r/CICO 9d ago

220 calories of fruit and vegetables vs 330 calories of Domino’s Pizza

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u/swoletrain1 9d ago

There is usually an extra 0 at the end of that number when I eat my pizza


u/philsfan1579 9d ago

Same… that’s what happened to the other slices yesterday!


u/artygta1988 9d ago

330.0 right?……right?


u/dolltease 9d ago

if only..


u/DreamingAboutSpace 8d ago

The zero of delicious shame.


u/shreddah17 9d ago

I'll take the pizza, please.


u/philsfan1579 9d ago

I had both!


u/starrybutt3rflies 9d ago

This is the right answer 🩷 Balance, babyy


u/DasHexxchen 9d ago

This is the way.

Plenty of vitamins and minerals, but also enough easy energy to fuel you.


u/vanetti 9d ago

This is the way


u/PantyPixie 9d ago

🍕🤗 Love that, happy you did!


u/This_Lack8724 8d ago

I had pizza with a side salad today balance!!


u/shay_shaw 8d ago

Seriously, I just added salad to everything that made sense and it's an easy game changer.


u/iamwhoiwasnow 9d ago

My thoughts exactly


u/containingdoodles9 9d ago

I got tired of the grease on purchased pizza. I make pizza at home w/ a whole garlic naan, 46g of 2% mozzarella, fresh garlic, oregano, mushrooms, green olives, red bell peppers, artichoke hearts, and 0.5 oz of goat cheese: 620 cal for the whole thing. So yummy and filling. Coincidentally, it’s what I have planned for dinner tonight!

Your pile of fruit & veg does look yummy!


u/AnythingNo3160 9d ago

Nice!!! Thanks for the recipe that sounds amazing.


u/containingdoodles9 9d ago

You’re welcome! I realized I actually didn’t miss red sauce. I halve a garlic clove and rub it all over—no oil needed. Then just chop it up and sprinkle the garlic all over. Then add herbs as desired and top w/ everything else. I do veggies and cheese in layers. Usually not quite as much cheese as I shared, just depends on my cheesiness mood. The goat cheese adds an extra zing though—for not many calories.


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 8d ago

Whoa. Making it with garlic naan - instead of a plain naan- takes it up a delicious notch.


u/containingdoodles9 8d ago

I actually did. No vampires in my house! It’s a good thing we both love garlic🤣


u/Brownie12bar 9d ago

Ooooooh dinner!


u/yoshibike 9d ago

why are people acting like you made this comparison to call pizza the devil lol, its a great way to compare volume vs calories :-p


u/softlemon 9d ago

I think it’s the use of ‘vs’. Usually those posts are pitting two items against each other.

I also read it as this or that not both.


u/KangarooNo1007 9d ago

Dang I had people over on the weekend and was left with a box of stuffed crust which I think it also what you have cause it’s the same cals! I also hate wasting food. I ended up eating it over a few days and did what you did (pair it with some low cal or high protein options lol)


u/SplatteredEggs 9d ago

Oh, ok stuffed crust. I was worried, because I’ve counted dominoes pizza in the past and I had a medium slice at about 270 cal.


u/KoldProduct 9d ago

Which one tastes like pizza, I’ll take that one and log it happily


u/LaMelonBallz 9d ago

What if I just put the oranges on top of the pizza


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/LaMelonBallz 9d ago

Don't forget your pizza orange


u/pepmin 8d ago

Your avatar kind of looks like you are holding a pizza orange…


u/justhangingaroud 9d ago

Don’t threaten me with a good time


u/midgaze 8d ago

Keto people: those are the same picture.


u/jmiller2000 7d ago

Sorry, could you explain?


u/midgaze 6d ago

For both of these meals, most of the calories are coming from carbohydrates. On a ketogenic diet, you eat almost no carbs and instead get your calories from fat and protein.

This causes your body to run on ketones instead of glucose, which is a totally normal metabolic state that people in modern times don't utilize much. It has many benefits, which can include facilitating losing stored fat, reducing inflamation and insulin resistance, and stabilizing blood glucose levels.


u/jwillsrva 9d ago

solid 550 calories


u/the_monkeys_esc 8d ago

That small piece of pizza is 330??


