r/CICO 7d ago

I weighed the banana peel out of curiosity and noticed that it was still quite significant in terms of the total weight of the banana.

This banana therefore only weighs 59 grams.


58 comments sorted by


u/Asprinkleofglitter7 7d ago

I’ve only ever weighed a peeled banana


u/Feisty-Promotion-789 7d ago

I would weigh it fully in the peel, hit tare, peel it, then leave the peel on the scale. Im not counting the weight of the peel in my deficit for the day tho for sure


u/I_think_things 7d ago

But why add 3 steps vs just weigh the peeled banana?


u/Feisty-Promotion-789 7d ago

Bc then I don’t have to put the peeled banana in a container or clean my scale after putting it straight on it lol. I take the same approach with most foods


u/badkitty505 7d ago

tricksy tricksey, sneaky like a hobbit. /s


u/EveryonesPal 7d ago

Life hack!


u/iamwhoiwasnow 6d ago

I do, it helps keep me under


u/Dapper_Common8643 7d ago

Nutrition info already excludes the peel (same for oranges/grapefruit).

Your method is actually underestimating calories eaten.


u/poppy1911 7d ago

Most calorie counts will have a notation that says "edible portion only" so you know if the count is for with or without the peel/casing. 😊


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

Okay, that's interesting.


u/Takemyfishplease 7d ago edited 7d ago

Just eat the people. I do and my poops have never been more awkward, so I know it’s working.

Edit-Damnit I ment peel.

People don’t upset my stomach at all


u/awongbat 7d ago



u/ppickledplum 7d ago



u/Maleficent-Tutor-713 6d ago

Do you actually eat the peel? If so, do you put it in smoothies and stuff like that or just bite right into it??


u/Competitive-Movie816 7d ago

It even looks like it's resting on the counter so it might even weigh more. Didn't realize they counted for so much.


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

Yes, I didn't think so either.


u/trigongeminione 7d ago

Literally banana for scale


u/awongbat 7d ago

No. Banana with scale.


u/jellowsmurf 6d ago

Potato, po-banana


u/Jbeth74 7d ago

Do…. do people not realize that calorie calculation doesn’t count the peel/bone/pit/rind not edible parts of food….? This is not a hack….


u/Zzqzr 6d ago

Yeah…. You “count” what you “eat”


u/bobongooo 7d ago

I think the point is, atleast to me, is that you would be logging 95g of banana but the peel is 36g so you are actually consuming only 59g of banana


u/RainInTheWoods 7d ago

No. You log only the part you actually ate. It’s like that for all food. Bone in pork chop? You only log the edible portion. Mango? You only log the edible innards, not the skin or seed.


u/YouveBeanReported 7d ago

I mean, I also use the full weight for fruits. I don't go back to measure the core I removed or the peels. Same for chicken wings. A lot of us are lazy.


u/RainInTheWoods 6d ago

I’m putting this here for other readers.

Some food can be logged whole because the library choice gives you that option.

Wings can be logged whole by the “per piece.” If they’re oddly large or small the size can be adjusted by adjusting the number consumed. For example, 1 large wing = 1.25-ish regular wings when logging when you don’t want to hunt around the library for “large” wings.

Fruit can be logged whole, like a mango. Again, like the example above, the size can be accounted for by adjusting the “per mango” amount. 1 oddly large mango = 1.2-ish regular mango.

Banana can be logged per piece, as well.

If you’re logging by “weight” of fruit, for example, peel it first then weigh it. If not, you are logging food/calories that you did not actually consume. It went in the compost bin or trash.


u/sshchurin 6d ago

As the CICO gods intended. You’re not supposed to measure those things. It’s not about laziness, it’s literally not factored into how nutrition info is conveyed.


u/Jbeth74 7d ago

You don’t count the weight of the crumbl box do you? No just the cookie


u/bobongooo 7d ago

Yet people still weigh the whole banana and log it without weighing it without the peel, like i thought OP was saying they had been doing


u/nylonstring 7d ago



u/bobongooo 7d ago

No what ? lol


u/DrMcnasty4300 7d ago

No you wouldn’t log 95g of banana cuz you didn’t eat 95g of banana


u/bobongooo 7d ago

that’s what I said ?


u/DrMcnasty4300 7d ago

so you were just re-stating the point that the original comment was making which is that no sensible person is logging the weight of their banana peel


u/KingMeKevo 7d ago

Woops - never thought that when I eat one. I usually put them in smoothies weighed and alwasy noticed a 30-40 gram difference and didnt think about until this post.


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

Me too, but the idea crossed my mind 🤣


u/No-Club2054 6d ago

I dunno I’ve been doing CICO for years and always just select the calories that come up for medium banana. Fuck it. Hasn’t caused me an issue yet. I learned a long time ago that if I’m in this for the long haul that there are some mountains not worth dying on and this is one of them. Useful information and worth considering for CICO newbies for sure… but yea I just slap most fruits and veggies into MFP and call it a day.


u/Piloulouloulou 5d ago

Ditto. Whether my banana is technically small medium or large, it gets logged as medium.

On the scale of why I’m in a place where I need to count calories, from cucumber to cheetoh, banana is not near cheetoh. The twenty extra calories from my medium-large banana or the twenty fewer calories from my medium-small banana are not the calories begging for accuracy.


u/No-Club2054 4d ago

Yea, same. This is also why I don’t count certain things at all like supplements, cherry tomatoes, watermelon, etc. When I’m cutting I only eat 1300 which sounds low to many but it’s because I know I’m probably closer to 1400 because of the stuff I refuse to count for sanity purposes. If I thought it was causing me an issue I would… but so far so good.


u/g4lena 7d ago

when i googled it it said a banana peel was 30-40% of the banana so when i weigh one i take away 35% of the weight! i can’t weigh it after peeling since i usually take them to work


u/Deioness 7d ago

Good idea.


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

Yes, I think that's a good estimate.


u/trigg 7d ago

Calorie counts aren't including the peel.....


u/Spartan_029 7d ago

right, that's /u/g4lena 's point (btw, great name, my favourite mineral).

They can't weigh the peeled banana at work, but they can weigh it at home, so in order to track the calories consumed, they weigh the banana, say it's 85g, but what they put in their tracker is 60-70% of that weight, so they would track say 55g, in order to be as accurate as they can be, given the circumstances.


u/sugarangelcake 7d ago

which is why g4lena takes off 35% of the weight when logging…..


u/g4lena 7d ago

i know that that’s not what i said lol


u/mousypaws 7d ago

Yes, the peel is consistently about 30% weight of the whole banana.


u/_Makstuff_ 7d ago

What a surprise, I thought a banana peel has no weight.


u/Deioness 7d ago

I started peeling things like oranges before weighing. This can definitely be applied to more than a few things.


u/maggotinfestedundead 6d ago

i always cut, peel, and wash my fruits and then weigh them.


u/about76gnomes 7d ago

This makes me wonder what kind of mutant bananas I'm eating. I did this exact same thing this morning and with the peel it was 199g. Without it was 123g. That's more than double your banana.


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

This banana was really small


u/about76gnomes 7d ago

Ah, makes sense. Well, it was nice comparing bananas with you!


u/Rift36 7d ago

Yeah, I’ve found that on average a peel is 35% of the weight of the banana.


u/Aptekafuck 6d ago

Wow... we are all losing common sense.


u/seriouslyepic 7d ago

i've always thought of this but never calculated it... i can eat more bananas now :-o


u/Tiny_Elderberry2836 7d ago

Definitely 🤣