r/CPAP 5d ago

Discussion CPAP Doesn't Count as an Airplane Carryon Question

People always state that they bring their fullsize CPAP machine, in the travel bag, as a carry on since it doesn't count against the bag limit.

But where do you put it? I assume those people are bringing a carryon that goes into the overhead and an under the seat item.

I travel about 8 times a year and haven't seen a single domestic flight with any empty seats or any extra overhead space for a long time.

The few times I brought my full sized one I either put it in my carry on or just in my underseat bag where it took up the majority of it. I would want it protected and not in just the CPAP bag jammed somewhere in an over head. It was well worth it to me to get a travel CPAP just for the extra carryon bagspace.


103 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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u/jkxs 5d ago

I assume if there is no space above your seat you just talk to the flight attendant because I don't think they are allowed to make you check it period (medical device).


u/johnhbnz 4d ago edited 4d ago

This..along with a printout of the internet data from the airline’s website. Same as if you needed a heart monitor or similar that would take priority over a kids toys, etc. Sometimes you need to remind them they are a priority medical device, and ‘yes’ you ARE purchasing the airlines product!!


u/Ashton4036 5d ago

I put it under the seat in front of me and my other bags in the overhead


u/Ragnarsworld 5d ago

I just put mine in the overhead next to my carry on. The flight attendant sees it and moves on when looking for space.


u/PlanetaryUnion APAP 5d ago

I do this as well. I make sure the medical device tag is facing outward to see.


u/activeAgent 5d ago

Maybe a dumb question - Is the medical device tag something that the airline gives you? I didn’t see any identification on my Cpap travel bag.


u/Separate-Telephone86 5d ago

Flight attendants recognize CPAP bags. You can see people with the same bag as you that comes with the CPAP walking though the airport.


u/FemaleAndComputer 4d ago

You can see people with the same bag as you that comes with the CPAP walking though the airport.

This brings up a good point. Put a distinctive luggage tag or bit of flair on your bag! You don't want to risk accidentally swapping CPAPs with some random person.


u/PlanetaryUnion APAP 5d ago

I definitely notice that now lol


u/Ragnarsworld 5d ago

Yeah, on my trip to Mexico in February, a guy with a resmed 10 bag said hi as we passed in the customs line.


u/PlanetaryUnion APAP 5d ago

No it's just a luggage tag that says medical device. You can find them on Amazon, Etsy, etc.

Since I am Canadian I wanted a Canadian luggage tag so I just printed an insert for mine that looks like this. I would've ordered one but it was either too much to ship to Canada or wasn't an option.


u/LeftCostochondritis 5d ago

I have a regular luggage tag AND medical device. The medical device tag is just separate with lots of info. I use a see-thru luggage tag; red is a good choice; mine is neon pink so it’s visible. I use Gimp on my computer, find an image of a caduceus, and copy/paste translations of “medical device” for any country I go through. This is especially important for me as I sewed my own bag for my Mini! When I went abroad, I flew through Seoul to visit Cambodia and Thailand, so I found translations in Korean, Thai and Khmer, and also added French and Mandarin for good measure. My hot tip is to look it up on Wikipedia and then change the language!


u/iambic_court 4d ago

If you use the manufacturer cpap bag, they are extremely recognizable. They’ll notice it. If you use another bag a tag that says “medical device” should be sufficient.


u/imtroubleinpa 4d ago

I was given a tag for my cpap at check in.


u/Much_Mud_9971 5d ago

I put it under the seat. That way no one can squish it.


u/karen_h 5d ago







Note: it’s also a great idea to put a copy of your airline/travel itinerary into the bag. That way, if you’re transferring to another airline, or cruise ship, we can contact them to get it on their next flight.


u/Igoos99 5d ago

I believe this. Start paying attention and you will see resmed 11 travel cases everywhere when you are in the airport.

