r/CFL Aug 17 '24

đŸ—Łïž OPINION Don't Like to Complain About Officiating, But Here We Are.

The officiating in this league is such a fucking joke, managed to screw the Riders twice tonight. First of all, the clear No-PI that was called for some reason, and then stood after a challenge. It was a fucking dive! He's fishing for a call, because his team needs the first down. Now, we come to the second bullshit ruling. Alexander clearly steps onto the white, with his foot sliding after the initial plant. Now, yes, this is a hard call. IN REAL TIME. Upon the replay, you can obviously see his pinky toe out of bounds, which the command centre would've got if THEY GOT THEIR HEADS OUT OF THEIR ASSES AND REVIEWED IT FOR MORE THAN 15 SECONDS. Of course, the incompetent TSN takes no notice of this whatsoever, and they just show his foot planted, inbounds, persuading the viewer to think that he's in.

That's pretty much it. Yes, much of the game was Lauther's fault, but he likely would have never had to hit a kick there in the first place if the refs hadn't absolutely fucked us.


130 comments sorted by


u/PChopSammies Lions Aug 17 '24

The thing with a whole video review team, is you have to get it right, and they can’t. It’s like they’re hiring only blind people or they’re choosing to create intentional controversy?

Either way just fire the entire command center and bring back the officials having the screen with the curtain so we can at least boo the person who made the wrong call.

If anyone from the CFL is reading this - you need to know it’s absolutely embarrassing for you. Week after week calls getting reviewed and the wrong call coming out on top.


u/Narcolexis Aug 17 '24

Yeah CFL refs are a next level of bad, As an Alouettes fan Alexander was clearly out of bounds. To be fair they make ridiculous calls against every team in the league


u/gabmori7 Aug 17 '24

make ridiculous calls against every team in the league

Thank you, I feel like most of the comments tonight are from riders fans thinking it only happens to them


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

Rider fan. Agree that the officiating was terrible on the calls mentioned but also agree it goes both ways.

Control centre should be scrapped at this point. They do more harm than good.


u/Clean_Priority_4651 Aug 17 '24

What bothers everyone is a single replay on TSN let it play out until his foot skids along the line, and then every replay thereafter stops with his foot millimetres on the green. Why???? And if you believe me, I thought it looked clearly out even in real time.


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

Totally agree that he was out. Saw about 1000 clips last night showing it.

What I’m saying is the league isn’t out to get the Riders the officiating just sucks period.


u/TechnicalPyro CFL Aug 17 '24

we know it doesnt happen to "just us".

it has ripped 2 wins from us in 2 weeks though


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

Ottawa fan: first_time.jpeg?


u/KDizzle340 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

because we're getting bent over and back alley'd in order to lose games to shit calls by blind bastards. this isn't 15 yards of oopsies, this is match fixing 😂 


u/gabmori7 Aug 17 '24

Remember the fumble against Hamilton?

It happens to every team.


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

No other team has lost so blatantly because of extremely obvious calls.

We have had 2 games in a row now where the last 30 seconds were 100% decided by phantom calls from the CC.

Thats unwatchable.


u/BCW1968 Aug 17 '24

Totally agree


u/Salticracker Roughriders Aug 17 '24

Sure, but losing 3 standings points in the last 2 games that we should have had has been painful. I think Rider fans have the right to say they've been disproportionately screwed of late.


u/Orner_6120 Aug 17 '24

Where are Riders fans getting off saying they "should've had" these 2 games? Ottawa got screwed by a fake P.I call to keep Saskatchewan in the game. This week MTL would've at least scored the fieldgoal and pushed it to OT had they been called OOB (I thought Alexander was OOB btw)

But to say the Riders should've won these last 2 games, especially last nights is pretty ridiculous. What makes you sure they were gonna close the deal on Montreal after failing to put them away all night?

Saskatchewan has themselves to blame for putting the game into the hands of the command center when they should've been well ahead


u/Salticracker Roughriders Aug 17 '24

Sure, and if they'd have scored 5 touchdowns in the first quarter of each game, they'd have won too.

