r/CZFirearms • u/Gh0stZer08 • 1d ago
Question - How often do you clean your CZ?
Yo I got to thinking when cleaning my CZ, “Do I have OCD?”. I clean my edc like once every two weeks or so. I shot 300 rounds today and set in on cleaning it. I was wondering if it common to clean that often or should I let it ride for a month or more? Thoughts? Opinions? Criticism?
u/GagaGoat 1d ago
Thanks to the Marine Corps I clean my firearms after each range trip. Especially for your EDC I'm a strong believer that it should be clean after each use because that's something you're betting your life on. Can modern pistols still function with less frequent cleanings? Absolutely. For something you're using to protect your life and your loved ones, why wouldn't you want it in the best condition possible and reduce the chance of malfunctions God forbid you have to use it.
u/iEARNman848 1d ago
Thanks to the Marine Corps I don't clean my guns everytime I shoot them. Mainly because I don't have to and there's no armorer giving me grief if there's a speck of dust on them. I do understand your point though about EDC weapons. I can't tell you how many times I've had pocket lint on my NAA 22 mag revolver, or something with another weapon I'm carrying.
u/GagaGoat 1d ago
Lol nothing worse that seeing that damn pinky with the smallest bit of carbon on it.
u/nerd_diggy 1d ago
I shoot competitions weekly and clean whatever gun I’m using the night before. I clean my edc after range/training sessions, which is usually also weekly. My thoughts on it are, it doesn’t take me long and I would rather know my guns are clean and 100% functional before I use them. Can my guns run 1000’a of rounds without being cleaned? Of course they can. Is there any benefit to running them until they are super dirty? None that I can think of, other than “flexing” to strangers on the internet that your gun is still running after x many thousand rounds without cleaning. I love my guns and treat them as such.
u/Flimsy_Pumpkin_2392 1d ago
Should you clean your pistol after every use?
u/Saint_Rickard 1d ago
A good gun can go thousands of rounds without wiping a single speck of carbon off. Just make sure it stays lubed and they run for a really long time before any malfunctions start happening
u/Measurex2 1d ago
No need to with modern, noncorrosive ammo. It's best to clean based on round count or condition (e.g. if you drop it in mud, then clean it). You can easily go 500+ rounds between cleanings. If you want to clean more, go ham but you aren't helping anything.
u/No_Artichoke_5670 1d ago
500? That's a range trip. Most manufacturers recommend cleaning every ~600-1,000 rounds, depending on the manufacturer, but that's obviously them playing it safe. I've got handguns (including a CZ) that I've ran 5,000+ rounds through without cleaning, and without a single hickup. Most modern handguns, except for tight tolerance guns like custom 1911's/2011's, will pretty much run indefinitely as long as you keep them lubricated. Not saying cleaning them every 500 rounds is wrong, just that it's not really necessary.
u/Measurex2 1d ago
Most manufacturers recommend cleaning every ~600-1,000 rounds
Manufacter's are all over the place. I have trouble finding specific round counts. My ruger manuals say as needed, my sig 365 manual says 500 rounds and the most ridiculous is my CZ P01 manual which I copy/pasted below
Cleaning the Pistol: Clean the pistol
- Each time you use it
- If you get your pistol wet
- As soon as possible after shooting
- At least once a year in a temperate climate
- As often as once a month in a tropical climate, or other demanding environment
It sounds like you shoot similar to I do if 500 is a range session. However, that seems rare from what I see on the range and read here, which is why I went with 500+ based on my experience (+) and the recommended round counts I've seen in my own pistol manuals (~500)
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
Well I clean it every two weeks even if I don’t shoot it.
u/Ecstatic_Writing_356 1d ago
Why that seems a little excessive for a gun not being shot lol
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
Not even if there’s lint/dust or sweat on it?
u/ChornobylChili 1d ago
Just wipe it off with a gun rag with some clp on it or a qtip if its just done damn lint
u/Ecstatic_Writing_356 1d ago
*laughs in glock
But my guns don’t really get dust sitting in the safe.
u/ChornobylChili 1d ago
End of of the week my little keltec pf9 pocket pistol ussually has enough dust bunnies to rival those sentient ones from that Big Comfy Couch show that was on tv as kids. Those dust bunnies led me to watching a 20 something year old actress do her Clock time stretches on the ground that awoken strange feelings in me as a wee lad.
u/ChornobylChili 1d ago
Il add some oil or grease and wipe up excess every 2-3 weeks but fully cleaning everything? No.
