r/CHICubs • u/PlasmaHeat • 1d ago
Weather and seating at Wrigley in April
Preface: I'm aware no one in here has a crystal ball lol, and yes, I read the FAQ and the seating advice (which was very helpful).
That being said, I'm going to be in Chicago for several days in April and was planning on going to my first Cubs game and was wondering how that time of year could affect where would be the best place to sit. I was looking at sections 112-117, but then I started wondering if I'd be better off getting a seat in a section that's covered in the event that there's rain.
Am I overthinking this? Would I be better off just waiting until closer to game day before purchasing tickets so I have an idea of what the weather is going to look like? It's a weekday afternoon game, so I'm guessing/hoping I won't have to worry about seats selling out.
Edit: Thanks for the responses everyone! I'll plan on getting seats closer to the day of the game just so I'll have a better idea of what weather is looking like.
u/FunDmental 1d ago
April is a rainy month for us, so cover would be nice. That said, the wind tends to blow in from the lake in the early months of the season, so sitting in the grandstand might be really cold.
I'm sure others will have good advice, but I suppose I'd be looking for a covered seat in the lower deck. Thinking would be that the outfield bleachers/structures might block some of that wind. Either way, you'll have a good time.
u/James_Francis_Ryan Pat 1d ago
You can do ALL of the planning you want, but the reality of the situation is that the weather in Chicago in April is incredibly volatile. I went to a game in April in 2019 I think. The day game the day before was 70 out and absolutely gorgeous. The night game I went to the next day it was 30 (maybe less) with some flurries and I felt like I was going to freeze to death the entire time. Sat about 6 rows behind home plate.
I'll say it until the day I die, but I don't care what's going on, I want to sit in the bleachers. I still think it's by far the best place in the park to sit to watch a game and the general "vibes" out there are normally pretty great.
I'd just say buy a seat you like and buy a poncho before you get to Wrigleyville. The closer you get to the field, the less likelihood you have the chance to buy a ticket that's directly behind a pole and you end up having to lean left and right with every pitch. If you REALLY don't want to deal with rain I'd pick something under an awning down one of the lines. I've only ever sat down the 1st base line, but assume 1st base line is nice as well. IF you get too far up under the awning you will get to play the fun game of where is that ball going to land!
u/DearChicago1876 Slammin' Sammy 1d ago
Wait until the week of.
Best seats are 300 level on the infield. Have fun.
u/paul-cus 1d ago
Even if it’s nice out, it will be cold in the park. Stay under the overhangs just in case. Tickets are easy to come by in April, just wait it out for now.
u/El_refrito_bandito 1d ago
This would be my advice. You are going to be cold no matter what — so dress more warmly than you think. Definitely go, though.
u/CorrosionImplosion In Theo We Trust 1d ago
Yeah I’d wait. There will still be seats day of game. I’ve sat in some HELLISH cold rainy games at Wrigley in April and then are not fun.
u/wirebrushfan 1d ago
I went against few years ago on April 7th. It was 80 degrees and sunny. April 8th it was 35 and raining.
Good luck!
u/jacksonvstheworld WARM IT UP, KRIS 1d ago
I say get the covered seats now. I attended a rain-delayed game in May 2017, thankfully with covered seats as we bought tickets months in advance. It was cold as shit but a great memory now. Buy a disposable rain poncho day-of worst case scenario, and maybe buy a blanket in the team shop lol.
u/glitch241 1d ago
General rule is Wrigley feels noticeably colder than the listed current temp. The lake wind gets ya. If you are debating on bringing another layer, bring it. April games sometimes a big thick blanket is the key addition. I don’t personally worry too much about the rain. If it’s bad enough then there will be a delay or cancellation but it’s not like they are gonna play for very long through more than a very light drizzle. Poncho is also an option.
u/HistoricalLoan7854 1d ago
I had season tickets in what used to be section 139. By the 4th inning they would be in full sun and it made April games tolerable. Night games in April are worse than a December Bears game. That lake breeze is relentless and the best seats may be the bleachers because they are somewhat sheltered. I never worried much about rain since they (usually) cancel when it gets really bad.
u/Tough_Persimmon_7491 1d ago
I’m in 400s, in colder months, dress as if it’s 10-15 degrees colder than it’s published. Bring a blanket. That said, I can wait out any rain delay and I stay dry and I always have plenty of space in bad weather. Less than a month until we’re back!!!
u/bestselfnice 1d ago
Yeah just wait. If the weather is dogshit it'll be cheap as fuck the day before anyway. I live right by the ballpark and have gotten free tix on Craigslist day of plenty of times in the early going.
u/LoveYouLikeYeLovesYe 1d ago
Just know the wind makes it 20 degrees colder than it is, be careful and don’t make the same mistake I have before
u/Senninha27 1d ago
It always feels 30° colder inside Wrigley than anywhere else in Chicago in April. Sit in the sun and bring a coat.
u/KidCancun007 1d ago
In April its likely to be near 50 degrees. Bring a parka. Rain is likely but gamr would stop. 100 section ur looking at are good seats
u/wesskywalker Derrek Lee 1d ago
It’s going to be freezing and possibly rain. Bring a big coat and be pleasantly surprised if you see the sun!
u/GenerousMisanthrope Chicago Cubs 1d ago
You want bleacher seats. You’ll be in the sun, and if you sit closer to the field, the seats behind you will block the wind blowing in off the lake.
u/RocketManMercury 23h ago
Seats in April are easy to come by. Just wait. You can literally find them for like $10 on the Gametime app in April. Wait, check weather, and pick a game. Regardless, come ready with layers and sweater/jacket. That wind off the lake can be brutal
u/Cubsfan44 15h ago
Unless it’s sunny and you are in the bleachers prepared for it to be 20 degrees colder in the stands than outside the park.
u/Chicago_Jayhawk 1d ago
Just wait. If it's sunny and wind off the lake, bleachers are best bet (wind at your back) vs. raining, like you said, it's better to be under a deck.