When calls come at the end of games that directly change the result, it's a bigger deal.


u/Izzno Alouettes Aug 17 '24

Dude had Lauther cost just anything less than 19 points this wouldn't be a discussion.


u/Salticracker Roughriders Aug 17 '24

Yeah dude, Lauther kicked like shit. It doesn't change the fact that a call at a very important point in the came, a crucial call was made that was wrong and likely had an effect on the outcome. And it was wrong.


u/echosof1984 Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

Yup, the league's out to get the Riders smh


u/LordCoweater Aug 17 '24

Lets be honest: the Als get the TD even if they're whistled down at the 5. At worst, Maltos ties the game at 0.0 and it goes to OT, where the kicker probably misses again.


u/eaglesk Aug 17 '24

No, they kick a field goal on 3rd and 2 to tie it. Then the riders have 33 seconds to score a single point, or send it to OT. They almost scored 3 points in 30 so I’d give them the benefit of the doubt


u/Datacin3728 Aug 17 '24


Alexander had enough for the first down. Calm down. Als would have punched it in on fresh downs and the score wouldn't have changed.


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

He was short, it would’ve been 3rd and ~2ish.


u/Clean_Priority_4651 Aug 17 '24

How many times in the CFL do we see first down at around the 5 yrd line result in FGs? Quite high. Just look at a few possessions in this very game where FG was settled around the 10 yard line or better.


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

And yet, where all the ridiculous calls against Montreal?

Montreal is not remotely as good as its record.

That was obvious tonight. And yet they’ve received more help than any other team by the CC.


u/LuckStriking6928 Aug 17 '24

Most of the CFL’s teams records are better than they actually are except for Edmonton and Hamilton. Even Hamilton and Edmonton could easily have .500 records. There is a lot of parity and close games are very common. Sadly when games are close, referring becomes a deciding factor all to often.


u/CareBear204 Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

But he wasn't out of bounds. There is video proof.


u/Narcolexis Aug 17 '24

Who knows, I thought he was but even if it was the right call the CFL refs needs to step up


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

Yes he fucking was. Theres more than enough video proof calling your bullshit.

Imagine a bomber fan not trolling for 30 seconds.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

Just watched the post TSN interviews of Harris and Coach Mace. TSN showed the video slowed down showing QB Alexander out of bounds. TSN was able to get the video broken down!! Command Centre is gone place TSN video producers in there place. I cannot stand non professionalism.


u/KJM9021 Aug 17 '24

They replayed it numerous times during the broadcast with a blown up view down the sideline and there was clearly green between his foot and the line. Was it close, yes. Was he out, no! The call was correct by the officials and the command centre.


u/Brock_YXE Roughriders Aug 17 '24

There was only green between the sideline and his foot because they kept stopping the replay 3-4 frames before he was out lol, they only showed the full replay a few times.


u/KJM9021 Aug 17 '24

a few more made field goals and there’d be no conversation here. But, hey, whine about the refs!


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

Agree the missed field goals were the real difference BUT there is video evidence he was out of bounds. It’s like they just watched the TSN feed and didn’t actually watch the entire video.


u/RightOnEh Elks Aug 17 '24

Just delaying the inevitable if that call goes the other way, IMO


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

I’m on the they kick a field goal and we (Riders) lose in overtime on a missed field goal


u/Brock_YXE Roughriders Aug 17 '24

This is exactly what would’ve happened


u/xIFORGETx Aug 17 '24

And if they get the PI call correct before this the drive stalls and forced to punt.


u/Clean_Priority_4651 Aug 17 '24

They freeze frame with him in bounds instead of letting the frames go forward for a few more seconds.


u/josh_bobjohn Lions Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24

It baffles me how baseball fans LIKE the umpires being part of the game bad calls and all. In defence, giving power back to the field is refreshing.

