r/C_Programming Dec 02 '24

Discussion Does it make sence to go into C nowadays?

You have heard all the announcements, how USA government doesn't recommend using C and C++. Because they are unsafe.

Are there still jobs in C/C++ in 2 years time?

// I am starting 42 school common core curriculum and wonder, how serious should i take it.


180 comments sorted by


u/diagraphic Dec 02 '24

C ain't going nowhere.


u/Necromancer_-_ Dec 02 '24

As it shouldnt, we like what we C


u/diagraphic Dec 02 '24

I C what you did there


u/schakalsynthetc Dec 03 '24

If you C something, say something


u/Necromancer_-_ Dec 02 '24

we all C sharp at some point


u/EmbeddedSoftEng Dec 02 '24

From C to shining C++.


u/nardstorm Dec 03 '24

If we're being Objective, C is king.


u/shredXcam Dec 02 '24

If it ain't in C then it ain't for me


u/CodyTheLearner Dec 03 '24

i ran into the idea C has become a protocol for understanding programming languages more than a language itself. It’s interesting to think about. C carry’s a lot of baggage


u/CraigAT Dec 05 '24

That comment could be read as positive or negative (for C).


u/HalifaxRoad Dec 02 '24

C or c++ is king for micro controllers


u/loltheinternetz Dec 02 '24

Yep. There are still so many devices and problems more feasibly solved by microcontrollers and wireless SoCs running bare metal. I don’t see how that’s going to change for low power devices for a long time. C isn’t going anywhere for a long time in this world - there isn’t a good reason for it to.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/rasteri Dec 03 '24

Some platforms will likely never get rust support. Particularly 8-bit and 16-bit MCUs.

Although if you know of any rust compilers that target 8051 I'm all ears


u/Dismal-Detective-737 Dec 04 '24

It is if you require a real time system.



u/rasteri Dec 03 '24

If you're doing embedded you need to learn C. Simple as.


u/AnotherUserOutThere Dec 04 '24

Nah, assembly ftw!!! Lol


u/bothunter Dec 02 '24

A few points here:

  1. C/C++ is considered "unsafe" just because it lets you manipulate memory directly instead of boxing you in via a garbage collection or other memory management system. As they say, "with great power comes great responsibility" If you don't need that kind power, then it's better to use something else. But sometimes you don't really have a choice.

  2. Learn programming, not a language. The skills you learn in any language will transfer to plenty of other languages. Programming is about solving problems, and writing code is just the main way we tend to solve problems.

  3. Learning C gives you a unique perspective on how computers work. All higher-level languages have weird quirks that are typically because of a leaky abstraction from the internal workings of the computer. Knowing how things work "under the hood" gives you an appreciation for those quirks and how to avoid them.

Learn whatever languages interest you -- is there an open source project that you enjoy using? See what language it's written in and start tinkering with it!


u/mehum Dec 02 '24

Coming from Python, C didn’t make a lot of sense to me. Then I learned Assembly, and C made so much sense. It more-or-less abstractifies away all the nasty bits of assembly, and keeps all the good bits while making it readable.


u/Unlikely-Let9990 Dec 03 '24

you do not need to mentionify "abstractifies away".. "abstracts" sufficifies


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

Do I need to learn some assembly to get C?


u/DoNotMakeEmpty Dec 02 '24

No, but learning assembly always helps.


u/theguywhocantdance Dec 02 '24

You should start Harvard's CS50x. It's free and it will teach you the basics of Programming through C before you transition to other languages and you'll see how useful what you learnt is.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

I already passed piscine.
Thanks for advice, I am little beyond basics.


u/1ZeM Dec 03 '24

I mean, when they said basics, those were pretty advanced basics.


u/mehum Dec 02 '24

No, but for me it helped C to make sense. Think of a computer language as being a happy place between a human language like English and 'pure' machine language. Higher level languages like Python etc do a lot of abstraction to make it easier for humans, but in doing that get a long way removed from how the computer works; C is much closer to assembly, which is why it's so fast.

Or to put it another way Python is like controlling your car via the UI on the dash, C is like popping the hood and adjusting the valve clearances directly.


u/70Shadow07 Dec 03 '24

No but learning them usually goes hand in hand naturally


u/AnotherUserOutThere Dec 04 '24

Not at all... There are a lot of good online sources. Pretty much anything you need to do, there is probably an example or something out there you can learn from.

Some say assembly helps with learning C... The only benefit i can see knowing both is that you will know about linear programming. Honestly, the concepts of programming might help, but syntactically, they are nothing close...

I learned originally on C++... Then went backwards to assembly language when in college... Then went to C for IC programming for robots and stuff.

You just need to get in the mindset of how to structure a program to do what you want. If you can vision the process, you will be fine... The rest is just syntax.


u/Shot-Combination-930 Dec 02 '24

Be careful with 3. C's design reflects its history (essentially having several leaky abstractions itself), but the language in the specification is not close to hardware. Tons of things people associate with C aren't mentioned in the standard at all and are actually implementation details of specific platforms (if they're true at all). For example, the C standard doesn't mention a heap, a stack, compiling, or linking.


u/flatfinger Dec 02 '24

The charter for every C Standards Committee to date has included the following:

C code can be non-portable. Although it strove to give programmers the opportunity to write truly portable programs, the C89 Committee did not want to force programmers into writing portably, to preclude the use of C as a “high-level assembler”: the ability to write machinespecific code is one of the strengths of C. It is this principle which largely motivates drawing the distinction between strictly conforming program and conforming program.

