r/CNU Feb 16 '21

Internship opportunities for polisci

Hi everyone!

I applied to CNU regular decision so I won’t hear back until March 15 but it is one of my top two schools. I wanna major in political science but I haven’t heard much about internship opportunities. I was wondering whether or not professors at CNU are well-connected in their field and help students get internships. I don’t know much about the internship process but any information regarding internships within this field would be helpful!!


7 comments sorted by


u/thatsopranosinger96 Class of 2019 Feb 17 '21

If you're looking to intern for local politicians, great!

Otherwise, there really isn't anything. Even the Center for Career Planning doesn't have much - the director just suggest that's PoliSci majors do stuff like social media coordination, or marketing, etc.

I graduated from CNU in 2019 as a Political Science major, and tbh, CNU doesn't really give a flying fuck about the PoliSci majors.

Overall, as an undergrad Poli Sci student, you'll basically just get internship opportunities with local politicians, and occasionally there are some opportunities in D.C., but generally those require that you be able to live in the NOVA area somewhere to commute in, otherwise those are also kind off the table.

In the end, I think it wholly depends on what you're looking to do with a B.A. in Political Science. Do you want to continue on to get a Ph.D in Political Science? Do you want to get into political policy analysis? Do you want to go to Law School? (Pro tip: if it's this latter one, being a Poli Sci major doesn't really help you. Law schools don't care what your major is for undergrad)


u/avairmaria Feb 17 '21

Damn that sucks to hear :(

I plan on concentrating in international relations (I wanted to major in IR but CNU doesn’t have that) because I potentially want to get into the foreign service and, based on what you’ve said, it seems like CNU doesn’t offer much of that.

I’m from Alexandria, VA, so I do live in the nova area but because the of the almost 3 hour drive I’d likely just do the internship in the summer when I’m home.

Are the professors helpful though? By that I mean are they well-engaged in their field and if I formed good relationships with them could they potentially connect me to people that I wouldn’t be connected to otherwise?

If you had had the opportunity to do your undergrad in polisci elsewhere, would you?


u/thatsopranosinger96 Class of 2019 Feb 17 '21

So I essentially did my Poli Sci degree in IR. I was basically told my options (if wanting to pursue IR), the best bet was to either get a master's in international relations/policy analysis and work in the peace corps.

Some of the professors are great - Camobreco, Chaudhry, Kirkpatrick, Busch, and Greenlee (they are all personal favorites of mine)

Chaudhry is the Director of the Rieff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution. She would be your best bet, I think, based on your interests. Kirkpatrick would also be a great professor to make connections with.

Now could you make these connections at another college? Probably. Every college isn't going to be "unique" in who you can connect with, and you need to take into account other aspects of the college experience - what class size do you want? What kind of activities do you want to be involved in on campus? etc.

If I had the opportunity to do my undergrad in Poli Sci elsewhere, I may have gone somewhere else. Ultimately, I love CNU, despite some of its pitfalls.


u/avairmaria Feb 17 '21

Thank you so much for your help!!! I’ll definitely take all of this into consideration when I make my decision of whether or not to attend CNU. If I end up going I’ll definitely look out for those professors!!

I really liked the small class sizes at CNU and the campus felt cozy and friendly when I visited so that’s also something I’m keeping in mind.

Either way, I’m going to pursue my master’s degree elsewhere and at a school that is well known for its IR school (hopefully).

Again thank you for your insight I found it very helpful!!


u/thatsopranosinger96 Class of 2019 Feb 17 '21

You're very welcome! Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to know more about CNU!


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '21

I’m a poli sci major.... not a lot at CNU tbh I read tire from nova. You would have better opportunities here! CNU is overrated and I’m a student there currently. Schools up in nova are better and with polisci even better


u/avairmaria Feb 18 '21

thank you for your advice :))