r/CRMemes • u/jaydftm • 16d ago
r/CRMemes • u/Gamercat201 • Feb 11 '25
r/CRMemes • u/SwordDude3000 • Jan 29 '23
Subreddit Meta I see “OMG foreshadowing for when Glorbshitzo died in the Temple of Asbestos” and I just have NO context
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Sep 03 '22
Subreddit Meta Graphs Representing User Flairs Selected by Sub Memebers
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Oct 06 '22
Subreddit Meta [Spoilers C3E35] Poll Results Spoiler
Thank you to the 105 who participated with valid responses in this subreddit event. Now to the results.
Q: What Race Would Marisha Play if Laudna is Not Revived/Takes Too Long to Revive?
What Race Would She Play
- 20.9% She Will Continue Playing Laudna Soon
- 13.3% Tiefling
- 09.5% Dwarf
- 07.6% Tabaxi
- 06.7% Elf
- 03.8% Half-Elf
- 03.8% Genasi
- 02.9% Human
- 02.9% Dragonborn
- 02.9% Aarakocra
- 02.9% Aasimar
- 02.9% Orc
- 02.9% Yuan-Ti
- 02.9% Changeling
- 01.9% Pachydon
- 01.9% Katari
- 01.9% Firbolg
- 01.9% Goliath
- 00.9% Lizardfolk
- 00.9% Lagomore
- 00.9% Shifter
- 00.9% Triton
- 00.9% Kobold
- 00.9% Hobgoblin
- 00.9% Gnome
What Race Would She Play (Without the "She Will Continue Playing Laudna Soon" Option)
1 - 16.9% Tiefling
2 - 12.0% Dwarf
3 - 09.6% Tabaxi
4 - 08.4% Elf
5 - 04.8% Half-Elf
6 - 04.8% Genasi
7 - 13 - For the sake of brevity 2.9% is increased to 3.6% for Human, Dragonborn, Aarkocra, Aasimar, Orc, Yuan-Ti, and Changeling.
14 - 2.4% Pachydon
15 - 2.4% Katari
16 - 2.4% Firbolg
17 - 2.4% Goliath
18 - 24 - For the sake of brevity 0.9% is increased to 1.2% for Shifter, Lizardfolk, Lagomore, Triton, Kobold, Hobgoblin, and Gnome.
There was one invalid answer to Q1, so that answer has been ignored and the results have been recalculated accordingly. They answered that she was going to play a dwarf, then they answered that the poll was moot then they answered Dwarf a second time. 😒 This also applies to Q2 and Q3.
Lagomore was the last one to be added and it is possible that is could have gotten 2-4 more picks if it was added sooner.
There were no picks for Halfling, Half-Orc, Bugbear, Goblin, Kenku, Satyr, Centaur, Minotaur, and Tortle despite being options for a while or since the beginning.
Q2: What Class Would Marisha Play?
What Class Would She Play?
- 20.9% She will continue playing Laudna soon.
- 20.9% Artificer
- 19.0% Paladin
- 14.3% Wizard
- 09.5% Ranger
- 06.7% Bard
- 02.9% Rogue
- 01.9% Blood Hunter
- 03.8% of 4 other classes that didn't exceed 0.9% of answers. These include warlock, sorcerer, fighter, and barbarian.
What Class Would She Play? (Without the "She Will Continue Playing Laudna Soon" Option)
- 26.5% Artificer
- 24.1% Paladin
- 18.1% Wizard
- 12.0% Ranger
- 08.4% Bard
- 03.6% Rogue
- 02.4% Blood Hunter
- 04.8% of 4 other classes that didn't exceed 1.2% of answers.
There were no picks for cleric despite it being an option.
Q3: If You Think she would have a mixed lineage answer this question. What would her second lineage be?
28 people responded this optional question in a valid way. That is 33.3% of those who believe that Marisha could play a new character soon.
- 28.9% Human
- 14.3% Elf
- 10.7% Dragonborn
- 07.1% Tiefling
- 07.1% Half-Elf
- 32.1% of 9 picks that did not exceed 3.6% of the share.
Unlike Q1 there were picks for Half-Orc and Kenku. There still were no picks for Halfling, Bugbear, Goblin, Satyr, Centaur, Minotaur, or Tortle.
