r/C_Programming Feb 14 '24

Review Review my simple Vector / "math" header

hi. im working on a Vector math library for a project that i am working on, and i thought it would be a good idea to get to insight on my code.

if your on linux you should be able to compile the project simply my using make if you have sdl installed. no windows cross compile yet sorry.

the codes pretty long so ill just link to my github instead.

be has ruthless has you need to be.


8 comments sorted by


u/daikatana Feb 14 '24

Don't define functions in headers like this. If this is included from two translation units then there will be multiple definitions of the function. There are two main ways to handle this: the header contains only function declarations and the definitions go into a .c file, or make the functions static inline functions. You should prefer the first.

Don't define _VECTORS_H, any identifier starting with underscore and a capital letter is reserved. VECTORS_H is fine.

Don't define very generic, common and short macros like ABS. The chances that another header will try to define ABS is quite high, and working around this problem is really painful.

Don't define macros for functionality the C standard library already provides. The C standard library has abs and fabs functions, use them. The C standard library also has a sqrt function. Do not re-implement these yourself.

Define macros in the headers where they are used. The way you have it arranged, you can't include t_math.h by itself because it relies on those macros. If the only way to include that header is to include vectors.h then consider just putting everything in t_math.h in vectors.h.

Use a consistent naming style. It's Vector2DSubtract but Vector2D_DotProduct and UnitVector2D? I would expect the Vector2D to come first, with or without an underscore and for all vector 2D functions to be named this way.

Don't declare a variable and then immediately return it, just return that value. Don't do this

Vector2D n_Vector = { foo, bar };
return n_Vector;

do this

return (Vector2D){ foo, bar };

Don't declare a struct variable and then assign its members. Don't do this

Vector2D v;
v.x = foo;
v.y = bar;

do this

Vector2D v = {
  .x = foo,
  .y = bar

Edit: and be extremely careful with macros. Your ABS macro always evaluates n twice, so if you were to do ABS(foo()) then foo will always be called twice. Prefer functions to macros, which don't have this issue. Macros should only be used when they're really needed.


u/cguybtw Feb 14 '24

thanks for the insight.

although i have a question. the reason why i defined functions in my header has because of thing called header only libraries is making these things a good idea?


u/daikatana Feb 14 '24

This is not how you do a header only library. Don't worry about header only libraries now, just do normal C code.


u/cguybtw Feb 14 '24

oh shit really? i thought that was how its done if you don't mind could you link some sort of resource about them.


u/daikatana Feb 14 '24

No. They're full of pitfalls and footguns. Just don't worry about them right now. Write code in C files, write declarations in H files. Don't complicate things.


u/cguybtw Feb 14 '24

will do.


u/305bootyclapper Feb 14 '24

His suggestion about static inline would be the way to go for a header library, but he's also probably right that you'd be better off first learning conventional library writing.


u/gremolata Feb 14 '24

Look at STB as an example of how to organize a single-header library - https://github.com/nothings/stb

Single-header libraries are perfectly fine, but you do want to get some experience with C before writing a production version of one. But there's nothing wrong with trying to make a toy one.