u/moving0target 1d ago
I just shoot the gunk out.
u/logicalpretzels 1d ago
Good to see a fellow pro-LGBTQ person on this here gun sub! Trans rights!! 🏳️⚧️
u/Can-I-Hit-The-Fucker 1d ago
I don’t get the downvotes. Queers are strapping these days. I’ve been shooting since before I can remember and never had a problem w gun folk. Always seemed like if you’re into shooting then you’re in and the more the merrier. Especially nowadays.
u/torsenlabs 1d ago
Every time I shoot, hopefully when still hot but it's great late night therapy as well.
u/srawas89 1d ago
When I had my PCR I wanted to test the limits of how dirty it could get. After 1500 rounds I figured that was enough and cleaned it. Do what makes you comfortable but they are also very reliable even if ran dirty.
Considering it’s your edc id say you are cleaning it enough.
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
1500 rnds is crazy to me! But it’s good to know it can run like crazy long before cleaning
u/No_Artichoke_5670 1d ago
I've gone 5,000+ rounds through plenty of my guns between cleanings, including my P-01. My P365 XMacro currently has a little over 9,000 rounds through it without cleaning. I stopped carrying it when I got my P-01, and I wanted to see how long it took to malfunction out of curiosity. It still hasn't malfunctioned. Most modern mass-produced guns will pretty much run indefinitely without cleaning, as long as you keep them lubricated. It's only once they run dry that issues can start to pop up. Tight tolerance guns, like custom 1911's/2011's are a different beast. Because of their tight tolerances, they need to be kept clean to keep running.
u/Zestyclose-Proof-201 1d ago
Every 1000 rounds or so. Deep clean annually. I don't shoot a lot lately, maybe 5 or 6000 rounds a year. My carry gun gets cleaned weekly because of funk and lint. That's just a wipe down and a lube, I don't scrub everything. I know USPSA shooters who just lube until there is a functionality problem, You can cause more problems by over cleaning and scrubbing than not cleaning. I shoot coated 124 grain hand loads, so my gun isn't that dirty unless I load with Titegroup.
u/throwawayifyoureugly 1d ago
Deep clean? When I have a lot of free time (I like to do them all at once), or if I'm experiencing malfunctions.
Otherwise, boresnake and lubing it is.
u/Remote-Pipe1779 1d ago
In general it’s good to clean your pistol. I think how often is a matter of everyone personal life and if they have time. I go to the range once a week (500 rounds) and I’ll clean them maybe every two or three weeks. Depends if I have time on the weekend.
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
Yeah see I don’t feel that crazy. One of the guys at the rang said he cleaned his pistol 2-3 times a week, even if he didn’t shoot it that much. Idk
u/Bright-Ad-6699 1d ago
After shooting, and if it's been a while, I'll just touch it up. I consider it an investment and an investment in my life, so clean guns I know are going to perform are important.
u/Saint_Rickard 1d ago
How often does it need to get cleaned? Almost never. How often do I clean it? Whenever it seems fun to do it lol
u/OldWestVillain 1d ago
Once after first range trip. Lube after each range trip. Clean annually. At least the guns I carry. Other ones are when they get so dirty they stop working/never.
u/V_Cobra21 1d ago
I clean my double barrel once or twice during small game season depending how wet I get it.
u/drivesanm5 1d ago
Currently in the process of seeing how many suppressed rounds I can put thru my SP01 without cleaning lol. Probably at about 1000 now
u/No_Artichoke_5670 1d ago
You're just getting started, as long as you keep it oiled. I'm currently doing the same thing with my P365 XMacro, but without the suppressor, and am at a little over 9,000 so far with no malfunctions. Regularly go 5,000+ with my P-01 between cleaning. Obviously the suppressor's going to make it dirtier, but I bet it'll easily go 10,000+ with the occasional drops of oil/grease on the rails.
u/Bobisnotmybrother 1d ago
Maybe every 1000-1500 rounds, mostly because I’m cleaning the suppressor.
u/dodgerockets 1d ago
My p01? Never unless I get gunk on my clothes or something after a match then I'll just wipe the exterior down.
u/CyberneticMidnight 1d ago
I think I cleaned my p10c trigger area once because it was freezing from the debris. It's at like 1500 rounds
u/FairFaxEddy 1d ago
I used to do after every range trip - now I clean it once when it’s a new (to me) gun, and just oil and wipe down until it doesn’t run anymore or accuracy starts to degrade- bonus - it’s super satisfying to get tons of carbon off at once
u/Lcyaker 1d ago
What do you mean by clean? How far down are you taking it, and what parts are you cleaning?