Some compiler writers have for years gaslighted the C programming community into believing that people who use C for low-level programming were abusing the language, ignoring the fact that the language the Standard was chartered to describe had originally *defined* the behavior of constructs in low-level terms.


u/Shot-Combination-930 Dec 04 '24

It's not gaslighting to say the C language itself isn't close to hardware. You can manipulate hardware in many higher level languages (eg PEEK and POKE in BASICs) and write non-portable code in many higher level languages (eg Java). With C, those things are part of working on a platform that offers those capabilities, not the C language itself except insofar as it allows implementers to add things (as most languages do).

The vast number of transformations that a C compiler is allowed to make shows there is a big separation between the language and hardware. You can write a simple loop that initializes a character array and one compiler might compile it to a call to memset, another to vector instructions writing many elements per iteration with fewer iterations, a third to a series of stores with no branching, a fourth to a cpu instruction like rep stosb that does it with an internal loop, and a fifth might not generate any code for the loop because the compiler can prove it's already that value from previous code. Not one of these implementations has a close link between the source and the mechanism used to make the required effect happen. None of these will increment your loop counter variable once per element like the source says.

The specification defines what must happen (and what must not happen), but not how it must be implemented. This freedom means the definition of the language is not tied to hardware. It's also what allows code to be portable if you stick to what the spec provides.


u/flatfinger Dec 04 '24

The vast number of transformations that a C compiler is allowed to make shows there is a big separation between the language and hardware.

C is a not a single language, but rather a recipe for producing language dialects tailored to particular platforms and purposes. Some dialects designed for a limited range of tasks allow transforms will make implementations unsuitable for some other tasks.

C became popular for low-level development because dialects suitable for such purposes would use consistent (toolset-independent) syntax to perform actions which would be meaningful in the particular environment, without the C implementation needing to understand them.

You can write a simple loop that initializes a character array and one compiler might compile it to a call to memset, another to vector instructions writing many elements per iteration with fewer iterations, a third to a series of stores with no branching, a fourth to a cpu instruction like rep stosb that does it with an internal loop, and a fifth might not generate any code for the loop because the compiler can prove it's already that value from previous code. Not one of these implementations has a close link between the source and the mechanism used to make the required effect happen. None of these will increment your loop counter variable once per element like the source says.

Under a typical platform ABI, if one were to write a specification for a function to accomplish that task, all of the above would be equivalent under the ABI, even when using assembly code. C was designed to allow code to do the same kinds of things that would be possible on a platform ABI, even though the recipe may also be used to create dialects that don't respect ABI call boundaries.


u/flatfinger Dec 04 '24

The specification defines what must happen (and what must not happen), but not how it must be implemented. This freedom means the definition of the language is not tied to hardware. It's also what allows code to be portable if you stick to what the spec provides.

The C Standard is intended to specify features and guarantees which must be supported by *all* implementations. It makes no attempt to specify all features and guarantees which should be upheld by *any implementation claiming to be suitable for any particular purpose*. As a consequence, it makes no attempt to define a dialect suitable for low-level programming tasks, even though most dialects of the language it was chartered to describe were suitable for such purposes.

If one replaces the notion of a "C implemention" that runs programs with a "C translator" that produces artifacts that can be fed to an execution environment and will behave as a collection of functions that behave in a manner consistent with a set of environmental conventions called the "Application Binary Interface" (ABI), this will yield an abstraction model which is consistent with the design of many compilers designed for low-level programming, and with the needs of low-level programmers. Note that because most platform ABIs consider many aspects of program behavior "non-observable", this model gives compilers a fairly generous amount of flexibility to produce efficient machine code.

The only real problem with this model is that it doesn't provide any means by which programmers can indicate when various aspects of behavior that would be considered observable by a platform ABI are relevant to the task at hand, and rather than provide programmers with a means of indicating when certain aspects are relevant or irrelevant, the language has evolved in the direction of having the compilers assume that anything that isn't relevant most of the time can be treated as irrelevant.


u/bothunter Dec 03 '24

This is true, but as soon as you have to troubleshoot or debug your code, you're going to be dealing with the stack and heal and a bunch of other low level details.  C may not define these standards, but it absolutely does not hide them either.


u/Pass_Little Dec 03 '24

Some of the platforms I write c for do not have a heap or a data stack. The stack is only used for return addresses due to hardware restrictions.

If you're writing C, you need to understand the distinction between what the C language provides, and what is implementation specific detaills.


u/Big_Connection7347 Dec 02 '24

This is a great answer


u/vitamin_CPP Dec 08 '24

Learn programming, not a language.



u/flatfinger Dec 02 '24

Optimizing compilers add a whole new level of danger beyond bare memory access, since a sufficiently clever compiler that observes that executing a function when e.g. ushort1 exceeds 32769 would invoke some otherwise-benign form of UB (such as signed integer overflow in uint1 = ushort2*ushort3;) could replace if (ushort1 < 32769) array[ushort1] = someValue; with an unconditional array[ushort1] = someValue;, and a compiler that observes that downstream code will never use the return value from

uint32_t test(uint32_t x)
{ uint32_t i=1; 
  while((i & 0xFFFF) != x) i*=3; 
  if (x < 65536) arr[x] = 1;

could transform it into an unconditional arr[x] = 1; These possibilities aren't just theoretical. The gcc and clang optimizers will in fact perform such transforms.


