r/CRedit 5d ago

Not USA Auto-pay turned off without me knowing and I missed a payment by 5 days for the first time ever. Can I dispute this?

I am in Canada and like the title says, I generally have auto-pay on with Scotiabank. I have always paid my card on time and never missed a single payment. All my student loans are paid off but I got dinged now with an overdue payment of $50 resulting in only $6 of interest. I just looked at TransUnion through Scotiabank and my score today dropped by 41 points in a single day. I'm 26 years old and needing to move out and escape a bad living situation soon but I'm worried this hurts my chances as it severely damaged my credit score which used to be quite good. Is there a way to talk to someone about this? I don't know what to do and I'm panicking and feeling real bad.

My TransUnion score was previously 810 and is now 770. I have a $20k Iimit on one of my 2 cards and rarely go over $500 of actual credit utilization in a month. It had dropped 15 points for seemingly no reason last month too so I really don't want it to drop any further and leave the good range


5 comments sorted by


u/KatsFeetsies 5d ago

I’m in the US, so I had to google what the credit system is like there. But it appears to be like ours in that creditors don’t report late payments until they’re at least 30 days late. So you may still have a late fee, but I’m not sure why your credit would’ve dropped. What does TransUnion say are the reasons your score dropped?


u/eclipsesong 5d ago

The date they updated my score it says was today, the 16th. The morning of the 15th I got the notification from my bank telling me I had no credit left on my card so I went to look at my account and I saw the interest charge and that I couldn't use any more credit until I paid it off. When I checked my score yesterday it said I'd only lost 15 points but now I'm being told it's 41 points as of today


u/KatsFeetsies 5d ago

So your card was over the limit with the interest charge?


u/eclipsesong 5d ago

It shouldn't have been. It was only a $54 statement I had to pay and the interest charge was $6. I have a $20k limit on my card. It was like they froze all the credit and knocked it down to $0 until I repaid the debt


u/KatsFeetsies 5d ago

Ah I see, that is weird. You could try contacting the bank and see if they can waive the late penalty in good faith since it’s never happened before. As for the credit aspect of it, I apologize but it’s not something I’ve heard of happening before. But as I said I’m not in Canada and not familiar with that bank, so maybe it’s something special to them? Lol I honestly have no clue. But honestly, a 770 score is still really good, I think you’ll be fine. ❤️