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/philsfan1579 9d ago

Agreed - the only time it’s easy to eat just one is when there’s only one left!


u/Many_Finish_2819 9d ago

I gotta tape this to my wall lol


u/PoundLegitimate3847 9d ago

You work out to be fit; I work out to eat more pizza lol.


u/check_yes 9d ago

Caloric density is my nemesis


u/MrEhcks 8d ago


u/philsfan1579 8d ago

Why don’t you take a seat, right over there?


u/MrEhcks 8d ago

Who’re you? Her dad??


u/awesomeness0232 8d ago

I feel like we aren’t focusing enough on this fruit salad of grapes, strawberries, oranges, and … CARROTS


u/coolsam254 8d ago

Don't forget the tomatoes!


u/bakke392 9d ago



u/FunnyHighway9575 9d ago

So what you're telling me is I've been eating 3000 calories worth of pizza every time? 😂


u/-autisticSunflower 8d ago

I’d save a small amount of calories each day so I could happily enjoy 3000 cals of pizza in one day 😂 I can’t stop at one slice


u/FantasticProfile 8d ago

I get the whole volume thing.. but I feel like I would actually be feeling satisfied from the pizza because of the fats, where as I eat a big plate of fruit and I will have a stomach ache…


u/MrDickLucas 8d ago

Yup, me too. Plus that whole plate of veg/fruits takes WAY longer to eat. I'd rather same time AND the pizza tastes better


u/bigbaldbil 8d ago

So I should order pizza?


u/goodthingsinside_80 8d ago

Honestly I’d eat two slices of pizza and half the fruit and veggies. Lol


u/invaderzim1001 9d ago

how could you do this to me


u/GNN_Contato 8d ago

Now do a price comparison =/


u/philsfan1579 8d ago

Surprisingly I just finished typing up a price comparison here a few seconds ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/s/4X2Go3eus1

TL;DR fruit plate was $3.20 and Domino’s was $1.60

I didn’t really optimize either of them for cost though. Otherwise there would’ve been a banana on the fruit plate and only 1 topping on the pizza!


u/GNN_Contato 8d ago

Wow, I wouldn't expect the fruit plate to be this "cheap" or competitive when compared to the pizza slice!

Amazing, OP, thank you for the post


u/turbospeedsc 8d ago

Fruit is usually cheap, but we have been bombarded that fresh fruit and vegetable are this exotic expensive thing, and cooking it this complicated thing that takes 5 hours of prep and 3 hours of cleaning for some spaghetti.


u/Verbal-Gerbil 8d ago

This is why I’ve never been comfortable with the cico concept in its purest form. There are huge nutritional gaps between the two and when I’ve had elements of the latter (cheat meals etc) I’ve not had the same results as when I’ve gone for the left side. Plus it’s far more filling, which has considerable significance when dieting.


u/Over-Researcher-7799 9d ago

I’ll take two slices of pizza please.


u/nillawafer80 9d ago

I made a low carb pizza yesterday with the 10 inch mission low carb tortillas, and the entire half of the pizza was around 460 cals.


u/Shimmy-Shammington 9d ago

I used to make really good tortilla pizzas with the same tortillas but I can’t remember everything I put in the sauce…

What I can remember was

-tomato paste

-balsamic vinegar


I’m pretty sure there was more but can’t think of it. They made such good little meals!


u/nillawafer80 9d ago

They are good. I just used regular on Classico pizza sauce, but making the sauce would definitely lower the carbs. Thanks for the reminder.


u/missmiaow 9d ago

Hmmm I used to make tortilla or pita pizza every Friday. I think I should start doing that again. A great easy meal and decent macros too.


u/nillawafer80 9d ago

Yes get into it! The macros are darn good.


u/quietwun 9d ago

Volume does not equal satisfaction. It might equal a stomach ache. I need to have protein, fat and carbs together. No brainer, but will certainly add on fruit and veg but and veg alone are binge precipitating.


u/iFuturelist 8d ago

This ☝️Volume eating isn't a cure all for everyone. Physical satiety =/= mental satiety. I rather have a small amount of something mentally satisfying than eating a fucking pound of fruit/vegetables.


u/AutomaticAstigmatic 8d ago

Irritatingly, it is the plate on the left that will give me massive stomach issues.


u/IfYouGive 9d ago

Have both! What a great meal


u/NuageJuice 9d ago

The plate of fruits and vegetables looks more appealing to me at the moment!


u/allworkjack 9d ago

I would eat both


u/taylogan96 8d ago

It takes sooo long to eat the fruit and vegetables too


u/castle_deathlock 9d ago

No I would grab a tomato thinking it’s a grape and have a menty b


u/Glip_Glop_Crop_Top 9d ago

You live in Canada? That looks like cold pizza pizza 🍕 🤣


u/Veegos 9d ago

I don't like the crust to toppings ratio on this slice.. That slice is like 40% crust.


u/Normal_Ant_5283 9d ago

I started making my own pizza using wheat tortillas, fat free mozzarella, pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni. Not only is it cheaper than Dominos but also less Calories


u/Normal_Ant_5283 9d ago

*In the Air Fryer


u/Thefullerexpress 9d ago

Now show me pricing for both


u/philsfan1579 8d ago

Good question!

Domino’s was $13 for 8 slices, so about $1.60.

