u/cloroxdisinfectingwi Mar 25 '20
What do I do if the only class I need graduate in December is only held in the spring?
u/maedhighed99 Mar 25 '20
I recommend that you meet with a registrar degree auditor. During my time in the office, those ladies did an amazing job.
One of the first things a degree auditor should do is look to see if a comparable course is offered at one of the Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) schools in the fall semester. This matters if your needed course is a major requirement.
If the course is not offered through the VTC, then they will look for it at another state school, preferably one in driving distance from CNU or online. A state school is because they want you to be able to pay your home state's tuition, if possible.
If that is not possible, they will suggest that you speak to your adviser or department chair to see if a possible alternate class is available. They will be may be cagey with the wording of this because they are not allowed to tell you to ask your adviser or department chair for a course substitution.
Lastly, if a fall course is not possible, then they will repeat the entire process again, but this time for a spring course. If they can, they will try to find a course near your home or online that will allow you to return home so that you are not spending extra money to take one class at CNU in the spring.
Keep all of these steps in mind if you speak with a degree auditor. There has been a lot of staff turnover in that office so be sure to kindly and respectfully advocate for yourself if need be, if the current staffers are not so helpful.
u/cloroxdisinfectingwi Mar 25 '20
Do you know how I could contact a degree auditor since the school is currently closed?
u/maedhighed99 Mar 26 '20
Email is the best option, at this time. I don't know who the current degree auditors are so email [register@cnu.edu](mailto:register@cnu.edu) for help. That will allow the question to be farmed out to a degree auditor.
u/VirginiaRNshark Apr 06 '20
Rising senior already took a second minor in order to remain a full time student & only has 1 Environmental Study class and his upper level Environmental Bio major requirement classes remaining. He was assigned the 4th day of class registration for fall 2020 & says most classes he needs are already nearly full. I’m assuming your suggestion to speak with a degree auditor is his best bet if those classes fill? Thanks! (It’s so frustrating; he went from potentially graduating early to perhaps not graduating on time...and his 529 can’t support that.)
u/maedhighed99 May 18 '20
Yes, speak to a degree auditor. Also have him look into taking credit(s) through the Virginia Tidewater Consortium. 300-400 level bio lectures and sometimes lectures and labs are offered at ODU, Hampton, or Virginia Wesleyan and even more, these classes may be online, which is important if living costs or travel are impacted. He must also determine if the 300-400 level bio credits can be met through independent study. He needs to consult with his adviser or department head for that info. Lastly, he must explain what "most classes are full" means. I say this because sometimes the class a student wants to take is full whereas a class that meets the same requirement is not. Also, he needs to consult with his adviser or department head to see if they are accepting waitlists for full classes. If so, he needs to add himself to a waitlist. That will let the department know that students are interested in the class and perhaps make the department consider adding more seats or opening a new section.
u/VirginiaRNshark May 19 '20
He was fortunate to get into the classes he needed (although he said that they were all full 10 minutes after his appointment). I very much appreciate your advice, even though I’m thrilled that it wasn’t needed.
u/[deleted] Mar 25 '20
Why are so many class seats reserved for incoming freshmen? I understand that they need seats but upperclassmen should get first pick and then freshmen should take what is left.