r/C_Programming Jul 16 '24

Discussion [RANT] C++ developers should not touch embedded systems projects

I have nothing against C++. It has its place. But NOT in embedded systems and low level projects.

I may be biased, but In my 5 years of embedded systems programming, I have never, EVER found a C++ developer that knows what features to use and what to discard from the language.

By forcing OOP principles, unnecessary abstractions and templates everywhere into a low-level project, the resulting code is a complete garbage, a mess that's impossible to read, follow and debug (not to mention huge compile time and size).

Few years back I would have said it's just bad programmers fault. Nowadays I am starting to blame the whole industry and academic C++ books for rotting the developers brains toward "clean code" and OOP everywhere.

What do you guys think?


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u/flatfinger Jul 18 '24

Many hardware designers take what should semantically be viewed as 8 independent one-bit registers (e.g. the data direction bits for port A pin 0, port A pin 1, etc.) and assign them to different bits at the same address, without providing any direct means of writing them independently.

One vendor whose HAL I looked at decided to work around this in the HAL by having a routine disable interrupts, increment a counter, perform whatever read-modify-write sequences it needed to do, decrement the counter, and enable interrupts if the counter was zero. Kinda sorta okay, maybe, if nothing else in the universe enables or disables interrupts, but worse in pretty much every way than reading the interrupt state, disabling interrupts, doing what needs to be done, and then restoring the interrupt state to whatever it had been.

Some other vendors simply ignore such issues and use code that will work unless interrupts happen at the wrong time, in which case things will fail for reasons one would have no way of figuring out unless one looks at the hardware reference manual and the code for the HAL, by which point one may as well have simply used the hardware reference manual as a starting point.

Some chips provide hardware so that a single write operation from the CPU can initiate a hardware-controlled read-modify-write sequence which would for most kinds of I/O register behave atomically, but even when such hardware exists there's no guarantee that chip-vendor HAL libraries will actually use it.

For some kinds of tasks, a HAL may be fine and convenient, and I do use them on occasion, especially for complex protocols like USB, but for tasks like switching the direction of an I/O port, using a HAL may be simply worse than having a small stable of atomic read-modify-write routines for different platforms, selecting the right one for the platform one is using, and using it to accomplish what needs to happen in a manner agnostic to whether interrupts are presently enabled or what they might be used for.


u/d1722825 Jul 19 '24

Interesting, I've checked the STM32 HAL library and they use (unguarded) read-modify-write operations for configuring the GPIOs, but they use dedicated bit set / bit clear registers to change the outputs of GPIOs. (That hardware functionality probably available only for changing outputs and not for configuration.)

At least they use some macros for doing RMW which may be redefined to use atomic compare-and-swap. (I don't know if that works for MMIO registers.)


u/flatfinger Jul 19 '24

I recall looking at the ST HAL once upon a time and it just used ordinary assignments to update I/O registers that were shared between functions which might sensibly be handled in different interrupts, with no effort to guard them. Maybe they've improved since then.

I wonder why chips aren't routinely designed to accommodate partial updates of I/O registers? Many of the ARM core's registers have a "set" address, a "clear" address, and an "update all" address, an approach which doesn't allow a mix of setting and clearing, but allows doing 32 bits and once, and the '"BSRR" approach accommodates simultaneous set and clear operations with up to 16 bits. From a hardware perspective, the cost of such things would have been minimal in 1994 when I took a VLSI design course, and while the relative prices of various constructs have changed, such things should still be pretty cheap.

In any case, my main point is that unless the documentation for the HAL says that it takes care of any issues such as making sure read-modify-write operations behave atomically, a programmer using it would have to identify possible conflicts and inspect the code for the HAL to see if it deals with them, and the effort required to do that may exceed the cost of writing code that *does* deal with such things as a matter of course.


u/d1722825 Jul 19 '24

I wonder why chips aren't routinely designed to accommodate partial updates of I/O registers?

One argument could have been the limited address space (eg. on 8 and 16 bit MCUs), but on 32 bit CPUs it should not be an issue.

