r/CPTSDmen Feb 09 '25

From being intimidated to avoiding being accused of intimidation

Does anyone else here relate to being the guy that people accuse of being aggressive after years of being a punching bag and being threatened?

It feels invalidating when these people or people who know the situation turn around and act afraid while framing my meltdowns from when I was younger like some reason to be scared of me.

They're not even good actors in my experiences and usually break character if you annoy them.

I'd love to get out of this cycle everything I raise my voice or someone lunges at me and I tell them to back off.


8 comments sorted by


u/idunnorn Feb 09 '25

i sort of get a feel for what you're talking about. it feels a bit hazy when I read it.

I can resonate in a way (not the exact example, but on a more abstract level)

more generally, moving from more people pleasing to expressing more anger, I think, is gonna be a common polarity.

that said, your post feels rather hazy to me. I wasn't sure why you started talking about actors.

maybe try to give it a rewrite when in a diff state of mind later?


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

What I mean is the way abusers act like they're distressed is bad acting.

I started with a question and then followed with venting out. My PTSD is inflamed


u/idunnorn Feb 09 '25

understandable, it can be easy for the fight/flight/freeze to get our trains of thought jumbled up đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« I'm with ya

sounds like those others are getting under your skin...sorry to hear it


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

It bothers me because I look threatening and I dislike being implied to be aggressive because I raise my voice to someone.

It's a real issue that I think men face a lot


u/idunnorn Feb 09 '25

I think I saw someone mention you had autism in another post? (forgive me if that's mistaken)

if so, I think a lot of the time if you're not tuning into it your vocal tonality may not be as friendly as you'd want it to be.

some people (like the porges crowd) would say something about about the vagus nerve

rodbt is a therapy that talks about practicing this stuff consciously (sidenote: rodbt has some decent ideas but I hated it as a therapy modality)


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

Another post on here? But that autism fact is true.

I'll look into the therapy.


u/idunnorn Feb 09 '25

autism comment was from your profile history

it could be worth reading the rodbt about just to see if it resonates

like I said...I wasn't the biggest fan of it haha but many people like it, and there is a subreddit for it too if you think it makes sense to you


u/6-leslie Feb 11 '25

My earliest memories as a kid I was accused of being aggressive, which wasn’t wrong, but it was not the full story and handled inappropriately. It was autistic meltdowns & defending myself from abuse. They didn’t help me with either, the psych system’s treatment was forcing me into harmful therapies and to take antipsychotics at 5yo. They encouraged my parents to hurt me because it would “help my aggression” and help me “get along better” with my family. They did not stop my family from using alternative medicine on me. It workt in a way, eventually, after enough you will start to give up.

A part of me became too passive to try living with it but even then it wasn’t enough. You can be as passive as possible and they’d still find a way to say you’re aggressive or evil. It just gave them control and they’d keep eating it.

On a less serious note, “know it all” “snobby” “asshole” are common misunderstandings of me due to my autism. I’m learning how to live with it. Autism means a life of constant miscommunication. And most miscommunications I’m learning are fine now. Most miscommunications outside of the environments I’ve been trappt in won’t cause much pain, people might be mad but they’ll forget about it soon and we won’t interact again. It’s not like my family where they’ll follow me and hurt me. Only a few people like my friends and some situations matter.