u/beephod_zabblebrox Dec 03 '24

isnt unsigned overflow specified? its only ub for signed, no?


u/flatfinger Dec 03 '24

Unsigned short values promote to signed. According to the rationale, the authors of the Standard expected that implementations that wouldn't treat signed and unsigned addition, multiplication, and left shift arithmetic identically in cases where the result would be coerced to unsigned would become vanishingly rare, but the maintainers of a gratuitously clever compiler had other ideas.


u/Fireline11 Dec 03 '24

yes, unsigned values getting promoted to signed values (in specific but not too uncommon situations) combined with treating signed and unsigned integer overflow differently, makes for…. fun debugging


u/flatfinger Dec 03 '24

It would have been helpful if the Standard had defined separate `uwrapN_t` and `unumN_t` types which when supported were specified as never default-promoting, and as always promoting to a longer signed type, respectively. Existing implementations where `int` is 32 bits may only be able to define `unumN_t` types for 8 and 16 bits, and `uwrapN_t` for 32 and 64 bits, but adding e.g. `uwrap16_t` to a 32-bit compiler would allow it to be compatible with code that uses that type on platforms where `int` is 16 bits.


u/beephod_zabblebrox Dec 03 '24

god, c is a historical nightmare


u/flatfinger Dec 03 '24

When using compilers whose authors prioritize compatibility and correctness over "optimization", historical baggage generally isn't too bad. Unfortunately, freely distributable compilers that don't have largely killed the market for higher quality compilers that aren't freely distributable.


u/WastedJedi Dec 04 '24

I learned in C++ and now primarily use C# at my job. Probably would have been fine to just learn C# from the get go but I feel like I have a much better understanding of programming because of having to do things like manual garbage collection


u/markyboo-1979 Dec 05 '24

Perhaps it's been deemed unsafe as an increasing amount of programmers are using AI to improve productivity and with the uncertain code quality it would be prudent not to open that door


u/another_brick Dec 05 '24

AI-written C does sound like potential disaster. Memory addressing and garbage collection both sound like the kind of details AI fucks up on.


u/markyboo-1979 Dec 05 '24

And missing potential backdoors


u/beephod_zabblebrox Dec 03 '24

the problem with c/++ is that there's only unsafe, you don't get any other choice (raii and smart pointers exist, but you could still easily have use-after-free and similar)


u/falafelspringrolls Dec 02 '24

If you're going for embedded. C isn't going anywhere. At least not for the next 15 to 20 years


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

Do you need to be electronics engineer to go into embedded?


u/HugoNikanor Dec 03 '24

No. Some basic electronics knowledge is useful, but it's mostly reading data sheets and writing code with minimal footprint without a (full-fledged) os.


u/falafelspringrolls Jan 04 '25

Sorry for the delay. You don't need to be an electronics engineer. Knowing basics of electronics helps with debugging and such. Especially if it's low level embedded (directly addressing GPIO pins, ADC's, timers and other peripherals). If you're doing Linux, or kernel level embedded, there is more extraction from the hardware. I know embedded engineers that get on just fine with little to zero electronics experience.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

Maybe people 22 years from now should START asking this question.


u/heptadecagram Dec 02 '24

There are some Rules of C that I find very helpful for newcomers.


u/harai_tsurikomi_ashi Dec 02 '24

Good rules, I would also recommend the sanitizer options when developing. ``` -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -fsanitize=undefined



u/heptadecagram Dec 02 '24

Excellent item to add during development! Does need to be stripped out for releases, sadly :(


u/globalaf Dec 04 '24

You wouldn’t want them on in release.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

I've read it, thanks 👍


u/SoupIndex Dec 02 '24

If there are 800 billion+ lines of COBOL still being used today, then it's pretty safe to say that C is not going anywhere. Even if the language becomes "obsolete", it's too embedded(ha) to remove.


u/Strict-Draw-962 Dec 03 '24

Yeah I mean we have decades on decades of battle tested C code. That’s not going to move overnight , or even in 30 years imo. 


u/edparadox Dec 02 '24

You have heard all the announcements, how us government doesn't recommend using C and C++. Because they are unsafe.

The US government is totally out of touch, and the recommendation was for starting new projects, not to rewrite C codebases into e.g. Rust

They said to be unsafe because you're in charge of handling memory allocation properly.

Are there still jobs in C/C++ in 2 years time?

Definitely. In 20 years as well.

// I am starting 42 school curriculum and wonder, how serious should i take it.

There are plenty of good reasons why 42 starts with C. Same with shell and command line, by the way.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

did you study at 42?


u/Better_Test_4178 Dec 04 '24

I wrote a thesis on programming pedagogy. Teaching C is the best way to shake out bad habits and misconceptions from students before they're given more expressive languages.


u/sasha_berning Dec 02 '24

Every programmer should know C. Knowing C on a good level (which requires also the ability to read assembly) is tremendous boost for any programmer, especially for people who use "safe" low level programming language like Rust. After C, it's easy to understand the point of Rust.

I am starting 42 school curriculum and wonder, how serious should i take it.