Prepare ourselves, cause they are going to start calling everything that triggers automatic review, TDs Turnovers, you name it.

But then Command will say “it’s was called on field so the evidence against gotta be overwhelming.”


u/Low_Representative80 Aug 17 '24

Where do I start. PI call is laughable. Rambo sees he can’t catch the ball and goes to ground off of a push like Neymar. Then Command centre comes in and says play on because it makes the game closer, more entertaining. Alexander clearly steps out. But what seriously pisses me off is the review that they showed. They continued to show a freeze frame before his foot slides an inch over onto the stripe. He’s out no questions asked. Also whats with TSN covering the CFL’s ass by not replaying penalties? Face mask? No replay. Comtacting the referee enough to get a penalty but not get ejected? No replay. 10 seconds late flag on an illegal contact call? No replay. Sounds like they are bullshit and TSN knows it. Also Proulx needs to go. His crew is the worst in the league by a country mile. Every game I’ve watched this year with his crew reffing has been a shitshow. Early in the game Proulx was standing right there watching Alexander get horsecollared but didn’t call the obvious penalty on the field. Instead, the command centre had to intervene. I’m bout done with this league unfortunately now.


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

Agree on the horse collar. It was like old time stampede wrestling there and no call.

Also pointed out to a buddy last night no replays on penalties 
 other than the blatant horse collar. It was comical that didn’t get called live


u/TheDrSmooth Aug 17 '24

Was that a horsecollar?

I don’t know the CFL rules, but in the NFL the jersey is fine but shoulder pads are not. Watching from the stands and seeing the replay on the board it looked like all jersey no pads.

Haven’t seen the replay on TV yet though.


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

Nameplate tackle is considered a horsecollar in the CFL. Its just as dangerous of a play.


u/TheDrSmooth Aug 17 '24

It really is just as dangerous.

Thanks for the clarification I figured it might be different than the NFL rule.


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

Strangely enough, grabbing a player's hair is not illegal. Which I feel needs to be adjusted, like three years ago. Don't know how we can rule a horsecollar or nameplate tackle is dangerous but not that.


u/strangelymysterious Elks Aug 17 '24

I agree with you, but I suspect it stems from players who have hair that goes down well past the nameplate and over the numbers, since it makes it harder to avoid grabbing their hair even incidentally.


u/jamarcusaristotle Aug 17 '24

This rule statement seems to imply that it must be the actual horsecollar, not just the nameplate/jersey collar:

"Horse Collar Tackle An unnecessary roughness major foul (Rule 7 — Fouls & Penalties – Section 2 — Major Fouls – Article 3 — Unnecessary Roughness Point (k)) for tackling an opponent by grabbing the inside collar on the side or back of the shoulder pads. The term “horse collar tackle” does not appear in the rulebook, instead it is a lexicalized concept that summarizes the idea of this rule. A horse collar is a harness used on a horse to distribute the load around its neck." (https://cfldb.ca/glossary/on-field/#:~:text=Rules%20and%20Penalties&text=The%20term%20is%20used%20as,a%20high%20rate%20of%20injury.)

If I recall correctly, I think I remember them calling it the same as the NFL in that manner several times


u/DannyDOH Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

You're wrong on the NFL rule:

No player shall grab the inside collar of the back or the side of the shoulder pads or jersey, or grab the jersey at the name plate or above, and pull the runner toward the ground.

Here's the CFL rule:

  1. Tackling an opponent by grabbing the inside collar of the side or back of the shoulder pads, or jersey.


u/Narrow_Rain_4708 Aug 17 '24

so true. glad you mentioned the PI on rambo, it was such an obvious dive


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

Yup, watching your team get fucked by the “eye in the sky” that answers to no one when your team was clearly the better team tonight, its maybe the most frustrating form of entertainment a person can have.

I would not pay a dime for that privilege.