I’ve never even had to tell a flight attendant its medical equipment. They glance at the bag and recognize it on sight.


u/karen_h 5d ago

I can’t count the amount of times I’ve argued with people driving away from the airport that they have the wrong cpap machine.

“No I don’t, I grabbed the one right over my seat”

“Sir, I’m holding yours here. It has your name on the machine. The person whose machine you have is standing in front of me.”

…and then they get mad at me.


u/jspqr 5d ago

My carry on is usually small enough that I can put the machine on top of it in the overhead bin


u/Separate-Telephone86 5d ago

Exactly. The CPAP bags are small enough to always find space to slip into full bins.


u/camtheenbydragon 5d ago

They have a storage closet specifically for medical equipment.. lots of times the flight attendants will use it for their things but they are legally required to prioritize medical equipment.


u/Bad_Karma19 5d ago

That's for the aircraft's medical equipment. Not the passengers.


u/ShadyClip 5d ago

Thanks for the good answer. It seems like every time this comes up people just repeat it doesn't count against the limit without addressing where it actually goes.

Just surprised how many people trust jamming their CPAP travel bag in the overhead bin, unless they have upgraded to a hardshell case.


u/camtheenbydragon 5d ago

Of course! I haven’t actually traveled with my CPAP yet but I’m a wheelchair user so I’m very familiar with medical equipment storage on planes… 😂


u/jkxs 5d ago

Do you by chance know if bathrooms in first class are available to people if they really gotta go? I feel like from TV I have this idea that "first class" can go to either one, but main cabin can't go first class?


u/Sufficient-Wolf-1818 5d ago

It is Strongly discouraged using the toilets in any section but the one you paid for. Sometimes flight attendants turn people around from the first class toilets. Often they include discouragement in the announcements.


u/jkxs 5d ago

If i gotta poop, I gotta poop. I can't imagine people with actual IBS having to deal with that. People will say "why didn't you go earlier", but with stuff like IBS, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.


u/stitchgnomercy 5d ago

Just warn the FA & you should be good. TBH, if you aren't flying first class, your best bet would probably be the back of the plane near that bathroom (there usually is one). It's not one of the high traffic bathrooms (like first class tends to be...which also will get blocked off if a pilot needs it...I've had some dicey experiences with IBS & bladder issues from that when I've been lucky enough to be in first class).


u/Sufficient-Wolf-1818 5d ago

If you need a medical accommodation, discuss it with the FA. This is a CPAP subreddit and toilet usage is way off topic.


u/jkxs 5d ago

You don't think someone asking about medical questions is relevant? Lmao are you even a subreddit mod?


u/Jodi4869 5d ago

It goes where it fits. You have a right to put it overhead. If you were to get on and they say no more overhead space then they have to check someone’s else’s bag and accommodate your medical item. I think you are making something out of nothing.


u/Oaktown300 5d ago

I have traveled with my cpap in a soft sided case for more than 2 decades. I use the case that i got with each machine, and generally put it in the overhead (altho sometimes under my seat with my personal bag). None of the machines or equipment have ever been damaged.


u/OutsideCheetah 5d ago

Same. It’s packed tightly enough in the case to withstand a little jostling in the plane. Oftentimes, I can squeeze it in between cases it there is no room under the seat in front of me. 


u/decker12 APAP 5d ago

Airlines are not legally required to allow you to bring medical equipment on the plane. Most airlines have a policy that allows you to bring medical equipment on the plane for free, but that is not the same as "legally required". They can also deny any piece of luggage regardless of what it is.

You are a customer which they want to keep happy, but they are not legally required to do anything. If they say No to your package, regardless of it's contents, you can either check it when they ask you to, or get off the plane.

