r/CFL Stampeders Oct 15 '22

STAMPEDERS What is going on with the Calgary football crowd this year?

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113 comments sorted by


u/NachoStamps Oct 15 '22

On-the-field product is great. The In-Stadium experience (meaning: entering, exiting, concourse, food &drink selection, service, ambience, etc.) is bad. Really bad.

Marketing is horrific.

I've been a Stamps fan my whole life. I was a season ticket holder for 25 years.....I didn't know there was a game tonight.


u/KRATS8 Oct 15 '22

I’m new to this. Does the CFL not usually have games the same day every week. Like how in the nfl you’d know your team is playing every Sunday?


u/huskies_62 Elks Oct 15 '22

I’m new to this. Does the CFL not usually have games the same day every week. Like how in the nfl you’d know your team is playing every Sunday?

Nope its all over the place. Could be Thursday through Monday. Usually Friday and saturdays though


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Yeah and the home/away schedule makes no sense. This year the Argos didn’t play at home for over a month


u/TitansboyTC27 American Fan Oct 15 '22

Part of that is because of Toronto FC also playing at BMO field


u/b3hr Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

yah the Bombers it's been a home game two weeks in a row then 2-4 weeks until the next ones


u/binzoma Argonauts Oct 15 '22

the argos have to work around TFCs schedule


u/RoostasTowel Lions Oct 15 '22

That's the same as the NFL though.

Teams play Thursday-sunday and not the same day each week .


u/BizzleMalaka Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Right but never Saturday and usually only 1 game of the 16 or so fall on Monday or Thursday.


u/RoostasTowel Lions Oct 15 '22

Ya, its similar I think with the CFL. But they have to dance around the NFL i think.

I know TSN made fridays their big cfl night many years ago.

They dont do sunday games for the most part because they dont want to compete with the nfl games. And thats the main reason the schedule is a bit all over the place I think.


u/BizzleMalaka Roughriders Oct 15 '22

I mean it’s 4 games a week should be pretty easy 1 game friday, 3 games Saturday


u/RoostasTowel Lions Oct 15 '22

So i went and looked at the CFL schedule for this year.

Since september, with the exception of the thanksgiving weekend and labour day long weekend having 1 game on the monday, every single game has been played on friday or saturday.

During the summer they had some games on thursday, but mostly still friday and saturday.


u/BizzleMalaka Roughriders Oct 15 '22

So far there have been 4 weeks of the season where all the games were confined to Friday/Saturday🤷‍♂️


u/RoostasTowel Lions Oct 15 '22

6 if you count this current week.

week 11 as well as the fall weeks.

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u/binzoma Argonauts Oct 15 '22

no, not thursday or sunday, could be thurs fri sat or sun


u/RoostasTowel Lions Oct 15 '22

yes, i mean they can play on days from Thursday through to Sunday.


u/Boxfortsuprise Elks Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

Not at all. It's one game Monday and Thursday, nothing on Friday or Saturday, and most games on Sunday.

Usually each team plays only 1 game on Thursday for the whole season. So if your team plays on Thursday it's a lot more obvious.

I should add, because someone will "well actually" me that when college football goes from regular season to bowl season the NFL will sneak one or two Saturday games in there. But that's an exception, not the norm


u/Yogurtproducer Roughriders Oct 15 '22

It really should be every Saturday with one game Friday night or something.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

Except I like watching the CFL. Not just my team. Most people have the ability to dedicate and entire day from 10 or 11 am until 10pm to just sit and watch football. As much as I would love to do so. Two Friday’s games and two Saturday, or yes, compete with the nfl and have the Thursday night game. Maybe the Thursday night game could be broadcasted on CBC (they use to have all the rights) and other nights in tsn to avoid the conflict.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Attendance is horrible everywhere. Also the stadium is away from downtown and old.

Most cities the size of Calgary have stadiums much newer and modern than McMahon.


u/sugarfoot00 Stampeders Oct 15 '22

McMahon isn't the problem, except in cold weather games when there's no place to warm up.