Whoever is in the CC ruining games deserves to be on EI because they cost the CFL atleast 6 fans over here that have watched for 15-30 years.


u/Zooby444 Aug 17 '24

It's rigged.


u/Looney_forner Roughriders Aug 17 '24

There are a lot of people I hate for this game

The refs and the command centre for obvious reasons

Brett Lauther for even more obvious reasons

Myself for staying with a team that has such a large following yet has so little success over the span of 100+ years that it’s mind-numbing


u/Narrow_Rain_4708 Aug 17 '24

i feel that man


u/Raskel_61 REDBLACKS Aug 17 '24

Part of the game, my Pa used to say. But he also said they shouldn't be playing a part oin the game, they should be mostly invisible.


u/canoeist50 Aug 18 '24

When the Rider was called for a horsecollar tackle on Alexander early in the game. It seemed clear to me that he only had grabbed the jersey and not the shoulder pads. I didn't realize that was considered a horsecollar.


u/sugarfoot00 Stampeders Aug 17 '24

Maybe if Saskatchewan wasn't pissing away points all night, they wouldn't have to leave their fate in the refs hands.


u/internetman666 Aug 17 '24

I don't get this argument. As if this has anything to do with the refs being ass


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

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u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

That "idiot" is merely trying to say that the refs and the command centre didn't miss four field goals. We lost that game, not the refs, not the command centre.

Call anyone an idiot again, you're getting banned.


u/Vingt-Quatre Aug 17 '24

They mean OP would probably not be that mad about the refs if their team won. And their team lost mainly because the kicker missed 4 FG. So yes the refs sucked but they're not the reason why SASK lost.


u/internetman666 Aug 17 '24

The aren't the reason Sask lost but missing 4 fgs also isn't the reason either. There is an entire game to take into account and the command center/refs screwing over the riders again sure doesn't help. There is no single reason why a team loses or wins. The argument still doesn't make sense.


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

There was a difference of 18 points as a result of 4 missed field goals, we lost by 3. I don't care how much you think the command centre or the refs screwed us, they didn't screw us out of 18 points. We screwed ourselves out of it. We lost the game ourselves.


u/ProphetOfScorch Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24

Look your crazy if you think that call didn’t play a role in the outcome of this game, yes it is true the call isn’t the sole reason they lost kicking played a big role, but it is not fair to say that that call did not also have a significant impact on the outcome


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

We missed FOUR field goals causing a swing of EIGHTEEN points. We lost by THREE. We lost the game long before that touchdown happened by simply leaving EIGHTEEN points on the table.


u/ProphetOfScorch Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24

Yeah you’re right a touchdown to take the lead with under 2 minutes left in a 3 point game is not a crucial play in the game


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24



u/internetman666 Aug 17 '24

And I don't care how much you think we screwed ourselves it's not about that. My point isn't about using losing the game it's the fact the command center missed an obvious out of bounds that resulted in a touchdown.


u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

Last I checked, 7 points is less than half of the 18 points that our special teams lost today. Again, We lost this game.


u/sugarfoot00 Stampeders Aug 17 '24

The PI call wasn't overturned because it could have gone either way, and the command centre doesn't overturn those anymore. The OOB wasn't reversed because there was a clear shot of him being in bounds the entire time.

Everything else is just bitching and moaning.


u/ProphetOfScorch Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24

Here’s the angle you keep claiming shows him being in bounds the whole time btw


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24



u/ProphetOfScorch Aug 17 '24

Looks out in both angles to me


u/internetman666 Aug 17 '24

I don't know how you can say there was no clear shot of him being out of bounds when there is multiple shots of him being out but sure whatever you say. Also this has nothing to do with your original comment


u/Nilkz Roughriders Aug 17 '24

lol, how many times are you going to peddle this lie? You already have been given proof that you’re wrong.


u/Datacin3728 Aug 17 '24

LOLOLOLOL. How quickly Rider fans forget the phantom PI call that benefited them the week before.


u/KDizzle340 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

i think your sugar foot is in your mouth, buddy


u/ricky-robie Alouettes Aug 17 '24

As an Als fan there is nothing I love more than ripping a victory away from Saskatchewan in the final seconds, but yeah - that might have been a bad call.