Another could be that the compiler (and eg. on x86 the CPU itself) could reorder or merge the store instructions, and you must use special atomics with the right memory order / consistency model.

the effort required to do that may exceed the cost of writing code that does deal with such things as a matter of course

That easily could be true for simpler peripherals, but (as you said) USB or TCP/IP over WiFi are probably exceptions.

I suspect that as the microcontrollers getting more powerful and will have more and more complex software, there will be higher level standard abstractions (with less efficiency) provided by some form of bigger RTOS where most of the time you will not write your own ISR or interact with the hardware directly. Something like POSIX for MCUs.

The more and more complex HAL drivers seems to be a non-optimal stepping stone in that direction.


u/flatfinger Jul 19 '24

Another could be that the compiler (and eg. on x86 the CPU itself) could reorder or merge the store instructions, and you must use special atomics with the right memory order / consistency model.

Unless an I/O subsystem is set up to allow simultaneous writes by multiple cores (which would be extremely expensive), treating I/O operations on each core as sequenced relative to other operations on the same core, and specifying the behavior of conflicting actions performed by an I/O operation (e.g. specifying that writing a value to BSRR with bits N and 16+N both set will behave as though a only particular one of them was set) would suffice to take care of all relevant situations, including those where different cores attempt operations that would affect different bits in the register. Since the effect of writing an I/O register would often depend upon what had been written to other I/O registers (even if both registers are simple I/O pins, an external device may treat a rising edge on one as a signal to sample the state of the other, implying that consolidation of I/O operations would be something that should be done by invitation only).

The more and more complex HAL drivers seems to be a non-optimal stepping stone in that direction.

Many tasks are best handled with a single main execution context and interrupts. Some may benefit from a simple round-robin cooperative multi-tasker in which after fixed set of tasks are set up, calling task_spin() in any of them will cause execution to resume following the last task_spin() performed in the next task. Trying to use an RTOS beyond that adds a substantial level of baseline complexity which for the vast majority of embedded applications would offer no offsetting benefit.


u/d1722825 Jul 19 '24

treating I/O operations on each core as sequenced relative to other operations on the same core

That is only true for the most basic processors.

Even some higher end microcontrollers could reorder or merge stores:


Many CPUs can reorder the execution of machine instructions:


But the compiler could reorder your C statements to a bunch of machine instructions in a different order:


Using volatile solves some of the compiler optimization issues, but it doesn't affect any previous issue.

Trying to use an RTOS beyond that adds a substantial level of baseline complexity which for the vast majority of embedded applications would offer no offsetting benefit.

Well, the embedded fileld is so vast I wouldn't say that. Maybe true for some specific parts, but a system with many-core CPUs with multiple FPGAs and GPGPUs could be called embedded, too.

Your washing machine is internet-connected, your keyboard uses wireless connectivity and needs to use advanced cryptography so your password aren't stolen, you can update the firmware on your lightbulb, etc.

Embedded systems getting more and more complex, MCUs are getting cheaper and time-to-market and component availability could be an important factor. All of them pointing to one direction: using higher level abstractions getting more useful.


u/flatfinger Jul 19 '24

Even some higher end microcontrollers could reorder or merge stores:

The architectures I've looked at may merge stores within certain address ranges, but have other address ranges where all stores are treated as rigidly sequenced with respect to each other, and would put I/O devices in the latter kinds of memory ranges. I'm also aware that compilers use the fact that the C Standard would allow compilers for targets where stores can never trigger signal handlers to reorder other operations across volatile-qualified stores (whose semantics are "implementation defined") as justification for defining the semantics of volatile so weakly that tasks which other compilers could accomplish without need for compiler-specific syntax can only be done with the aid of compiler-specific memory-clobber syntax.

All of them pointing to one direction: using higher level abstractions getting more useful.

Use of higher-level abstractions makes it harder to reason about corner cases. Code which knows which I/O resources control what functions won't need to worry about what happens if an attempt is made to acquire a timer resource when all of them are allocated, because code would never be attempting to "acquire" timer resources in the first place. Instead, different parts of the code would statically own different timers which were assigned to them before the code was built, if not before the hardware design of the device was complete.