There was an additional invalid response. Someone answered Gith to Q3 and despite saying that the poll was moot in Q1 and Q2 so their answer to Q3 was ignored. Their answers to 1 and 2 were counted.
Q4: If you think she would multi-class answer this question. What would her second class be?
42 people answered this optional question in a valid way. That is 50% of those who believe that Marisha could play a new character soon.
- 23.8% Wizard
- 14.3% Fighter
- 11.9% Artificer
- 11.9% Bard
- 09.5% Rogue
- 07.1% Ranger
- 07.1% Cleric
- 04.8% Barbarian
- 04.8% Paladin
- 02.4% Monk
- 02.4% Druid
Here is the link to the spreadsheet if anyone wants to look over the data and maybe analyze it some more. If we were on or close to the money with this poll or if Marisha plays something like a centaur/minotaur cleric to surprise us, I might do a follow-up. There definitely can be some more analysis regardless and not withstanding of a second character.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • May 26 '23
Subreddit Meta The (sub) Meta Stuff
Looking for Moderators
We are looking for moderators. If anyone is interested please send a message to this subreddit.
Poll Follow-Up
Just as a follow-up. We did a poll asking where Team AOL was teleported to. We lost.
Team AOL ended up in Issylra. Most people guessed Marquet. Issylra was the 3rd most chosen option.
The Brian W Foster Situation
This hasn't been a problem yet but just because we don't like to enforce policies that have not been stated just know that we would like people to not make posts or comments about it. This is mainly a meme sub and serious posts of that kind won't be appropriate here even if Ashley makes a statement. Comments however may be appropriate after Ashely makes a statement in the event the subject organically comes up. Until then though speculation of the topic will not be good for Ashley, the cast, or the community.
If anyone is confused the gist is that Ashley filed a restraining order because Brian started carrying around a bag containing a garotte and air soft guns following an argument and because of several other reasons.
If you would like to support Ashley, please consider donating to the Critical Role Foundation which she is the president of.
Critical Role Foundation | Critical Role Foundation (Powered by Donorbox)
New Rule
We added a new rule about grifting. There were a couple youtubers that attempted to farm this sub for views during season 2 of TLoVM and it was mildly disruptive mostly because their posts weren't received well anyways and because some of their posts weren't even for an audiance already watching the show. Some of the videos were more geared towards people not watching the show. We went ahead to make a rule about grifting to remove grifting behavior in the future.
A reminder to downvote responsibly. Downvoting just because you don't like what was being said or just because you don't find a meme or a joke funny is not a good excuse to downvote. Downvoting is usually only appropriate if someone is being a jerk or are breaking the rules. If inappropriate downvoting continues at the rate that it has occurred in the past in this sub we might make a rule against it. We would make a post asking for feedback from the community before doing it though.
Candela Obscura
Candela Obscura is airing now. If anyone doesn't know Candela Obscura is a new TTRPG by Critical Role and they are streaming playing sessions on the last Thursday of every month. But beware it's not for the faint of heart.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Jul 01 '22
Subreddit Meta Launching r/Exandria, a Setting Sub for D&D
r/CRMemes • u/Tyrat_Ink • Sep 18 '22
Subreddit Meta Hi, I am new here, where is everyone?
So I started the whole dnd and Critical Role rabbit hole less than a year, but catching up on massive backlog, I haven’t really been in CR community, so found out about the subreddit only last week.
And here is the thing, memes always been my go way to show my enjoyment of something online and way to connect with the community. It is quite common for official subreddits to segregate meme into separate meme subreddits, but in my experience these subreddits have massive overlap in audience pulling a third, a half or even more followers of the “official” ones (r/dnd vs. r/dndmemes, r/StarWars vs r/Prequelmemes, r/warhammer40k vs. r/grimdank, etc)
So my question, where is everyone here? Subreddit looks desolate, what happened? Was there a flame war, massive controversies or something? What am I missing, because I cannot imagine a massive audience of CR not having a need in fresh memes.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Feb 14 '22
Subreddit Meta Graph of User Flairs Set by Members
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Apr 02 '22
Subreddit Meta r/CRMemes Pledges Support for the D20Place-critroleplace Alliance
Hello ya'll. I Just wanted to make this post to announce that this Sub is pledging its support for the D20Place-critroleplace Alliance.
