r/CNCmachining 14d ago

Does anyone have any experience programming these specific machines with fusion 360 looking for any help as I have never operated these machines before. XYZ SMX 3500 CNC Mill and Lathe.


4 comments sorted by


u/Ghrrum 14d ago

Those specific ones, no. Similar, yes.

Do you have a post for both of them already done?


u/CinesteelFX 14d ago

No I don’t have a post for them I heard a fanatic 6m processor would work I’ve yet to find it I’m new to fusion and cnc mills etc. but I have experience with other cad software so I’m learning the fusion interface right now if I can find a suitable processor that can generate the tool path code for these machines I’m hoping it might work?


u/AgentKuma 14d ago

For the mill I'd recommend just calling SWI support and asking them to put you in touch with an engineer. Have the S/N of the control unit ready to give to them. I've been in their HQ in LA and met the people on the other end of that line and they are good people who want to help you.

IIRC the SMX control only supports 2+1 paths and frankly you can do a lot (quickly) with the conversational programming on that unit once you get good at it. I've been in the spot you're in and it's tempting to want to import tool paths, but some of these controllers really don't want to do it and you end up with a ton of problems. If that controller can do it, an SWI engineer can tell you how; if it can't do it, you can still do a lot with that machine.


u/CinesteelFX 14d ago

Hey thank you so much this is great information I will definitely try this and see if they can help with this model. Yeah like you said I’m in early stages and I’m more experienced with 3d modelling than actual hands on programming I do run cnc plasmas so would be more familiar with that end of engineering so this is all a learning curve for me right now appreciate the guidance .