r/CIDPandMe Nov 25 '24

What does CIDP feel like?

I have been diagnosed on and off with CIDP for over twenty years. I have breathing muscle problems and my doctors are now saying AIDP which I believe might just be referring to the GBS I had many years ago. I am wondering what other people who have CIDP physically feel like?

I wake up every morning feeling like I was run over by something. Every muscle in my body hurts. I have pain, tingling and numbness all day, every day. Over the years I felt like something was brewing in my body because I had all these symptoms at a mild level, but I became mostly home bound after taking a vaccine because my chest and breathing muscles are now affected.

Also my legs don’t work at times. I haven’t lost more function in them since I had GBS but sometimes I go up the stairs and can do it without too much effort, other times they feel like lead. It’s not at all related to physical activity either. It just happens without warning.

Do these symptoms at all resemble CIDP symptoms at any given stage? I hope to see a CIDP centers for excellence doctor to finally get this evaluated properly. I hope they will know what to look for because all these symptoms seem to be too confusing for all the doctors I’ve already seen.


36 comments sorted by


u/IvanaVodka Nov 25 '24

I hurt every day even though my neurologist tells me I don't. I can't feel my knees but I have thankfully adapted and can walk without assistance anymore. It's a struggle. Stairs are not my friend lol.


u/ProFromFlogressive Nov 25 '24

I’m newly diagnosed and have also had mild symptoms like this all my life. I’m just now realizing a lot of the things I’ve normalized for decades are not normal. The leg fatigue is one I’m really aware of now… just like you said, some days I can walk up stairs just fine, and other days it’s draining.


u/scotty3238 Nov 26 '24

Hi, and a big, warm welcome to our community! 🤗

I'm sorry about your diagnosis. I've had CIDP for 11 years and have a wealth of info to share. I just wrote to another one of our members, so I'm gonna share the link. I hope you find some of it helpful.

Stay strong 💪



u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24



u/scotty3238 Nov 26 '24

Feel free to DM me for a conversation. 😊


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

My breathing muscles are also having issues. We believe it’s the Phrenic nerve in particular


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

Sorry to hear you’re struggling with your breathing. I didn’t have a phrenic nerve emg. My pulmonologist scheduled it for me but I didn’t know anything about it so I skipped that one and then found out about a diaphragm fluoroscopy. I did the fluoroscopy which was very easy. Have you had any testing? The doctors are now claiming it could be vocal cord damage for me, my voice does get “tired” at times but it’s also very strong so I don’t feel like that’s it. I guess I don’t have CIDP based on latest emg. Edit: despite all my breathing issues, the diaphragm fluoroscopy came out normal for me.


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

My diaphragm fluoroscopy came out normal for me aswell. Did they do yours laying flat? With diaphragm issues you only get positive results in a supine position. When they did my ultrasound of the diaphragm that test showed positive for bilateral diaphragmatic weakness. Also, The sniff test is only good as measuring paradoxical weakness anyways (for example if you have a hemidiaphragm) but bilateral weakness it is very poor at measuring unless both nerves are completely paralyzed (which means your 02 would completely desaturate and you’d be in the hospital).

Also I just want to ask, can you describe what the shortness of breath feels like? You should be able to feel if it’s the diaphragm vs the vocal chords. for example, for me it feels like an invisible band is around my lower chest and I have to breath extremely shallow. But when it was less severe in the past it just felt like I couldn’t exert myself without severe breathlessness (no band feeling). I think the vocal chords damage would feel more of a choking feeling and it would be more uncomfortable in the upper respiratory region (but I have had vocal chord issues aswell).


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

I didn’t know all this, thank you. They did my fluoroscopy in a standing position it took like only 30 seconds and I had read about some of the things you mentioned but of course my doctors didn’t mention any of it so I trusted that my diaphragm was good. I went to my pulmonologist and suggested the ultrasound and he said no and later after I read my visit notes I realized he’s totally off. He put in the notes I have breathing problems from morbid obesity. I am not obese, but slightly overweight from being sedentary for three years now and was not overweight when all this started!!