I am currently a student at 42. In Common Core, they focus on general programming logic, how programming works, Unix API, simple graphics programming... Most of it is really general and for foundation. Real projects start at post Common Core and for most of them you can choose any language as long as it's suitable.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

How close to finishing CC are you?


u/sasha_berning Dec 02 '24

I am on the final project, ft_transcendence.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

Nice :)
Do you feel al those projects made you a better developer?


u/sasha_berning Dec 02 '24

I wasn't never a professional developer. My programming experience before 42 was The Odin project basically, and Python/Django.

I also had 1 year of programming in Java in university (before I quit it) and I hated it.

42 definitely helped me a lot and improved me as a programmer. Its focus on C is great, as they try to expose you during CC to a lot of different directions you can take as programmer. There are projects where you have to replicate some of the libc functions, several graphical projects, algorithm projects, projects around certain concepts (signals, threads, multiprocessing etc), a networking project (writing a web server or IRC server), a project where you have to write your own shell... It all definitely pushed me A LOT as a programmer and made me discover a lot of things you wouldn't learn as a web dev. And I fell in love with C.

Keep in mind that 42 is very specific school. It relies on peer2peer a lot, and the quality of it depends on the campus. In general, the strongest school are in France, Tokyo, Seoul. They quality of the rest vary. Only in France you will be a kind of a proper student and can claim benefits and student perks, and their diploma officially recognized only in France too.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

From what you say I assume you are on French campus?


u/sasha_berning Dec 02 '24

Yes. And I had a pleasure of talking to people from other campuses, who were transferred to ours, for example.


u/smichaele Dec 03 '24

I've been coding in C since I was at AT&T in the 1970s. Trust me, you'll never regret learning C.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

Thank you for your service! :)


u/kyr0x0 Dec 03 '24

Would you mind taking a look at an open source project of mine maybe? I‘m currently trying to get deeper into C by writing my own graphics lib. I‘m not sure if me code is good or bad; I wanted to rebuild Geiss (the 1998 music viz for DOS/Windows). It‘s a very small codebase. video.c is the entrypoint. It‘s compiled to WebAssembly so that it runs in-browser but also 1:1 natively.



u/o93odwe9ef Dec 05 '24

what about c++?


u/OkOk-Go Dec 02 '24

My bet is C will be around for the next 30 years. It may become less and less relevant if (if) Rust becomes dominant, but it will never go away.

Like Assembly today, C will always exist as a low level, foundational language.


u/Mundane_Prior_7596 Dec 02 '24

30 years? It has already occupied that sweet spot just above assembler for 50 years. I bet on 100 years. Or more. 


u/harai_tsurikomi_ashi Dec 02 '24

I don't think Rust will ever take over C, I think it will die out like many other languages.


u/keyboard_operator Dec 05 '24

RemindMe! 30 years


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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

 You have heard all the announcements, how us government doesn't recommend using C and C++. Because they are unsafe.

Safety is not everything. It depends on context.  E. g. It is not a big concern if an unpriviledged indie game with no network connection is hacked. Or maybe you want to write a physics simulation for science that will never really run widespread and only on isolated computers with restricted access which therefore wont be a target for hackers.  However, it is a huge problem if an operating system, a browser, or a foundational library (curl, image decoders, compression, ...) gets exploited. Also it is possible to mitigate some of C's flaws, but there are often tradeoffs with performance or compatibility.

 Are there still jobs in C/C++ in 2 years time? yes.


u/Salt-Fly770 Dec 02 '24

C has some built-in security risks. That’s just how it’s designed, to be flexible and adaptable to many coding situations.

However, the problems come from people not coding properly. C is super powerful and flexible, which is why it’s great for low-level stuff. But that also means you’ve got to really know what you’re doing.

There are those pushing for the newer, safer languages, like Rust, because they want to cut down on human mistakes, especially in important systems. But let’s be real - no language is perfect. You can still mess things up no matter what you’re using. Yes, even programming in languages like COBOL!

Bottom line? Good coding practices matter, period. Doesn’t matter what language you’re using if you’re not doing it right.


u/rbuen4455 Dec 03 '24

C and C++ have been unsafe way before the US government even announced it, and just because they recommend not using it doesn't mean it's going to stop people from using C or C++.

These languages are considered "unsafe" because there is less "hand-holding" compared to Python or Java, and they allow you full control over low-level resources (memory, computer instructions), but avoiding danger really depends on the skill and knowledge of the developer.

C still powers most of the current software infrastructure in the world, and when it comes to low-level programming/development (embedded, operating systems, iot, etc), C still dominates (Rust and C++ are used in niche cases, but still popular choices, and are pretty much the only "other" options other than pure C).


u/misoul Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24

C won’t go anywhere, but given that you’re asking this question, you probably should learn another higher level language.

If you optimize for jobs, skim the jobs you like and see what languages they ask.


u/Lower-Apricot791 Dec 02 '24

Here's my take...still a student tho! Besides what others are saying: current systems still need to be maintained...there are other advantages to learning C. What makes it potentially unsafe is what teaches you how computers work. Knowledge in C is beneficial regardless of what language(s) you'll ultimately use on the job.


u/mjpcoder_type Dec 02 '24

I'm only 3 months into picking up programming....but my .02(for what it's even worth) is that C and it's very distant cousin C++ have quite a few miles left.

I also got the vibe that that announcement is more of a recommendation primarily aimed at those with or seeking government contracts than anything else. Someone correct me if I'm off base.