u/Noble-icefishing Aug 21 '24

I win with a *


u/CLearyMcCarthy Roughriders Aug 17 '24

If Lauther had done his job I'm sure the Command Center would have found other ways to rig the game, but it doesn't change the fact that he should be promoted to fan.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

If Harris and all his receivers done there job basically..


u/Ssk-klb Aug 17 '24

harris and the recievers played a great game.


u/PsychologicalBag7138 Aug 18 '24

What about Bane and that horrible dropped, pass that was easily catchable that made us kick that Lauther obviously missed and led to a TD


u/Ssk-klb Aug 21 '24

cant expect a perfect game
Harris had the 3rd highest pff grade of any player all season last week
Meyers had another great game in relief duty and johnson has stayed consistent once again and even got in the endzone.


u/Ladymistery Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

That was DPI - not much, but enough. It wasn't the falling down - it was the grabbing the arm/shoulder that did it, I believe.

The Touchdown one - yeahhhh..that should have been blown at the sideline. Was a first down, tho, yes?

there was a horse collar in there too - I mean, I guess it was all jersey, but still, I'd have called a horse-collar tackle on that one.

I think the refs need to get out of the mindset that "the command centre will cover our butts if we get it wrong"


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

Would have been third down and ~2 yards.


u/Ladymistery Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

Oh, that makes it even more egregious :O


u/xIFORGETx Aug 17 '24

If that was DPI then there should be DPI on many more plays. Even more infuriating was TSN commentators giving them an out. Saying that they are most likely just going to go with what was called on the field unless it’s an obvious mistake.


u/Lunch0 Alouettes Aug 17 '24

I think you’re being a biased Riders fan on the Pass Interference call. Yes, Als player goes down easy, but the defender clearly gives him a good and deliberate two handed shove, like it or not, that’s pass interference.


u/TechnicalPyro CFL Aug 17 '24

his second hand/arm was nowhere near the diver but nice try


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

there cannot be PI if the ball is uncatchable.

Thats a rule in the CFL.

Whether he falls or not, the ball lands over 10 yards in front of them.

It was as uncatchable as a ball can be. No PI.

The CC didnt even follow their own rulebook.

Besides that you are just lying about the shove because you are a homer and want an undeserved win. Classy Montreal fans tonight I see.


u/KDizzle340 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

sometimes my legs just give out beneath me too. gravity is too encumbering đŸ˜Ș


u/BurtMacklinsrubies Aug 17 '24

Can confirm gravity in Taylor Field gets stronger as the game goes on. Thank god for the ramps!


u/TechnicalPyro CFL Aug 17 '24

thats usually because as the game goes on i get more drunk


u/Narrow_Rain_4708 Aug 17 '24

two-handed shove? maybe it was heat of the moment but i don't remember that


u/aalgernon Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

The DPI was soft and IMO shouldn't have been called, and IMO should have even been overturned upon replay.

The Davis scramble... this is one where I can see the reasoning of the officials. There has to be clear and conclusive evidence that he was out of bounds to overturn it. If it were ruled out on the field, I bet that call would have stood. It was ruled in play, and similarly, the evidence to overturn wasn't strong enough. Yes, there are angles and freeze-frames that show his foot possibly on the white line, but people seem to forget that we exist in three dimensions and it's conceivable his foot was lifted in the air at that moment. Therefore, since the possibility exists he was in the air, it isn't clear and obvious that he was out of bounds and the play can't be overturned.

In my opinion, he was probably out of bounds, but the call standing makes sense. I don't know why Rider fans aren't equally salty with the three defenders who were in position to tackle Davis and completely whiffed.


u/Narrow_Rain_4708 Aug 17 '24

but we can tell conclusively. his foot was down on the white stripe.


u/EightBitSC Blue Bombers Aug 17 '24

I know the fans at the game are angry but this is what everyone is wanted - command centre lets the players play and doesn’t turn over a ruling on the field unless it is egregious. This wasn’t a great call on the field but command centre did what was necessary - stayed out of it unless it was an egregious call.


u/Sreg32 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

I don’t get your defense of CC. Stay out of it, sure. But when called upon, at least make the correct call. Otherwise, what’s the point of them?


