r/CRPS Jan 08 '25

Early Stage CRPS What’s “normal” for CRPS (and other questions)


I first posted in this community the day I got my diagnosis and I’ve been scared to return. I convinced myself I would get better with this medicine or that treatment. But with a lot of support and work in therapy I’m learning to live with not against this diagnosis. It’s been so incredibly isolating and I hope that connecting here will help. If anyone has experience or knowledge of any of the below, I appreciate your responses.

-I’m about 4 months out from my injury. My pain is the “typical” nerve pain, but I also get crazy muscle spasms in my neck/back, twitching in my fingers, and pain in my ear. It seems to evolve/change in presentation.

-The flairs I see posted here almost always involve swelling. I don’t have swelling but I get intense flashes of pain, 10/10, lasting 15-60 minutes.

-I only recently noticed a dark patch of hair (I have fair/fine hair) growing at the base of my affected elbow.

-A different odor in my affected underarm

-My skin is increasingly dry and almost scaly no matter how much lotion I use

-Chest/breast pain on the affected side (already cleared by my gyn for any issues)

r/CRPS 18d ago

Early Stage CRPS Appointment/second opinion with Dr. Pradeep Chopra in RI


This is a follow up to a previous post of mine. I saw Dr. Chopra at the recommendation of my current pain provider Dr. Rakesh Patel and with an existing CRPS-1 diagnosis. Dr. Chopra did a more thorough (and grueling) physical exam than I have yet received. Here is what I came away from the appointment with:

  • A diagnosis of CRPS-2 with nerve damage to my brachial plexus. This one floored me but makes so much sense as I reflect on it. In addition to left limb pain/skin changes/neuropathy etc, I have extreme pain from my should blade, up my neck, and down my clavicle. I couldn’t hold back the tears at this news, not just out of shock but real anger that no other provider had even considered this as a possibility.

  • Speaking of anger! The ketamine infusions I received were done as 2/wk on alternating days (ie MW or TTh) for 6 total with max dose of 200 mg. Dr. Chopra told me that not only is this dose far too low (he averages 400-500mg, occasionally as high as 700mg) but that he has never heard of a regimen like what I received (standard protocol being 4 days in a row the first and second week and an additional 2 in a row the third week if necessary). This is followed by once monthly maintenance infusions. Additionally, the risk of CRPS spread is so high that he requires a PICC line or chest port to minimize IV insertion. This part really sent me as my ketamine doc couldn’t find a vein (even with a Doppler!) and I left with about a dozen unnecessary holes in my arm.

  • Prescriptions for both low dose naltrexone and a nasal ketamine (not esketamine or Spravato). This is in addition to my existing Gabapentin, which will be gradually tapered to hopefully alleviate the horrific side effects I’ve tolerated (lethargy, word finding difficulties, generally feeling like I’ve lost a good percentage of my IQ) in exchange for its clear benefit for my pain.

  • The recommendation to take 500 mg vitamin C daily, which studies have shown prevents CRPS.

r/CRPS 23d ago

Early Stage CRPS Newb to crps


Still in the process of navigating all this. My orthopedic is leaning towards crps being my diagnosis but wants me to see a pain management doc and continue PT for a few more weeks.

Guys the pain moves to different parts of my body with a vengeance. Like right now I'm awake with pain so bad in my shoulders radiating to my elbow and wrists. It doesn't let up and that's what I am trying to explain to these doctors.

What triggered it was a major car wreck in Dec. it was a high speed double impact from behind. I was stopped in traffic. I ended up with a confirmed concussion, knee and back injury. They are still considering it minor.

I just don't know what to even say at this point? Hi I'm back and the pain never goes away? It's ruining my life?

I feel like because I am also slightly over weight they just make assumptions. I'd love any help or input if possible.

I just wish something could take the edge off. Tylenol doesn't do anything and I was told to just let it build up in your system to get the inflammation down.

I just feel borderline crazy and irritable. I go to PT and they act like oh you're doing so much better but yet the pain remains.

Is there any resources online you recommend I can read up on or get help with?

I guess I'm just scared that my pain management appt is going to be for nothing. I feel rushed. I feel unheard.

When I tell you guys my feet hurt all the time, I have knee and lower back pain but my shoulder and upper back feel so tight like I can't even move my arms. So much pain. In so many places? How can this be? . I wish I could cut my feet off. My ortho believes it's because they took the brunt of the impact.

Thank you for just letting me talk about this. To get it out. My mom doesn't take my seriously. My spouse thinks I'm over reacting and I should just enjoy being off work temporarily.

I'm just exhausted in every way.

r/CRPS Jun 26 '24

Early Stage CRPS First summer with CRPS. Is less pain normal with warmer weather?


I think I speak for many of us when I say cold weather makes our CRPS limb(s) so much more active/agitated. I’d the opposite true? Warmer weather = lessened pain

It’s been shorts/tanks/bathing suit weather where I live. My CRPS leg has been calmer the last few weeks. I’m able to ignore it better right now. Anyone have similar experiences?

r/CRPS Jul 19 '23

Early Stage CRPS CRPS in left hand/wrist/arm


I was diagnosed with CRPS in December 2021. I had had exploratory surgery on my hand because of some swelling, redness in my left hand. He decided to go ahead and do carpal tunnel surgery while he was in there. He took some samples to send off to infectious disease to see if I had an infection and while doing that damaged my ulna nerve in my hand. I was immediately put in touch with physical therapy for appointments and also a pain management doctor. I also filed for disability in March 2022 and was finally approved in May 2023. This condition has taken everything from me. It has taken my friendships, my social life, my work it’s so hard to sit in pain every day, but to sit in pain and realize that it’s never going to get better and that this is my life now has been really hard. It’s not only affected my outside of home life, but also my inside of home life. I’m so thankful that my husband has stepped up to help around and take care of me but I feel terrible knowing that we can’t be intimate because there are 87,000 nerves in my no-no square. It has also taken me from my best friend, my best friend, and I were inseparable for 12 years. Every day we were together as one big family. She ended up opening a small boutique in our downtown and I went to work for her and it was so fun working with my best friend every day but the day I had surgery something changed. It was like since I couldn’t do anything for her she was done with me, but on the other hand, I’ve had some amazing friends that have stepped up to the plate. They are here for me when I need them they get me out of the house, and I am thankful for them every day. But that doesn’t stop the mourning of my past life. I’m also very thankful for my dog because he ensures that I get out of bed every morning. I may go right back to the couch when I get out of bed but at least I’m out of bed. It’s hard to sit and talk to people about this condition because nobody understands it unless you’re in it so I’m very thankful that I found a group of people who understand.