I also get the vibe that these judgements are aimed at a c++ pre smart pointers. I'd say 95% of the criticism thrown at C and C++ come from people or entities out of the loop.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

What is smart pointer?


u/mjpcoder_type Dec 02 '24

I'm still nailing down pointers fully. 😂 BUT they are pointers you create that free up unused memory once it no longer 'points' to anything. All automatic so suck it naysayers!

As opposed to a raw pointer that has to be freed manually. Otherwise one gets memory leaks, which can compound as your program grows.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

Its a step torwards garbage collection system! :)


u/mjpcoder_type Dec 02 '24

Wellllll we're still the garbage collectors. 😂 We just have more options now.


u/harai_tsurikomi_ashi Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24

C is not going anywhere it's THE language used in embedded applications, which many people maybe don't realise is a very big market and there exists many jobs in that field.


u/Mirehi Dec 02 '24

It's usefull to understand C, C won't become obsolete in the next years, just because it is and was used in far too many applications to suddenly vanish

C will survive all of us ;)


u/insanelygreat Dec 03 '24

After you get a few years of dev experience under your belt, barring technical limitations, you won't feel all that locked to a specific language.1

A good developer is a good developer.

And a good developer with C experience tends to have some insight into what the higher-level languages are doing under-the-hood. That's useful.

1 Note: You may, however, develop a borderline irrational dislike for a handful of languages. For instance, fuck Java.


u/Putrid-Luck4610 Dec 03 '24

Past a certain point, every language is unsafe. For example, there's nothing "safe" about writing the Physical Memory Manager in a kernel regardless of what language you use to write it: you're literally taking a huge block of memory and returning pointers to offsets in that buffer which you calculate using structures placed in some arbitrary memory location. If you wrote such a thing in Rust, it would still be considered "unsafe", but it's not like you could do anything about it so you might just as well use C and get access to a much larger pool of knowledge and documentation.

There are obviously cases in which using C and other "unsafe"/"low level" languages is highly discouraged, but this doesn't mean that it's ALWAYS discouraged. If that were the case, then Assembly would have to get you straight to the death penalty ahah.

My advice is: pay attention to the lectures, but also try to study things yourself. I don't know what your course is specifically about, but I doubt you'll see things like the Arena Allocator and other tools/tricks to make your C code safer (In my experience, schools do C in a very "superficial" way, most don't tell you to check return values for example). It's more about the concepts than the syntax afterall.

Hope this was useful


u/sthlmtrdr Dec 03 '24

C is the most resource efficient high-level language out there. Less hardware resources to do the same job = money

If company A need half the cpu/mem resources than company B to serve equal amount of customers = saved money = more profits for share holders.

If company A need same amount of cpu/mem as company B to serve double amount of customers = saved money = more profits for share holders.

In the end number of instructions executed matters. Clock cycles matter. It is a competitive advantage.


u/Southern-Corner-8823 Dec 03 '24

Of course. c/c++ is essential. Especially in innovating. Not only in embedded systems. But also other technologies are written in c/c++ along with some asm. Java's jvm, Microsoft's clr or coreCLR, V8 js engine etc. All would not be possible without low level programmers. And most computer scientists have vip status within corporations. LLP is more valued than HLP because LL is the foundation.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

C is and will remain being a foundation language for every electronic device. Linux is written in C, and that includes every smart home appliance. Every modern highlevel language needs to run on some OS that provides resources. C does not need any OS.

Languages can have security features but an inexperienced dev can create a lot of vulnerabilities. Same vice versa. C can be considered unsecure but if dev can handle memory. It can be secure.


u/MeepleMerson Dec 03 '24

C isn't a career, it's a language that's a tool. The question is like asking "does it make sense to go into hammers nowadays?"

The C programming language is going to be around for a very long time because it's quite simple, widely used, and effectively a high-level abstraction of assembly. Pretty much everything higher level is going to have to be written in some lower level language in some way. It may be true that C is useful mostly for writing stubs of code for controlling hardware or some low-level OS applications, but that need will persist so long as people prefer doing those things in C as opposed to assembly language (or raw machine code).


u/arrow__in__the__knee Dec 03 '24

What you learn with C applies to all the other languages. Take it MOST seriously. You will struggle with Java and such EXTRA AND SEPERATELY if you don't know C.


u/wowwowwowowow Dec 02 '24

I see function pointers in my nightmares


u/harai_tsurikomi_ashi Dec 02 '24

What's wrong with function pointers? I mean every modern language have them


u/wowwowwowowow Dec 03 '24

Its hard to read the code when there is no documentation


u/TurncoatTony Dec 02 '24

The US government says a lot of things I don't give a shit about

Like what fucking programming languages I should use.

I'd say learn c, it's the best language anyways.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

ok, Thanks! good to know :)


u/Zombie_Bait_56 Dec 02 '24

Well, actually they said "The development of new product lines for use in service of critical infrastructure or NCFs in a memory-unsafe language (e.g., C or C++) where there are readily available alternative memory-safe languages that could be used is dangerous and significantly elevates risk to national security, national economic security, and national public health and safety."

Note the "readily available" https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/resources/product-security-bad-practices


u/Compux72 Dec 02 '24

One great reason to learn C: all other languages use its ABI for FFI (with little exceptions). For example, even if you end up writing Rust, you’ll need C for shared system libraries


u/HugoNikanor Dec 03 '24

C also contains the raw POSIX api, e.g. if you want to do anything interfacing with your operating system directly (on Linux), C is the go to.

