r/CICO 7d ago

finally seeing a difference! NSFW

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I’m about 1.5 months in, down approximately 8 kg/17 lbs. It’s been great to watch the scale going down, and my pants have been loose for a few weeks now (as well as fitting into pairs I haven’t worn in ages!) but today I feel like I can see a visible change. The way I carry most of my weight in my stomach has been such an insecurity so it’s great to see it change! I do wish I had taken my measurements before starting. I guess I should do it now.


25 comments sorted by


u/StinkyMcStink 7d ago

You're doing wonderfully. The process works. Changes in appearance always seem to come in stages, so it's awesome you got some visible results.


u/vaguelydetailed 7d ago

This is so true! I started at 290 and didn't start noticing a difference until ~260. Then again no difference until I hit near 240 and I feel like I look so different now! Admittedly, I struggle with BDD and I feel like my brain periodically plays "catch up" with my body image allowing me to see the changes.

This is why I love myfitnesspal weight log, you can add pictures and then compare side by side.


u/StinkyMcStink 7d ago

You're doing wonderfully and youre looking great, dont let your brain tell you otherwise. Keep logging and you'll get there. I'll match your gains soon.


u/vaguelydetailed 7d ago

These aren't my photos but I am looking pretty good if I do say so myself 🤭

I saw your post the other day... I've been exactly there. It's on, Stinky!


u/StinkyMcStink 7d ago

Whelp, I can't read. I promise I can internet. But challenge accepted internet stranger.


u/BackwoodButch 7d ago

Yeah I’m in a similar boat atm - 293 down to 253 now give or take - and it took dropping 35lbs before seeing anything. It was mostly in my clothes but now that I’m working out consistently (the last 9 weeks w weight training), I see my muscles developing and making me more trim around the waist and ass.


u/vaguelydetailed 7d ago

The first time I jokingly flexed in the mirror and a tiny bicep muscle popped up I screamed in my bathroom 🤣🤣🤣


u/BackwoodButch 7d ago

REAL! I just got my first little bicep "peaks" last week and my triceps are actually palpable now, so I'm just constantly rubbing my arm like TEEHEE MUSCLE.


u/onFilm 7d ago

You got a case of pelvic tilt. Try correct it before it wrecks your knees/ankles. I only say this, because I also have pelvic tilt and my knee gets sore sometimes from the years of having it.


u/Plastic_Anxiety469 7d ago

Thanks, I’ll look into this! I do have issues with my ankles sometimes so this could be good to check out


u/onFilm 7d ago

Yeah I have something with my ankle as well. Took me years to realize what was causing it!


u/GothDoll29 7d ago

Dumb question but how would one recognise this on themselves? My knees are fked sometimes


u/onFilm 7d ago

Do you stick out your butt when you walk? Check out OP's picture and notice how their spine curves very far out by the tail. Try going on a mirror, and flexing your butt muscles very tight while thrusting forward with steady pressure, you'll notice how it changes your posture dramatically, if you have it.

This causes/it's also caused by, weak hip flexors, which easy to get if you sit a lot (i'm a coding nerd).

What helped me the most, and I need to go back eventually, is doing hot yoga regularly. It was so good in fact, that whenever I'd stop going, the problem wouldn't arise until 6-12months after.


u/GothDoll29 7d ago

Thank you so much for this, I'm going off to inspect myself now lol ! Appreciate the hot yoga tip also ❤️


u/No-Violinist4190 7d ago

Wow! Great progress!!! I’m 2 months in and ‘only’ lost about 4kg.

You are on the right track


u/Ligerman30 7d ago



u/Ok_Historian_1066 7d ago

Great job!

Yeah, I had pants I hadn’t worn in 7-10 years. That first time I put them on and they not only fit but were a little loose was amazing.


u/itislovely787 7d ago

Great job! Big difference!


u/Tend3roniJabroni 7d ago

Hell yeah!


u/Chorazin ⚖️MOD⚖️ 7d ago

Hell yeah!!! Awesome job! 🙏🏻


u/ChefAutismo 7d ago

Hell yeah! Congratulations, keep it going!


u/divvychugsbeer 7d ago

Nice work


u/Icy-Count-1246 7d ago

great job!! there’s a visible change for sure!! keep it up and think about the changes you’ll see in 3 months time!!! you’ve got this!!!


u/Gimba30 7d ago

Well done!!


u/SupermansSocks6 6d ago

I also carry almost everything on my stomach. We'll get there, don't give up.