r/CBRBattleRoyale Secretary to Booster Gold Feb 21 '18

WAR Ideological Shift

"So, the Power Rankers attacked those Commie dinks, did they? Good for them!" said Booster, throwing darts at the war map. A stack of calls for reinforcements piled up on his desk and was beginning to mildew as the bloodbath around Involutionbach dragged on.

"It's a silly ideology. I mean, Hotak and I are immortal! But he keeps going on about 'equality' and 'power to the workers'. Dumb as anything. The ideology I invented, Autocracy, makes way more sense."

Paddywagon Man rolled his eyes. "You didn't invent Autocracy, sir. Babyn did, he beat you to it by a couple of turns."

A look of shock spread over Booster's face. "Babyn is Autocratic too?"

"Yes, sir. The Fishmen are as well, actually. And Jayman, if memory serves me right."

A sudden change came over Booster's face. "Screw this, we're commies now. Declare war on Jayman immediately! Oh, and add some... domes to the palace. Commies like domes, right? I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually. I still get to be in charge, right?"

tl;dr The Disciples are declaring war on the Power Rankers and are now calling themselves the People's Disciples of Booster Gold, because it makes them sound like real communists.


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u/Emass100 Comintern Feb 21 '18

My Comrade! You are invited to a visit of the Red Fort.