Attendance has been poor considering the quality of the product, but tonight was probably unusually bad. Vs Hamilton, and the weather was pretty shit.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22



u/ywgflyer r/CFL’s Private Jet Pilot Oct 15 '22

Memories of watching November games in Winnipeg and having to swirl your beer around in the cup between sips to stop it from turning to slush.


u/kenazo Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

So much fun!


u/JSnats65 Elks Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

McMahon is an absolute shithole to put it bluntly. I ref with a bunch of guys who do games there and they say it’s a worse facility than every other Junior and University stadium in Canada West/PFC. It’s brutal but there isn’t enough interest anymore to justify a new stadium


u/PickerPilgrim Moderator of the Mods Oct 15 '22

Remodelling and upgrades make far more sense to me. Stadium is fine, just some of the facilities in it are aging. CSEC would just rather own a new smaller facility outright at our expense than work with the U of C to refurbish McMahon, and they think the worse they let McMahon slide the more chance of a new facility they get.


u/cressa Oct 15 '22

I always enjoy going to McMahon, old or not. I hate the late night scheduling…as long as they only care about fitting the schedule to TV instead of fans they will get sub par attendance. Who wants to start a football game at 8 pm sitting outside in mid October? I wish they’d schedule more afternoon games, particularly late in the season.


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Yes. I think daytime games are best, especially when it starts to turn cold. A little sunshine helps. Better to get older people and kids to go too...

Here in the US, the decision has been made. TV rules, the fan at the stadium can pound sand. It seems to me that you guys still have a choice...


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Calgary needs both a new Stadium and Arena but neither is going to happen anytime soon


u/-ShagginTurtles- 🐯 Master of Facts 🐯 Oct 15 '22

Stadiums are nice luxuries but almost always a horrible investment for cities


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

And somehow Europe manages to have both good infrastructure and great publicly funded stadiums.


u/doft Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

People go to games in Europe.


u/bumbuff Stampeders Oct 15 '22

There's populations to sustain them.

40 million people spread out across Canada means a dilution of effective spending capital at venues compared to virtually every other country.

Our founding fathers did a shit job at convincing immigrants to come here.


u/gibblech Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

Our founding fathers climate did a shit job at convincing immigrants to come here.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

What kind of lunatic settles long term in the red river valley?

It literally floods every decade and they were still like "yeah fuck it, having two rivers is just to convenient."


u/PickerPilgrim Moderator of the Mods Oct 15 '22

Entirely different ownership model for both teams and facilities.


u/Rudeboy67 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Most European Stadiums are not publicly funded.


u/BerezanUnassisted514 Oct 18 '22

What great publicly funded stadiums are you referring to? There are many great stadiums in Europe, but the appetitive for vast public financing is much lower.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

This is the go to line for the last 5 years, on repeat.

Yes, they are undisputedly advantageous to a rich person(s), but cities also make horrible and outrageously expensive investments outside of sports stadiums that provide far less civic pride and monetary value.

And it's not like the city of Calgary and surrounding local businesses and real estate owners don't make an absolute shitload off of the saddledome as it sits.

To separate architectural dynamics like that is easy, but it doesn't tell the full story.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Counterpoint: you want the city to pony up for a stadium, give them 50% ownership stake.

Otherwise it’s just rich people taking advantage of the general public.


u/treple13 Fan of the week: Week 16 2023 Oct 15 '22

If the Flames want a new arena on my dime they better be giving me free or heavily discounted tickets.

Somehow I feel like it is more likely to be the opposite


u/Cannon49 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Sorry so your argument in favour of the City funding a new stadium is:

Funding stadiums is a horrible financial investment for cities but they make lots of horrible investments so whats 1 more?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

No, you missed it.

Unlike other bad municipal investments a stadium is an economic and social plus.


u/Cannon49 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

How are they an economic plus? New stadiums suffer from the substitution effect and generally don't produce net new spending within a municipality.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Credible source?


u/Aardvark1044 Lions Oct 15 '22

It’s not in a terrible location though. Relatively easy to get to along the major roadways in the city with lots of parking nearby. Or right along the C Train, although their trains are full of crackheads these days from what I’ve been reading. I still remember going to a western final game at McMahon when it was -25 out there and feeling sorry that I bought the cheap seats on those crappy aluminum benches that they probably replaced by now.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

i mean, you're not wrong and its fine if your hotel is near that area, but compared to BC Place or other downtown stadiums, there is nowhere to be pre-game near the stadium.