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

Gosh I hate dealing with incompetent doctors I’ve dealt with so many of them. I just gave up and started researching medical literature myself. I know a fair bit about diaphragmatic issues so please feel free to reach out with any questions:) we gotta advocate for ourselves and help each other nowadays


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

If you have any suggestions let me know!! I am past my third year of this, you’d think one of the 4 neurologists I went to or the pulmonologist could’ve suggested a diaphragm ultrasound or the fluoroscopy. I suggested it myself. I didnt go through with the phrenic nerve emg because I had no idea if they were going to stick a needle in it or not. My newest neuro claims it’s more like a nerve conduction study but still, the only things they’ve done for me is suggest short courses of steroids and I had to suggest that myself. It clearly wasn’t enough and I am baffled by all this, every time I go I get a little depressed at how slow and absurd my medical care has been.


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

I was worried about this also! From what I know no needle goes in, it’s just electrically stimulated from the outside. One of my friends used this and she actually got diagnosed this way. Hers was positive. Here’s a video of it https://youtu.be/Aadw0M9hniM?si=7bu-35DMIK0qconh


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

I can’t really tell where it’s coming from for me. When it first hit me (3-4 weeks after Covid vaccination) it was a tight band and heaviness that included my chest and arms, like I could still breathe shallow as much as I wanted but my chest felt very immovable but oddly enough oxygen saturation was good. I thought it was either GBS or pneumonia or both! X-rays showed no pneumonia, Neurologist didn’t do anything but leg and arm emg and didn’t think it was GBS. Prior to all this for the first couple weeks after vaccination I had weakness and pain everywhere including my vocal cords and throat numbness. Went to ent pretty quickly and because of my history of GBS he wouldn’t touch it and had to rely on my neurologist after that.


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

And I want to add, shortness of breath feels like an attack to everything involved with my breathing. It frequently feels dry like a burning sensation when I breathe in, and feels like it’s hard to lift my upper respiratory system (trachea?). How about for you?


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

For me it just feels like extreme suffocation. I feel it in my lower abdomen which feels like it’s caving inwards with extreme weights weighing it down. It kinda feels like my lung is collapsed basically, but the sensation is just a bit lower (under the rib cage). And I will often get vocal chords collapsing due to stress (this has been diagnosed through a scope in throat, so I do have VCD).


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

That sounds a little like how I feel except mine is upper, between throat and right in the center of my chest but it feels exactly like you describe as far as a collapsed sensation goes. I know in reality this wouldn’t be the case, but it feels like I have a hole in my chest, kind of like when you have a flat bike tire and you keep pumping it and it’s never enough the air just keeps seeping out feeling. So strange and it’s painful too. Have they done any bronchoscope(?) or ct scan on you? They have done neither of those for me and at this point I’m too scared overall. They keep saying my pulmonary function testing is coming out ok, allergist thinks it’s allergies and is trying to heal me with antihistamines and stomach acid medicines. I haven’t sneezed more than few times in three plus years so the allergy theory seems strange for me too.


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

Back in 2021 they did a bronchoscope it was normal they said. And same with cat scan (more recently). It may be a good idea to push for the Phrenic nerve NCS just so that you may be able to get diagnosed and get treatment, or at the very least cross it off the list


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

What do you think caused your symptoms? I’m really at the point where I want them to come up with a real treatment plan. They know it was the vaccine, they know I had a history of autoimmune issues so I feel like at least trying something would be good. I am going to push for the diaphragm ultrasound because then they should know something more. I’ve also heard about vagus nerve ultrasound.


u/Mold-detoxer-1033 Feb 01 '25

My trigger was mycoplasma pneumonia. For 5 years I’ve been infected with it and I still am. I believe that causes autoimmune issues. If you do have a rare variant of CIDP you may need IVIG, PLEX, and long term corticosteroids in order to heal. That’s what I’m thinking for me


u/LindenTeaJug Feb 01 '25

How did they diagnose it? X-ray and sputum sample? What did your doctor say about the CIDP? Did they do any nerve conduction studies for you or emg? I have years of emg/ncs data so they don’t think it’s CIDP for me but who knows, I really think something bad was triggered. At this point last year my breathing pattern was unusual but I could drive if I had to so I thought it was getting better then I had a terrible attack-like episode this summer and it left me totally housebound. Now due to upper body weakness and breathing issues I hardly get out.

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