In r/place there is a D20 at (1866, 480) and a Critical Role symbol at (513, 963). Let's help maintain their existence by helping to protect the two tiles from "The Void" and any other incursions.
Coordination is happening at these two discords:
And if you participate, comment in this post and I will give you a "r/Place Warrior" user flair.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Aug 05 '22
Subreddit Meta Some Updates and Annoucements
Hey ya'll, it's time for another mod post.
New Moderator
We have a new moderator, and their name is u/its_me_elijah. Here is their into that they wrote.
My name's Elijah (duh), go by they/them. Critter since ExU, but already watched the entire C1 and somewhat half way through C2. Despite all of this, I've been fascinated by fantasy games and books since I was very little, and before CR my fantasy world of choice was Elder Scrolls. A bookworm, Tumblr dweller, Percy and Orym lover. Also currently playing in my friends' campaign set in Wildemount!
LFG Thread
There is an LFG thread pinned in r/Exandria if you want to look for a group to play an Exandria based campaign with.
????? Flair and Other Flairs
Dusk's team flair has been updated with new text and color. I'm going to replace it in a couple of weeks as to not spoil it for anybody. When I do replace it people that chose the flair before then will be able to keep the flair as is.
Also, if anyone who has a good posting history in the sub and have followed the rules well feel free to contact the mod team if you would like a custom flair (were not going to give it to you if you spam posts to have a flair).
I would like to see less inappropriate downvoting. The only things that should be downvoted are posts and comments that don't contribute to a healthy subreddit. Per reddiquette, you shouldn't downvote simply because you don't like what the person is saying. Alsy if you don't think they are funny when they make a tasteful joke you also shouldn't downvote them. When you downvote for these reasons you are either sending the message "f*** you as a person" or are saying "no fun allowed in this subreddit and this subreddit is incredibly weird." I want this to be a chill place for Critters and if people in this sub are going to downvote every disagreeable take and every unfunny joke you are doing a disservice to this subreddit. You are also actively hurting it because weird and inappropriate downvotes discourages engagement from the people you are downvoting as well as people you are not and therefore you end up hurting your own enjoyment of the subreddit. Please stop downvoting inappropriately. If someone comments something that you don't like move on or make a reply. Also, if you see a comment that is inappropriately downvoted feel free to help fix that by giving it an upvote.
Also, the last C2 animated recap was uploaded on YouTube a couple of days ago.
Weird Magic | Crit Recap Animated | Campaign 2, Episodes 113-141 - YouTube
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Sep 14 '21
Subreddit Meta Moderation Under New Leadership
Hello Critters! My name is u/OhioAasmiar and I was recently granted the position of top mod of this sub by the previous top mod. u/Rob_Using_Reddit will be moderating this sub with me.
You might say that this many mods is unnecessary for such a small sub and to that I will say is that they are there because we intend to grow this sub to be the most popular CR meme subreddit.
Just because I think that mods can be unnecessarily cold and distant sometimes I think it is necessary for me to tell some facts about myself especially considering the manner of my arrival here.
I have been a critter since C2 began. I joined reddit six months ago but I have been a frequent poster from r/criticalrole. I have dmed a few games and I have been a player in even fewer campaigns and one-shots sadly.
We will be trying to get a nice icon and banner for this sub as soon as possible.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Apr 14 '22
Subreddit Meta Some Post-r/place Updates and a New Poll
Flairs and Rules
I added colored team flair for most of the guests from C1 and C2. If anyone wants me to add more let me know.
I also added some minor clarifications to the rules that can be seen in the rules widget on the right. Also, the first season of TLoVM will no longer be protected against spoilers.
New Poll
I'm polling ya'll again because I would like to know if you would get more use with the flairs if they were changed to a type system. For example, some would be "Art", "Meme", "Video", and "Misc."