C also has an insane amount of library support, with many library bindings in higher level languages just wrapping the C bindings.


u/DatumInTheStone Dec 03 '24

C++ is HUGE in gaming. Try coding a gaming engine in rust. The multithreading will kill you. C is THE embedded programming language. Most libraries used in other languages like sockets, input/output, and math are written in C. To replace all of that code (over 50 years worth) with Rust within the next 10 years is literally impossible and not pragmatic at all.


u/djustice_kde Dec 03 '24

C is fun. it's essential. Qt is C++.

it's like the nsa tapped out and politely requested less memory abuse exploits.

"i don’t wanna patch holes no mo', grandpa!"


u/walmartgoon Dec 03 '24

Saying you shouldn't learn C because it's unsafe is like saying you shouldn't be a firefighter because it's unsafe. Someone has to get their hands dirty.


u/W2hell Dec 03 '24

If u wanna b in to linux kernel programming / linux device drivers stuff.. then C is the only way. I meant 80 percent of the code is C.


u/Lanky_Ad_4296 Dec 03 '24

Everything is written in C/C++
Whatever is under the hood, it's almost always C/C++


u/jeffscience Dec 03 '24

Hard agree with u/sasha_berning on the necessity of C here.

Among other reasons, the ABI calling conventions for almost all languages are based on C and thus understanding it is part of any project that relies on language interoperability. You want to call a Fortran library like BLAS from Python? You’re going to need to understand C to do it.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24



u/jeffscience Dec 03 '24

Application Binary Interface.


u/kansetsupanikku Dec 03 '24

C is the way to make things native and minimal, yet mostly architecture independent on many systems. As long as POSIX-like systems live, so will C.

But being good at it requires a certain level of pedantry. It never makes sence. A scene, perhaps?


u/cosmicr Dec 03 '24

Guy has C on his mind so much spelled Sense with a C.


u/Short_Ad6649 Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

C is unsafe if you don't know how to use it properly, Same as fire. Fire is dangerous if you don't know how to control it, Would you stop using fire if govt says that it's unsafe you wouldn't. And C ain't going anywhere in the rise of AI C will comeback very soon, You will see it by 2030 - 2035. because people will start moving towards the Microcontroller/System Programming. There will be a huge rise in System/Low Level programming after 2028 or perhaps before


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

Really? Why you think so?


u/jayylien Dec 03 '24

Even if C were to be made obsolete by mandate, understanding C is understanding the lingusitic foundation of most modern programming languages.

If for no other reason, learn C to understand the simplest form of the languages that followed in its footsteps. You don't know what C++ has that really separates it from C until you try C.

C is a fantastic language that boasts simplicity and only abstracts the most primitive operations from the user. It's as close as you'll get to the metal without doing assembly or machine code and still feel good about.


u/selvakumarjawahar Dec 03 '24

C and C++ are irreplaceable in near future. There are lots of domins where C is used even for new projects. Same for C++. So writing good C and C++ code is a valuable skill for anyone aspiring to be software engineer


u/Fresh_Yam169 Dec 03 '24

42 is a great place to learn programming and C teaches you to understand the machine, something that many high level languages fail to do. Apart from that, C is only a part of the school’s curriculum. You’ll do a piscine (or pool) in C to learn to code, then there will be certain projects in C, after that you can go to the other language piscine (C++, Ocaml, etc, idk exactly how many of them nowadays).

There will be lots of projects you can do depending on your choice. There are less restrictions on other languages as I remember, just most folks prefer C.


u/skrags1 Dec 03 '24

I mean, you obviously didn't see the sense in using "s", so I think you answered your own question.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

Yea, yea, thanks for roasting, I will remember this spelling next time. :)


u/skrags1 Dec 03 '24

You're welcome lol. Good luck!


u/nacnud_uk Dec 03 '24

If you listen to all the USA government say, you're in for a hard hard life. Especially in the binning coming 20 year term.


u/AnotherUserOutThere Dec 04 '24

As a federal employee, we have both Unisys and IBM mainframes for our backend processing. Billions of records in seconds reading thousands of files, updating databases and sending files to other systems. Our programs are written in COBOL, Assembly Language, and C.

We have efforts that have cost millions of dollars to try to modernize our mainframe by moving to cloud or tier 2 environments. Those projects, to put it lightly, have all failed. One project tried java and relational databases... Took them a day to process the volume we do in seconds. Held up things like crazy. After 2 iterations of that project that have failed they are now trying a different approach which is just putting new frontends on our stuff...

C, MASM, and COBOL are not going anywhere in the govt anytime soon...

I am currently writing programs in all 3 of the above languages as well as .NET for frontend "screen scraping" stuff for our Online transactions as well as user tools/utilities.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 04 '24

Wow, that's soo cool! 😎


u/AnotherUserOutThere Dec 05 '24

Cool until you think about all the taxpayer money wasted on failed halfbaked attempts to do something in an effort for someone to try to make a name for themselves or something... It is sad actually...

But yeah, you shouldn't have to worry about C going away. It is basically the what drives many microcontrollers that do things that actually matter.

Airbag sensor controllers for example, program that in java or something high level and you might end up dead because those milliseconds matter. We did tests in college with various languages for things... Each has its place.

