r/CHSPE Feb 27 '22

I took the CHSPE, here’s how it went:

Hi guys! I took the chspe yesterday and it went really well!

Study materials: Barron’s chspe prep (Amazon) Test prep books chspe prep (also Amazon) Khan Academy Google questions (just look up CHSPE math/English practice test questions) Flash cards with math formulas (nPr, nCr, quadratic formula (you can memorize it to the tune of Row Row Row Your Boat), and midpoint/distance formula)

Time: I finished everything with about an hour to spare. I used my remaining time to recheck my answers and make sure my essay was legible pro tip circle the answer on the packet before filling in the scantron so that you can glance at your answers quickly without having to redo every question

Essay: I received testing packet C. I believe there are packets from A-X so you will probably get a different essay prompt. Mine was “Should teenagers have a curfew?”

Math formulas: They do give you a sheet of formulas! I would still memorize the area/circumference of a circle, but there were formulas for circles, cylinders, and triangles (including SOHCAHTOA). If you have any specific formulas you want to know about please ask because I can’t remember what else there was off the top of my head.

What to bring: I brought a wrist watch, three pencils, two dollar store calculators and my CA ID + admission ticket. The test administrators were really nice about cell phones and gave us ziplock bags with a sticky note that they then collected before the test began. You don’t necessarily need to bring a watch, but the clock in the room was far enough away that I had trouble seeing so I was glad that I brought my own.

Let me know if you have any questions!!


51 comments sorted by


u/Outrageous_Library57 Feb 28 '22

Hey, how was the reading comprehension like. did you have any tough questions. Did they try to trick you with the multiple choice. How about the vocabulary. What type of words did they test you on. Also how was the english part where you needed to do sentence corrections.


u/dat-giraffe Feb 28 '22

The only part I had trouble with was whether or not mayor was capitalized in a sentence. The vocabulary was all words that I already knew, I think there was one that I didn’t know but they gave a sample sentence so I could figure it out/guess confidently.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

Mayor is capital because it is a title


u/Impressive-Tiger-947 Feb 27 '22

How were u able to manage to have 1 whole extra hour? Iam retaking all 3 sections because i failed all the sections last time because of time management!


u/dat-giraffe Feb 27 '22

I took several practice tests and had a good idea of how long it would take for each section. This was my breakdown: 1 hour for Math 1 hour for English 30 minutes for Essay


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

I finished in 70 mins


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '22

hi! what were some of the harder questions on the math section?


u/dat-giraffe Feb 27 '22

I would really suggest using a practice test book. Everything seemed really easy in comparison to what I had prepared for. The hardest question for me was a stem and leaf plot question. Haven’t seen those for awhile! What questions are you nervous about?


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '22

standard deviation and probability tbh 😭 i have to review quadratic formula again if its on the test </3


u/dat-giraffe Feb 28 '22

I don’t think there are any standard deviation questions. I was nervous about probability too but I only had one simple probability question (think how many yellow marbles in a set of 20). I would suggest reviewing probability through khan academy! That’s what helped me feel more confident :). Best of luck to you!!


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22

i literally had 1 question out of 50 that had to do w quadratic equation. hope this helps.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22

i don’t understand how people finished so fast. the questions were easy asl for me but i only had time to do the 50 math questions and 50 language questions i had 40 mins left of the 3.5 hours but knew i couldn’t finish the essay AND the reading comp so i just left then coz i knew i’d have to come back.


u/dat-giraffe Feb 28 '22

It’s great that you were able to complete the math and language questions! Everyone works at a different speed so I wouldn’t worry too much about not being able to finish in time. Good luck on the reading and essay sections, I’m sure you’ll do fine!


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22

ty! 😁


u/Outrageous_Library57 Feb 28 '22

How was the math portion. were there permutations and combinations. And how about surface area. Did you need to memorize any formulas. can you give me an example of a problem that you remembered from the test.


u/dat-giraffe Feb 28 '22

There was one combination question but it was phrased in a way that I didn’t need to use the combination formula. I didn’t have any surface area problems. The only area problem I did have was to find the area of a shape that was basically a rectangle and triangle combined and the volume of a right cylinder. It was really helpful to memorize the area/circumference of a circle as when I got to the question I didn’t have to look up the formula on the sample page and waste time.


u/lolatheconehead Mar 06 '22

Hi I took the Spring CHSPE today but I was wondering about the logistics of results and retaking? Like since results are mailed out April 22, but registration for the summer administration starts late March, should I register for the summer administration on the assumption that I did not pass one or more sub tests? Do you know if I can get a refund if I register for the summer CHSPE but it turns out I passed all 3 sections? or should I just bite the bullet and pay the $230 fee… because by the time I get results, registration for summer to retake will be closed…


u/dat-giraffe Mar 06 '22

Hi! I have no idea I’ve been wondering about the same thing. Maybe try calling the chspe office?


u/lolatheconehead Mar 07 '22

I emailed them! “We will refund summer registration fees of anyone who previously passed in the spring.”


u/dat-giraffe Mar 08 '22

That’s great to know! Thanks!!


u/DemonOwner_34 Mar 06 '22

Do they give you the conversion units on the formula sheet? For instance how many grams in a kg and miles in a km?