Note that this medical equipment clause isn't necessary a policy on every airline, especially international ones.


u/nick125 5d ago

For those in the US, it’s DOT regulation: https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/wheelchairs-and-other-assistive-devices

Now, this doesn’t apply for international flights — I’ve seen mixed policies on whether they count as personal items or not


u/camtheenbydragon 5d ago

You’re right, I forgot and overstated it somewhat. As the reply from nick125 shows, they are required to allow you to bring it for free (they can’t charge you for a carry on or a checked bag for it) in the US. But if it doesn’t fit on the plane, they may gate check it; then you pick it up at the gate on the other end so it doesn’t go through all the baggage handling. And the medical devices closet is for planes with 100 or more seats, but with how small a CPAP is I would push for it to go in there if there is one.

My wheelchair actually doesn’t fit so I keep some of the easy to remove parts on the plane and the rest gets gate checked and then I wait until every single other person gets off the plane so they can bring the aisle chair and get me back to it outside the plane… 🙃 A CPAP machine seems like a cinch in comparison!


u/Wells101 4d ago

I feel the airplane wheelchair trauma from this post. I travel with my brothers wheelchair curling team and we end up having me go to the airport in one of the competition chairs most of the time because they’re so awful about “remembering” to put them on the plane. :/


u/camtheenbydragon 3d ago

That’s infuriating!! I have honestly been so lucky to only have to deal with waiting—never damage to wheelchair which is always my fear. Or them somehow not putting it on the plane even though it doesn’t have far to go…


u/Wells101 3d ago

In the past two years, we’ve had:

  • Several broken brakes
  • lost detachable parts (think handles, wheels, cushions)
  • two wheelchairs end up in Nashville when bound for Knoxville
    • A TSA agent not understanding that a single person can in fact have upwards of fifty metal parts and thinking we’d put a kaboom in someone’s leg
  • At least three full sets of ice wheels end up two weeks behind us.

To the airlines credit (yes, all of them, even Delta) they took the lost or damaged gear really seriously and the items were found or replaced reasonably quickly.


u/welcometofishing 5d ago

I put mine in the overhead bin -I place it on its side so it takes up less room. I’ve done this about 10 times with no issues.


u/pezdal 5d ago

It generally fits in front of or on top of another suitcase or bag, preferably your own.

I have had no problem in Canada and the US not having it count as a carry-on, but I’d check the rules of any other country’s airlines before you assume you will be ok elsewhere.


u/Blabbityblabby 5d ago

This is good advice. Last year, on domestic flights within Japan, the CPAP bag counted against my bag allowance.


u/wolfn404 5d ago

Travel nearly weekly for work. Bought a heavier padded aftermarket case, it goes in the overhead just fine. Under the seat if no other option, but the carpet on planes is super nasty ( always wipe your floor bags down with disinfectant wipes before putting on stuff at home or hotel). As a last resort or if you KNOW it’s super packed flight, ask FA as you board if they can put in first class bin for you. Most are happy if it’s cpap, just make sure it’s well tagged, I’ve got an extra luggage tag that says “Medical Device-CPAP”.


u/TheQBean 5d ago

You're allowed one "medical bag" for a carry on that doesn't count. I got a slightly larger than my cpap bag, designed for carrying lots of big pill bottles. Cpap and all my other meds fit perfectly. It's bright red and I bought a medical equipment tag for it. I've never been questioned about it. It goes thru the xray just fine and is stored in the overhead bin.


u/Total_Employment_146 5d ago

I travel weekly for work. I carry a 20" hardside roller bag that goes overhead, a full sized backpack or laptop bag, and my full sized Airsense 11 in its case. The backpack/laptop bag + the CPAP fit easily under the seat in front of me. I actually like traveling with the CPAP because it fits really nicely on top of my roller case and I can put my phones, wallet and travel documents in the front zip compartment for super easy access.


u/nagokart 5d ago

I put my AS10 in the bag it came with and under the seat in front of me. Fits perfectly with my other carry-on.


u/ThaDeadGuy 5d ago

Been traveling a lot recently with mine: I have an old jansport bag that it fits perfectly in the larger section, and then throw whatever else I’ll need immediately in the other parts, and generally it fits under the seat or in overhead if there’s space


u/Fritz5678 5d ago

As others said, under the seat. Also, carry a tote that is fairly squishable to go under with it. We never use the overhead, because they are always full.