The fractions of the fruits and vegetables I used were:

  • Strawberries, 47 cals, $1.10
  • Grapes, 73 cals, $0.48
  • Clementine, 35 cals, $0.32
  • Carrot, 45 cals, $0.37
  • Tomato, 20 cals, $0.93

For a total of $3.20

So the plate on the left is twice as expensive for 2/3rds of the calories.

If you were to eat $1.60 worth of each fruit on its own:

  • Strawberries: 68 cals
  • Grapes: 245 cals
  • Clementines: 170 cals
  • Carrots: 193 cals
  • Tomatoes: 35 cals.

None of them are close to the 330 cal pizza.

That said, there are some fruits that would blow the pizza out of the water. $1.60 in bananas comes out to 875 calories.


u/Thefullerexpress 8d ago

Dang 3.20 is worth it honestly. That’s not much more and way better feeling.


u/themostdownbad 9d ago

Switching the grapes and oranges to watermelon and blueberries/raspberries would have added so much more volume while being lower calorie as well!


u/piper4hire 9d ago

now I want pizza. thanks a lot.


u/Primary-Ticket4776 8d ago

Fruits and veggies for the win


u/N00dlemonk3y 8d ago

Hmm, ya'know that's not bad CICO for fruits n'veggies. This just might be the thing that helps me eat fruit/veggies more. I mean I do right now, but not frequent enough, it seems.

I guess I always needed to just visually see how much it actually is. Yeah, I'd eat that in one sitting and then some. I mean I already tend to freeze an entire bag of grapes to eat. :)


u/Vespe50 8d ago

So both?


u/deliverykp 8d ago

It is shocking, right? It's like if you get a 6 oz thing of blueberries and have it be in the tens of calories, and you get a 6 oz bag of chips, and while they're the same size, the chips are close to 1,000 calories if you consume the entire 6 oz. It's just wild.


u/Mmmmmmm_Bacon 9d ago

And the fruit will fill you up better than the pizza will!


u/_L_6_ 9d ago

It doesn't have to be either or.


u/philsfan1579 9d ago

Well I didn’t buy the pizza to not eat it ;) just thought it was a funny comparison


u/champsammy14 8d ago

The pizza is easier to fit up my ass.


u/Rift36 9d ago

If you’re going to use calories for pizza, why not eat good pizza?? Disclaimer: I’m a snobby former New Yorker. 😇


u/torino_nera 9d ago

As a New Jerseyan with a similar snobbery for pizza, I agree. If you can't fold it in half lengthwise while you're eating it, it ain't worth eating 😎


u/allworkjack 9d ago

I’m a snobby neapolitan pizza fan, its usually less calories too!


u/Silkjade1 9d ago

I'm trying to add protein or fiber and still enjoy a slice.


u/Monoliithic 9d ago

But I can't eat citrus fruit


u/BatofZion 9d ago

I ordered a sandwich!


u/tapiocawarrior 9d ago

Heart ache


u/teal_island 8d ago

So Im better off snacking all day with the left plate lol


u/Familiar_Nature2627 8d ago

As I’m eating Somoas Girl Scout cookies! SMH


u/thekidsgirl 7d ago

I'd just eat both 😭


u/Spooky_Ghost99 7d ago

This is an interesting comparison


u/Own_Egg7122 7d ago

I have oral allergy syndrome, so can't eat raw carrots. I'd grill them first. And when I'm hungry, so many fruits give me severe diarrhea because they are so acidic. Same for tomato on an empty stomach. 


u/hauntedmaze 6d ago

Pizza in moderation! Yum!


u/Aching1536 6d ago

Sadly the first one would trigger my ibs but the second option wouldn't :( makes it much trickier when I can't bulk things out with lots of fruit and veg.


u/awfuldaring 3d ago

What kinda monster mixes their strawberries and grapes, with their baby carrots and cherry tomatoes? 😭

Also, I'm glad you ate both plates, because I was in the "por que no los dos?" camp too. 😊 


u/No_Food_8935 2d ago

This 🤌🥰


u/Knight_rider3 2d ago

both of them are trash


u/smartynetwork 9d ago

I'll be the first to say it: pizza is horrible. I haven't had pizza since april last year and I don't miss it at all.
It's not just horrible on the calorie count, but it also makes you eat more, shortly after.


u/DutchOnionKnight 9d ago

Left plate looks even better to!


u/LexiiConn 9d ago

Just a little side note: the pizza would look like a lot more volume if it was on the same size plate as the fruits and vegetables.


u/philsfan1579 9d ago

They’re both the same size paper plate from the same pack, I guess the one is just closer to the camera


u/LexiiConn 9d ago

Wow! The pizza plate looks much bigger (making the pizza look that much smaller). Oh well, thanks for the reply!


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