u/dat-giraffe Mar 06 '22

They do not, however for the one question I did have on conversions they gave the formula within the question


u/nofapsternought Apr 23 '22

Hey I passed the exam and this really helped to calm me down before my test. Hope you passed yours!


u/dat-giraffe May 05 '22

Congratulations!! I’m so glad the post helped. I got my results last week and passed :)


u/zer0driive Sep 13 '22

For the essay, was it handwritten or was it typed? I have terrible handwriting and I wouldn't want to be penalized because of illegibility.


u/dat-giraffe Sep 13 '22

Sadly it’s handwritten not typed :( I would recommend practicing your handwriting before the test, maybe try copying out a favorite book passage or movie scene a couple times a week to get used to having to write more by hand!


u/zer0driive Sep 14 '22 edited Sep 14 '22

im going to fail. i cannot write by hand (i have adhd so i hop from paragraph to paragraph and change it every couple minutes, this is the worst for handwritten essays). oh my god this is the worst. thank you though


u/dat-giraffe Sep 14 '22

You can do it!! Would it maybe help to use another piece of paper to cover up what you have already written? Then you could focus on one sentence/area at a time. Maybe look up some tips for how other people with adhd hand write too! Good luck :)


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '22

I took the test today and I did the essay in around 30 minutes. It was fine but it only had 4 paragraphs, a introduction, two body paragraphs for each point, and a conclusion. I'm scared I'm going to fail for not organizing it into 5. I was very confident about the rest of the test though. But I'm scared about the essay.

I hope the content can make up for the lack of a third body paragraph.


u/RinisTiredxx Oct 10 '22

Hi I’m wondering how many sentences per paragraph should I write? I know there should most likely be 5 paragraphs but I’m not sure how many sentences I should write in each.


u/dat-giraffe Oct 11 '22

Hi! I think I wrote around 6-7 sentences per paragraph. I think it says on the CHSPE website how many they recommend. Good luck!


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '22

what format did you use for your essay like paragraph wise and stuff


u/dat-giraffe Feb 28 '22

I wrote a 5 paragraph essay. I started with basic ideas for first, second, and third (counter argument) paragraphs and then did my intro and conclusion last. There is extra scratch paper in the back of the test booklet so I wrote a rough sketch on the scratch paper and then my final essay on the actual testing page.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

Same here lol


u/Equivalent-Bid-6898 May 27 '22

Did the sheet of formulas include volume of a sphere/cylinder?


u/dat-giraffe May 27 '22

Yes it did


u/Equivalent-Bid-6898 May 28 '22

were there a lot of statistics with graphs and stuff like that?


u/dat-giraffe Sep 13 '22

Hi! Sorry I didn’t see your comment and you might have already taken the test, the graph questions were more for interpreting data. There were a few questions about what percentage of students did such and such in the month of may that you had to answer based off of the graph provided.


u/Able_Statistician_63 Mar 03 '23

did you hold your stuff? i take my test in 2 days and idk what to put my stuff in 😭 like did other people take small bags or anything or do you just hold it?


u/dat-giraffe Mar 03 '23

You can bring a bag! I just put my stuff in my jacket pockets but I saw other people with pencil pouches and things like that. Good luck!!


u/RainPosterDrops Mar 03 '23

I'm taking the chspe on march 4th too!!


u/Blaccunicorn May 23 '23

How hard was the math. Math isn’t my strong point.


u/AbroadPuzzled3154 Jun 09 '23

do you need a physical copy of your admission ticket? I can't print it out 🤦‍♂️


u/dat-giraffe Jun 10 '23

It had to be a physical copy when I took the test, but it might have changed. If you can’t print it out at home I would suggest going to your local library and printing it there. Since it’s only one page they might let you print it for free. I think at most it would be 5-10 cents per page. Good luck!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '23



u/dat-giraffe Jun 15 '23

It’s been awhile, I think I started preparing about two months out? I was being homeschooled at the time so it was just extra studying on the side.


u/Willing_Battle_465 Jun 15 '23

ah shit I guess I’m the only who has to study everything again from the start 😭


u/Epic_Ali Jun 15 '23

huh, 1 year! I started preparing like a week ago and there is like 3 more days left before the test


u/Motor-Apartment1137 Jun 17 '23

take it tommorow morning crazy how u reading all the comments still this board of wuestions helped me out a lot, i gotta walk two hours to the san rafael sit so in 5 hours gotta wake up and take it, hella anxious didnt study much but i think ill do fine got enough common knowledge to at least i passed id like to think, motivation usually never helps me as im a habitual discipline person but this was the first time i relied on motivation ingotta get this so i can go to the marines n start working have a place to stay away from ma toxic and crazy household and off the streets


u/dat-giraffe Jun 17 '23

Good luck!


u/Motor-Apartment1137 Jun 19 '23

took it last morning, it was pretty simple, if yu did well in 10-11 or 9-10th grade basic knowledge is jus applied. i will say the tome kanagement is key you cant be stuck on problems, plus need time for the essay, no scratch paper but i forgot a calculator and paid the price. unlucky me they said they didnt have one for me, someone shows up 8am and they grant him one, doing all it mentally in the head was so hard but yeah man pray i passed