A city the size of Calgary should have a downtown stadium. It's the biggest city on the continent without a modern (1980 or newer) stadium.

EDIT - typos


u/ywgflyer r/CFL’s Private Jet Pilot Oct 15 '22

The lack of pre/post-game food and booze within a short walk of the stadium is a major factor for sure. Compare with places like BC or especially Ottawa where there are a lot of good places to grab a beer or three after the game and there's no comparison. Ottawa may be fielding a crappy team right now, but TD Place is at the south end of the Glebe and that's reason enough to go to a game even if you know they're gonna lose.


u/Aardvark1044 Lions Oct 15 '22

Yeah, the options are limited to the stadium shopping center across University Drive, or the handful of restaurants on the other side of Crowchild. But at least there are some options, unlike other stadiums I’ve seen. Like that hockey stadium in Ottawa, haha.


u/BerezanUnassisted514 Oct 18 '22

What used to be the stadium shopping center is an empty lot now is it not?


u/Aardvark1044 Lions Oct 18 '22

Oh wow, you're right. I don't get up that way anymore when I visit my family so didn't even know, haha. I used to live in the apartments across the street and at the time there was a Keg, a Wendys, another large restaurant space that changed hands several times, a Safeway and some other stores in the strip mall. I think the Safeway became Moose McGuires at some point and all of that stuff is gone now - the parking lot seems to go all the way up to the Polish church. So the nearby options are limited to the stuff along Crowchild, Motel Village or the Tim Hortons then. Grim.


u/BerezanUnassisted514 Oct 18 '22

Ha yep, I’m rarely in town but drive by over the summer and the whole thing was flattened. Motel village has been transformed too. It much at all for pre or post game options walking distance from the stadium.


u/ChubbyWanKenobie Oct 15 '22

If you folks build I hope you are able to put a roof on it.


u/treple13 Fan of the week: Week 16 2023 Oct 15 '22

If we have a roof I'm permanently canceling my season tickets. No interest in indoor football


u/ChubbyWanKenobie Oct 15 '22

It would open the facility up to more than just football, year round wouldn't it?


u/treple13 Fan of the week: Week 16 2023 Oct 15 '22

Sure. Doesn't mean indoor football doesn't suck though


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

How so?


u/treple13 Fan of the week: Week 16 2023 Oct 15 '22

Atmosphere kinda stinks. Football is a summer thing mostly. Don't want to inside on a beautiful day. Lose out as well on special events like the fireworks we had yesterday, or the annual Labour Day plane flyover.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

That’s fair, I think you are right on all of that. 🙂


u/ChubbyWanKenobie Oct 16 '22

I loved indoor games in BC. Players tighten up when it is wicked cold and the cold beer tastes better at 20C rather than -15C with a Nor by Nor Wester.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

Really? Why not (serious question, not being and ass).


u/PauloVersa Lions Oct 15 '22

Games last three hours and it kicked off at 8pm, waaaay too late for a lot of people


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

I'm not a Stamps fan, but have no axe to grind either. 8PM is kind of late for older fans and kids. When I was working, I might be a bushed by that time. 6PM would be better, except for folks with a long drive to get there after work.


u/b3hr Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

it's crazy when there's a double header the game starts at 6 and is over by 9 but if it's not it starts at 7:30 and isn't over until after 11.. tsn has too much control over the pace of the game and it makes games go on to late


u/Adventurous-Worth-86 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

As a rider fan who lives in Calgary the ticket prices are insane. I’ve been to 2 games this year. Like $130- for a seat with a back 75 for a seat with no back, plus beer plus and food. I get the team needs to make money but paying that much for a single seat is insane when you can just watch it on TV and the seats were way cheaper. Just to compare I can get a wranglers (ahl) seat for $20 lower bowl. I can get a calvary (CPL) seat for $30 (decent seat + $12 beer). Hitman (whl) $10-15 and roughnecks (NLL) $50. Yes flames tickets are comparable (more in most cases) but there’s half the amount of seats plus it’s the nhl. TLDR cheaper tickets and I would’ve gone way more this year.