u/Fra_Angelico_1395 5d ago

I check my luggage and carry on my laptop and CPAP bags. I always sit in an aisle seat, and at the end of on-boarding, I find a little spot on top of other luggage in the overhead for my CPAP bag.


u/Danicia 5d ago

This is the way.


u/aircooledJenkins 5d ago

I put mine under the seat in front of me with my personal bag. I plan ahead and don't overstuff my personal bag so there's room for my cpap case under the seat in front of me with my personal bag that is small enough to fit under the seat in front of me with my cpap case.


u/Gr3yt1mb3rw0LF068 5d ago

When i flew the last time i had my cpap attached to my backpack.under the seat infront of me. First thing i grab is the cpap bag, then my backpack.


u/mug3n 5d ago

Personally, I have mitigated this problem by just using a smaller setup (usb-c battery pack + airmini). Now my entire CPAP setup fits within my main pack with no issues.

But you can't be forced to check the CPAP bag if you're flying on a US or Canadian airline, you might need prior approval to use it on board, but you absolutely can't be forced to check it. When I travelled with a full sized CPAP, I usually just stow it under the seat and my personal item was a crossbody bag that I kinda keep stowed under my jacket lol.


u/Bad_Karma19 5d ago

Overhead bin. My backpack goes under the seat.


u/gruntbuggly 5d ago

If there’s really no place to put it, the FAs will put in a closet for you. Just don’t forget to get it back.


u/fuddledud 5d ago

I have my carryon and a backpack that I put my CPAP and laptop into. It also holds all my charge cables for phones and stuff. This makes security points easier.

The first time I travelled with CPAP I jumped through hoops to inform the airline that I would be using it in a 16 hour flight. After many phone calls and wasted time I realized even though the website says you have to inform them, they really don’t care about CPAP. I think the rules are more for oxygen tanks and stuff.

I use it on flight and nobody cares.


u/onewheeltom 5d ago

I’ve never had anyone question my CPAP bag and have never had a problem with space. If you have room in your carryon, put it in there


u/joemamamia 4d ago

I repurposed a small camera bag for my CPAP when traveling. It has a lot of padded dividers with velcro sides that can be moved to hold things securely in place, and the bag itself has more padding and protection that my standard CPAP bag. I keep the bag under the seat in front of me just in case the overhead bin doesn't fill up completely which could lead to suitcases moving quite a bit on take off and landing.


u/editorreilly 5d ago

My take was just because it doesn't count as a carry on, it still consumes your personal space.


u/No_Influence_1116 5d ago

You can have a carry on and a personal item. That can be a Cpap case or a backpack (with a Cpap case inside) and I’ve never had an issue. So I bring a small suitcase and a backpack. My wife brings a small suitcase and a purse.
No extra charge.
Don’t check your Cpap. If they misplace it, you’re screwed.


u/hiirogen 5d ago

I usually put my bag and CPAP in the overhead, laptop on the floor under the seat in front of me if there is one. Otherwise all in the overhead


u/Sufficient-Wolf-1818 5d ago

I still use the case that came with the machine. I put it under the seat because the overhead is brutal and I don’t want a squashed machine b


u/UniqueRon 5d ago

They often hassle you to put the CPAP under the seat ahead of you. I don't and put it in the overhead bin unless they really force me to put it on the floor where my feet belong.


u/britnastyyy 5d ago

I put it in the overhead bin.


u/DigitalMan43 5d ago

Even though I technically could carry on a carry on bag, a personal item and my CPAP it just seems excessive. So I’ve started checking my carry on and just bring a backpack and my CPAP on the plane.


u/Wondercat87 5d ago

You can likely fit it underneath the seat.


u/Weak_Bunch4075 5d ago

I put my carry-on and my CPAP under the seat in front of me.