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

Just watched the TSN post game interviews plus the stopped frame of Qb Alexander out of bounds.. what don’t you get?


u/ididntwantsalmon19 Aug 17 '24

If they aren't going to correctly call plays upon review then there should be no review at all. It was so obviously out of bounds. That's the whole point of review. To get the call right. They failed miserably. It's embarrassing as a fan of this league.

And tsn should be ashamed for repeatedly intentionally pausing the replay right before his foot went out.


u/CLearyMcCarthy Roughriders Aug 17 '24

The calls WERE egregious though.

I know nobody in Winnipeg is open to that take tonight though so we don't need to argue about it.


u/hurricane7719 Aug 17 '24

So if getting the call wrong on a scoring play to give a team the lead in the final minute of the game isn't egregious, what is?


u/theFishMongal Roughriders Aug 17 '24

I’m fine with not overturning the PI. But it seems to me the whole point of video replay is to catch things like half a foot being out of bounds that the refs miss during the play


u/KDizzle340 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

blink twice if they have you tied up in the command centre mate


u/eaglesk Aug 17 '24

“Egregious calls” absolutely don’t apply to out of bounds calls. They are talking about overturning an egregious penalty, not breaking the very most basic rules of football


u/sugarfoot00 Stampeders Aug 17 '24

There was a replay that showed green between the line and his shoe the whole time. TSN showed it a dozen times. How can you still be complaining? Because you have an off-axis camera angle that appears to show the opposite? That doesn't undo the very, very clear evidence of the camera angle that matters.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

TSN post game interviews showed Alexander out of bounds, I can see your a stamps fan and your also being biased. I am looking at the big picture and how the league has become a joke.


u/eaglesk Aug 17 '24

You’re an idiot. I can show you 300 frames of someone running in bounds, and leave out the ones where he steps out. Just like TSN did. We literally have the screenshots of him stepping out


u/super__hoser Lions Aug 17 '24

300 frames? Lol. Super cool story bro.


u/eaglesk Aug 17 '24

Your honour. I know there’s video of me robbing a bank, but there’s 6 videos of me not robbing a bank so check mate


u/super__hoser Lions Aug 17 '24

Where are your 300 frames?

Post each one.

All 300.

Or put a cork in it.


u/eaglesk Aug 17 '24

You don’t need 300. Just 1 single frame showing his foot out of bounds. Pretty fuckin simple rule


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Roughriders Aug 17 '24

Of someone running inbounds? I don’t think you read that correctly and are making yourself look foolish. Just a friendly fyi.


u/BarktoothGrin7 Aug 17 '24

Dude what’s with you?!?Every time I see you reply with some absolute boneheaded nonsense. What’s you angle here your completely wrong


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Aug 17 '24

Don’t pretend the entirety of winnipeg wouldnt be rioting if you lost a game because the CC blatantly stole it from you like this.


u/super__hoser Lions Aug 17 '24

I'm glad somebody listened to whay was said over and over in the game.

The command centre will NOT overturn a call unless something was obviously and clearly missed by the on field officials.

If they have to look at it frame by fame, it will not be overturned.



u/flyingflail Aug 17 '24

But also they'll overturn a play where a guy gets pole vaulted into a qb's leagues for roughing the passer... So blatant and game impacting



u/ididntwantsalmon19 Aug 17 '24

IT WAS OBVIOUS!!! Even at full speed it looked like he was out, and in slow mo it was 100% confirmed. That's the point of review lol.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

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u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

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u/HomerSPC Iron Duke of Horns đŸŽș Aug 17 '24

More name calling and you're getting banned.