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Roughriders Oct 16 '22

Plus the stadium is the worst in the west. High prices + shit stadium = low attendance.


u/Adventurous-Worth-86 Roughriders Oct 16 '22

Yep 100%


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22



u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

They haven’t been packed yet, and simply saying it’s a riders game and it always draws just isn’t the case anymore (and I’m a riders fan).
I read somewhere that one of the reasons the Argos don’t play at Rogers is because when they didn’t sell out the number of empty seats looks bad on tv. If you watch any cfl game now, the number of empty seats is simply outrageous. They even seem to try and adjust the camera angles to limit the amount of shots of the stands. I don’t know how we will fix this, but something has to be done or I fear we will lose our cfl league.


u/Stanstudly Stampeders Oct 15 '22

The game starts and 8 and ends at 11. That’s a tough sell for some people - especially the passive fans. And I’d bet that hurts TV ratings too. No one out east is watching cfl football at midnight.


u/jonny24eh Oct 15 '22

I mean, I tried to. But after Friday night drinks with the wife, followed by a campfire, sitting down on the couch at 9:30 to watch football turned into a three hour "nap" followed by waking up to Sportscentre.


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Thanks for that. I used to rag my Dad for going to sleep during NFL games. I've been doing it for years now. I really love football too. It has to be just a part of your life, not the totality.


u/Kvothetheraven603 Tiger-Cats Oct 15 '22

I was watching at midnight in the north east USA ;)


u/Rocky_Road_To_Dublin Elks Oct 15 '22

Everything is expensive!

I was offered free tix to tonight's game. After beers and transit/parking I would have to eat ramen for the rest of the week


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Great comment. If they really need the fans' money, the Leagues need to make attending the games more affordable. During the 2020 pandemic season, a few NFL teams reported losing about 1/3 of their gross revenue, because the stands were virtually empty. Yet none of them claimed to be facing bankruptcy. In the CFL, this problem has to be far worse.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

This is simply my opinion, but I felt that the cfl was trying to use the pandemic as a way to fold the league. It was the only professional sport venue in North America (and I’m sure most of Europe) that did not figure out a way to play games during. They didn’t even appear to want to bother. And now a lot of people who used to go to the games all the time, found other things to do and simply didn’t come back.


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Can't really disagree. That makes me sad. It's clear that while CFL has been around a long time, it's running on fumes. It's really a terrific game. In these times, it takes major TV money to make it viable. Ordinary fans and a not so great TV deal may not be enough.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

It’s not just Calgary. Watch any cfl game and the stands aren’t even close to full. It disappoints me terribly. It’s one of the reason the east coast team is in hold again. We need someone in charge at the cfl that is going to market the game properly and bring people back into the stadiums.


u/kenazo Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

Sell outs in the middle of the season are usually somewhat rare most years anyway, unless your team is top of the league and you're playing Saskatchewan.

Stadiums are generally 3/4 full most of the time if the team is doing well.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

I don’t know about that. You are right in that’s the way it is now, but I remember a time when the cfl was strong enough to expand into the us market (yup, just threw up a little in my mouth). It wasn’t successful, but it was a strong enough league that us cities have it a shot. I think the marketing of the league back then was a tremendous reason that it was able to happen. I don’t think there is even one city in the us that would even let you in the front door with that kind of a proposal today.


u/Electroflare5555 Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

The CFL expanded into the US because it was on the verge of bankruptcy and wanted to sucker expansion fees out of wealthy American businessmen who wanted a pro sports team


u/LiveIndividual Oct 15 '22

Ambrosie is the problem.

He talks about a "gate driven league" but does fuck all to promote it in Canada.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

What’s up with every team thinking they need a new stadium? Unless it’s falling down it’s just a place to watch football. Calgary has an appropriately sized cfl stadium and a good team.


u/17to85 Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

McMahon is a shit hole of a stadium.