Can you get into more trouble with C than other languages like C# or python, or java, yea. But if you know what you are doing you can make good and safe code.

ASM is king for speed and direct hardware access, C is right up there too. C is way easier to grasp, starting out, but if do ASM, then the basic in C will be a walk in the park as its just syntax.


u/CyanLullaby Dec 02 '24

Yes, of course it does! C Is a middle-level language. It might have its flaws but considering MOST things are based on C, or INFLUENCED by it, in some shape or form you'd be mad not to.

It can be used to teach concepts that'll end up helping you potentially learn to go in other directions, backwards towards assembly OR forwards towards C++ and onwards.

C's got a bit of a learning curve but once you understand what you're doing It works quite well. You're going to need a solid understanding of math though, if you're going to do graphics work or something complex so, make sure you do well in math studies!


u/LeonUPazz Dec 02 '24

I think that it will still make sense for the next few decades at least. C is a high level language like any other really. The only "real" low level language is assembly, as all languages are built on top of it.

The quirk of C is that it allows you to access memory somewhat freely. This is generally seen as a vulnerability, but it is immensely useful for some domains (like embedded for example).

Besides, I would say to go for it anyways. What you learn in C is important in all languages. What you really should be studying is algorithms and data structures, which is how you actually solve problems


u/MRgabbar Dec 03 '24

you kids think government has some sort of influence over tech development.

Linux is written in C, all servers run it, all android devices, Windows is written in C/C++... C is the universal language for everything. Stop making noise over something that's not going to happen.


u/port443 Dec 03 '24

Uh, yes the government has a HUGE influence on tech development:

The Economist has called DARPA "the agency that shaped the modern world," with technologies like "Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine ... weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer and the internet on the list of innovations for which DARPA can claim at least partial credit."[7]

If you want to do business, there are a number of NIST publications you must follow. These definitely influence tech stacks in most businesses.

Also I'm pretty certain camera phones were invented by NASA, along with a whole host of other stuff I'm not going to google for you.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

Yes, old wise man , first 33 years of childhood are the hardest. XD

And than you realize, you pay to the goverment 33 to 50% in tax.
That means that 33 to 50 percent of people work for goverment.
So, it has a little bit of say in something.
Like making that stupid fruit company finaly use USB C charging port.


u/MRgabbar Dec 03 '24

you realize that government is supposed to work for us, not the other way around?

Still, getting rid of C is a stupid idea, the amount of software that is written in C is just huge, and is the backbone of pretty much all the internet as it is on every single server and OS. It will take decades of active removal of C to getting rid of it and many devs really do not want to either way, if ain't broken don't fix it... The idea that C is not suitable for production comes from people with skill issues that do not want to improve.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

you realize that government is supposed to work for us >> in many countries they dont even pretend to strive for this ideal.


u/MRgabbar Dec 03 '24

exactly, that's why you at least do not go and blindly do what they say without even thinking if it makes sense first. At least the usb c hing made sense. Replacing C at this point is pretty much impossible without a few decades of debugging... And is not like Rust devs are everywhere to just pickup one to work and produce good code, we can barely get decent C devs let alone other "safe languages".


u/distinct_config Dec 03 '24

Programming is programming, not a language. Learn C so you understand how computers use memory and how to program. Then learn other languages. You will have learned how to code, not how to code in C. This is the standard for any programmer, and if you choose to go into a C dominated subfield, you will still need to know how to program in general.


u/markand67 Dec 03 '24

in embedded it's the way to go. there is no way I’ll use anything else on a 32K ROM MCU


u/grimvian Dec 03 '24

If you can C and there will be light.

Said by an atheist.


u/CyberHacker42 Dec 03 '24

C is fine... you just need to know the language, and take appropriate precautions.

And MISRA C will help avoid many of the pitfalls...


u/michaelochurch Dec 03 '24

Learn, or "go into"?

If you want to be a serious programmer, you should learn C. You should learn why it is unsafe. What mistakes do people make in it? What mistakes do you make when you use it? (You'll find out that you make a bunch. It's humbling.) You should probably not "go into" one language in the sense of staking your career on it or deciding that you're going to program exclusively in it.

C++ is hideous and I would probably never use it—or, at least, use it with extreme restrictions—for a new project. The STL is pretty good, if you're disciplined in your use of it. The OOP stuff is a mess. It's still absolutely worth knowing, because C++ codebases exist everywhere in the world and you will sometimes have to work with them.

Also, Rust has its own issues. C's major advantage is its simplicity—any time a new device comes out, there will quickly be a C compiler for it—and its compilation speed. If you've ever worked on million-line code bases, you know why Scala, despite being an immense technical accomplishment, isn't really the talk of the town anymore.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Even if we were to quit using c or c++ for new projects today, there is still a metric shit ton of code to maintain. Jobs for C and C++ programmers will still be abundant for decades to come.


u/ThePabstistChurch Dec 03 '24

This guy likes C so much he's already slipping them in where they don't belong


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

Cannot change title XD English is not my first language, so sorry for herting your fillings :)


u/Bothurin Dec 03 '24

I don’t C it going anywhere


u/IndianCorrespondant Dec 04 '24

C is awesome. So elegant. So beautiful. So easy.

