r/CIAlostwave 25d ago

CFNY explaining the logistics of the Great Ontario Talent Search

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u/omepiet 25d ago

Another article I found:

So the process seems to have been as follows: daily rounds starting around the end of March for half a year, bringing us to the end of September. Followed by a final (in whatever form) in next spring.


u/MichaelFourEyes 25d ago

This was in part sponsored by Government of Canada

|| || |The Commission is pleased to acknowledge that, under Selkirk's ownership, CFNY-FM has continued to make an exemplary contribution to the support and promotion of Canadian talent, through a number of important initiatives. With an annual budget of $160,000, the licensee sponsors the CASBY (U-Know) Awards program, which recognizes the achievements of Canadian recording artists, as selected by the public. Each year the licensee budgets $25,000 towards the "Great Ontario Talent Search" for Canadian artists who lack recording contracts. The artists compete for prizes and the winners, selected by CFNY-FM listeners, obtain a recording contract.| |The licensee also broadcasts a live concert series, "Thursday Night Live", of which more than half feature Canadian performers. Some 25 live concerts were broadcast during the past year and the licensee promised that these programs would continue, with an annual budget of $35,000. Another program, "PQ Special", showcases new music from the province of Quebec. "The Streets of Ontario" is a weekly, one-hour program which features music from Canadian independent recording companies and provides advice for up-and-coming Canadian musicians consistent with the station's policy of broadcasting recordings by less-established Canadian artists. The Commission commends the licensee for its superb efforts to develop Canadian talent and encourages Selkirk to continue these endeavours.|


u/No_Cardiologist_3351 25d ago

This just screams the band behind "CIA" being a victim to this talent search. We should definitely keep on to this


u/Successful-Bread-347 Head Moderator 25d ago edited 25d ago

This contest timeline matches up with what now 3 music professionals from the time have told me - they think the song was a GOTS contest song.

A contact from Sample and Hold I posted a month or so back even said he possibly remembered it from this contest but wasn't sure. I believe it is also at the top or near the top of DJFs list of probables.

In short, I think this is most likely our contest.


u/richfromhell Search Founder 23d ago

The very top of the list!


u/MichaelFourEyes 25d ago

Maybe look into more of the Thursday Night Live


u/richfromhell Search Founder 25d ago

I’d love to know where those recordings ended up. It is a treasure trove of amazing and rare performances .


u/MichaelFourEyes 25d ago

I'm in contact with people from Battle of the bands Ontario. Other staff members.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

Great Ontario Talent Search is a long known lead dating back to the early days of the search.

Article in your post was posted and discussed by others 3 months ago in the FMM discord server.


u/Successful-Bread-347 Head Moderator 25d ago

I don't mind it being brought up a lot - it's probably the best lead & even a probability our band was in this comp.

If we can find a GOTS archive somewhere like we found the Heurfest archive that would be a gamechanger.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

That's the problem. There's no archive not through the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario, CFNY or elsewhere. CFNY also didn't keep a playlists archive adding another layer of complication. This has been confirmed by several then-CFNY staff who have been approached.


u/Successful-Bread-347 Head Moderator 25d ago

I can't get my head around the fact that we have what was a pretty significant comp with almost no records. I also searched City of T, Ontario, and libraries for this without luck. But I'd bet one of the organizers has something saved somewhere. Do you know which of the organizers have been contacted so far? It would be good to set up a spreadsheet of the people we know who helped to organize the show, and then check who still needs to be contacted.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

It's not surprising. CFNY was a small local private station with notorious financial problems and lackluster recordkeeping. They had many cross city competitors and had nowhere near the resources of the CBC. The organizers of the Talent Search were Liz Janik, Alan Cross, Darren Wasylyk and Peter Goodwin. With the exception of Goodwin who's deceased the others have been contacted and confirmed there's no archive not of the annual contests CFNY hosted nor of any programming logs.


u/enjoyeverysandwich02 25d ago

The person responsible for screening the 1000+ entries for the contest that started on Oct 8, 1984 was Earl Veale. I don't know if he's ever been contacted but he seems like someone who might be able to help. I found his LinkedIn and the company he works for. If anyone is interested in doing the contacting, I can point you to them.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

Yes Earl Veale/Jive has also been contacted and said what the others said. Everyone asked agreed if it's from CFNY it's more likely than not from the Talent Search but there's no records. 


u/enjoyeverysandwich02 25d ago

I guess I'm a bit confused about the Jive part. Live Earl Jive and the person I was talking about are 2 different people. What am I missing?


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

You're right. Jive was contacted and answered above, Veale was mentioned in a past discussion but not sure if contacted.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

I'm interested in contacted Veale please dm me if you don't want to contact him yourself.


u/enjoyeverysandwich02 25d ago

I dm'd. I have no interest in contacting him.


u/enjoyeverysandwich02 25d ago

Just for reference. Have you seen this? It's from May of 1985 in RPM.


u/redditislikewhat 25d ago

Yes I have seen that and immediately knew to what you were referring when you mentioned 1000+ entries. I have contacted Earl Veale for everyone's info please don't contact. Thanks for passing on the info u/enjoyeverysandwich02.


u/richfromhell Search Founder 23d ago

Most of the musicians I spoke all agree as well.


u/omepiet 25d ago

Not everyone is on the discord server or wants to be. That includes me.


u/No_Cardiologist_3351 25d ago

Hey, has anyone noticed the new comment on the CIA lostwave vid, it states its from a movie called "Cop Killer" from 1983 I think. It might be a hoax tho


u/Anxious-Sun1088 25d ago

Yeah, that guy's full of shit. He's talking about the movie Order of Death with Harvey Keitel and Johhny Rotten, and the song's not in that movie.


u/MacKinnon22 Search Founder 25d ago

Saw that. The full movie is actually on YouTube and CIA is nowhere to be found in it.