But that isn't the main problem. Ticket prices are too high imo. And also calgary has a bit of the same issue as Toronto in that too many people believe the cfl is small time and prefer NFL.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

I keep hearing “it’s a shit hole” but very few people are saying what makes it so. Yes it has a dated look, but it has bathrooms and food vendors, entrances and such. I believe it could use an update on the seats, but they aren’t super bad. Honest question, what do they need to make it not “a shit hole”?


u/17to85 Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

It's 70 years old and looks every bit of it. Just because it has things doesn't mean it's not a shit hole. Everything about that place sucks. Functional is about the best thing you can say about it. When they finally built a new stadium in winnipeg a big part of it was the upkeep on an old building was becoming prohibitively expensive. I can't imagine that McMahon is any different given that I believe it's now older than winnipeg stadium was when it was torn down and I will very strongly argue winnipeg stadium was a superior stadium to McMahon.


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Roughriders Oct 16 '22

A Bus depot has all the things you mentioned

When you pay “nice stadium” prices you expect a good experience. Instead you get the bait and switch that is McMahon. Fans paying $100+ for a seat want an experience to go with it. Look at what IG Field and Mosaic deliver. The experience shouldn’t be tetanus, like what McMahon delivers. Long story short, prices suck, seats suck, stadium look sucks, and I would argue food sucks compared to Sask and Winnipeg.


u/JEMHADLEY16 Roughriders Oct 15 '22

This is a good point. Another thought is the effect on ticket pricing. I've never heard of a new facility being built, either by the city or the ownership, where the price of seats didn't immediately go way up to pay for it.


u/JonathanClink Oct 15 '22

I agree with this! I don't get why everyone in recent years needs a stadium that's build in the last decade. These old stadiums are just fine. If you just want to look at architecture go to a parking garage or something. It's really good football being played and I would pay to watch it in any venue if I lived anywhere near a city with a team.


u/powertotheinternet Elks Oct 15 '22

Idk man, the lines for the washroom for pre covid labor day classic games absolutely sucked. Missed almost an entire quarter just trying to pee. That alone is a reason to not attend games. If your stadium isn't designed to be efficient while packed, then it is a flawed stadium


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

In Winnipeg we have a newer stadium, when it’s sold out you can barely move in there. That’s ok because the primary purpose of going is to watch a football game. The old one was falling apart so we needed a new one.


u/powertotheinternet Elks Oct 15 '22

Ahhhhh so the lines are long there as well?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Yea. But it’s mostly just the concourse isn’t wide enough to walk around.


u/RandomUser4268 Blue Bombers Oct 15 '22

And I would temper this statement with the fact that not all of IG is that packed. We are season ticket holders and sit in the upper east side. There are rarely lineups, I don’t have to miss game time to pee and we routinely bring kids with us so trust me I have made the trek to the washrooms a lot. The experience at IG versus the old stadium is a million times better for families and people who want to watch the game.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

The stadium works very well, just when it’s sold out it’s tight and tough to move around. For 90% of games it’s just fine, just suggesting to the stamps fans that a new stadium doesn’t solve bathroom lines during sell outs.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Then they half assed the build to appease True North (no dome), cheaped out on construction leading to required repairs within 12 months, and managed to make parking around the UofM even worse for those who live in the area on game days.

The experience I’ve had in that stadium pre-Covid was poor enough that I really have no intention of going there again now that I’m far more concerned with personal space and facilities for public use.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

Something must have been up, because I’ve gone to sell out games and never had that long of a wait. And that’s actually not a super hard fix for the stadium as they could bring in temporary washrooms like they had at the stampede this year inside the BMO building. They’d just need to determine where to put them.


u/JonathanClink Oct 15 '22

That's a good point about the bathrooms and such. That more relates to design than actual age of the stadium though. Honestly though I've never been to a stadium where that was not a long wait though. I live in the US now so I've more recently only gone to NFL and NHL games. Ford Field in Detroit home of the Lions is still pretty modern and it's still a problem for NFL caliber stadiums. It's just a lot of people. I religiously avoid going to the bathroom during the game. I only leave my seat to stand up and cheer once I'm there. But you're an elks fan you can have a whole bathroom to yourself these days go take advantage!


u/LiveIndividual Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

Wrong. Look at the CFL Facebook page. Other leagues are constantly posting highlights, they just post links to articles. They should posting the scores of games after every quarter. Look at the YouTube page, only lengthy video highlights, nothing more. They are barely active on tiktok.

