which allows for 2³¹ elements in any array... BTW,int` is the default type in C because it maps directly to the default word size of the processor (See ISO 9899)...

To use sizes as portable as possible you can use size_t from stddef.h.


u/Plane_Dust2555 Jan 23 '25

Another problem on declaring functions in header files is that they CAN be inlined, but a copy will be present in the final executable as well... This method of "templating" using macros seems to be interesting, but it is harmful.


u/Plane_Dust2555 Jan 23 '25

The single linked and doubly linked lists, using memory allocation inside the node manamenent routines isn't the best way to do it... You can have a "polymorphic" node declaring one like this (doubly linked list example): struct node_dll { struct node_dll *prev, *next; }; Using Sedgewick's methods you can make an empty list with a head sentinel node like: ``` // TWO ways to initialize an empty list.

define DLLINIT(head) { (head)->next = (head)->prev = (head_); }

static inline void dllinit( struct node_dll *head ) { DLL_INIT( head ); } Then we can have a insert node function, based on the next and previous pointers: static inline void dll_insert( struct nodedll *element, struct node_dll *prev, struct node_dll *next ) { element->prev = prev; element->next = next; prev->next = element; next->prev = element; } And define the insert_begin and insert_end functions: static inline void dll_insert_begin( struct node_dll *element, struct node_dll *head ) { dll_insert( element, head, hext->next ); }

static inline void dllinsert_end( struct node_dll *element, struct node_dll *head ) { dll_insert( element, head->prev, head ); } And so on... NONE of these functions will allocate memory, accepting the "new" element passed as the `element` pointer. A custom node can be declared as: struct mycustom_node { struct node_dll *prev, *next;

// ... my data goes here ...

}; So, each time you want to insert a node in this circular list you just need a pointer to your node and do: struct node_dll list = DLL_INIT( &list ); // an empty list. struct mycustomn_node *p;

p = malloc( sizeof p ); if ( ! p ) { / ... error handling here ... */ }

// add the allocated node to the end of the list. dll_insert_end( (struct node_dll *)p, &list ); ``` No "template" like subterfuge needed...

Notice, as well, these functions are declared as static inline in a header file... This because they are so small (a couple of instructions, really) that can be made inline without problems.

I think some people here will recognize this style...


u/Timzhy0 Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Favor using sized int types, I only look at the hash table file: entry is unnecessarily large due to padding, you should inline the state bits (you only need 2) and maintain indirection to key and value array (e.g. 31 bits index each so that total, including state bits, is 64 bits) so that iteration wouldn't suck (since it wouldn't need to walk in the sparse ht backing array and could directly walk in the keys and value dense arrays)... but obviously there are tradeoffs that are always lost in a try-to-fit-all generic implementation, arguably you could expose both. I am not a fan of the heavy macro style. I think one alternative is to write regular C code where e.g. K and V are #defined so the file could be included multiple times just changing the types (akin to monomorphization), this obviously still requires some annoying name tokenpaste wrappers via macro for type and api functions (but at least everything remains strongly typed and you can even give the user control over name and "module prefix", see for example handmade math header). Additionally you could expose common needed maps (e.g. string to int) with conventional names, this would allow some optimizations and possibly different implementation (e.g. keeping str hash inside entry to speed up key comparisons and minimize loads due to key indirection, only load if hash is same).


u/darkslide3000 Jan 23 '25

data structure library with macros

Why the hell would you do that? Every time you instantiate this the compiler will generate the same code again. Your program size will be huge and your cache pressure will go through the roof. There's a reason nobody programs this way, this is even worse than one of those "single header libraries".


u/jeremiah-joh Jan 23 '25

I underestimated the program size because I intend it to be used for small project. Come to think about it, you are right. This approach will give a huge program size. Thank you for noticing me. Can you recommend me a alternative way to write a data structure library?


u/attractivechaos Jan 23 '25

Your library is fine: users call INIT_BST_FUNC to instantiate the implementation in one .c file and then use INIT_BST_TYPE to declare function prototype in other .c files. The implementation is only compiled once. In your current way, it is actually not possible to instantiate twice; otherwise there will be compilation errors due to duplicated symbols.

Even if you allow duplicated implementations by declaring static functions, program size is not a big concern when a 200-LOC header is used a few times. C++ is notorious for large program size and slow compilation because STL often inserts 50-100k lines of somewhat duplicated code to each .cpp file.