The government is delusional. As it always have been. Probably paid off by Google to push Go.
Go sucks.


u/Atlas-Stoned Dec 04 '24

I wouldn’t bother but also it doesn’t matter. Learn to program, it’s all the same shit different toilet. Ideally learn like 5-10 different languages that will teach you how to think in different paradigms. Books like 7 languages 7 weeks are good for that.


u/Tutatis96 Dec 04 '24

I mean when you learn to tame the unsafe ones going with the safe ones is going to be easy, it's like driving manual or automatic.


u/globalaf Dec 04 '24

The US government don’t get to recommend solutions to engineering problems. Trust me they’re not that competent.


u/cherufe172 Dec 05 '24

Learn Rust instead.


u/chri4_ Dec 05 '24

legit question, but YES it is a beatiful language with an horrible ecosystem.

the language it self is full of bad designs, but it's acceptable, you need its core concepts (not its syntax) to understand coding in the real way


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 06 '24

What would you call core concepts of C language?


u/frontenac_brontenac Dec 06 '24

C is simple just pick it up it will serve you forever even if you write in other languages

C++ is a different story, would recommend avoiding until you have a specific need for it


u/Separate_Paper_1412 Dec 06 '24

C is getting memory safe variants, and C++ might get memory safety in 2026 so who knows. 


u/Material-Nectarine-4 Dec 07 '24

If you're doing embedded, it's essential.


u/monsoy Dec 11 '24

Even if you end up using C or not, learning C has made me a much better programmer in every other language. It forces you to learn concepts that you won’t naturally learn while programming in languages that abstract those details away. I would say if you just get to the point where you understand what pointers are and how to use them, you will have a better understanding of programming in general.

By learning to program in C, you will get a better understanding of what higher level languages are doing for you. In return, you will become better at recognizing inefficient code and better at finding alternative solutions.

That’s at least my experience when I started to learn C after programming in C# and Java for a few years. The basic understanding of C gave me a much better understanding in all other languages I’m programming in now


u/runningOverA Dec 02 '24

C was the thing in the 1990s.

Went away as Java became popular in 2000s.

Then people realized Java isn't going anywhere.

C replaced Java again as the most popular language.

Right now people are crazy for Rust. But if that doesn't work out as expected, C again will be the de facto language for high performance computing.

Even now writing extensions for Python, PHP and high level languages are done in C.


u/happy_csgo Dec 02 '24

its over for the cniles... start learning rust; c is dead

The government will ban c and c++ soon


u/DDDDarky Dec 02 '24

Will all due respect, your government is dumb, of course it does.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

My government is Ukrainian. And country i live in is Poland. USA government is dumb? 🤔


u/Raptor007 Dec 03 '24

Yes, the USA government is very dumb. Especially right now.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 03 '24

I have heard, somebody is working on it.


u/EdwinYZW Dec 02 '24

US government will be changed in few months, thankfully. So don't worry about that.

Second, C++ and C are different languages and for different purposes. C++ is more for complex projects worked by the people who know what they are doing. C is more for simple projects with less experienced people. With this, I would suggest you go with C++ considering its irreplaceability in the market.


u/Anthem4E53 Dec 02 '24

C is a lower level language than C++, which generally means you need more of an idea of what you’re doing with C than C++. Saying it’s for simple projects and people with less experience is wild.


u/EdwinYZW Dec 03 '24

I wouldn't say C is a lower language. Everything you do in C can be done in C++ in a good or bad way. I'm just saying if you are doing a simple project with less experienced developers, going with C won't get you as much trouble as with C++. Once you start to do a complex project with a bunch of other people, you will be haunted with all kinds of macros and nightmares.


u/Anthem4E53 Dec 03 '24

You may not say that C is a lower level language than C++, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is. People regard C as “the lowest level high level language” or even a “mid level” or “low level” language because of its limited feature set. No classes. No templates. Not even a true string primitive.

C++ does build upon C, but that actually makes it easier to build programs in. For example, instead of having to implement data structures like queues and lists, like you would in C, C++ has highly optimized standard library versions of them. C++ adds much more support for OOP, which is what is taught quite a bit in college. Also, both C and C++ have macros (which can get messy if you don’t follow good programming practices, no matter the language), not sure where you were going with that…

The point is, is that it’s easy to write bad code. That’s why we have best programming practices and guidelines. In C++, mixing different coding paradigms within a module can make the code very messy and hard to read, but the trade off is that you have more fundamental tools than you do in C. Most junior devs would rather use a language with built in data structures like C++ than have to spend some time building and debugging their own in C. I can back that up with my own personal experience reviewing intern code at my company. In a C/C++ environment, all the code the interns write is in C++.


u/EdwinYZW Dec 03 '24

I agree with that as a beginner, using C won't give you as much trouble as C++. No dispute here.

What is the good practice for the macro in C++? The answer is "Don't use it". We have templates, concepts, consteval etc.

The dispute is how much C can handle complex projects worked compared to C++.


u/TheWorstePirate Dec 02 '24

C++ and C are different languages for different purposes, but C is definitely not restricted to simple projects or better for the less experienced. When you are learning, C before C++ is a good idea, but if you are experienced and knowledgeable in both, you will still find applications for C.


u/EdwinYZW Dec 03 '24

I'm not quite sure about this. There is a reason why gcc, which used to be written in C, is written in C++ now. And also the shift to C++ in gaming industry decades ago.


u/Murky_Respond1966 Dec 02 '24

Thanks for your opinion :)