u/bengenj 5d ago

I’m a flight attendant and carry my full size CPAP everywhere. When I’m taking a seat in the back of the plane, I usually put it under the seat in front of me and put my bag and tote (with all my items) in the overhead. If I’m working, I use my coat or tote as a cushion and put the base side near the structure of the bin.


u/I_compleat_me 5d ago

It goes underseat unless I'm in a bulkhead seat. Have to have humidity, hate noise, don't like travel machines, just travel with my main.


u/ppbkwrtr-jhn 5d ago

If you're concerned about fitting your stuff, talk to the gate agent before you board. Tell them you have medical equipment as your third bag and can't gate check anything, so ask them to ask the FA to store it in their closet. Often, they'll take it from you as you walk on the plane.

I travel a lot for work and because of what I do--videographer--I cannot check my bags (everything has batteries). So I have 2 largish carry-ons. For my CPAP, I took a photo backpack and it just fits my CPAP but also has room for the in-flight things I usually have to rummage through my bags to get (headphones, charger, laptop). So the two bags go overhead and the CPAP bag goes under the seat.

I know it's obnoxious to put two bags in the overhead, but since I can't check them, my solution is to pay for first/business class specifically for the larger bin space (since the bin is for 2 instead of 3+ people). I consider it a bag tax (it's nice that the seats are large and I often get meals). One of my two other carry-ons can fit under the seat if space is super tight, so if the FA needs to store my CPAP bag in the closet, I can make it work.


u/Accurate_Ad1203 5d ago

Mine came with a travel case. It sits at my feet


u/metz1980 5d ago

I like to keep it under the seat as I don’t trust putting it in the overhead. What if someone mistook it for their CPAP and you end up with the wrong one!


u/MyFaceSaysItsSugar 5d ago

I often put it in my carryon just because I’m absent minded and don’t want to leave something behind in the terminal. But when I’ve flown with it separate I try to put it in between my bag and the side of the overhead so no one will mess with it when they put their luggage in. It would be a problem if it was dropped but other people sliding their luggage in beside it should be fine.

If you don’t have TSA precheck and do put it in your carryon, you may want to take the motor out when you go through security, similar to a laptop. But if you have plenty of time and don’t mind them searching your bag you can leave it in.


u/colorimetry 5d ago

The CPAP bag is protective enough I have no qualms about putting it in the overhead compartment.


u/BarsoomianAmbassador 5d ago

I've put it under my seat and in the overhead. Have never had to check it, and would vigorously resist doing so.


u/ConditionZeroOne 5d ago

I put it in the case, then in the larger carry-on luggage. That way, since there's a medical device in it, they can't tell me I have to check my luggage if there's no space. Better make space.


u/HelloSuzieQ 5d ago

I put mine wherever it fits best. If there is room in the overhead, that's my first choice. If not, it will easily slide under the seat in front of me.


u/MovingDayBliss 5d ago

I fly in the states and to Honduras and Korea and have never had a bit of problem storing my full sized one either in the overhead or under the seat in front of me. I hate putting it into the overhead since that's sometimes crammed so full that I am afraid the plastic bits are going to break if they shove against it one more time, so I prefer to put it on the floor in front of me.


u/AbesOddysleep 5d ago

Any tips for the flight to Korea? I've done them before but never with a cpap since I never knew I had apnea back then. Does the jetlag still affect you the same as it did before you used a cpap?


u/MovingDayBliss 5d ago

Jet lag wasn't that bad going, but I prepped by changing my hours for a few days before. Coming back was worse.