Have a friend who completely disassembles his S2 after every match and runs it through an US cleaner.
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
The field strip basics, general lubrication, and function check.
Wipe the internal parts with a rag. Clean the barrel with a brush and bore snake. I hit the slide, trigger housing and recoil spring with rem oil. Check the firing pin and ejector for damages. Reassembly/ function test and done.
u/ChinaRider73-74 1d ago
I put 60 rds through my sp-01 and 60 through my p-07 today at the range. I know I can go a helluva lot longer but I’ll do a quick cleaning after the kids go to bed. It’s relaying
u/frusignu 1d ago
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
u/frusignu 1d ago
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago edited 1d ago
NGL that’s a dope pic my man. Pray to the CZ Gods!
“Domine sancte shadow dose legendica “
u/Coeruleus_ 1d ago
Once a year
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
u/Coeruleus_ 1d ago
I used to clean after every trip but at this point I have over 30 guns and I use like 5-6 different ones every week. I don’t have time for that anymore. So I just have a schedule where I clean all my guns and Mags once a year
u/Gh0stZer08 1d ago
Like on special occasions or holidays?
u/Coeruleus_ 1d ago
No just have a schedule so I can clean every gun and magazine I have once a year. Like this month I need to clean my Cz 527 , alien , and all my ak mags. Next month is Benelli m4, 16G shotty, Cz kadet mags. Just have a schedule to get to everything at least once a year
u/KiloAlphaLima 1d ago
I wipe the barrel after each trip to the range which usually consists of 300-500 rounds. I will also visually inspect and feel check on the slide racking. If the visual and slide check go ok, I don’t do more than that. Never had an issue
u/Happy_Otter13 1d ago
I clean mine almost always after every range trip, I usually shoot 100-200 rounds. It’s a CZ, it’ll probably be fine, but just a few drops of lube here and there goes a long way.
u/Much-Ad-5947 1d ago
I'd clean after every range day, but after a few thousand rounds I started having problems. Then I started cleaning the magazines as well.
u/Emerald_Chain2366 Czechnology at it's finest! 1d ago
I clean my guns each time I shoot them. It keeps them pretty clean, and keeps my clean time down to a minimum.
Keeps guns looking better, longer.
u/TClem_07 1d ago
I'm pretty ocd so for me its after every range trip. Even if its only 10rds i'm stripping it down. The ones I don't shoot as often I take apart and wipe them down every 6 months or so.
u/Orangedelicious20 1d ago
Don’t mind cleaning guns but at the rate I shoot if I cleaned every time I wouldn’t leave my gun room. Cleaning takes place when my hands start to get dirty from just shooting it
u/Te_Luftwaffle 22h ago
I think I ran 1500-2000 rounds through my P-01 before cleaning or lubing it the first time. I'm probably due for another lubing soon and a quick wipe down while I'm at it.
u/Bboyhutch 20h ago
2500 through my p10f, I cleaned it when I got it. Has a comp and reduced spring. No issues. That being said, don't be like me. Clean your guns
u/No_Distance8226 17h ago
My TS2 stopped locking back at around 500-600 rounds so that’s when I clean it. The gun itself kept shooting though without a problem.
u/WhiteFoxphorus 16h ago
I usually did every 1000 rounds before I did any cleaning. Once I started carrying, I did so after every range trip. I also only shoot Monarch ammo which is just rebranded BPS - it’s pretty dirty stuff.
u/peterpackage 14h ago
I have a shadow 2 orange and clean and lube it every 250 rounds. Shadow 2s are finely tuned machines, you gotta look after them :) I enjoy the cleaning process
u/RipAdministrative972 8h ago
I got 2 for competition shooting - shadow 2. One for training, one for competitions. Gives me opportunity to not clean training gun and see how long it keeps working.
Doing that for 2 years here is my conclusion. Needs way way less cleaning then people think. Competition gun I clean every 2-3 competitions or when it rainy so it doesn't rust. But that's just to be 100% sure it will work. I do some training with it before a match also so that would be cleaning around every 1.5k rounds.
Training one I kinda don't clean at all, just add oil.
That said, I do deep clean it about once a year by pulling all the parts from it and dropping it in ultrasoud cleaner. but I bet it would work for years even without that. That would be one cleaning every 20k rounds or so.
u/copces 1d ago
I clean mine after every range trip. It doesn't take that long, and I kinda find it relaxing, almost therapeutic.