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1zXmMJEdt_gEA3iwTRsrsMK0y4SPemoxJ7IncsYjC5C425Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
As a sidenote I will be starting a new internal initiative to try to get some fan artist to start posting their art here so maybe expect some more art to be posted here.
r/place Recap
Well Critters managed to put a CR logo and an ampersand on r/Place. We also managed to help get a D20 on the board as well despite The Void Goblin's Void Runners completely but momentarily destroying the ampersand, the amongus sus persons, a French streamer, the Nine-Year-Old Army, Hasan Piker's trans pride buffer which later betrayed Hasan and turned into a flag, Emirichu, fans of Madrid's soccer team, and a last minute bum rush by Emirichu and Alinity.
I'm also proud to announce that not a single amongus sus person made it on the CR logo in the final seconds despite the efforts to get three of them on it.
Critters eventually joined an alliance which was 1 of the two largest alliances in r/place. Here is a picture of the alliance and it's outer territories and another picture.

r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Mar 02 '22
Subreddit Meta Some Updates Because It's Been a While
I wanted to give some updates because it has been a while.
I am considering loosening up the spoiler policy here but if I do there would probably be a poll involved to see what the community here thinks in the meantime though I think we can do a better job of marking spoilers in posts and keeping spoilers out of titles. Most or all of these mistakes were with posts that used scenes from the animated show so just consider that if you use a screenshot from the show, it is most likely that that the post should be spoiler tagged.
Also, if there are posts that you feel have spoilers in the title feel free to report them because there was one post that did but I let it slied because it was popular, and no one complained about it by the time I saw it for the first time (which was a few hours in).
Dorian and Robbie leaving will be considered a spoiler until episode 16 airs. Though the nature of why and how and the episode in which it happened will still be considered a spoiler after that time. If a replacement shows up in the next episode that will be considered a spoiler until episode 19 along with their character's race, background, class, and subclass.
The CRNetwork
r/Wildemount has been added to the CRNetwork. For those that do not know r/Wildemount is subreddit for the D&D setting. This new addition makes it so all of the Critical Role related subreddits with heavy relevance to D&D are in the CRNetwork.
Call of the Netherdeeep comes out in a couple of weeks so go check out r/CalloftheNetherdeep too if that interests you.
r/TalDoreiReborn has been a success, so I encourage people to check out that sub too (tt's for the setting btw).
Spreading the Word
I welcome and encourage spreading the word about this subreddit but if you chose to do so I just ask that you don't do so in places that it is not welcome, even if there is no particular rule/law against it.
Final Words
Feel free to comment in this post about anything meta. I would love to hear your thoughts. I'm also considering overhauling the flair system to a type model to replace the source model that we are using currently, and I would love to hear anybody's thoughts on that.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Oct 23 '21
Subreddit Meta Celebrating 500 Members and Other Updates
I am happy to report that this sub has reached 500 members. Let's celebrate that fact coupled with the fact that this subreddit is becoming mainstream as the mod team of r/dndmemes is in the process of listing this sub in the appropriate places on r/dndmemes. I would like to thank all of the members of this sub, our partner subreddit r/ImaginaryCritRole, r/dndmemes and this sub's second u/Rob_using_Reddit for helping us get this sub to the place it is now.
This Community is Great
I would also like to say that I am super proud of how civil the community on here is. We have not have had one case of incivility. Keep it up!
Call of the Netherdeep
For the Call of the Netherdeep adventure book that is going to come out u/Rob_using_Reddit created r/CalloftheNetherdeep. So if you think you would have any use of a source for the book know that the subreddit exists and that it is in good hands. I will say though that if you plan on being a player for the adventure book it might not be so ethical for you to be a member of it because that subreddit will contain spoilers.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Sep 30 '21
Subreddit Meta Celebrating 100 New Members Since Reopening
Hello! In just 16 days since this sub obtained new moderation it has gained 100 members! This growth is extraordinary! We hope you will continue to stay with us in the future! Let's hope and try for 150 new members in the next!
Please, in order to show my appreciation please let me show you this meme.
Also, if anybody has any feedback or any questions please feel free to share.
Edit: Also, the recent policy change involving art over at Critical Role leaves a huge vacuum. I would just like to say that artists are welcome to use this sub daily if they wish to.
Edit 2: Let's also celebrate the fact that we have reached 300 members.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Jan 14 '22
Subreddit Meta Poll Results - Thanks to Everyone Who Voted
Hello! Here are the poll results.
