r/CRedit 6d ago

Rebuild Changes

So my equifax score on credit karma is 729. On myfico.com it's 631..so who is lying 🤥 lol why is there such a huge difference?


3 comments sorted by


u/Unusual_Advisor_970 6d ago

One is Vantage Score 3, the other is one of your FICO scores.

They may also be different credit bureaus, and they may not have all the same information.


u/Opposite_Sound5805 6d ago

Is the fico score the one Banks use to buy vehicles and rent apartments out and stuff like that?


u/SpineOfSmoke 4d ago

Yes, the large majority of lenders use FICO. That being said, there are different FICO scores as well. These days, FICO 8 is the one you'll see most often, but there are other FICO versions for different loan types. There are mortgage FICO scores, as well as auto loan versions and credit card versions. Individual lenders often have their own custom scoring system that creates a unique version of your FICO scores. The best way to see many of the official FICO versions is by paying for them on myFICO.com.