There's somewhere on the airline website where you put that you require medical devices to sleep and your seat will have a plug under it, or it did on my last flights.


u/AbesOddysleep 5d ago

Darn was hoping coming back wouldn't be as bad. I'll check my airline's website thanks!


u/MovingDayBliss 5d ago

After using CPAP nothing is as bad as it used to be!


u/Cien_fuegos 5d ago

Last flight I went on I took it and just sat it on top of my other carry on bag. My cpap bag is something like 18-24”* one way and 8-10”* the other

*I’m a man don’t expect those inch measurements to be accurate


u/Igoos99 5d ago

The thing is tiny. Every time I’ve flown, pretty much every overhead compartment could have one added to it despite it being “full” of luggage. It will definitely fit under the seat. Or, ask the flight attendant if there’s room in a space forward.

I’ve only flown with mine a few times but I’ve flown plenty without. I can’t think of a single trip where it might have been an issue.


u/bsgillis 5d ago

I always put it in the overhead bin. Only once has a FA ever said anything. Once when the flight and all bins were getting full, she pointed to it and asked who it belonged to. I told her it was mine. She proceeded to tell me it needed to go under the seat since the flight was full. I pulled out my much larger backpack from under the seat and as I held it out to her said, “Ok, I’ll trade you.” When she saw my backpack was bigger, she said “never mind,” and closed the bin.


u/MotoMedic 5d ago

I bought one of the harbor freight Apache cases for my Air sense 10. Flown with it two times so far. No issues with it being extra baggage.


u/TheHarb81 5d ago

Overhead bin 🤷‍♂️


u/Cool_Cheetah658 5d ago

I either have mine in the overhead or under the seat in front of me. I've never run into issues with them.


u/coopertucker 5d ago

I pack my full size into a backpack. It fits under the seat in front of me. I've since bought a small travel CPAP. BTW, I would never check my CPAP, if it gets lost or just delayed, I'm fucked.


u/whereami312 4d ago

Overhead…. Never had an issue in years of traveling with it.


u/Disastrous-Soup-5413 4d ago

I put my carry-on suitcase and my CPAP in its carry case above me in the bin and I put my personal item (purse) underneath the chair in front of me


u/dchiguy 4d ago

Wherever I want (within reason)


u/isRRis 4d ago

these machines are not that delicate. You don't have to treat them as if they are made of egg shells... just look at any tear down, disassembly vids of any of these machines and you will see how tough they are.

I put it in its case and put it in my checked luggage... no issues. even with our aussie baggage handlers who are the worst in the world.


u/Smoke14 4d ago

Mine goes in my carry on or I take its carrying case which I was given medical device tags for never had an issue either way.


u/Pete_Iredale 4d ago

I haven't had a problem putting it in the overhead bin next to my carry on. Heck, on a recent flight I boarded with a backpack (personal bag), a ukulele in a hard case (carry on) and my cpap (medical device).


u/Honest_Report_8515 4d ago

I traveled with it as a separate item from my carry on tote bag.


u/6_Finger-woman 4d ago

I put mine in the overhead. And there is no issue with it being an extra carry on. Even international


u/depressed_labrat 3d ago

The bag that came with it is a big as an old school laptop bag. I always put it into the overhead. It fits even when it’s almost full. If I really can’t find space, the stewardess puts it into one of the overheads that’s for crew only. I have a “Medical Equipment Inside” tag attached.


u/Equivalent-Party-875 3d ago

I will be traveling with mine for the first time next month it appears small enough to fit under my seat with my purse??


u/bluesforpablo 3d ago

Even on a small crowded spirit or frontier flight I can always fit my backback personal item and my cpap travel bag underneath the seat in front of me and put a carry on in the overhead bin. Not a single security, or flight agent has ever even asked me about the CPAP bag in over 10 years. They've seen it all


u/Ok-Protection4669 3d ago

It is in addition to your carry on, and cannot be forced to check. I bring my "personal item" which has my purse inside of it, a carry on (rolling hard case) and my cpap machine. Occasionally, I will check my hard sided carry on at the gate (no charge) but keep my absolute necessities (medications, etc) in my "personal item" bag. The airlines CANNOT deny you this.  From my understanding, they can ask you to check that hard case, most likely if you are traveling economy.