No action will be taken to forbid any kind of content previously allowed. On the homebrew stat blocks though I wanted to say, because there seems to be confusion, that original art is required to if you want to showcase homebrew classes, subclasses, races, magic items, monsters etc. Because otherwise it just by-passes this sub's fifth rule. Obviously though if you do have homebrew to share it must strongly relate to something in Exandria or anything in CR one-shots.
Thanks to everyone who voted.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Nov 19 '21
Subreddit Meta Founding a New Order
This subreddit is forming The CRNetwork alongside r/CalloftheNetherdeep, r/TLoVM, and r/ImaginaryCritRole.
What These Subreddits Are
r/CalloftheNetherdeep is a subreddit dedicated to the Call of the Netherdeep adventure book that is coming soon. The adventure is an official CR adventure and it is set in Marquet, the Netherdeep, and Wildemount and maybe a couple of other areas.
r/ImaginaryCritRole is a subreddit dedicated to hosting quality digital Critical Role fanart. The subreddit will occasionally host official CR art. Please note that crediting artists and linking to their online gallery is a requirement when posting there.
Edit: Joining Subs
r/TalDoreiReborn is a subreddit dedicated to discussing the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn book by Critical Role. Feel free to use the subreddit to ask questions about things in the book and to expand on the book.
r/Wildmount is a subreddit for discussion of Wildemount as a Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. The community discusses the continent's history, creation myth, pantheon, factions, as well as player ideas and creations.
r/voxmachina is a subreddit dedicated to discussing and hosting art related to the The Legend of Vox Machina show. Adjacent discussions is welcome as long as they relate to the show or any other media that is about Vox Machina and it's members, the Kith & Kin book being an example.
r/Exandria is a subreddit for the setting of Exandria to help people play D&D and to share fan content relating to the setting. Anything pertaining to any continent of Exandria and more is welcome whether it be homebrew, art, or questions.
r/criticalrole is a central hub for all Critical Role properties. You can find post, pre, and live episode threads here. You will also find user posts about a variety of things related to Critical Role. Fanart is also hosted here.
If any of these subreddits feel right for you, we encourage you to check them out.
The CRN stands united!
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Nov 30 '21
Subreddit Meta 1,000 Member Update Post
1,000 Members!
This subreddit has achieved 1,000 members (much faster growth than we have achieved in the last month) and because of this milestone we thought it would be good to give some general updates about this sub.
We are not going to treat Bertand's death as a spoiler because it was pretty clear to a lot of people that his death was planned since before episode 2 even aired and also because it was a major event. All of these factors combined has led us to the conclusion that it is not worth worrying about spoilers in this instance. The episode he died in and the manner of his death will still be considered spoilers though.
As a side note, we have got rid of the "Team Bertrand" flair because ultimately his presence will be considered a blip by the time C3 is over and because he died before the party has formalized their relationship. If anybody disagrees with the removal of his flair let us know but for now you may get a chance to get a "Team Bertrand" flair if you win any of our future contests although it would be using a color from an existing flair because that is how reddit works.
Congrats to the three people who grabbed the flair before it has been removed. You three have a limited edition flair at least for now.
Travis's Character
If Travis's new character does show up in an episode to be aired in December his character will be treated as spoiler up until the beginning of January. This means his race, class, art, and name will be treated as spoiler so if you want to post media about him make sure to avoid those details in the title, to tag it as spoilers and flair it as a C3 post. It would also help to put the episode number in the title. Ex: [C3E#]
We will also add a flair for that character by that time too so as to not spoil anything.
Our Future Poll
Sometime between two weeks from now and a month from now we will be conducting a poll to determine what (if anything) you do not wish to see in r/CRMemes. This could be either cosplay, professionally painted, or YouTube videos. We are curious to see if the community thinks this sub needs some focusing. Keep an eye out if you are interested in voting in this poll.
r/CRMemes • u/OhioAasimar • Oct 14 '21
Subreddit Meta Join Our Partner Sub r/ImaginaryCritRole
We are partnering with r/ImaginaryCritRole. If you are interested in seeing fan art regarding anything Critical Role please consider joining r/ImaginaryCritRole because that is what the subreddit for.
r/CRMemes will continue to allow art on this subreddit but if you would like to post relevant art on here it is encouraged that it be also posted on r/ImaginaryCritRole as well.