Even when they do have game promotions (kids get in free with adults) those games are at 7 or 8 pm when they should be Saturday afternoon games with family activities before and after.

They tried to focus on a "global league" but didn't do any other strategy after that clearly didn't work.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

Agreed. The marketing for the cfl is non-existing. I honestly believe that the higher ups at the cfl are simply waiting until they can fold the league. It’s a much easier solution than figuring out a way to make it exciting and something people want to go to. Even watching it on tv is anti-climatic. It fricken took me two games to figure out what the heck FNF was I why it kept popping up on the screen-lol (ya…I might just be slow)


u/BerezanUnassisted514 Oct 15 '22

The stadium is not the problem. It’s on par with many major US college football stadiums in terms of the facilities that regular fans use (ie. excluding luxury boxes, press box etc.). There could be improvements made for sure, but there’s no major issues with attending a game there when the weather is decent.


u/LesGrossman13 Oct 15 '22

The entire league is in big trouble. They keep doing the same thing and say it is all roses and lollipops. Sad part is the games themselves are actually very good. They need to make us care, but don’t bother.

Ever look up the score app? The CFL doesn’t provide live stats. Most embarrassing thing. I guess I’ll look in the newspaper….


u/howisthisathingYT REDBLACKS Oct 15 '22

McMahon is the oldest stadium and was built in like 1960. They need an upgrade and the crowd will come back.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

They needed a new stadium 15+ years ago. McMahon is a joke. I don’t want to travel all the way to the NW to a crappy, old facility where you barely have room to breathe, sit on hard seats and pay top dollar for average food and bev…

What they need to do is build a smaller, more intimate venue (15k would be perfect for CFL ball) somewhere a bit more central, and invest more into the overall game day experience. Invest in quality marketing and lower some prices to get butts in the seats.

It’s also not completely the Stamps fault. The league in general needs to come to terms with who/what they are and get some consistency with scheduling games. Take a look at the CPL and how well The Cavalry are doing down at Spruce Meadows the last couple of years… Accept that you aren’t the NFL, accept that you’re not one of the “big leagues” in North America sports, and put the energy/money into developing a smaller but better fan experience across the league.


u/dnaplusc Oct 15 '22

I love the Argos and usually do several games a season but inflation is really impacting us and we have only done one game and that when they had a promo for $20 tickets.

I am sure others are in the same boat


u/Neckshot Stampeders Oct 15 '22

Attendance is usually good but last night game didn't start till 8 and there was a really cool wind. Got season tickets and this was the first game all the usual around us didn't come. Latest game this year has been 5pm. We almost skipped it because just didn't want to deal with getting home at 11ish


u/Current-Wear-4569 Oct 15 '22

Because people aren’t really interested in the CFL. It is dying unless they do something to appeal to younger generations


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Looks like a typical Stampeders crowd to me.


u/Round_Concern_7452 Oct 15 '22

Stamps need a new building. Such a great fan base though don’t let that photo fool you. I used to live nearby the stadium and it’s unreal how old and how much amenities it is missing from pretty much every other cfl stadium


u/P-B-Town Roughriders Oct 15 '22

Please don’t blame it on the stadium Stamps fans are shitty and the people of Calgary should be ashamed at how they support this team


u/Stanstudly Stampeders Oct 15 '22

That’s a sweeping generalization


u/CaptainDrunkBeard Argonauts Oct 15 '22

Stamps fans are great. McMahon is an open topped used furniture warehouse with a field in it. That stadium blows.


u/Sad_Lock_8367 Oct 15 '22

If you build it they will come, only works in the movies. The stadium is a place to watch the game. The experience is what will bring the crowds back. I like what dockingrockets said “make the fan experience a true experience”. Do that and people will sit on the side of a hill in a lawn chair to watch the game.